The War of Resistance

Chapter 1351: be brave

Chapter 1359

"If you really want to save that girl, don't go there. The little devil will rush over when he hears the gunshots." When Yang Chuanyi said this to Hu Zhuzi, Hu Zhuzi had even seen the little girl in front of her. There were bouncing figures in the crowd.

"Little devil, come here, I'm just going to protect him." Hu Zhuzi replied as it should.

There is nothing wrong with his logic, but how could Yang Chuanyin let this happen?

"If you can protect two or three little devils, what if ten or eight come, or a hundred or eighty?" Yang Chuanyin asked rhetorically.

Hu Zhuzi was stunned, and it seemed to be the same reason.

No matter how fierce Hu Zhuzi is, he also knows that let alone he is facing hundreds or eighty little devils, he is facing ten or eight. If he doesn't cheat, he is no match for them!

But cheating, uh, I don’t seem to be very good at it, this self-knowledge is still there.

Moreover, these people are now on the front where the enemy and the enemy are intertwined.

Gunshots rang out from their place just now, but the ones rushing over upon hearing the gunshots could only be Japanese devils, because now the Northeast Army is defending their positions, so it's good to be able to hold their positions, can they still count on taking the initiative to attack? The only ones who can take the initiative to attack are their guard company.

"So we have to move quickly and shoot the little devil to lure him away, so that the common people and the little girl can be safe." Yang Chuanyin gave his answer logically.

"Oh", Hu Zhuzi responded.

Yang Chuanyin knew that this was what Hu Zhuzi had figured out.

Now that you've figured it out, let's run!

Where are you going? Of course, they ran to the various groups of their security company.

When Shang Zhen arranged the guard company, he was divided into several groups and spread out from north to south, and they were the southernmost group.

"Run and hide in a safe place, let's lure the Japanese devils away!" But at this moment, Liu Daquan shouted again.

It turned out that there was a man running towards them right where the people were.

A friend in adversity sees true friendship, and a raging fire sees true gold.

It was only then that the common people discovered that the Northeast soldiers they knew were different from the national army they had seen before. When they were ordinary people, it was true!

But a strange thing happened next, they were not far away from the common people, but in the shout of Liu Daquan, they saw that the common people seemed to pause for a moment, and then they continued to run towards them.

"It's at this juncture, why are you still here to slow down!" Liu Daquan scolded angrily.

"No! The people who came here are all young, they also want to beat devils!" Shen Mugen, who had been serving as their guide, suddenly said at this time.

The soldiers looked at the civilians who were running over, didn't they? Are the few people running over young or old? Can't they tell what their legs and feet look like?

It's just that it was not over yet, and they saw another person running out of the crowd on the opposite side, shouting: "Wait for me, I will go too!"

And what happened next was just like that. A total of six people who ran over from Minminduihe were all young people, and they really came to join the army.

Soldiers have soldier's honor. They want to protect the people and the homeland on which the Chinese people live.

But men also have men's responsibilities, they need to protect their parents, brothers and sisters, even wives and children.

"Since you're here, hurry up and pick up the gun. We have to move to another place to shoot. The little devil will come over soon." Yang Chuanyin yelled loudly, and at the same time he blocked Hu Zhuzi's eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

Just because he saw that skinny girl in the crowd also running here, he couldn't let Hu Zhuzi meet that little girl again, at least not now.

It is not surprising to say that the iron man has tenderness. But Hu Zhuzi is a fool sometimes, and Yang Chuanyin was afraid that Hu Zhuzi and the little girl would chatter for a while after meeting, and it would be too late for anything.

The original dozen or so soldiers, plus the six newly joined young men ran northward with the captured weapons.

But at this time, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from not far away. When they heard the sound and looked around, they saw a tall Japanese horse running towards them! There is also a Japanese devil sitting on it!

"Oh, it's not good to have Japanese soldiers!" A young man who had just joined them shouted.

Not to mention the veterans, but some of the newcomers pointed at the horse with the horse rifles they had just picked up.

Of course, whether they will shoot or not is another matter if they just joined.

"Don't mess around, that's our own!" Yang Chuanyin quickly stopped.

"What? Our own people?" The few newcomers were stunned!

They really didn't understand, how could there be Japanese devils among their people?

The war horse quickly ran in front of them. Although the people on it were wearing the uniform of the Japanese army, who was it if they were not their own, because he was Wang Xiaodan!

Wang Xiaodan's body was originally thin and small. Obviously, he picked up a set of Japanese army uniforms and put them on his body.

The size of the clothes is still suitable for him, but the military uniform he wore in a hurry is not so tidy, especially the leggings tied on his two calves, what is that called throwing?

When it comes to the various attires of the army, they are all particular, because they all need to meet the needs of combat, even if they seem to have nothing to do with combat, they must also emphasize a discipline.

For example, the people's army paid attention to the fact that the quilts should be folded into "tofu cubes".

For example, any army requires officers and soldiers to fasten their discipline buckles.

And the Japanese army also had requirements for their soldiers to wear leggings, which normally need to be formed into fish scales.

It is said that only if it is formed like that can it not be loose or collapsed during a long march and battle, otherwise, once the thing is loose, what effect do you think it can have, is it used to trip yourself?

"I'll go ahead on horseback, don't shoot me behind my ass, if I meet a little devil, I'll shoot you in the front." Wang Xiaodan yelled at the people below, and urged the horse to run forward went.

Oh, is this still Wang Xiaodan? The soldiers of the guard company not only took a high look at Wang Xiaodan.

By now, the soldiers of the former guard company have somewhat understood the veterans under Shang Zhen and the others.

Although a person's nickname does not necessarily represent the person's temperament, but this Wang Xiaodan's nickname, besides reminding people that he is very timid, what else can one think of?

So who would have thought that now Wang Xiaodan also thought of Hou Kanshan's trick, he even dressed himself as a Japanese devil and rushed to the front on horseback!

Although there are thousands of people, I will is the style of ancient chivalrous men.

Taking the enemy's head from an army of one million is like searching for something. This is the style of Changshan Zhao Zilong.

But this is only in the legend, and it is still in the era of cold weapons. Who has seen real people and real things?

In fact, when a person rushed towards a large yellow locust-like invader with a gun in his hand, that person was either a lunatic or had to have strong courage.

It's just that when the soldiers' admiration for Wang Xiaodan was not over, Wang Xiaodan, who was on the horse, stumbled and almost fell off the horse!

Uh - that's it? That's it, doesn't it seem to be incompatible with the image of a hero who is resolute and resolute despite thousands of people?

"I just remembered that one of you picked up a hand grenade and gave it to me. Maybe I can use it later." Wang Xiaodan, who had already reined in his horse, turned around and shouted.

And when he turned his head, he naturally pulled the rein in his hand again, and the horse kicked a few more times, so frightened that Wang Xiaodan lay on the horse's back.

Is it really okay to be like Wang Xiaodan? The soldiers couldn't help but worry.

(end of this chapter)

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