The War of Resistance

Chapter 1001: This time, the feud is bigger (2)

The latest website: When the Japanese soldiers who suspected that there were Chinese soldiers peeping from the distant mountains fired gunshots, Shang Zhen, who had just lay down and fell asleep for a while, turned over and sat up at the same time. He took the box cannon hanging from his waist in his hand.

If that's all, that's all, but when he held the box cannon in his hand, the gun head on the box cannon had been wiped away by him in the process of drawing the gun, and it was on his thigh. Rubbing.

Shang Zhen's movements were so fast that the few soldiers who were guarding beside him were already tongue-tied when they saw it. How many battles would it take to train such a quick and instinctive reaction!

On the other hand, the five people who also fell asleep with Shang Zhen, veterans like Bao Zheng Erpao woke up, but they had a confused look on their faces, and they muttered "It seems Where did you shoot the gun?"

Qingfeng Li and the old man also sat up, but the old man muttered "What's going on?".

"Where to shoot the gun?" Shang Zhen asked, but before the soldiers around him could answer, the sound of "da da da" from the Japanese light machine guns in the distance also rang out. Well, the answer is there, and there is no need at all. asked.

"It seems that when the day just dawned, Li Da understood that Ma Yucai and Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei went out, and they said to see how many Japanese devils you killed." A soldier beside him replied timidly.

He still "seemed", but in fact, it seemed clear in his heart that the two pairs of four people were selected by their recruits and veterans.

The reason why he said "as if" was because he was afraid that the chief, Shang Zhen, would teach them to act without authorization.

But at this time, Shang Zhen didn't have the heart to ask the reason. He closed the safety of the box gun and inserted it into the wooden box on his body, then reached out and touched the rifle beside him, and then put the gun Run in the direction of the sound.

Once the officer Shang Zhen moved, how could the other soldiers not follow? Everyone picked up their guns and ran after Shang Zhen.

It can't be said that all of them are very energetic, but at least they slept more than Shang Zhen and the others last night.

"Get up, let's go too." Seeing that everyone else was running forward, Li Qingfeng also got up from the ground and urged.

"I haven't woken up yet." The old man pouted and said.

However, that's all the old stupid said, he always listened to Qingfeng Li, and of course Qingfeng Li also knew that the old stupid always listened to himself the most.

So Li Qingfeng didn't care about the big old stupid and ran forward. Sure enough, seeing Li Qingfeng also ran away, the big old stupid stood up unsteadily, touched his rifle with one hand, and still didn't forget to carry it. His crossbow.

Don't say that the old man doesn't want to move, Shang Zhen actually doesn't want to move, he's human, he's not a god, he's tired, he's sleepy, but at this time the gunshots rang out again, the so-called chief's responsibility made him He can only move forward.

"Damn it, you can't let me relax, I should (owe) you!" Shang Zhen cursed in a low voice while running.

What does it mean that the environment changes people, what does it mean that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes? It's really tiring to bring these veterans of the original Hao Xiazi company and the recruits who were arrested and went to the battlefield without even touching a gun!

And Shang Zhen is a soft-hearted person who cares about the life and death of soldiers, so how can he not be tired if he has to do everything by himself?

Rao Shang Zhen has always been a good-tempered person, but he was tortured to the point of becoming angry, so now what does it matter if he says a few foul words?

Shang Zhen thoughtfully moved forward all the way, but not a while before he ran, the gunshots in front of him stopped.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Shang Zhen forced himself to calm down again.

You can't fight like this. Now you don't know what's going on ahead, and the gunfire only rang for a while and then stopped. Didn't Li Da understand that something happened to those people?

It's just that something happened and I haven't recruited now, and the people behind them don't even know where those four people are now!

Let's think about the living first, don't be so sleepy that you lead your group headlong into the ambush of the Japanese devils!

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen looked at the terrain in front of him again while running, and seeing a hill covered with forests in the front left, he turned and ran towards the hill.

I didn't sleep all night yesterday, and I only slept for a while, not even an hour. It's like a person who has been hungry for a whole day and only chewed two peanuts. How can this be possible?

And due to lack of sleep, Shang Zhen felt that his head was not very clear.

But so what? Shang Zhen always has to take action.

Shang Zhen is a veteran. In fact, fighting a war is the same as doing many things, and there are universal laws, or in other words, it can also be called a routine.

To play Go, you need to know what is called a set style, to play chess, you need to know how to play chess, to chase girls, you need to rely on enthusiasm, you need to be pure in heart, but sometimes you have to behave like a scumbag.

Shang Zhen has been familiar with the game since he fought, so now he decided to find out the enemy's situation first.

When he climbed to the top of the hill panting, he saw a smaller hill tens of meters ahead that blocked his sight.

When Shang Zhen was considering whether he should go up the hill ahead, soldiers followed him from behind.

"Both binoculars let Li Da understand that they took them away." The soldier who followed said apologetically.

Shang Zhen didn't say a word, these soldiers still have to be trained! How dare you act without your own orders? I also want to see how many little devils I killed in the attack on the Japanese army last night.

Who knows how many little devils he killed, not even Shang Zhen himself!

At that time, after killing the Japanese sentry, he took Big Old Stupid, Ma Erpao, Lu Yichun, and Lu Yifei to the Japanese camp.

Now that the Japanese sentry had been killed by them, Shang Zhen instead left Qingfeng Li behind to take charge of the cover. The reason was that although Li Qingfeng was good at skills, he was too thin, and throwing a grenade was a laborious task.

Shang Zhen estimated that when he threw the grenade, he was only fifty or sixty meters away from the Japanese army.

It is said that throwing mines at the Japanese army at a distance of more than a hundred meters is still far away after all. He led people to work hard all night, but it was not just to make noise in the middle of the night to scare the little devils.

Throwing grenades at the Japanese army at a distance of fifty or sixty meters, Shang Zhen wondered if he could let the thrown grenades explode in the air above the little devil's head, after all, airbursts are the most lethal.

Shang Zhen and the others have a total of more than twenty grenades, aren't the five throwing them fast?

Shang Zhen didn't care about others, but he himself threw a total of six grenades, and they were all thrown in the air. After throwing the grenade, he led his people and ran back. I don't know myself.

At this time, Shang Zhen was thinking about going up to the hill in front, but he just stood up but shrank back, just because he heard a scream from the other side of the hill.

Hearing that cry, he was already on the other side of the hill. With Shang Zhen's combat experience, he would never rush up rashly.

At this time, the soldiers behind Shang Zhen also came up, but the Japanese army in front also showed their heads from the foot of the mountain.

The Japanese soldiers with guns and ammunition were at the beginning, and then came a carriage, but several bulging bags were pulled on the carriage. There were bright red blood stains on the bags, and the blood even covered the carriage. The boards are all red!

Shang Zhen didn't know that it was a coincidence that the Japanese army happened to come here, and what they saw now was exactly what Li Daming, Dong Qiu and the others saw.

If it is different, it is just a coincidence, the Japanese army is closer to Shang Zhen and the others, the sky is already bright, even without binoculars, Shang Zhen can guess that the sack should contain the heads of the Japanese army.

Everyone has eyes, and the soldiers hid behind the ridgeline of the hill and peeked at them from time to time. They were still counting, one said "I saw five bags" and the other said "No, it's six bags~ It was only this carriage that passed by. When the second carriage appeared, the same thing that made Shang Zhen and the others angry happened, because they saw the little boy who was tied to the carriage by the Japanese army and had half of his face bleeding Several puppet soldiers beside Di Zi and Xiao Di Zi.

At a distance of tens of meters, Xiao Dizi's face was covered in blood, and for a while, Shang Zhen couldn't see that Xiao Dizi's ear had been cut off by the enemy.

But when a puppet soldier stabbed Xiao Dizi's **** face with a small stick, Shang Zhen heard Xiao Dizi's screams again. Only then did he realize that the Japanese army, , or the puppet army did it, and the puppet army actually cut off Xiao Dizi's ears!

At this time, all the Chinese soldiers including Shang Zhen felt their heads buzzing, and then a rush of blood rushed straight to the top of their heads, and everyone's blood was rushing and their faces were flushed!

If the soldiers still knew to look at Shang Zhen at this time and knew that all actions should be obeyed, but what happened next made some soldiers completely lose their minds.

(end of this chapter)

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