The War of Resistance

Chapter 1014: Emmanuel 1 and the fresh soup

Latest URL: The two Japanese soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain one by one.

The road that people walk in the plains is not straight, so of course they have to avoid some high ridges and low pits, and the same is true for mountain climbing.

There is a vertical terrain ahead, no one will climb up hard, just turn around on the hillside.

So the two Japanese soldiers also meandered like snakes.

At this time, the Japanese soldier at the front grabbed the stem of a shrub on the edge of the mountain with his hands, and he tried hard first.

Give it a try it's a must. .

Anyone who climbs to a high place has this experience. They are afraid that they will be bald if they don’t grasp the stem, or they are too heavy, and they will directly uproot the wormwood or shrubs. , In that case, that person will "stumble on a tall building, and the cable breaks at the head of the Yangtze River and the boat collapses".

When the Japanese soldier felt that the stem could bear his own weight, he moaned and exerted force on his foot, and with that force of pulling, one of his feet also stepped up.

But at this moment, all his weight depends on the gripping force of the stalk and the mountain, so that stalk is like the last straw in his life.

But this Japanese soldier also exerted all his strength on his upper limbs, his body was leaning forward, and when one of his feet was already stepping up, an accident happened, and he was extremely shocked to see a handful of black The unmoving bayonet was cutting on the stem he was grabbing!

It stands to reason that this process should be extremely fast.

But because this scene happened right under the eyes of this Japanese soldier, he was like watching a slow-motion movie. He saw the black bayonet cutting on the Japanese soldier who was used by their Yamato nation. Chopsticks on three thick stems!

The wild plants are really strong, and the bayonet is exactly the kind used by the Imperial Japanese Army. The side is not sharpened, so the stem was only broken in half under the chop!

But the problem was that his weight was all hanging on that stem, so under the pull of his weight of about a hundred catties, the remaining half of the stem broke.

"Ah—" The Japanese soldier let out a strange cry when he suddenly realized, and he fell backwards in the air with the half of the stem in his hand.

The chain reaction appeared again. As soon as the Japanese soldier yelled, the companion below him raised his head subconsciously, but what he saw was a huge black shadow hitting his body.

As a result, the two Japanese soldiers, one first and the other behind, collided and rolled on the mountain wall like cloth bags rolling down high in the air, and fell down in a hurry.

The Japanese soldiers below were stretching their necks and watching, so they naturally yelled, while those Japanese soldiers who were busy with other things only had time to look up.

In fact, people have a reaction process, and only well-trained veterans will react when an incident happens suddenly.

Just when they thought it was their own people who stumbled down the mountain, the heads of several Chinese soldiers suddenly poked out from the top of the mountain. When the Japanese soldiers just shouted, gunshots erupted suddenly.

There were really not many Chinese soldiers, and there were no more than ten soldiers, but why did the gunshots suddenly erupt? It was because three of them used box cannons, and one of the three box cannons was a second-hand gun. ten rings!

No one paid attention to the two Japanese soldiers who rolled down the mountain. Even when the gunshot fired, the two Japanese soldiers had not yet fallen to the root of the mountain!

The first to be shot was of course the Japanese officer with the command knife.

Why do veterans of the Chinese army never salute their officers on the battlefield? Just because the gun hits the first bird, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, that officer is the first target.

The command knife in the poor Japanese officer's hand fell into the dust before he could point to the distant Chinese position.

During the rapid shooting, the Japanese soldiers fell to the ground one after another at the bottom of the mountain, and the shooting on the mountain was also in order. The first to shoot was the commander of the Japanese army, the gunner and the rifle.

The Japanese soldiers below are artillerymen. A cannon not only has one gunner and two gunners, but also has to carry the shells. How can they carry guns? And only those with rifles are responsible for guarding and defending.

Those with guns were killed, and the remaining Japanese soldiers either hid or were lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

Are the invaders strong? Of course powerful! If the aggressors are not strong, how can the Dongying Islands like a reptile on the sea break through China's many mountains and go deep into the hinterland of China?

But are the invaders invincible? Of course not, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must adopt the correct tactics at the correct time and place!

As far as the remaining seven people on the mountain, except for Shang Zhen, no matter whether they are recruits or veterans, they have never fought such a cheap battle. The Japanese army dared to touch the gun and killed it directly. For a while, dozens of Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain were already lying dead.

"Keep an eye on this, I'll go to the other side!" Shang Zhen threw down a sentence, shrank up and ran to the other side of the mountain. He didn't forget that there was a grab for food on the other side.

The battle there is not as easy as here, it has to go down the mountain, and the wooden barrel will not jump up the mountain on its own long legs!

Shang Zhen hurriedly walked on the uneven top of the mountain. When he saw the backs of Li Qingfeng and Lu Yichun lying on the edge of the mountain, he heard the sound of a gunshot. The shot was fired by Lu Yichun.

At that time, Shang Zhen had a bad premonition, this food is not easy to grab!

However, Shang Zhen quickened his pace, but he didn't appear directly next to Lu Yichun and Li Qingfeng, but moved more than ten meters to the side. Who knows if these two guys were targeted by the Japanese army below.

Shang Zhen snatched the edge of the mountain and lay down, then looked down the mountain. He didn't even look for the two people he helped to go down the mountain, but at this moment he saw a khaki-colored figure squatting up from the ground.

Seeing it, Shang Zhen's gun rang, that is, two short bursts of "pa" and "pa", the first shot flew, but the second shot hit, and the Japanese soldier fell down after being shot. .

And this reflects the quality of Shang Zhen, a well-trained veteran.

He replaced the box cannon with a full magazine when he ran over halfway. When he lay down, the box cannon with a wooden box was already on his shoulder. When he saw the Japanese army, the muzzle of the gun was already Pointed to the past, and then the gunshots rang out.

Two shots knocked down a Japanese soldier, but Shang Zhen's gaze was still searching in the ravine. During the search, he saw that the shoulder pole used by the Japanese soldier was next to the dead body of a Japanese soldier. The two barrels were gone.

Shang Zhen resisted the urge to look towards the hillside, and continued to look for the ravine.

And at this moment, he felt a khaki figure flickering at the corner of the ravine.

At this moment, Shang Zhen felt like the sweaty man being shocked by the wind, that action was so fast, he turned his gun and shot in a short burst!

Shang Zhen also just felt that a Japanese soldier turned back from the other side of the ravine, and that should be the fish that slipped through the net at the other end.

But he didn't have time to take a closer look. He didn't even have the time to see where the big old stupid and Ma Erpao climbed up the hillside to grab food, and how could he discern the Japanese army in detail.

He knew that even if his short burst shot couldn't kill the Japanese soldier he saw, it could still delay the Japanese soldier's possible shooting.

In case that guy saw the two men he was with on the hillside, with the marksmanship of the Japanese army, he only needed one shot to knock his men down the mountain.

And even if his short burst can't kill or injure the opponent, it can distract the opponent's attention, at least the opponent dare not raise the gun immediately!

This is all experience, or this is a flash of inspiration after long-term battles and countless experiences on the front line!

And it was Shang Zhen's flash of inspiration that saved the lives of either the old stupid or Lu Yifei.

Big Boss and Lu Yifei are carrying a bucket and are desperately climbing up the mountain! Fortunately, the hillside here is not very steep and the two of them are relatively strong, otherwise it would not be so easy to carry a bucket up the mountain.

And the reason why Shang Zhen didn't take people up the mountain from here at first was because if the Japanese army followed quickly, they would be exposed to the gunpoints of the Japanese army chasing along the ravine.

It's just that the Japanese army's food is really so easy to grab?

Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng, and Lu Yichun never found any Japanese soldiers in the ravine again, and Big Boss and Ma Erpao also climbed to the top of the mountain panting with a bucket in their hands, but it was just that Big Boss carrying a bucket will go up to the top of the mountain. Before going up, all of them heard another gunshot down the mountain.

And at the sound of the gunshot, the old stupid fell down instinctively, and the wooden barrel he was carrying fell to the ground.

When the wooden barrel was about to Li Qingfeng stretched out his hand to help, but at this moment there was another gunshot. After looking twice, two tiny jets of water shot out from both sides of the wooden barrel.

One of the jets of water just hit the face of the big old stupid who had just turned sideways.

Big old stupid is just a nickname, he is not stupid in skill, he rolls away and crawls quickly.

And when he avoided the shooting angle at the bottom of the mountain, the people next to him saw that there was an extra vegetable leaf on his face, and he was talking there: "It has a salty taste, and the soup is so fresh. !"

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