The War of Resistance

Chapter 1031: discovery in bad taste

The latest website: The soldiers who had already hid behind the hills on the side of the road looked at the far end of the road from a distance, because a car was coming along the road.

The soldiers have also become bored, just because their chief Shang Zhen doesn't care about them.

When he first went up the mountain, he lay down on the top of the hill, and then sat up again, not knowing what he was talking to the old stupid.

It's just that not a while ago, people went to the top of the mountain with the big stupid, but they still didn't leave any orders for them.

And at this moment, the remaining eight soldiers saw a car coming from a distance.

"It's either the devil or the second devil's car." Ma Erpao guessed.

"Impossible, have you ever seen the little devil and the second devil come out in the same car? If they dare to come out in the same car, even ordinary people would dare to kill them without us." Lu Yichun denied.

While talking, the car got closer again, and the others continued to guess.

"That's a carriage." Xu Shen guessed slightly.

"No, the horse is taller than the cart, so it should be pulled by mules." Dong Qiu objected.

"Pull them all down. That's a donkey cart. My family used to raise donkeys." Liu Hai'er disagreed.

This is a donkey cart, and the soldiers reached a consensus again, but then Hu Chuang said, "Guess again, is that donkey a male or a female?"

Just Hu Chuang's words made several soldiers laugh like a "poof", and then they all looked at Gao Erya who was hiding beside him but didn't say a word.

Gao Erya is Erya, just because her surname is Gao, this is the result of Ma Erpao and the three of them chatting with her.

When the soldiers all looked at Gao Erya in unison, Hu Chuang remembered that there was now a female soldier in their group, even though that female soldier did not look like a woman most of the time.

Hu Chuang quickly shut his mouth, but at this moment Gao Erya said, "I guess it's my mother's."

"Ah?" The soldiers were all stunned, can you see this clearly? They couldn't believe it anyway.

But at this moment, Gao Erya said another sentence that made all the soldiers shudder: "I can assure you that it is a female, if it is a male, I will hand it over!"

The soldier was stunned for a moment and then snickered, while Hu Chuang blushed, Gao Erya, this **** is definitely cruel enough!

"Hey, let me tell you, Wang Xiaodan! Don't just look through the binoculars, you bastard, tell me what you see." Ma Erpao shouted.

The soldiers in front of them who thought it was a donkey cart but couldn't tell whether the donkey pulling the cart was male or female could only go to Wang Xiaodan for verification.

The reason is that they still have two binoculars, one was taken to the top of the mountain by Li Qingfeng, and the other was in Wang Xiaodan's hands.

Wang Xiaodan is not necessarily timid now, but the habit of being cautious in situations cannot be changed.

So Shang Zhen took the old stupid up the mountain to have a "heart-to-heart talk", and the soldiers below could only wait, so Wang Xiaodan volunteered to serve as their sentry.

Of course, he didn't run very far even as a sentry, and the donkey cart was quite far away from them, so the binoculars came in handy, and the soldiers couldn't hear them talking loudly.

At this time, Wang Xiaodan didn't pay attention to what Ma Erpao called him, his eyes were staring straight.

The soldiers in the back couldn't see clearly the idle guessing and talking, but Wang Xiaodan couldn't say that he could see everything clearly in the binoculars, but he was extremely clear.

Of course he would not be bored to see if the donkey pulling the cart was male or female, but his attention was all on the cart.

Those who drive the donkey are not necessarily old men, but the one who drives the donkey cart now is a young man.

But Wang Xiaodan was not interested in that man either. When he pointed the binoculars to the donkey cart earlier, the binoculars in his hand had been moving with the donkey cart, as if growing on the donkey cart, just because Sitting in the donkey cart was a young daughter-in-law.

If it's just a little daughter-in-law, but that little daughter-in-law still holds a nursing child in her arms!

Then, the reason why Wang Xiaodan watched it so intently is self-evident, how did he know that it was a nursing child? That's all because the baby is breastfeeding!

There is a debate on the Internet in later generations, a debate about whether women should breastfeed their breastfeeding children in public places.

The matter is sensitive and I don’t like it very well, but the opinion of the party is nothing more than that, whoever was not raised on breast milk, to put it more bluntly, that is, whoever was not raised on his own mother’s milk, who is young in public Why can't a mother breastfeed a crying baby?

As for the opinions of the opposing side, forget it, everyone can think of it without mentioning it.

Everyone has bad roots, especially men.

In public, although there are shameless men who will stare at the breastfeeding woman, the vast majority of shameless men will definitely avoid it.

But this is in public, what if it is not in public and only you can peep? Will it be seen that it can only be that the officials are talking to the shining light bulb with their own conscience.

And Wang Xiaodan! Oh, do you still have to guess? If he didn't want to see something, why bothered to hold on to the binoculars?

The road is not straight, and the young man driving in front sometimes blocks Wang Xiaodan's sight.

oops! You see, Wang Xiao is so timid, sometimes he even wants to stretch out his hand a hundred meters away, and pull away the young man in front who should be the father of the child behind!

It's just that God doesn't want Wang Xiaodan, who has just entered the righteous way, to do evil things again. When the donkey cart went forward for more than ten meters, the man who drove the cart flicked his whip, but the donkey cart turned to the right. up.

Based on the relative positions of Wang Xiaodan and the carriage, if the donkey cart turns to the left, the young mother who is breastfeeding her child will definitely be watched by Wang Xiaodan with a telescope.

But now the direction he turned to, hehe, Wang Xiaodan can only look at the back of his family of three.

Only then did Wang Xiaodan realize that although there was no side road beside the main road, the land there was relatively flat, so it was absolutely possible to take a donkey cart.

Nowadays, many vehicles of the Japanese army are still made of wooden wheels, and the same is basically true of the vehicles of the Chinese folk. With the current weak industry in China, where can I get the large vehicles with rubber wheels?

"Alas—" Wang Xiaodan finally let out a long sigh when he saw that his voyeurism was no longer possible.

But while disappointed, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

There was no road where the donkey cart was going, so what did the family of three drive the cart into the wild? There is no village in the distance!

Wang Xiaodan was originally He has not been a soldier for long, and his combat skills are only average, but there is no doubt that he also has advantages, he is careful and he is not stupid .

If a person is not stupid and thinks diligently, his brain will only become more and more active as he uses it.

Wang Xiaodan no longer paid attention to the donkey cart driving to the depths of the field, but he stood up and began to examine the road while adjusting the focus with the telescope.

After observing like this for a full five minutes, Wang Xiaodan stopped the telescope at a certain position on the road.

In the binoculars, it was relatively low-lying and there was some floating soil. Wang Xiaodan saw two deep ruts and some messy footprints there.

Those footprints looked very clear, but the heels of those footprints were very deep, but they were the clear prints of the Japanese army's big-toed shoes!

With the new discovery, Wang Xiaodan jumped up, no, he has to find the chief Shang Zhen!

(end of this chapter)

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