The War of Resistance

Chapter 1010: plan to kill with a knife

Latest URL: When Shang Zhen and the others climbed to the top of the mountain, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and they didn't have to worry about either the enemy or us seeing them.

Although the top of the mountain is not flat, it is also uneven, with messy shrubs growing on it. Even if the top of the mountain occupied by the national army is high, they cannot be found, and the Japanese army at the bottom of the mountain is even more impossible.

So a total of eleven of them lay on the edge of the mountain top and secretly looked into the valley below the mountain.

And then the enemy really appeared.

The reason why it is said to be the enemy is that there are both Japanese and puppet troops.

The puppet soldiers are also Chinese, so they are naturally taller than the Japanese soldiers, but even though they are tall, from Shang Zhen's perspective, they feel that these puppet soldiers look so wretched when they hold their guns!

But the Japanese army was even more different. They were small but hunched over their waists and carried long rifles. Their appearance was no different from that of the devil entering the village in later generations of film and television dramas.

The enemy has already entered, Yu Shangzhen and the others said that now is an excellent opportunity to ambush, but everyone understands that they really have nothing to do with those Japanese troops now.

There were only eleven of them shooting down the mountain, although they had the advantage of being condescending, but there were many Japanese and puppet soldiers, and it was inconvenient for them to shoot upwards, but they couldn't afford it even if they tried to consume Shang Zhen.

If Shang Zhen and the others had grenades or grenades now, then Shang Zhen would dare to go to war directly. Unfortunately, they no longer have any explosives.

Therefore, they could only watch the Japanese army advance in the ravine.

There were more than a dozen puppet soldiers in front, and several Japanese soldiers followed behind the puppet soldiers.

Since the mountain Shang Zhen and the others were on was not very high, the soldiers could even see that some of the Japanese soldiers were holding sniper rifles.

These can be regarded as the vanguard of the Japanese puppet army, and then dozens of Japanese soldiers followed up, and those Japanese soldiers also looked like they were facing a big enemy.

At this moment, Shang Zhen's eyes suddenly fell on the officer at the back of this group of Japanese troops.

The reason why Shang Zhen noticed the Japanese officer was because that guy gave Shang Zhen the impression that those big **** leather boots were really bright!

Shang Zhen became thoughtful.

"When the fight starts, no one should shoot. Let's just watch the fun." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

Shang Zhen's words stunned the soldiers again. If we don't shoot, who will fight with whom?

It's just that now is the time to ask. The soldiers buried their doubts in their hearts, and Shang Zhen stepped back cautiously.

What is Shang Zhen doing and who can control him?

A few soldiers turned their heads and saw that Shang Zhen had climbed far enough, but he started to search for something on the top of the mountain until he got into a bush and disappeared.

No one knew what Shang Zhen was going to do, as if the Japanese puppet army that came in from the ravine had nothing to do with him.

After a while, the bushes swayed slightly, but Shang Zhen came back again. Only then did the soldiers see that Shang Zhen was holding a fist-sized rock in one hand, and they didn't know that he was on the top of the mountain. Where did you find it.

When Shang Zhen crawled back to his original position, Li Qingfeng's heart skipped a beat. He felt that he wanted to understand something, so he stretched out his hand and pointed slightly to the lower left.

What Li Qingfeng was pointing at was the Japanese officer wearing shiny leather boots and holding a gleaming saber in his hand.

Shang Zhen didn't say anything and just stared there.

"That knife is not bad." The old man whispered enviously. He is a martial arts practitioner, so he is naturally interested in cold weapons.

"Pretty, it's just a trick to throw bullets." At this moment, Shang Zhen spoke in a low voice.

The big old stupid said "oh" again.

That old fool is absolutely obedient.

Shang Zhen is a veteran, he has been able to jump around like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang since September 18th, and he naturally understands that fighting does not matter whether you look good or not, what you want in fighting is the life and death of the enemy and yourself, and what you want is also It's just used in weapons, stay away from all flashy things.

Just like September 18th, in his impression, the bayonets of the Japanese army were all shiny at the beginning.

It looked mighty and murderous.

But it's different in war. When the weather is good, the sun will reflect on the bayonet.

Then when the Japanese army hid in the distant woods, the reflection of the bayonet at that specific angle was enough to expose the target.

And the result of exposing the target can only be the fire of light and heavy machine guns, or a mortar shell.

Shang Zhen has never personally experienced such a battle, but even if he has never heard of it, he can still think that such a battle with his aunt has definitely happened.

No, now the bayonets of the Japanese soldiers below have been replaced with jet-black ones. It is estimated that the Japanese army has learned a lesson, and in any battle, as long as there is a lesson, it is a lesson of blood!

Seeing Shang Zhen teaching the stupid old man, and Li Qingfeng seeing the Japanese army going farther and farther, only their backs were left and they were about to leave the mountain pass, so he asked Shang Zhen in a low voice, "What's your idea?"

"I don't know if it will work or not." Shang Zhen replied, and what he was thinking in his heart was, if he didn't shoot at the other end, would he shoot the other end twice? But in that case, his group would be exposed.

Just as he was thinking about it, gunshots rang out in the distance!

And when the gunshot rang out, this time it wasn't the "crack" and "crack" sound of the rifle, but it was the sound of "dongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongchu" light and heavy machine gun fire!

The bullet was like a sudden gust of wind without warning in fine weather!

But the place where the bullet hit was the ravine below Shang Zhen and the others!

Shang Zhen and the others on the top of the mountain saw the body of the Japanese soldier falling down in the ravine, the bushes were beaten to pieces, and they even saw the blood!

A heavy machine gun bullet hitting a person is different from a rifle after all. If it hits a person's head, the person's head will explode with a "thump", and if it hits a person's spine, it can completely destroy the body. What's so strange about people cutting off their waists and showing blood?

The situation came so suddenly that the soldiers on the mountain opened their mouths wide in astonishment, while Shang Zhen's face was already beaming with joy.

The reason why such a situation occurred in the battle, of course, was Shang Zhen who could facilitate all of this.

Shang Zhen is not the kind of person who pulls out his eyes.

Of course he hoped to avenge his fallen soldiers, but he would never let the remaining eleven of his gang die with the Japanese soldiers.

And just when he entered this ravine, Shang Zhen suddenly thought of a possibility to avenge those soldiers.

So his next move came.

He shot at the Japanese army, which was to let the Japanese army know that they had sharpshooters here. Through his marksmanship, the Japanese army did not dare to approach too closely. As for letting the soldiers shoot at the Japanese army, that was also the meaning of delaying the Japanese army.

And he ran ahead to investigate the situation by himself.

When he got out of the ravine, he found that the ravine was on the flank of the battlefield.

The Chinese army's position is on its left front, and the Japanese army's position is on its right.

Although the exit of this ravine is not directly facing the national army's position, the national army only needs to move laterally to shoot bullets into this ravine from the top of the mountain as the position.

Now he had a move, but he fired four shots at the national army's position, making his side think that the Japanese army had turned around from the flank.

Then he ran back and took the soldiers up the mountain.

The one who shot him ran away. The national army would not shoot if they couldn't see anyone on the other side of the camp, but how could the national army not guard against the fact that the Japanese army came out of this ravine?

It's just that even Shang Zhen didn't expect that The national army is really awesome, and even deployed a heavy machine gun to guard this ravine.

The Japanese army was only chasing and killing Shang Zhen and the others. When they turned a corner in the ravine, they didn't know that the Chinese army in the distance had all their heavy machine guns ready.

Then, when the heavy machine gun and light machine gun sounded, how could this group of Japanese soldiers get a good one?

This is Shang Zhen's trick to kill the enemy with a borrowed knife, and he never thought that his wish would come true!

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