The War of Resistance

Chapter 1374: fake again

Chapter 1381 Make false appearances again

The flares were still shining brightly above his head, but this was already the second one the Japanese army fired.

Before the action, who would have thought that the Japanese army had been on guard for a long time, and Shang Zhen's usual strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west or encircling Wei and saving Zhao would not work!

At this time, under the light of the flares, the Japanese army switched their firepower to mop up the harassment of the Chinese soldiers who they still don't know how many troops there are, and at the same time they used grenades to hit the top of the mountain.

But this was not over yet, and then another twenty or thirty Japanese soldiers bent down and ran down the foot of the mountain with their guns in hand.

It cannot be said that the Japanese army's combat effectiveness was not good. The reason why they did not take this mountain was because it was already dusk at that time, and the Japanese army had an advantage in firepower, so naturally there was no need to increase casualties.

Another reason is that the surrounding terrain of this mountain is also open, and there are few places where people can hide. The Japanese army is a living target when they come up, but there are sharpshooters from the Chinese army on the mountain.

However, it is another matter if there are obviously few Chinese soldiers on the mountain who want to break out. It is impossible for the Japanese army to ignore them. Otherwise, what is the dignity of their Imperial Japanese Army?

In view of the surrounding area, the bushes at the foot of the mountain became the best choice for the Japanese army to hide.

When hot weapons have been carried out to the present, there are very few tactics of attacking seas of people.

In the middle of the last century, when there were no bolt-action rifles, European armies would beat drums and musical instruments, and then the soldiers would march forward.

When they entered the shooting range of the defenders, the defenders would use their matchlock guns to fire and shoot, and clusters of white gunpowder smoke would be emitted from the position.

As for the attacking side, although people were shot continuously, but the attacking drums did not stop, and the attacking soldiers kept walking.

This matter sounds like a **** romance, but in fact, both the enemy and the enemy understand that with their respective firepower at the time, the number of people who get shot and fall down is a minority after all, and those who can finally fight together are the majority.

No way, the matchlock guns at that time had such shooting efficiency. If you want to fire another round, you have to reload the gunpowder and pierce the purge rod, which is incomparable to the push-pull bolt of a manual rifle.

And later, when the manual rifle, that is, the rifle that has to be pulled and turned to push the bolt in one shot, appeared, although the casualties were much greater, the crowd tactics were still an option.

And it was the use of Maxim heavy machine guns in World War I that finally caused the great powers to give up the crowd tactics.

As we all know, as long as any machine gun has too many bullets, the barrel will become hot and red, and it needs to be cooled.

But at that time, the Maxim heavy machine gun was a water-cooled heavy machine gun.

In theory, as long as the water used to cool the barrel is sufficient, the bullets can be fired infinitely!

Therefore, in a war, when a certain side really puts a heavy machine gun in the position, the infantry of the other side rushing up with a rifle becomes the target of being slaughtered.

As living organisms, human beings are physically no different from animals. When one side unbelievers surges up like a sea, and when the other side fires the Maxim heavy machine gun, massacres occur like this.

This is how this "*** meat grinder" and "*** blood mill" appeared.

At the end of the fight, the tragic image on the open ground in front of the defenders was abstracted if it was said to be a **** on earth, but the idiom invented by the ancient Chinese "Blood Flowing Oars" can barely describe it.

What is blood drifting? That is, there is too much blood, just like a river or an ocean can float logs like oars and sculls, so do you think it is miserable or not?

As for the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese army also used crowd tactics.

In this era that already has aircraft, cannons, heavy machine guns and even gas bombs, one can imagine how miserable the result of using the crowd tactics again will be.

Although it can be said that the national army is not afraid of death, it is also because China has been closed to the outside world for too long since the end of the Qing Dynasty, that is, the military thinking of fighting has not kept up with the development of the times.

Of course, it can also be said the other way around. Although the Chinese army lags behind the Japanese army, our army still vows to fight the invaders to the end for the sake of the country and the nation!

This is the so-called rhetoric. A challenge has two ends, and it depends on which end you emphasize.

Well, the Japanese army came rushing to the bush.

Of course they knew that their guys had put up guard posts in the bushes.

But when they were still sixty or seventy meters away from the bush, they saw their guard post suddenly appearing from the bush, but it was a shoulder-to-shoulder rifle aimed at the mountain and shot.

It should be said that the Japanese army saw clearly, although what they saw was only the back of the soldier.

But that soldier had a camouflaged steel helmet on his head, and was dressed in the khaki color of their Imperial Japanese soldiers. Who could it be if it wasn't the guard post they left at the foot of the mountain?

As for the guard post firing a shot at the mountain, that was their guess. The reason was, of course, that the grenade launchers at the bottom of the mountain were still firing grenades on the mountain, but the sound of the shot was covered by the explosion of the grenade. up.

The Japanese soldiers continued to rush forward, and saw their companion lowered his head, guessing that he was pulling and pushing the bolt again.

Sure enough, after a while, the companion exposed his upper body and shot another shot somewhere on the mountain!

No need to ask, this sentry of his own team saw those Chinese soldiers, otherwise, why would he rush to a certain place above and keep shooting?

It was only a short while before a Japanese army rushed into the bushes, and at this time their guard post retracted into the bushes again.

Just when the Japanese army thought that their companion was about to come out and shoot up the mountain again, the gun didn't go off, but they heard a loud "crash" in the bushes in front.

The Japanese soldiers who happened to be able to see through the gaps in the bushes widened their eyes!

Because what he saw was a bundle of cluster grenades with at least six or seven Chinese-style wooden handle grenades flying over!

The Japanese soldier yelled "Wow", but before he could remind his companions that there were grenades, the bundle of grenades exploded.

Who knows if he heard the deafening explosion, he was directly blown away by the air wave generated by the explosion, and at the same time, several pieces of shrapnel had passed through his body!

How can the explosive power of a cluster grenade be compared to that of a single What's more, the bundle of grenades just got into the bushes and exploded before landing, but it was a large Air bomb!

Countless shrapnel in the void flew upwards, slanted upwards, horizontally, slanted downwards, and downwards. The nearby shrubs were destroyed as if they had encountered a tornado, while the branches and leaves of the shrubs farther away flew out. Under the illumination of the upper flare, it seems to be raining!

So, what will happen to the Japanese troops who have entered or are about to enter the bush at this time?

At the same time, another shrapnel hit a nearby stone, making a "dang" or "clang" sound.

Just behind a big rock, the Japanese sentry guard hid behind his neck and gun.

Seeing his frightened look, how could he think that he was the one who threw the bundle of cluster grenades just now?

And after the explosion, the Japanese guard came out from behind the rock and ran south along the foot of the mountain. It was clearly Shang Zhen!

Finally have time, hurry up and "pay off the debt"!

(end of this chapter)

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