The War of Resistance

Chapter 1363: hold fast

As I said before, people always die in wars, and the difference is only a matter of who will die.

At this time, just as Wang Laomao and the others thought, there were still people alive in Qin Ziqiang's class, but now there were only three people left.

It only took Wang Laomao and the others two or three minutes to run from the center of the open field to their own position, and their squad really only played for two or three minutes.

And in just these two or three minutes, five of the ten people in their squad were killed and two were seriously injured.

When the two seriously wounded saw that they couldn't run, they naturally stopped running, but it was under the cover of the two of them that Qin Ziqiang, Li Liangzi, and Zhang Yong rushed to the mountain.

The mountain is in the head position to the north.

Ever since he took over the cover mission of Wang Laomao, Qin Ziqiang had no intention of going back alive.

But not intending to go back alive does not mean that he will rush forward with his companions and be shot to death by the Japanese army.

Just like what he heard the old soldiers under Shang Zhen say, don't die lightly, we living people can beat the devil to death, and it's useless to go to the underworld!

For Qin Ziqiang and the three of them, it is a foregone conclusion to be beaten to death by the devils, but they have the opportunity to choose how to die.

At least, now that they are hiding on this mountain and condescending, they can use the terrain to kill a few more devils!

"I used to think that the veterans under the company commander were quite powerful, but now it seems that's the case!" Li Liangzi hid in the woods and grumbled with his gun on his shoulder.

But at this time Qin Ziqiang laughed.

People are actually like this. If you worry about gains and losses in life and death, you will naturally be unhappy, entangled, and anxious.

But when a person lets go of life and death, his state of mind calms down.

"Old Qin, what are you laughing at?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Death is a matter of time, so Wang Laomao is a thousand-year-old bastard, so he can live for a long time?" Qin Ziqiang disagrees, "The difference between them and us is only a matter of who dies first, and there is-"

"Anything else?" the two men asked together.

"And before we die, let's see who kills more devils between us and them, I just hope we can use the current terrain to kill more devils.

It's over, let's spread the news of how many devils we killed, and then compare it with that **** Wang Mao. "Qin Ziqiang laughed.

It is a habit for people in the Northeast to swear, especially in the current army. Even when you call someone a "dog", you can barely understand it as a nickname.

"Just kidding." Li Liangzi also smiled.

"Happy, happy mouth." Qin Ziqiang replied.

That's right, isn't Qin Ziqiang's statement just a happy mouth?

The three of them have been surrounded by the Japanese army, and the Japanese army should have discovered that there are only three of them now. The reason why they didn't attack the mountain now is because they don't want unnecessary casualties.

Five minutes later, the Japanese army's attack began. Qin Ziqiang and the three of them did not speak, but all pointed their rifles at the Japanese army that had reached the foot of the mountain.

The mountain is not too high, but because of the hillside, they are now 140 to 50 meters away from the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain.

Hitting a target at this distance with the marksmanship of the three of them can't be said to be accurate with one shot, but it's about the same.

But the most terrible thing for the Japanese army is that there are no trees on this mountain, just some shrubs and wormwood. As far as the terrain is open, it is no different.

But for Qin Ziqiang and the others, the terrain on the top of the mountain was a bit complicated, and there were no shortage of trees, mountains and rocks, which provided them with natural cover.

And this is why Qin Ziqiang chose this place. Anyway, the three of them don't intend to run for their lives. They are guarding here. Once the Japanese army appears, they will be their living targets!

"Crack", "crack", "crack", gunshots rang out soon.

In the sound of gunfire, some Japanese soldiers who were attacking up the mountain fell down, but the covering firepower of the Japanese troops below the mountain also started, and bullets from rifles and light machine guns rushed up the mountain.

However, the Japanese army really underestimated the topography of this mountain. It was difficult to find three protruding rifles among the craggy rocks and dense trees, but Qin Ziqiang and his three soldiers all shot to change places.

In just a short time, they knocked down a dozen of the Japanese soldiers who charged forward with their guns in hand!

The rest of the Japanese army saw that the covering firepower behind them was always empty, and they stopped attacking because they suffered too many casualties. They hurriedly found favorable terrain at the foot of the mountain to hide.

"It's interesting! I killed a lot of people, so I can brag when I die in the underworld!" At this time, Li Liangzi shrank back and shouted triumphantly.

The reason why he shouted was because the three of them were constantly changing their shooting positions in order to avoid the firepower of the Japanese army.

The change of shooting position does not mean that Qin Ziqiang switched to Li Liang's position, Li Liang switched to Zhang Yong's position, and then Zhang Yong switched back to Qin Ziqiang's position.

What's the use of changing them like this?

The Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain found that one of them had bullets, so they could shoot them vigorously, and then the others switched over.

So Qin Ziqiang and the three of them were in charge of each area separately, and each of them moved around in their own area.

Since it's far away, shouldn't Li Liangzi shout?

"If we can persist until dark, maybe one and a half of the three of us can survive!" Zhang Yong also shouted.

"Fuck off! What's the difference between half alive and dead?" Zhang Yong scolded with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, both of you, go and see if there are little devils coming from other directions!" Qin Ziqiang shouted.

A mountain is surrounded by hillsides. They also looked at it before, and it is really easy for the Japanese army to come up. As for the direction of the steep slope, the Japanese army really has no people.

In fact, this is easy to understand. After all, the hillside is not a flat land. When the **** has an inclination of 40 to 50 degrees, it is already unrealistic for people to come up from the mountain only by legs.

There were no trees on the hillside but low grass. The rubber soles of the Japanese soldiers' big-toed shoes would be slippery when they stepped on the grass, so they had to grab something with their hands to prevent them from slipping down.

Now that the hands are occupied, if there are gunshots on the mountain, wouldn't the Japanese soldiers going up the mountain only have to be shot?

For a while, the Japanese army at the bottom of the mountain had no choice but to take the three Chinese soldiers on the mountain. In the end, Qin Ziqiang and the three of them could not beat the Japanese army, so they simply put down their guns.

They have been surrounded now, and they said that if they continue to spend like this until it gets dark, they might have a chance to escape, at least this is still a bit far away.

They always need to save ammunition and the Japanese army will continue to deal with it.

Now because the three people are far apart and the terrain is complicated, it is impossible for them to see each other, so the three people shouted from the air, exchanging information about the situation down the mountain.

After a while, the Japanese army stopped shooting when they saw that they were only wasting ammunition in shooting up the mountain.

"You kid, I don't know what's wrong with you. You won't gas the three of us, will you?" Zhang Yong yelled again worriedly, because at this moment he noticed that the wind direction had changed from north wind to east wind, even though the wind was not strong.

"How can it be possible to hit mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns?" Li Liangzi disagreed.

Li Liangzi really thought that the Japanese devils didn't need to waste a gas bomb because of the three of them. No, one gas bomb was not enough. No matter if the Japanese devils used mortars or projectiles, they always had to test one first!

This time Qin Ziqiang didn't say a word. Anyway, he was ready to die, and if he could live a little longer, he would earn money.

In this way, Li Liangzi and Zhang Yong were chatting about each other, and Qin Ziqiang only occasionally said a word.

It was impossible for them to rush down the mountain, and it was impossible for the Japanese army to attack rashly. More than half an hour passed in a short time, and the enemy and us were peaceful.

But how long will this situation last? The three of them knew on the mountain that if they persisted for another two or three hours, it would be dark that day, but didn't the Japanese army know?

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