The War of Resistance

Chapter 998: 1 stone, 2 birds

Latest website: "**—" In the dark mountains and fields, a Japanese soldier suddenly shouted, and the Japanese soldiers who were already asleep woke up. Naturally, there was a commotion in the camp.

The Japanese officer who woke up after hearing the sound also shouted, but the Japanese soldiers were startled when they called out to other Japanese soldiers, but when the officer shouted, the woods fell silent.

In the darkness came the question of the Japanese officer and the answer of the soldier who called out first.

After a while, the Japanese officer yelled again. No one in the woods made a sound except him when he yelled, but there was a reply from a Japanese sentry in the woods not far away. It was two Japanese sentries. Successive answers.

And just after the two sentries finished answering, there was a "baga" from the Japanese officer in the woods, followed by two "pops" and "pops". Those two "pops" and "pops" were not gunshots. , but it was the sound of slapping the mouth.

The Japanese officer roared again, and their camp became quiet again.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was also hiding in the woods, laughed silently.

Although he could only understand the word "Baga" in the words shouted by the Japanese, he could completely imagine what happened just now, just because he was the one who caused the riots in the Japanese army.

Although he discovered that the Japanese sentry was in the woods through a poop, he still couldn't find the Japanese sentry hiding in the dark.

So what to do? According to the normal way of thinking, it must be asking for directions.

However, Shang Zhen's throwing stones to ask for directions is different from the thief who was admitted to the hospital to steal. He threw several small stones out of the forest one after another.

When he threw out the fifth small stone, there was a movement. Only God knows if the stone hit a certain Japanese soldier, or just let the other party hear the movement, and the Japanese soldier yelled.

As soon as the Japanese soldier called, there would be riots in the Japanese camp, and the Japanese officers would ask questions, but it was dark everywhere, so what could the Japanese officers ask.

But the Japanese officer asked the sentinel again, but the sentinel didn't find anything unusual.

So what can the Japanese soldier who yelled get nothing but training? Perhaps the other soldiers thought he was dreaming, dreaming that his father who was far away in Japan entered his wife's bedroom in the middle of the night.

So the Japanese soldier who made the noise gave himself two big mouths under the order of the officer, which made it easier for Shang Zhen who was snickering secretly.

It really killed two birds with one stone. A few stones smashed out of the Japanese camp but also exposed the position of the Japanese sentry.

The Japanese army thought it was a false alarm, and the camp fell into silence again, but this silence lasted until midnight.

But at this moment, a sharp knife came out of the grove with the Japanese sentinel, and it was Shang Zhen.

Now Shang Zhen was standing quietly in front of a tree.

Damn, I really can't see my fingers! Shang Zhen sighed inwardly, but his left hand was slowly stretched forward.

Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it, and slowly his hand touched the tree trunk.

The tree trunk was very cool in early spring, but Shang Zhen didn't care about this. He began to bend down and slide down the thick tree trunk slowly.

He felt that his hands should have touched his waist height, but the place he touched was still the tree trunk.

It really seems to be playing blindly when I was a child, but Shang Zhen, who has confirmed that the Japanese soldier is under this tree, once again obtained the information he wanted to see but could not see through his own hands, that is, the Japanese soldier is Sitting on a tree trunk.

I don't know if this guy is asleep or taking a nap, but I don't know if this guy is highly vigilant?

Or, try yourself first, where is this guy's nose? Shang Zhen thought to himself, but then he really did it!

He withdrew his hand, lowered it a little, and extended it again.

What a funny picture it would be if, in later generations, instruments with infrared observations are watching the situation here like the eyes of God!

A Japanese invader was sitting and sleeping under a tree with a 38-type rifle in his arms, while a Chinese soldier stretched out his hand as if trying to play a prank, trying to feel his hot breath.

God is sorry, Shang Zhen's trick really worked.

When he felt the hot breath of the other party, the other party moved too, and then his cold nose bumped into Shang Zhen's hand.

Who knows whether this guy who should be dozing off felt Shang Zhen's hand, or was awakened by the residual smell from Shang Zhen's hand.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen's left hand was slammed up, and at the same time, the bayonet held in his right hand was stabbed forward fiercely!

"Pfft", the sharp weapon entered his body, and Shang Zhen felt the stagnation of the sharp blade moving forward in his body.

It's just that he didn't know which part of the Japanese sentry's body he stabbed with the knife.

However, his knife obviously didn't hit the opponent's vitals. Shang Zhen felt that the Japanese soldier's head had the strength to struggle, but how could he make him move? His hand ruthlessly pressed the guy's head against the tree trunk, and he pulled out the knife in his right hand and stabbed again!

If you only look at the number of times Shang Zhen drew his sword, he is just like the one who snatched a Japanese bayonet for the first time back then, just stabbing randomly, but the difference is that he struck harder!

If it gets stuck into the opponent's flesh, then pull it out again, and if the bayonet is stuck in the opponent's bone, it can't be pierced, then retract it and stab again.

Shang Zhen stabbed five times in front of him!

And at this time, he didn't need to stab the sixth time, just because the bayonet could not be pulled out after he finished the fifth stab, it was because he nailed the opponent to the tree trunk too hard!

Shang Zhen felt that the Japanese soldier's struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

But even though the strength of the opponent's struggle became weaker, Shang Zhen didn't let go of his left hand covering the opponent's mouth and nose, instead he stretched out his right hand.

Anyway, he should have nailed the bayonet to the tree through the opponent's body, so if he is idle, he should be idle, so why not do something.

So, in the dark night, a Chinese soldier put his left hand behind the mouth and nose of a Japanese soldier, but his right hand was already locked at the opponent's throat.

And when Shang Zhen felt with his left hand that there was no more hot air from the other party's mouth and he slowly withdrew his hand.

I don't know how one of Big Boss and Li Qingfeng, or how the two of them partnered to deal with the other Japanese sentry, but my way of catching the enemy is still weak after all!

While Shang Zhen was thinking in his heart, he heard two muffled sounds of knocking on tree trunks from another part of the woods. It was the contact signal that Shang Zhen had agreed with Qingfeng Li and the old man in advance.

It seems that the Japanese sentry was killed by those two people, or one of the two people!

It's really a boy born from a hero since ancient times.

After more than half an hour, there was a sudden explosion sound in the dark mountains, and the Japanese army in the camp was in chaos because a grenade fell from the sky.

The Chinese talk about karma, and there is a saying that "heavenly thunders never strike innocent people." I don't know if grenades are considered heavenly thunders, but karma is the same!

(end of this chapter)

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