The War of Resistance

Chapter 1027: About the aftermath of the fight

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Shang Zhen and the others also couldn't figure out what kind of existence that Erya, the head of the army, was like in an existence like the army.

Although a troop also listens to the chief officer's words, it also listens to the chief officer's direct sister's words, which seems reasonable.

But if the chief officer's direct sister can command the army on his behalf, it would be too much fun.

However, how should I put it, the regular army is only the shell of the 40th Army, and the meat inside, it is said that the bandits are a little bit too much, but they are also full of ruffians, so it is not surprising that any strange things happen.

In fact, Shang Zhen didn't care what was going on with the regiment leader and that regiment.

Just yesterday, what he cared more about was his own purpose, which was to allow himself and these eleven people to retreat safely.

Then, in the fight that turned into a Wendou, the big old stupid undoubtedly became the most dazzling star in the audience.

Originally Shang Zhen was going to go, but it was Li Qingfeng who asked the old stupid to go first. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

Then the big old fool who looked like half of the black iron tower poked u) in the middle of the field and started his performance.

The soldiers of the 40th Army looked at each other in blank dismay. They saw that the strong physique of the big old stupid really lacked the courage to fight alone, and finally got four.

But, how should I put it, those four soldiers scratched the itch if they hit the big old stupid with their fists, and if the big old stupid treated them as punches, it would humiliate the big old stupid.

In Northeast dialect, the action of Da Lao Ben beating the four soldiers should be called "Pa La", yes, it is called "Pa La".

And the last of the four soldiers was a small man less than 1.6 meters tall.

How tall is Big Old Stupid? There are always more than 1.80 meters.

The little soldier punched, and the big old stupid stretched out his gibbon-like arm and pressed it on the guy's head, and then it was like an adult beating a "child".

The "kid" stretched his arms and legs, and even used the big punches, but he just couldn't touch the big stupid.

Then the big stupid man pressed his palm hard, and pressed his head forcibly even if the cow didn't drink water, he turned the soldier's face down and pushed his head down, and then he stretched out his left hand to grab the little soldier.

Then, the soldier spun like the 尜'er (g, the kind of spinning top that the Northeast whips on the ice with a whip) that the Northeast children had played with since they were young.

The old man turned the soldier so fast that he lost his inertia, but when the old man stopped, the soldier turned around again on the spot before falling down with a "plop". On the ground, it was dizzy!

As for the big stupid shot, it is natural to overwhelm the audience, so what should I do next?

Seeing that the old fool was blocked between the fighting parties like a wall, only then did the Forty Army remember that the master of their fight should be Shang Zhen, so they pointed at Shang Zhen to let Shang Zhen come up .

But at this time, Shang Zhen said brazenly, he is the commander of their Northeast Army, you can't even beat my soldiers and still want to fight me?

Shang Zhen had only seen the old man fighting with the Japanese army hand to hand, but it was the first time he saw the old man fighting with others. The old man is already so powerful, what are he going to do by himself? I don't have the skills of being a big fool!

But at this time, the members of the 40th Army would naturally say that Shang Zhen was playing tricks.

Shang Zhen then said, you didn't say who would go first in the established rules, if you all fight in groups, as we have agreed before, then you are all Han women, and you are all men with handles. Spit makes a hole, who is playing tricks?

The war turned into a war of words, and when there was a lot of noise, the old stupid said honestly, how about you fight me with four more people, and I won't fight back or hide. Can hit anywhere except not being able to hit the head!

Just the stupid words really surprised both sides of the fight!

Can it still be like this? Can't fight back or hide?

Of course, you can't slap your face, but you can't talk too much about the vitals of a person, but it's not just the head, it's like the inner (that) place, the inner place, and the inner place, right?

Shang Zhen saw that the old man had boasted about Haikou, and he couldn't figure out the details of the old man, so he looked at Li Qingfeng, and Li Qingfeng blinked at him as a signal.


Qingfeng Li has always been very clever, if he said it's okay, then he must be fine.

Shang Zhen saw that the people from the Forty Army were really going to send someone up to take advantage of it, so he said, if the four of you haven't beaten him to the ground, we'll have covered this beam, okay?

All the members of the Forty Army looked at their regiment commander.

And without waiting for the group leader to make a statement, Erya made a statement, and she just said three words, "I think it will work!"

If she thinks it’s okay, then it’s true.

Naturally, Shang Zhen wanted to ask you if you were able to speak well. It was only then that Shang Zhen realized that the female soldier Erya who was mixed in with the men's team was actually the sister of the regimental commander whose ear was cut off by him.

But Shang Zhen didn't care about it anymore, that girl said it's fine if it's okay, and this Li Qingfeng also winked at him, which means that if the big fool does it, then the big fool will do it.

Thus, the two parties in the fight witnessed the magical moment of the old stupid together.

The first soldier punched the big old stupid in the lower abdomen. Seeing that the big old stupid just retracted his stomach, the effect of the soldier's punch was like muddy cows into the sea, just like the stupid look of the old stupid Ever changed?

At this time, everyone, including Shang Zhen, believed that the old man had real kung fu.

The second soldier saw that his fist didn't work, so he rushed up and kicked the big old stupid's belly. No one knew how the big old stupid inhaled and exhaled, but the onlookers felt that the old stupid's belly was deflated and deflated. One drum, and then I saw that soldier was kicked away as if he had kicked on an extremely tough cowhide drum!

All of a sudden, the audience was completely silent.

The third soldier saw that the first two failed to attack the lower abdomen, so he really got angry. I guess what he was muttering in his heart was that you are a good master of martial arts, so you came to fight with us, so that was also angry. Ruthless, after he jumped up, he kicked the big stupid crotch fiercely!

Undoubtedly in his subconscious mind, aren't you an idle asshole? I kicked your **** so hard today!

There is a sport called "free fighting" in later generations.

But don't look at the "freedom" in the name, but there are several parts that are not allowed to be spanked, such as the throat, the back of the head, and the crotch.

If it's really kicking there, then it's really over!

Just the kick of the third soldier made everyone in the bystanders exclaim.

It's just that after that kick, the big fool who put on a horse-riding squatting crotch just trembled, but the soldier held his feet and screamed!

At this point the soldiers remembered the legendary Boy Kungfu. It seems that the old stupid Yuan Yang has not let go, that is indeed a horizontal kung fu, no one knows whether it is invulnerable, but It's impossible to kick people so hard.

At this point, the fourth soldier had lost the courage to fight again, Shang Zhen and the others finally won.

Not to mention whether the leader is willing or not, but he can't go back on his word in public.

Shang Zhen was also afraid of further trouble, so he took his own people and left quickly, but just when they thought they had finally dealt with the members of the Forty Army, they realized that someone was chasing after him, and this person was Erya.

At first, Shang Zhen thought that Er Ya was going back on his word, but who would have thought that he wanted to worship the old stupid as his teacher, saying that the old stupid boy's kung fu is so good!

Not to mention how absurd it is for a female soldier to worship a former young monk as her teacher, but Shang Zhen would rather run away with this Erya first, but he is never willing to fight with a ruffian like the Forty Army. They have dealt with the anti-Japanese team full of enthusiasm, and this is the reason why Erya appeared in their team. @重量\\/书阁·No fault first release~~.

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