The War of Resistance

Chapter 1025: Treat as a "traitor"

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What's the situation? Shang Zhen was also stunned.

But even though he was blinded, he also knew that his goal of getting this matter out of the way would be impossible to achieve.

I used the length and width of the field to play mobile warfare with four soldiers and defeat them one by one. Fortunately, the members of the Forty Army directly surrounded the eleven of them.

Then, if "movement warfare" cannot be fought, it will have to become a frontal and tough "positional warfare".

But from Shang Zhen's point of view, how should this fight be fought? No matter how you hit it, it's not appropriate!

It was originally in the same anti-Japanese team, and I accidentally injured the leader of the other team. If the leader punished himself directly, it would be fine, but he let four soldiers beat him together.

In the end, instead of beating him, those four people were defeated by him one by one.

How can this frontal toughness be tough? My group can't be beaten up by people from the Forty Army. If they are beaten up, let alone whether they can cut off half of their ears, they are really likely to be interrupted by their arms and legs.

And can my group beat up the Forty Army?

Yes, in fact, there are actually not many combat-capable people in the 40th Army, and there are not even two platoons of people. Those who manage the wounded and clean the battlefield, and the rest are wounded.

But no matter what you say, there are too many people, so if you guys fight with them, you have to fight hard!

It's just, "It's from the same root, so why bother?" For some reason, Shang Zhen remembered a poem he had heard Leng Xiaozhi memorize.

As for who wrote this poem, Shang Zhen just heard it and didn't remember it at the time, but he did remember the general meaning of that poem.

Of course, what he remembered was also spoken by Leng Xiaozhi in Northeast dialect.

The general idea is, put the bean sprouts with soybean skins (douji) in the stove pit and burn them, while the pot on the stove is cooking soybeans. Why does one want to cook that one?

Shang Zhen is not a stupid person, he could think of the meaning as soon as he contacted the current situation at that time, but he only listened to what Leng Xiaozhi said, and he rarely expressed his position on political matters.

But now? It's good now, they are all from the national army, so why bother?

If it's really because of some major event that you have to fight, but it's really not a major event, isn't it just that you have lost your half-pull ears? Isn't it possible to pour some water into the ears and eyes when it rains?

If it was Shang Zhen himself, if he could exchange dozens of Japanese soldiers to go to the Palace of the King of Hell with his own ears, then he—uh, he wouldn’t change either!

Shang Zhen struggled in his heart and saw the people of the Forty Army surround himself and others. This time it was good. It would be an exaggeration to say that there was a bigger fart in the open space, but this open space is only enough. Personal fights!

It's always impossible not to speak! This fight was really rough! Shang Zhen sighed inwardly, but finally shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

After he finished yelling, he didn't care about the reaction of the Forty Army people, so he just continued on his own. When he encountered such a bandit-like anti-Japanese team, Shang Zhen had no choice.

At this time, Shang Zhen really wanted to pull the ears of the Forty Army people halfway, so that he would not have to talk and they were still there to force him!

And what he said this time was nothing more than what he wanted to tell the Forty Army. People in the Forty Army had to listen to it even if they didn't want to hear it!

"I accidentally injured this officer, but I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't shoot at our position! I shot at the side on purpose!"

"The officer didn't punish me, but he insisted on fighting with my brothers.

If there are too many of you, I will be on my own. If I want to attack you lightly, you will pierce my ears.

I'm going to strike harder, and you will be wounded again.

We are all anti-Japanese, and the little devil is our enemy. They are born from the same root, so why rush each other! "

Rao Shang Zhen has always been a man full of wit and wit, but now he has to face this kind of head-on toughness and he is finally "poor ass".

In a person's life, women don't mention it, just talk about men, there is always a time to be tough, and a man is not tough enough at critical moments, can he still be called a man?

At this moment, Shang Zhen said a lot, shouted a lot, and the people of the Forty Army finally stopped amidst his shouts.

There is no one reason for everything, especially the sentence "It is born from the same root, so why rush each other", it is very straightforward!

It's just, how many men can stay rational when they are passionate?

It's just that even though men are irrational, there are still people who are rational, such as the female soldier called Erya by the Forty Army.

"Then what do you think we should do?" When Shang Zhen was almost desperate, the second girl asked.

This Erya was one of the tallest women Shang Zhen had ever seen, almost 1.7 meters tall.

But when she was held by the big old stupid before, she looked a little petite. Who told the big old stupid to be as long as the black iron tower?

"It's just a contest, and it's up to the point. Anyone who hurts someone will be punished as a traitor." Shang Zhen answered carefully.

"Fart! How can you become a traitor if you hurt you?" Someone from the Forty Army scolded at that time.

"There are only eleven of us who beat the devils, and we finally lost all our arms and legs.

In the end, instead of hurting the little devil, he was hurt by his own people? Whoever beats us for the little devils because of the number of people is a traitor. "Shang Zhen finally found a logical reason not to hurt each other, so how could he give up lightly.

Now he doesn't pay attention to that regiment commander, because he finds that Erya, who is in the Forty Army, seems to be quite easy to speak.

"Yes, you can't do what your loved ones hurt your enemies!" Finally, someone from Shang Zhen's group came to his aid, and that was Xu Shenwei.

Xu Shenwei can't fight, but it's okay to talk.

"Okay, let's fight first, and after the fight, let's fight the Japanese devils!" the Erya said.

"Where can I find Japan at this time—" His soldiers behind Shang Zhen murmured, but they only muttered half a sentence before Qingfeng Li stabbed him.

It's such a time, let's turn off the fighting first, and we can only talk about this bunch of people from the 40th Army who are really annoying.

"It's a deal!" Shang Zhen said loudly, but then he leaned forward again and said, "You talk so-so-?"

"Will you fight? You guys don't look like you are very capable of I guess you escaped from the little devil if you survived." Erya said dissatisfied.

Erya didn't answer \'Shang Zhen's words, but\'Shang Zhen found that there was no objection after Erya said this sentence, and the head of the group didn't say anything, it seems that he acquiesced.

I don't know what is the relationship between this Erya and the leader, but since it's just fighting and not hurting anyone, it's of course the best.

"Fight! Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom?" So Shang Zhen replied decisively.

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