The War Lord of Samsara Paradise

Chapter 96 096. Sword and Knife

Gao Fei is now ranked 11th through 88 consecutive wins. If nothing happens, he can enter the top 10 with one more win.

He knew that there would be extra rewards for the top 10 in each stage of the arena, so he decided to have a fight.

Lying on the sofa, plated walnuts and waited. The matching time was really too long. It had been an hour and there was still no successful matching.

Gao Fei put away the walnuts, took out Mechanics and started to read it. After many attempts to preview, he already understood that without passing the new knowledge in Samsara Paradise, he could not learn effectively except to understand it.

For example, he is very interested in the advanced knowledge of the control branch [Advanced Intelligent Technology]. Gao Fei, who has mastered [Basic Virtual Electronic Technology], can understand words such as light speed calculus in this knowledge, but there is no such thing as light speed calculation in his mind. There is no feeling of success in learning.

He couldn't even imagine the relevant models, and the other knowledge was similar. He could read and understand the words, but he didn't know how to operate and express them, so he could only review and consolidate his existing knowledge by flipping through the secret book.

Two more hours passed, and Gao Fei still didn't find an opponent. He became a little impatient and decided to wait another ten minutes and go back if there was no result. After all, competition was not everything to him.

Time passed by minute by second, and Gao Fei suddenly put down the secret book in his hand.

Finally a match...

[The match was successful, because the hunter has won eighty-eight times in a row, and the arena matched the hunter with the 8th ranked competitor (at the first level). 】

Gao Fei stood up and stretched his muscles a little. After all, he had been lying on the sofa for too long.

Waves of cheers came one after another, and Gao Fei heard the audience's passionate shouts before he could clearly see the opponent in front of him.

Glancing towards the opposite side, a man wearing a bamboo hat on his head was holding a sharp sword. The edge of the sword made people shudder, and the light reflected from the sword was dazzling.

If you look carefully, you can still find that there is a sword hanging on the swordsman's waist. The sword is just in the scabbard, but Gao Fei felt something in his heart when he saw the sword.

This unsheathed sword is more dangerous than the one in the swordsman's hand!

The other party was very polite. He held the sword hilt with his sword pointed to the ground and saluted Gao Fei. Gao Fei, who did not follow the chivalrous way, just nodded in return, and then their eyes became very sharp.

‘Very strong! ’

The same thought arose in the minds of both of them, the countdown began, and the muscles of both sides tensed up.

[Three, two, one, the competition begins! 】

A wave of air erupted from the swordsman's feet. He put his sword on his side and quickly moved towards Gao Fei's position.

Gao Fei also reacted very quickly. While he was retreating as far as possible to create a distance, a bunch of bullets were already fired from his hand.

Six bullets were fired at the swordsman who was charging forward from different angles, but he did not stop. He held the sword in his right hand and slashed horizontally twice, then turned sideways to dodge the remaining bullets.

He can actually cut bullets with his sword!

Gao Fei's interception methods that had been tried and tested before had no effect at this time. The swordsman's seemingly simple two swords just now also revealed that he is a master proficient in close combat!

The dynamic vision is very good, and the nerve reflex speed is also very fast. Only after these two attributes reach a certain standard can one complete the action just now with such confidence.

However, Gao Fei was not without a prepared plan. He began to wave his hands, and a barrage was formed. The target was naturally the swordsman who was still charging forward.

The swordsman's eyes became even sharper under his hat. He couldn't cut off all the bullets so densely packed, so he immediately took two steps to remove the inertia of his forward thrust, and then pivoted with his right foot to dodge the bullet with an elegant turn. Light blue barrage.

Then the swordsman's speed increased further. He had already learned that the fat snowman opposite was a gunman. Faced with this kind of opponent, he could defeat him only by getting close to him.

Seeing the figure wearing a hat on his head getting closer and closer, a black compressed ball floated silently on Gao Fei's lower back.

When the swordsman got closer and stabbed Gao Fei's throat with his sword, a heavy firearm suddenly appeared in Gao Fei's hand.

The 1.8-meter-long M-3 flamethrower wrapped in golden mechanical power was pulled forward by Gao Fei from his waist. The 80-kilogram heavy firearm fiercely threw away the oncoming sword and hit the swordsman. on the right shoulder.


Gao Fei's strength attribute was a little higher than that of the swordsman, but because he didn't hit his head, the swordsman did not fall into a dazed state, but took two steps back due to the force.

At this time, a red skull that only Gao Fei could see appeared above the swordsman's head. Gao Fei, who put away his heavy firearm and was about to draw his gun, smiled.

‘Tsk, the hero is really unlucky. ’

The Death Mark is triggered! If the marked swordsman is hit by a bullet at this time, he will suffer greater damage. The Chongxiao Spear Body Technique makes Gao Fei's gun-drawing action smoother. The moment the swordsman covers his shoulders and retreats, the bullet has already passed through Black Gold's body. The gun shot out.

If the swordsman had no other means, he would definitely take these bullets while being knocked back! Even if not, the sudden burst of fixed real damage from Mark of Death after 3 seconds will definitely surprise him.

Upon seeing this, the swordsman's pupils shrank, and he threw the sword in his right hand cruelly, but only broke one bullet, and two more bullets continued to attack him at this critical moment.

I saw him holding the unsheathed sword in his left hand and lifting it out.


The sound of the sword being unsheathed was very pleasant, and Gao Fei saw clearly at this time that it was not a sword, but a tachi.

The sword flashed past, and the remaining two bullets were also chopped off. Gao Fei saw this and did not rush to shoot again. Instead, he chose to prioritize keeping the distance while continuing to shoot to block him.

At this time, the swordsman turned into a swordsman holding a sword in his left hand, and Gao Fei's feeling changed from sharp to domineering.

The bullet still failed to hit the target, but Gao Fei was not in a hurry. The most praiseworthy thing about an excellent gunner is his patience beyond ordinary people. As long as he is not killed instantly by a knife, any bullet can bring an end to the battle.

The swordsman holding the sword in his left hand seemed to be more troublesome than before. At this time, Gao Fei also judged that his dominant hand was not his right hand but his current left hand.

‘It’s really troublesome. It’s so difficult starting from the 8th place. ’

Facing this kind of opponent, heavy firearms are not that easy to use at close range. What Gao Fei can still rely on is his superb marksmanship and extraordinary physical skills.

After several more rounds of shooting, the bullets were either blocked or cut off by the blade. This swordsman was really strong, but Gao Fei was not helpless.

Having witnessed the heavy firearm draw attack before, the swordsman did not rush forward rashly now, but defended and maneuvered. Gao Fei kept a distance of about 5 meters from him. He was always ready to give Gao Fei a fatal blow while maneuvering.

So handsome!

There are already spectators in the auditorium with peach blossoms in their eyes, and the duel between the two people on the field makes their blood boil.

This ticket is worth it!

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