The War of Resistance

Chapter 1005: run to eternity

"I don't think you understand, Li Da, that we may not be able to join the officers and the others." Ma Chuncai said as he walked forward along the hill cautiously.

"Why can't you meet the officer?" Li Daming retorted as he walked.

"Then there are only four of us on this side, and the commander's side is called the big troop.

Since the four of us fired, it was to cover the retreat of the large army. The sir and the others didn't know where the Japanese devils would go! "Ma Chuncai has his own analysis.

"What you said is not right at all!" Li Daming directly gave Ma Chuncai a conclusion.

"Why am I wrong?" Ma Chuncai was naturally unconvinced.

"First, don't you feel that the officers and the others are getting close to us? That means that once our guns are fired, the officers will come to rescue us in case we are in danger.

Now that they're all out, it can't be done halfway.

Second, we also helped the officers and the others out of the siege. I think the officers will definitely not ignore us, and maybe they are coming to us.

Third, don't say that there is a large army or not, who knows how many people are left on the officer's side! "Li Daming said that it was really a trick, but he really shouldn't say who knows how many people are left on Shang Zhen's side.

"Look at what nonsense you're talking about, are you just talking? I think you're spouting dung!" Ma Chuncai scolded.

"You spray manure all over your mouth. You don't need to pick up horse manure for farming. You can spray two acres of land by yourself!" Li Daming saw that Ma Chuncai started swearing, so naturally he would not be polite.

But in order to prove his own point of view, Li Daming turned around and asked Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei who were following behind, "You two said, don't horse idiots have bad mouths?"

Ever since the four of them shot at the Japanese army and began to detour towards Shang Zhen and the others, Li Daming and Ma Chuncai started fighting.

It was Li Daming's idea to meet with Shang Zhen, Ma Chuncai disagreed, he said that we should run far away first, but Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei didn't say anything, but made a choice on their feet.

Then Ma Chuncai couldn't run the single gang and naturally followed.

But with the virtue of their veterans, the two of them have been pinching since they set off, but they have been pinching until now.

From Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei's point of view, you two veterans can pinch you however you want, but why do you ask us?

It is said that gods fight and mortals suffer, you two naturally cannot be regarded as gods fighting, you two can only tell a dog to bite a dog, but you can bite if you want to, what are you fighting against us?

So, Dong Qiu and Xu Shen remained silent.

The two of them took advantage of the verbal battle between the two and overtook them.

"Hey (éi), I said you two must express your opinion, who do you help?" Li Da understood and quit.

"Yes, the two of you have to express your opinion. Does Li Daming spit out feces?" On this point, Ma Chuncai and Li Daming have a common language.

"I'll help you, he'll help him, that's not two against two, what could be the cause of the quarrel?" Dong Qiu said angrily, but quickened his pace again.

Dong Qiu ran fast, Xu Shenwei naturally followed.

It's just that the two of them stopped after running for a while, because they had already circled the hill, and if they ran forward, they would reach the open land.

Although it was said that they shot at the Japanese army far away, and they thought they had escaped the Japanese army's pursuit for the time being, but Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei still felt a little scared when they rushed to the open ground rashly.

And when they came all the way, it was Ma Chuncai and Li Daming who led the way.

Of course, Li Daming also said at the time, we are two veterans, let us show you a sample.

In this regard, Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei can say nothing but admiration, although they also understand that it is difficult to say which direction the Japanese army will come from in such a chasing battle. important.

But the problem is still, they have little experience, after all, they are not as bachelors as the veterans, or in other words, they are still a little less courageous.

"You two cowards, don't you dare?

Okay, I go first!

But let me tell you, if I go first, you have to be with me, and you have to follow me to say that a horse is a fool, it's really stupid, that's a mouth full of dung! "Li Daming came up with plausible words.

"You **** fart! I come up first, you have to be with me, and you have to follow me and say that Li Dazhi is a fake, that's a mouth full of shit!" Ma Chuncai also came up, but directly Plagiarized Li Daming's words.

"Why don't you two compete, and whoever loses will be full of shit." At this time, Xu Shenwei said solemnly on a whim.

"Okay, Bibi is Bibi!" Li Daming and Ma Chuncai said at the same time.

Li Da understands that Ma Chuncai and Ma Chuncai have the same disease, but they look down on each other.

Since this period of time, Li Daming has suffered a lot. This is normal, and the folks are the same. The person called "Da Ming" must be understood by others, but others don't say it, but he doesn't understand and not necessarily. Others don't understand.

It's also like "big skills". There must be small skills, but is it really big skills? I'm afraid it's not necessarily true, most likely it's just verbal!

Not to mention Ma Chuncai, if he hadn't encouraged those veterans to part ways with Shang Zhen and the others, then their veterans wouldn't have died so many all at once.

At this time, the two people really have to compete in order to prove that although they are stupid, the other party is even more stupid.

Of course, there are a little more elements of veteran jokes.

As soon as they said they would run, Ma Chuncai and Li Daming glanced at each other, turned their faces away, and rushed out from the side of the hill.

At this moment, Dong Qiu from behind saw Xu Shenwei's smirk that he couldn't hold back anymore.

Only then did Dong Qiu realize that Xu Shenwei was playing tricks.

"What did our Shang chief say, oh, yes, if you say that the eyes of educated people are fixed, you are so **** fixed." Dong Qiu scolded with a smile.

Gudong, that's Northeast dialect, it means that a person's mind is not upright and bad.

"I didn't. It was the two of them who insisted on being the first." Xu Shen smiled.

Everyone has been hanging out together for a long time, and now Xu Shenwei finally stopped seeing veterans and was afraid, so he "fixed" just now.

After finishing speaking, Xu Shenwei took the gun and ran out.

But right now they were in front, so Li Daming and Ma Chuncai really put forth the energy to run the 100 meters.

On the one hand, they are arguing with each other, but on the other hand, they don't know that running on open ground is risky, and of course, the sooner they cross this open land, the better.

The two chased after each other, ran away panting, and the sound of "woo hoo" sounded in their ears, but they didn't know it. scene.

And it was the group of puppet soldiers who saw the two of them running wildly.

The group of puppet soldiers had just crossed over from between the two hills, and just happened to see two soldiers of the national army running towards the distance. So, what would they do?

"Captain, you are really clever!" A soldier of the puppet army flattered the officer and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, we're all aiming, we can't let go of either of them!" The puppet army officer ordered.

Seeing that the two national army soldiers were running quite fast, he wondered if someone had already discovered them.

According to the order of the puppet army officer, the puppet army soldiers either stood, squatted or lay down, and put or set up their rifles.

At this time, Li Daming and Ma Chuncai, who were still rushing, didn't know that the faster they ran, the more the puppet troops on their flanks would shoot, otherwise they would really run away. up.

"Let go!" the puppet officer shouted.

Then there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the temporarily silent mountains.

In the sound of some birds in the forest were frightened and flew high, but two anti-Japanese fighters who were running on the open ground stumbled forward in unison.

The place where they ran happened to be a sandy field, so when they stumbled, a faint cloud of smoke was stirred up on the ground.

It's just that the smoke cleared away, but the two anti-Japanese fighters never got up again.

Perhaps their physical bodies have died, but their souls are still running in the void, just to expel those alien invaders.

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