The War of Resistance

Chapter 1003: heartwarming cover

"It was an unprepared battle, and I didn't expect that kid to shoot!

How can we fight the devils with our little firepower? It's so close, it's almost a bayonet fight. "When Shang Zhen said this to Li Qingfeng, all their people hid behind a small hill.

And at this time, there are only nine of them now. As for the missing people, do you have to ask?

What does it mean that a little intolerance leads to chaos and big schemes? It's not that it's wrong to be a soldier with blood, but because there is blood in the heart, the blood in the body will eventually be shed.

The soldiers have no objection to Shang Zhen's statement, and it is impossible for anyone to object. If someone objected, then they can turn their guns back now. The Japanese army is chasing them, and Shang Zhen and the others need someone to provide them with cover. .

Now Shang Zhen and the others don't run forward, that's because the terrain in front of them is empty, Shang Zhen and the others have no strength to run here, and they have exhausted too much physical strength to get rid of the Japanese army at the fastest speed.

At the same time, due to their poor physical strength, the speed of passing through the open land will slow down, and they will become living targets for the Japanese army again.

"Then what shall we do now?" Li Qingfeng asked Shang Zhen.

"What can we do then? I will cover you as you rush across the open field behind." Shang Zhen replied.

"Why do you have to stay?" Qingfeng Li asked.

"I don't want to stay, but can your marksmanship stand up to the little devil?" Shang Zhen replied while observing the situation.

The Japanese army is now more than 100 meters away from them, but the Japanese army also did not rush over rashly.

The terrain here is just some unevenly distributed hills, and the open land between the hills is not to mention trees, even wormwood.

Thinking about it, the Japanese soldiers behind had also realized that Shang Zhen and the others were the Chinese team that attacked them, and they were also afraid of Shang Zhen's combat effectiveness.

"I don't know how Li Da understood those four people?" Lu Yichun couldn't help muttering.

"Don't worry about them?" Ma Erpao said angrily, "If it weren't for them, would we be able to fight the little devil? Damn it, one pretends to understand if he doesn't understand, and the other is just a fool, and those two are capable together What good thing?"

Li Da understood that Ma Chuncai and the others insisted on checking the results of Shang Zhen's fight against devils.

As a result, the gun rang out, Shang Zhen and the others rushed to the place where the gun was fired when they heard the gunshot. As a result, the Japanese army persecuted Xiao Dizi, and some soldiers couldn't hold back their shots, and finally developed into the current situation. situation.

Everything has a cause.

Although Shang Zhen and the others didn't understand what happened on Li Da's end, it didn't prevent them from making common sense guesses.

If Li Da hadn't understood what Ma Chuncai and the others had to see, there would have been no gunshots.

Then there will be no gunshots, and the people on their end will not rush to the other end.

If they didn't rush there, they wouldn't see Xiao Dizi being murdered by the Japanese puppets!

So, Li Da understood what they were looking for, and they were the real cause of this battle!

How could Ma Erpao have no complaints about this.

"Why are you talking about this?" Shang Zhen stopped Ma Erpao from continuing, "The real enemies are the little devil and the second devil. Don't always have resentment against your own people."

"That's right." Ma Erpao muttered and stopped talking.

"As I said, when the little devils start to charge up, you all retreat and I will cover." Shang Zhen reiterated his order again.

Li Qingfeng was about to express his dissatisfaction, but at this moment they saw the enemy on the opposite side really appear beside the hill and began to rush towards this side!

Just looking at the color of the opponent's clothing, it is obviously not the Japanese army, but the more than twenty people who rushed out were all puppet troops.

"A bunch of bastards!" Shang Zhen cursed angrily.

Of course Shang Zhen was scolding the puppet army.

Presumably these puppet troops should still be under that Li Tantou.

Shang Zhen couldn't figure out what these people were up to?

They harmed their compatriots who were also Chinese, and when the Japanese army saw danger ahead, they used them as cannon fodder. Then you say that these puppet soldiers are not cheap bones, so what are they?

Shang Zhen put the rifle down, and picked up the box cannon again. At this time, his box cannon had already added a wooden box for the gun stock.

Taking cover here, I dare not say how many Japanese soldiers will be killed in the future, but Shang Zhen can guarantee that with his marksmanship, there will never be many puppet troops left in the rush.

During the nearly eight years of his anti-Japanese career, Shang Zhen also dealt with the puppet army. To be honest, he was more or less merciful in the fight against the puppet army on the premise of not endangering his own life.

In his heart, he always felt that most of the puppet army just fell with the wind, and even some ordinary puppet soldiers just followed the trend.

Before the puppet army became a puppet army, the officers had to lead a team to surrender to the Japanese army. If ordinary soldiers didn't want or dared to break with their commanders, what could they do?

The main offender is severely punished, and the accessory is given a lighter sentence. Those puppet soldiers are also considered as accessories.

But this time through Xiao Dizi, Shang Zhen didn't think so.

He has never hated the puppet army so much. The two camps of the enemy and us are two camps, and it will be life and death in a fight!

The soldiers of the puppet army bowed their waists and held their guns in front. Could it be that they really learned from someone? Shang Zhen wondered why those puppet soldiers looked so much like Japanese devils with their guns? It looks so wretched!

At this time, behind the puppet army, the Japanese army also appeared.

According to the usual way of fighting, Shang Zhen would definitely fight the Japanese army first, shoot the horse first when shooting the thief, and capture the king first when capturing the thief!

But this time Shang Zhen did the opposite, and he directly pointed the box cannon at the puppet army in front.

At the same time, he ordered: "If you don't leave now, what are you waiting for?"

It's just that before Qingfeng Li and the others expressed their opinion, there was a sudden gunshot from diagonally in front of them, and then Shang Zhen saw the Japanese soldiers rushing to the open ground shot and fell to the ground!

That is - Shang Zhen immediately realized, who would shoot at the Japanese puppet army? It should be that Li Da understood that Ma Chuncai and the four of them also chased after him, but now they are covering for them!

Shang Zhen felt a warm feeling in his heart. To be honest, he has been worrying about these soldiers of the Blind Company for a while, but now that someone turned around to support him, how could he not be moved?

"Crack", "crack", "crack", the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand rang like a string of cannonballs. As he said just now, if he sincerely wants to cover, few of the puppet troops rushing forward will survive.

With the firing frequency of Shang Zhen's box cannon, he can completely knock down three or four puppet troops before they lie down.

However, what happened next was really a surprise for Shang Zhen.

The reason is that those puppet soldiers were originally captured by the Japanese army as cannon fodder, and the Japanese army was behind them. How could the Japanese army allow those puppet troops to lie down on the spot?

That is the current Chinese army soldiers charging in the The machine guns of the supervising team behind are still mounted!

What's more, the puppet army felt that they had fallen into the big tree of the Japanese devils, but the Japanese devils had always used them as dog legs!

So when Shang Zhen fired his gun, some of the puppet soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, and the rest of the Japanese soldiers who were just about to get down were already shouting.

After such a delay, Shang Zhen knocked down six puppet soldiers with a burst of rapid fire from the box cannon. Four puppet soldiers let go and threw their guns.

The Japanese and puppets did not expect that there would be bullets flying from their flanks. The most taboo thing in war is to be attacked from the back.

"Let's retreat too, find a way to join Li Daming with them!" At this point, Shang Zhen stopped shooting, and he ordered loudly, then he took the box cannon in one hand and the rifle in the other, turned around and ran away.

(end of this chapter)

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