The War of Resistance

Chapter 1388: strayed into poison hole

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"Do you know where the door of this kiln is?" Li Qingfeng asked amidst gunshots and explosions not far away.

"It's over there, we have to go around." Hu Zhuzi replied.

Hu Zhuzi did arrive a little earlier than Qingfeng Li.

As far as the secret is concerned, there is no secret. Everyone is heading towards the lime kiln in the dark. After all, it is in the dark. No matter how strict the Japanese army's defenses are, there are still some omissions. Hu Zhuzi is just luckier than others. It's better.

And this is an undoubted fact.

Just imagine, if Huzi's luck is not good enough, how many Huzhuzi might have died in the past few years.

In any war with hundreds of thousands or millions of troops, there are always some cheaters, and this is also a fact.

And Hu Zhuzi is the one who opened up. His opening does not mean that he must be good at fighting, but that his luck is really good.

"I wonder if this is the headquarters of the little devil?" Li Qingfeng muttered.

"Then who knows, don't everyone say yes?" Hu Zhuzi replied.

have to! It's like not asking! Qingfeng Li thought to himself, but he continued, "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

"Okay!" Hu Zhuzi readily agreed.

So the two of them, Li Qingfeng in the front and the tiger pillar in the back, walked around to the other side of the lime kiln.

In the chaotic battle just now, the Japanese army outside the lime kiln has been bombed by grenades, and the two of them have not encountered any obstacles, even though the Japanese army retreating from the front is getting closer and closer. near.

"***" But when the two of them were halfway around, Li Qingfeng and Hu Zhuzi heard a Japanese soldier's voice.

Of course, the two of them couldn't understand what he was saying, but there was a kind of pain in that voice, the weakness that would come out after being injured, and they could hear it.

Listening to the voice of the voice, it was only a few steps away from them. It is estimated that the Japanese soldier also heard the sound of the two of them walking.

Li Qingfeng didn't want to cause trouble, so he ignored the Japanese soldier holding his hands on the wall of the lime kiln and continued walking around there.

But when he walked around the Japanese soldier, he heard the movement of Hu Zhuzi behind him, but it was wrong, and the footsteps were going towards the Japanese soldier.

Li Qingfeng became helpless, but he couldn't move. Now that it was so dark, he accidentally injured Hu Zhuzi again.

But it was only a moment before the footsteps sounded again.

Of course Li Qingfeng thought that this person should be Hu Zhuzi, and definitely not the Japanese soldier, because if the Japanese soldier could move his words, why did he open his mouth to speak just now? People will definitely come to look for them, or think that they are the Chinese army starting to do it.

Sure enough, when Li Qingfeng moved again, the footsteps behind him moved two steps forward, and the voice of Hu Zhuzi rang in his ears: "I'll kill that little devil!"

"Nice job!" At this point, Qingfeng Li could only say so.

Of course Li Qingfeng knew that Hu Zhuzi was a tiger, and he was also a stubborn donkey. The stubborn donkey could never choke him when he spoke, but could only gossip.

Sure enough, after Li Qingfeng praised Hu Zhuzi, he heard Hu Zhuzi let out a barely audible "Hey", it was Hu Zhuzi's complacency after receiving the praise.

No way, tiger people are also simple people, and the happiness of simple people is so simple!

No matter how big a lime kiln can be, it only took a moment for the two of them to walk around to the entrance of the lime kiln.

At this time, the two of them were already very careful.

Who knows what's going on inside the lime kiln? Is it the command post of the Japanese army or there are Japanese troops there?

Qingfeng Li was listening beside the entrance.

But the so-called people with strong internal energy can hear other people's breathing, that only exists in martial arts, at least in the current battle situation, Li Qingfeng really didn't hear any movement inside.

At this time, the footsteps of the Japanese soldiers coming from not far away were already approaching.

Qingfeng Li didn't have time to discuss with Hu Zhuzi, but in fact, in the current situation, the two of them dared not even speak, but how could they discuss it?

Gritting his teeth, Qingfeng Li started touching the grenade.

Now he only has two grenades left.

He took out a pin that was pulled out, knocked the small copper cap on the wall of the lime kiln lightly, and then stretched out his hand and threw the grenade into the entrance of the lime kiln!

In an instant, the grenade exploded.

Since the grenade exploded in the relatively closed space of the lime kiln, the sound of the explosion was somewhat dull.

Although Li Qingfeng didn't know what the Japanese devils would do with this lime kiln, he still had some expectations for the grenade he threw out, such as blowing up a few more Japanese devils.

Of course, if it was the ammunition stored by the Japanese army, it directly detonated the entire ammunition depot, so that even he and Hu Zhuzi were sent to the sky, then he would accept his fate!

But to Li Qinghefeng's expectation, the grenade exploded with a loud sound, but there was no sound from the lime kiln.

At the same time, Li Qingfeng also noticed that the Japanese army who had come to the lime kiln noisily, suddenly stopped moving.

What the **** is this situation? This situation is a bit weird!

But this eerie silence only existed for a moment, and suddenly Li Qingfeng heard footsteps in the lime kiln.

Before he could react, he felt that someone should have rushed out of the lime kiln, and it wasn't just one person!

Those who rushed out of the lime kiln at this time could only be Japanese devils.

Li Qingfeng was thinking about it, when someone rushed out of the lime kiln and bumped into something, and let out a "wow", yes, it was the Japanese devils!

What is the situation?

Qingfeng Li really couldn't react, and neither could he.

Who knows what happened in the dark night, could it be that the Japanese soldiers ran out because they were afraid of being killed by the bomb because they threw a grenade?

And the development of the battle situation was no longer for Li Qingfeng to think about, because the Japanese troops who came to support had already arrived.

It was a chaotic sound of footsteps, and there were definitely not a few devils who heard the sound.

At this point, Qingfeng Li didn't move anymore.

The weapons in his and Hu Zhuzi's hands simply couldn't handle these Japanese troops.

Come on, since the little devil is out, let's go in, so it's a safe bet.

When Li Qingfeng was telling Hu Zhuzi to come in quickly, he heard the Japanese soldiers chattering and didn't know what to say.

But now you can manage so much? As soon as Li Qingfeng entered the kiln, it was naturally darker inside because there were no stars above.

But as soon as he entered, Qingfeng Li smelled a mustard-like smell. Then he heard a "bang", and in the darkness, he didn't know what Hu Zhuzi had knocked down. Hearing the sound, it should be an iron bucket.

At this time, Hu Zhuzi also said a foul word "Fuck", of course it was because he bumped into the iron bucket and felt that he was very unlucky.

But at this moment, Li Qingfeng suddenly became agitated, and he suddenly wanted to understand what was going on!

"Throw the iron bucket out! It's poisonous gas!"

"What?" When Hu Zhuzi heard Li Qingfeng say that in the darkness, UU read www. He was stunned for a moment, then jumped up, reached out and touched the iron bucket that he knocked over just now.

He instinctively felt that the iron bucket was not thick, and its diameter was only about 50 centimeters.

At this moment, he felt that the smell of mustard was getting stronger.

He was so frightened that he stretched out his hands, pinched and turned the iron bucket, and threw it out towards the entrance with a faint night light behind him.

His tossing confirmed Li Qingfeng's judgment even more, this iron bucket was really too light.

Just imagine that this iron barrel is not as big as an ordinary gasoline barrel, and all that needs to be filled in it is gas, and poisonous gas is also gas, so how heavy can it be?

Just when Hu Zhuzi threw the iron bucket out of the entrance, he heard two sounds of "哐" and "哐", that is the sound of metal colliding with the iron bucket. With this sound, it is impossible for the two of them to contact each other. The Japanese army threw grenades into the kiln.

Sure enough, just when they instinctively lay down, the two of them heard the explosion of a grenade coming from the entrance.

And as soon as the explosion stopped, they heard the noise and clamor of the Japanese soldiers who had already surrounded here, followed by the sound of Japanese soldiers running into the distance.

It's the poison gas barrel of the little devils, it can't be wrong, otherwise, how could those little devils avoid it like a plague god?

"Hahaha, what a gas bomb, I'll throw another one!"

"What's the wind like outside now?"

In that lime kiln, the two people said a word at the same time.

Of course it was Hu Zhuzi who said the first sentence, and of course Qingfeng Li who said the latter.

Different thinking directions, of course, make different people have different behaviors.

As for why Hu Zhuzi and Li Qingfeng said different things at the same time, is there any reason to ask?

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