The War of Resistance

Chapter 1018: It's all honesty's fault

Falling in love with you reading network, the war of resistance is heavy

Shang Zhen left, and the other soldiers had almost eaten.

"Take a few of them! Hey, that one looks like the Black Iron Tower, take a few more!" An officer of the 40th Army with a long beard asked.

"Thank you, sir!" Xu Shenwei replied.

Be careful, don't do evil because it is small, don't do good because it is small, you should be grateful for what people eat.

"Thank you, sir!" The old man said naively.

People even mentioned that it looked like the Black Iron Tower, so who else could it be?

Whoever feeds him is a good person, and this point is especially evident in Big Old Stupid.

"Brothers, you are welcome! With your skills in fighting devils, what's the point of giving you steamed buns?" said the bearded man.

It must be admitted that the bearded man is very talkative, and those words are very heartwarming!

At this time, some members of the Forty Army took the initiative to pick up steamed buns and stuff them into the arms of Shang Zhen and these soldiers.

What's more, seeing that there was only a bottom left in the bag containing the steamed buns, he stuffed the bag and the steamed buns in one go!

In this way, the soldiers of Shang Zhen were even more moved, especially the few recruits who thought, it seems that people from the Northwest are not all like us, even the veterans who have been beaten and mourned!

After it was over, they still didn't forget to glance at the three veterans of the original Hao Xiazi Company left in their group-Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei and Lu Yichun.

Those three people also showed grateful smiles at this time, but no one knew whether they were real or fake.

Seriously, there is a sincere smile on that face. To be honest, they belong to the Forty Army. Maybe they think that I will fight for you for the Forty Army. Isn’t it natural for you to give us steamed buns? ?

Besides, Ma Erpao and the others didn't take that officer seriously. He said he was an officer and he was at the bottom. Others didn't know about it, but Ma Erpao and the others knew it. This guy was also the platoon leader.

This is enough to eat and drink, Shang Zhen left again, and the soldiers of the Forty Army chatted with these recruits of Shang Zhen.

Those are all people who beat devils, so there is naturally a common language for everyone.

"Everyone is from the Northeast Army, so when did you enter the customs?" the platoon leader of the 40th Army asked.

"We—" Xu Shenwei couldn't continue the conversation, and the recruits looked at each other in blank dismay.

Entry? What is the entry point? If they hadn't been captured and served as soldiers, they would have never known that entering the customs refers to the entry of the Northeast Army into Shanhaiguan.

But now they know it, but they also occasionally heard from Shang Zhen that the Northeast Army only passed Shanhaiguan Pass and entered the pass after losing the three eastern provinces. When Shang Zhen mentioned it, some soldiers were head Once I heard that there is a pass called "Shanhai Pass"!

This is not surprising.

Among the remaining soldiers, Li Qingfeng was born as a little Taoist priest, and the old man was born as a young monk. One of them drew amulets to practice immortality, and the other chanted scriptures and practiced Zen. What do they know about Shanhaiguan?

And the few remaining recruits could not read at all. Most of them were wandering around the villages and towns and had never even been to the county seat. They had never dealt with the Northeast people, let alone Shanhaiguan. …

The recruits couldn't answer, so they turned their attention to Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei and Lu Yichun as if asking for help.

God knows if those three people knew or not, but even if they knew about those three people, they wouldn't say a word.

The people from the Northeast and the Northwest can still understand the speech, even if there is a gap, it will never be as big as the gap between the Northeast dialect and Cantonese.

But the problem is that there is a difference between the Northeast dialect and the Northwest dialect. Ma Erpao and the three of them have discussed it, and they keep silent to prevent their identity from being exposed as the former Forty Soldiers.

Seeing that the three people in the Second Artillery Ma refused to say anything, Dong Qiu had no choice but to answer: "Report, sir, we all joined the Northeast Army in the pass, and our chief is from the Northeast."

Dong Qiu's answer made the platoon leader with a long beard open his mouth a little bit in surprise, and after a while he asked again: "I remember your commander said he was the company commander, so why don't you kill all the companies?" Are you guys left?"

"Yeah, that's all we have.

I have been outside all the time, fighting the devils today, and another battle tomorrow. I don’t know why there are so many battles this time, and there are only a few people left after fighting. "At this moment, Qingfeng Li took the initiative to answer the conversation.

Li Qingfeng had been listening by the side, he was too young to interrupt, but seeing that the veterans were silent and the recruits were speechless and unable to say anything, he could only do so.

"Then you have killed many devils along the way, right?" the platoon leader asked again.

"Of course!" The recruits replied in unison.

What did you say? It's just scratching the itch! If it is spoken according to the Northeast dialect, it means that it is scratching at the place where the thorn is scratched, and it really relieves the itching!

But Shang Zhen told his soldiers that our achievements in fighting devils are not the only ones in our Chinese army, and they are definitely countable!

The recruits and veterans will settle accounts, and the Japanese devils Hao Xiazi killed when he was their company commander will not be counted. But since Da Shang Zhen became their chief, although they have only eleven people left, they dare not Guaranteed, they killed more Japanese devils than their own killed!

You know, they still have some wounded who are arranged in the common people's homes. Of course, those wounded will have to return to the main army by themselves in the future, but it is estimated that they will have already gone to the Northeast Army by then.

"Then tell us how you beat the Japanese devils." This time the platoon leader didn't need to speak, and other soldiers from the 40th Army joined in.

When they heard that people like themselves were asked to explain how to beat devils, recruits like Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei also became excited.

In fact, people's psychology is the same.

The child will show off to his peers when he has a new toy.

What's more, Dong Qiu, Xu Shenwei and the others have changed from strong men to recruits to veterans. They have been trembling since they picked up their guns, and now they don't even blink when they see themselves pulling the trigger and killing the Japanese devils in front of them. The process was really like riding a roller coaster in later generations, it was too exciting and fulfilling.

So the recruits started talking in a hurry. …

They talked about how they learned how to fight devils from the chief Shang Zhen, how they laid an ambush for the Japanese army, and how they counted the Japanese army. They also showed the sniper rifles they captured from the Japanese army to the Forty Army, and told others that they were captured at the time. More than twenty such rifles have been ordered.

Anyone can imagine that those who can use such a distinctive rifle must be the elite of the Japanese army!

Dong Qiu, Xu Shenwei, and the recruits were so excited about what they were talking about, their faces lit up, and Ma Erpao, Lu Yichun, and Lu Yifei, who had been silent all this time, refused to say But that They also had proud expressions on their faces.

"By the way, I saw that you helped us kill one of the little devil's mortars, so how did you get into that ravine?" A soldier of the 40th Army asked again.

As soon as the mortar was mentioned, Dong Qiu and the others became even more excited, and even the big stupid who had been silent all this time joined in.

That's a mortar, that's not a grenadier. If the Japanese army fired mortar shells at the 40th Army's position there, not to mention other casualties, at least the heavy machine gun that was looking at the ravine would not be able to keep it. .

"By the way, at first we shot those Japanese devils in the ravine with light and heavy machine guns, so why did the Japanese devils shoot us a few times at our end?

If the Japanese devils hadn't shot at us first, we really didn't know that the devils came from you. At this time, the platoon leader asked curiously again.

"Then it was the little devil who shot at you, it was our chief!" Big Boss said proudly.

"You fought?" The platoon leader was stunned, not only the platoon leader was stunned, even the soldiers of the Forty Army were also stunned.

For a moment, the scene became silent.

But just because the scene suddenly fell silent, the stupid voice of the old man became very clear: "Yes, it was our chief Shang Zhen who beat you. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" The platoon leader suddenly sneered, "Just those few shots wounded our regiment leader!"

"Ah?" This time it was the turn of Shang Zhen's soldiers to be stunned. To be precise, stunned is no longer enough to describe them, but each one of them became stunned!

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