The War of Resistance

Chapter 1359: Want to Teng (tèng)

"It's really killing me." Old Mao Wang muttered out of breath, and then the big old man stretched out his hand and dragged him onto the big rock.

At this time, Qiu Bo, who had already climbed the mountain, exchanged glances with Qin Chuan.

This matter is really not to blame for Wang Laomao, Wang Laomao is almost fifty years old.

What era is it now? It is an era of war.

How old was the average Chinese in the era of war? Wang Laomao is nearly fifty years old, so he can be called an old man.

If he hadn't been a soldier now, then

After Wang Laomao glanced at Qiu Bo and Qin Chuan, he didn't take it as one. Everyone is old, who doesn't know who?

He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that the dozens of soldiers he brought had already dodged among the trees and rocks.

All of them were veterans, so he didn't need to tell them that. Those soldiers put away their guns, and they were surrounded by wolves. They would never make any noise to let the Japanese army find out.

It was finally safe for the time being, Wang Laomao sighed in his heart and began to look around.

But this security is really only temporary, they still need to return to their own position, and need to find a certain point as a breakthrough.

Since Shang Zhen is not there, as the deputy company commander, Wang Laomao can count on others if he doesn't personally command him?

According to common sense, the Chinese position is now guarding a line, so isn't it easy to find a point in this line?

Lier is so reasonable, but this time they really can't do it, just because they are now within the range of the Japanese army.

It was hard for them to let people like themselves disappear from the sight of the Japanese army, but they also didn't dare to run far, if they ran far, they would be discovered by others.

So since they are in the concentrated fighting area, then trouble is coming.

Just imagine, if it is easy to return to the terrain of your own position, it must be open. If they appear on the open ground, they will inevitably be shot by the Japanese army.

If it is the kind of terrain that is not easy to return to one's own position, for example, there are many hills, then this terrain will be occupied by the Japanese army as a hiding place.

They fight all the way back? But how is that possible? Now is the era of hot weapons, and it is no longer the era of Zhao Zilong riding alone.

Now the mountain that Wang Laomao and the others climbed is a hill with higher mountains on both sides, and four to five hundred meters to the west of this hill is the position of the Northeast Army.

Old Mao Wang believed without hesitation that if he dared to rush to that open field rashly with his men, they would definitely be swept down by the Japanese machine guns.

"Teng (tèng) if you can't do it, and go back after dark." Qiu Bo said, scanning the higher mountains on the left and right.

There is no doubt that there are Japanese soldiers on the mountain on the right side. Although they did not see the figure of the Japanese soldiers, they heard the sound of heavy machine guns firing there before.

Then, there should be the place where the Japanese army provided cover for their attacking troops.

They didn't know if there were Japanese soldiers on or below the mountain on the left, because the forest on that mountain was quite dense.

It is precisely because of the dense forests on that mountain that even if there were Japanese soldiers, they would only choose there instead of their humble hill.

But also because of this, Old Mao Wang and the others never dared to take it rashly.

So now what Qiu Bo said is that it is undoubtedly the safest way to wait until it gets dark.

Needless to say, he was already weaker than others, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.

Therefore, if the Chinese army wants to win the battle, it cannot follow the Japanese army's routine. It must make full use of various factors such as terrain and weather, and the dark night is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

"There is no good way to see it now, and we can only continue to vacate.

Tell our people to pay attention to concealment and observe the enemy's situation around them, and never expose the target. "After looking for a while, he couldn't find any good solution, so Old Mao Wang could only say so.

At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, temporarily relaxing his tense nerves.

"I don't know what's going on with the company commander, and where are the people in those two groups." Qin Chuan, who was also slightly relaxed, also sighed.

Wang Laomao gathered several groups, Qiu Bo, Yang Guanyin and the others gathered several groups, and now most of their companies are here, but Shang Zhen's group and the other two groups are still missing. .

"It should be nothing. Our group is used to fighting outside, and we won't wait for orders rigidly." Listening to Wang Laomao mentioning Shang Zhen Qiubo, he said.

After Qiu Bo said this, Old Mao Wang naturally heard it, and he turned his head back to search among the soldiers.

But after looking for a while, he didn't find the person he was looking for, but when he looked away, he saw that Qin Ziqiang he was looking for was beside Qiu Bo.

For a moment, the two people's eyes collided, and then Qin Ziqiang avoided his eyes.

Although the eye contact was brief, Old Mao Wang had already expressed what he wanted to express in the form of light waves—boy, you are still young!

The reason why Wang Laomao had such an idea was, of course, that that boy Qin Ziqiang didn't obey his command when he didn't get Shang Zhen's order at the beginning.

In fact, Wang Laomao and Shang Zhen have the same combat philosophy, that is, they only care about the death of the Japanese army and their own lives, but never care about the form.

And Qin Ziqiang is undoubtedly more deeply influenced by Gao Wu's command philosophy in the current Chinese army.

As far as military is concerned, even if it is fighting mobile and guerrilla warfare, there will always be times when it is necessary to compete with the Japanese army for a certain strategic point.

However, Old Hat Shang Zhenwang and the others are low-level officers and soldiers, and they have gotten used to their own style of play since September 18th, so they don't care so much.

So from this point of view, people at the bottom have the troubles of people at the bottom, but they also have happiness that the people at the top can't match, because they are simple, and because they have nothing to give up except protecting their lives and honor.

Old Mao Wang and the others were waiting for an opportunity to rush back to their positions, and the wait lasted several hours.

Time passed quickly in these few hours, UU Reading The reason is that they hid on the mountain, but the battle was still going on. They saw two groups of Japanese troops attacking their own positions diagonally opposite one after another. attack.

However, these two waves of Japanese attacks were repulsed by the defenders.

I don't know where my side hid the heavy machine guns. In the two waves of Japanese attacks, they have inflicted heavy damage on them.

However, they couldn't see any casualties on their own positions.

On the top of the mountain, where they couldn't see, there were Japanese mortars firing non-stop. It's just that although the Japanese army's firepower is strong now, they can't do anything about it with the heavy machine gun firepower of the Chinese defenders.

Due to the occlusion of the mountain, the exact location of the Japanese mortars is unclear, and it is estimated that they are only a few hundred meters away.

Some soldiers suggested that when they withdrew to their own positions after dark, should they give the Japanese artillery positions a shot? But this was rejected by Wang Laomao.

The Japanese army did not stay still on the mountain on the right. In the past few hours, they found that Japanese soldiers appeared behind that mountain, and some Japanese officers even pointed at them.

Since it is obvious that there are many Japanese soldiers, dozens of them rushed out, it would be death squads.

If it was a few years ago, Wang Laomao would definitely have the idea of ​​leading troops to attack the Japanese artillery positions, but now, forget it, he just wants to bring these people back safely.

"I hope it will last until dark." Finally, Wang Laomao said expressionlessly.

But can they really survive until dark?

Just after four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Laomao and the others suddenly became nervous, because they saw a group of Japanese soldiers approaching their hill from behind the mountain on the right.

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