The War of Resistance

Chapter 1038: The sad Northeast Army

Latest website: Later generations compare the people's army to a big melting pot, which means that as long as you enter the big melting pot of the army, you will be forged into steel.

But what is the current army? The big dye vat is used to describe the society, but in Shang Zhen's view, the current army is the pickle vat for pickling pickles!

The whole tank is filled with pimples, bruk, mustard cherry seeds, scallion leaves, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, etc. Anyway, pickled pickles from the Northeast and the famous dish called "random stew" in the Northeast. It's the same reason, there is nothing that can't be marinated together for fun and throwing!

To say it's different, the time it takes for different games to pickle and salt is different. Some are salted in a day or two, such as salty cucumbers. It can't be marinated for two months, such as salty pepper.

Shang Zhen felt that he was good enough, even if he was the most difficult to pickle chili, but after soaking in this pickle jar for a long time, it would be a matter of time before it finally turned into pickles.

So now Shang Zhen is a little different from before, how did you say that sentence? Time will change everything, Shang Zhen's nature has not changed, but it will always change more or less, but he is much more outgoing than before.

But the more important point now is that Shang Zhen is in a bad mood.

The reason for his bad mood was that in the previous battle, two more of his men were killed, they were Lu Yichun and Dong Qiu.

The greatest familiarity between soldiers is not only that they know each other's names, but also that when a certain name is mentioned, it is a real person who is rough or quiet or smiling or full of anger.

But the tragedy is that when you think of those familiar names, the living people who are rough or quiet or smiling or full of anger are buried in the ground, gone, and dead! In other words, although it has not been buried in the ground, it has already been blood-stained on the battlefield, and finally turned into white skeletons that no one buried in the long river of time!

With all these things, there were eleven male soldiers in total, but two were gone after getting acquainted, so how could Shang Zhen be in a good mood?

Originally, Shang Zhen's mood improved when he finally found out that there was a Northeast Army coming all the way here.

But now, regardless of which army these Northeast soldiers belong to, they are tall and tall, but they are here to bear children, just in time, how can Shang Zhen say something nice?

The fall of the three Northeast provinces has become the heart disease of all Northeast soldiers nowadays.

When they were in their hometown in Northeast China, everyone from the officer to the soldier was awesome.

Especially their old man, known as the "King of the Northeast".

listen! King of the Northeast!

That so-and-so in ancient times listened to the advice of his counselors and knew how to build high walls, accumulate more grain, and slowly become kings!

Is the one who dares to be king an ordinary person? That's absolutely not the case, those who dared to stand against the emperor or the central government, or they were called armed separatist forces.

Later, after the young marshal, the son of the old man, resisted and changed his post in the Northeast, why was he "sealed" as the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Army of the Republic of China, and the deputy commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Republic of China, in name only second to someone, in other words , Nominal second in command!

Therefore, it is by no means an exaggeration to describe the Northeast Army at that time as "beautiful and shiny".

But who would have thought that just one September 18th would knock the Northeast Army from its superior position to the dust.

What's the use of being awesome? You are the defense force of the three northeastern provinces. You have lost the three eastern provinces. A young marshal who ran away led a group of soldiers who ran away!

And they didn't know what it meant to "send others under the fence" until they arrived in the pass.

The people in the pass will never look good when they see them spitting without talking. They also argue, but is it useful to argue about this kind of thing?

Everything depends on the result. Are the three northeastern provinces lost in the hands of me, Zhang San, Li Si, or Wang Ermazi, the naughty one? Isn't that thrown in the hands of you gangsters?

With the fiery temper of the Northeast people, how can they bear others to treat them like this? We people from the Northeast can't say no to you, right? If we can't say it, we will do it, so they will use force and fist against those who dare to speak out against the Northeast Army!

But so what?

Some people were beaten up by the Northeast Army. Anyway, they are small and can't beat the Northeast people. They simply said, you have the strength to beat the Japanese, isn't it good? It's a fart for you to beat us!

Just saying this really made the Northeast people feel ashamed and panicked, wishing they could find a crack in the ground and get in.

With the temperament of the Northeast people, if they meet someone who talks like this, if they really have face, they will not beat them, but they will say to beat them back to their hometown! Then if you meet that kind of stupid person, you **** dare to bury me, let's see if I don't beat your **** out!

As a result, it was widely spread that the Northeast Army was vicious against Chinese outsiders in foreign wars.

Later, the people in the pass adhered to the principle that a good man does not suffer immediate losses. They did not say anything about the Northeast people in person, but they could say in the literature on the newspaper stalls that they could poke a little bit at the back of the Northeast Army.

There is a saying in ancient China that goes, "Defending the mouth of the people is better than defending Sichuan."

That means that the ruler guards against the common people's discussion of political affairs, which is like guarding against the breach of a great river.

But the problem is that those who say "Fangmin's mouth is better than Fangchuan" are not human beings, they are dragons, the imperial power is granted by heaven, and they are the emperor Laozi!

What is your Northeast Army, no matter how awesome you are, you are not the emperor!

So even if the Northeast Army didn't say it became the one that everyone shouted and beat in the pass, it was extremely unpopular.

Now that the Northeast Army has been angered in the pass, let's fight back to our hometown!

But the problem is that some people say that "the inside must be settled first", so you want to fight back to your hometown? how is this possible? Go, go to Shaanxi to fight the Red Army!

If you want to say that the Northeast Army has fought against various factions of various factions in the pass, such as the Zhifeng War or something.

But the question is, is the Red Army of Workers and Peasants led by the Communist Party of China really that easy to fight?

If it was really so easy to fight, why did the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army travel 25,000 miles, and the so-called national army also chased and intercepted it for 25,000 miles, and finally let the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army escape from life.

The Northeast Army went to fight the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, but as a result, as expected, the Northeast Army was completely defeated by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and three divisions were directly wiped out!

To be honest, when the Northeast Army first went to fight the Red Army, how could they have any awareness of uniting and uniting to the outside world?

Who doesn't like to pinch the scorpion softly, but the soft scorpion was not squeezed but kicked on the iron plate, so all kinds of anti-war sentiments came up, and this became one of the reasons for the Double Twelve Incident .

Next, well, someone was arrested but then released, the incident was resolved peacefully, and the biggest benefit that the Northeast Army got was that they could fight the Japanese army instead of fighting a civil war. .

Northeast people have a good face, who would want to bear the infamy of not But let alone whether they were ashamed, but it has been eight years since they lost the three eastern provinces.

However, they lost the three provinces in the Northeast first, which is called a bad start, and then they arrested someone for a game of military advice. In Northeast dialect, it is called no smoking from now on.

In the past eight years, the Northeast Army has definitely suffered heavy losses.

So now Shang Zhen, who is also in the Northeast Army, is not used to his fellow villagers. He opened his mouth and threw away the three provinces in the Northeast and took them out to talk about things and directly poked the opponent's lungs. How can those soldiers of the Northeast Army bear it?

"Hey, listen to the accent, we're still from the same village!" The Northeast soldier who had caused trouble before moved closer to Shang Zhen with a smile on his face.

The soldiers behind Shang Zhen didn't know why, but in their thinking, did the Northeast Army people want to catch up on the old days when they saw that Shang Zhen was really a fellow villager?

But when the soldier approached Shang Zhen, his expression suddenly changed, and he said: "Damn it!", and then punched Shang Zhen hard in the face!

(end of this chapter)

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