The War Lord of Samsara Paradise

Chapter 294 292. Invasion

The four Adams used the scroll of space teleportation. When the four of them recovered from the sense of space distortion and dizziness, they were immediately followed by the feeling of falling. It turned out that after using the scroll, the four of them were horizontally teleported to the same place as them in the mother tree. Interior at the same height in the air.

The four people hurriedly used their own flying skills to stabilize their bodies first. Adams looked around, and based on the vague distribution of tribes on the ground, he judged that the four of him were on the other side of the transport spacecraft relative to the mother tree.

After simply determining the direction, the four people immediately headed towards the direction of the spacecraft at full speed.

After a period of rest, Gao Fei woke up from his sleep and felt that his whole body was pulsing again. He was finally out of the state where he was on the verge of collapse after staying up all night and having a liver attack for several days.

Shimada Shiryu and August had left the room after a short rest. Only Xiaobai was still sleeping on Goofy's chest, purring like a cat.

Gao Fei listened to Xiao Bai's snoring and relaxed mentally, but now was not the time to sleep with Xiao Bai. Gao Fei smiled bitterly, slowly picked up Xiao Bai, walked out of the room, and walked towards the control room.

In the control room, the second elder and Yao Lan were standing in front of the porthole, their brows furrowed. When they saw Gao Fei's arrival, their expressions relaxed slightly.

Gao Fei carried Xiao Bai, who was still sleeping, to the control room. When he saw the console with the indicator light flashing, he suddenly remembered a little back trick he had done before, because he later felt that it was inappropriate to do this to his allies. It's appropriate, so I put it aside for now.

Now that the situation is unclear, it is understandable to do some backup. While thinking, Gao Fei came to the front of the second elder and Yao Lan, leaning on the console casually. Siri, who had been following behind him, also seemed to be in a resting state and landed on top of the console.

Deliberately using the shield of the body, a subtle mechanical lightning actually connected Gao Fei, Siri and the main brain of the console.

Let Siri use the super technological level from the star sea to invade the database of the Predator spacecraft.

In order to cover Siri's invasion, Gao Fei also needed to attract the attention of the second elder and Yao Lan, so that they would not pay too much attention to the minor anomalies in the console.

Connected, the estimated cracking time is 5 minutes. Siri's invisible electronic voice was transmitted through the mechanical connection. Gao Fei remained calm and asked the second elder and Yao Lan in front of him:

What's the situation now?

The second elder sighed worriedly, and Yaolan replied on behalf of the second elder: I have sent people out to detect it, and the results should be available soon.

After hearing this, Gao Fei nodded. As expected of Yao Lan, he was very efficient. Gao Fei pretended to think, trying to buy time for Siri. He held his chin in his hand and said after a while:

Then let the other contractors prepare for the war. I estimate that once the other party is discovered, they will want to make a time lag and do their best to raid.

Yeah. I've thought about it too, and I've asked them to prepare. Yao Lan seemed to have anticipated what Gao Fei wanted to say, and quickly replied.

Then Yaolan paused and said in a consultative tone: I have already asked everyone's opinions on the matter you entrusted Little Red Riding Hood to let me negotiate with other contractors. Some people don't need it, and there are about 20 people who need it. Weapons, but it depends on the quality.”

Because they were made in a hurry, some of the materials were not very good, so the average blue score is basically 75+, and some 5 are purple with a score of about 100.

Gao Fei recalled the quality of the manufactured firearms and replied confidently.

After Yao Lan heard this, she was a little shocked. After all, an ordinary weapon with a score of about 70 in the park costs about 1w2-1w3 park coins, and the market for firearms is even bigger, and blue firearms are still around 1w5. Purple firearms are basically at 2w.

Because of the characteristics of Samsara Paradise, there are relatively few worlds with advanced technology, so there are not many firearms produced in the world. However, there are quite a lot of long-range gunmen among the contractors, and most of the melee contractors have Sometimes one or two firearms will be prepared as backup.

Therefore, high-quality firearms are often sold out. Even Yao Lan, as the leader of a big adventure group, uses a purple firearm with a high score.

Yao Lan took a deep look at Gao Fei, and instantly felt that the man in front of her had a strange charm. Although Gao Fei's charm was not high, Yao Lan was impressed by Gao Fei's ability to make money.

Yao Lan thought for a while and discussed with Gao Fei carefully: Because in the world, many contractors do not have so many paradise coins, and the harvest of this world has not yet been transformed into the economy, so can we give a basic 5,000 paradise coins? Use other things to make up for it.

Gao Fei nodded and said yes, because he also expected this situation to exist, not to mention that if there were contractors he had blackmailed, they might be even poorer.

Gao Fei pondered for a moment, and of course he had to give some discounts for such a large order. Since he spent all his time making bullets except for firearms, he added to Yao Lan that anyone who buys his firearms will have the most ammunition in this world. Available free of charge.

After the two ended their discussion, Gao Fei couldn't find any other topics for a while, but Siri's progress was still at the last 20%. If he was discovered at this time, it would not be a failure, and he might even be expelled. camp.

In the last 5% of the time, Gao Fei stood here and almost couldn't hold on any longer. Looking at the doubtful looks Yao Lan and the second elder cast at him from time to time, Gao Fei responded with a bright smile every time. , it is really embarrassing.

Just when Gao Fei couldn't hold on anymore and the second elder Yaolan became suspicious, a contractor suddenly broke into the control room and reported that there was an alien attack.

When Yao Lan and the second elder hurriedly ran out, Siri finally completed the invasion and successfully gained control of the spacecraft. Due to Siri's simulated captain's authority invasion, it did not cause an alarm in the end. After copying a set of databases, After reading the content, Gao Fei hurriedly followed and went out to see what was going on.

When the group of four were still flying in the air and were about to reach the Iron-Blooded Spaceship, countless dust suddenly rose up at the northernmost part of the entire building complex and some indigenous residents screamed.

The foursome were shocked. Could it be that the aliens had already attacked? Are they a step too late after all? Forcibly increasing the speed, he returned to the area of ​​the iron-blooded spaceship.

As soon as the four of them landed, they saw a large group of contractors in a state of preparation for war. Yao Lan was still distributing firearms to some contractors and taking away some things at the same time. The four of them were puzzled.

Yao Lan watched the foursome return. After getting the news from them and confirming her guess, she gave a slight salute to the foursome and arranged for the foursome to temporarily recuperate and then join the war as soon as possible.

At the same time, everyone's Paradise imprint came with the Paradise's non-emotional prompt tone.

[The world mode changes to regional war mode]

[Open the contribution list, and you can get different rewards based on your contribution ranking]

[Release war mission]

Content: Defeat the incoming alien army and kill the alien mother queen.

Reward: Dark Purple Weapon/Prop Treasure Box×1

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