The person Li Yu was looking for was Chen Xuangan.

This name is like thunder piercing the ear in the Silver Knight group and even the Underground World of the Heaven System. But everything except this name is almost completely hidden in the fog.

When it comes to Chen Xuangan, most people’s reaction is: "Oh, that’s a very difficult to deal with person... Ah, how do you ask me? That’s very difficult to deal. With Ah, if you don’t believe me, ask the person over there, he must know. What, he doesn’t know? Anyway, it’s very difficult to deal with! Everyone says that you have an opinion? And why do you have so many questions! Are you looking for the fault!?"

Only a few people know that Chen Xuangan is an intelligence businessman.

To be precise, he is an almost omniscient intelligence businessman. Everything about Heaven System seems to him without a secret, as long as he can afford the price, he can meet all the requirements of the guests.

Of course, this description is an exaggerated rhetoric, but there is no doubt that Chen Xuangan is one of Underground World's intelligence merchants that possesses great magical power. It's just that this intelligence businessman has a weird hobby. He sells intelligence, neither money nor things, as long as he is equal to the information.

"I tell you a story you don’t know, you have to return me a story I don’t know, so it’s fair."

This so-called fairness is of course not Fair, but obviously when people ask him, it is impossible to care about fairness.

In the past, Li Yu and Chen Xuangan had several fairly peaceful transactions, and they established friendships where they could date each other for drinking.

Li Yu said: "Go hurry, that surnamed Chen never liked and the others."

Bai did not take a step, but said with a solemn voice. : "According to the rules you set for me, before you try to meet Chen Xuangan, I must warn you three times."

Li Yu stopped: "Oh yes, yes. Come on with such a program."

"Chen Xuan feels extreme danger, are you sure that meeting with him will not endanger your own safety?"

Li Yu said: "About When he meets in Xia Jing, it is a constraint on both of us. Here, anyone who makes trouble will only suffer from both sides. Besides, didn’t you deliberately carry the [Zhu Rong] module this time? So the security can be guaranteed."

Bai said again: "Chen Xuangan’s intelligence charges a lot, are you sure you can afford it?"

Li Yu said: “Of course, I’m not sure about it. In this battle, I already have enough valuable information to trade with him."

Bai then made a final warning: "Chen Xuangan’s intelligence rarely brings good things. You are sure that you are willing to accept it. Is that the result?"

Li Yu sighed: "It’s okay, I can probably guess what the worst result will be."

After three warnings, there is no more white. A lot of words, silently opened the navigation for Li Yu: "Turn right ahead, and then all the way forward."


Li Yu met with an intelligence businessman named Chen Xuangan The tavern was not far away. Ten minutes later, Li Yu came to a small tavern deep in the poor alley.

This is probably one of the most run-down taverns in the entire Xiajing South City. As soon as you enter the door, a mist of inferior tobacco assaults the senses, and the air is full of disgusting breath. There is only the cheapest inferior wine in the wine cabinet behind the bar. Even the TV hanging next to the wine cabinet has cracked screens, and the pictures and sounds are distorted and broken, making the show’s Xia, who is famous for his sweet smile and professional broadcasting. The image of the hostess of Beijing News has become particularly ridiculous.

After Li Yu entered the door, he was not surprised at all. With a relaxed expression, he found a stand full of stains, and then sat down on his back.

It was almost the next moment he was sitting down. A medium-sized Gotal with a first-born cone horn sat across from him.

Li Yu couldn’t help but enjoy the meeting: "This time you are actually a Gotal? Surnamed Chen, you are really getting more and more nasty."

For many times and Chen For those who have dealt with Xuangan, it is clear: Chen Xuangan never sees people in his true colors. He will only appoint an agent to meet with the buyer, even if it is a holographic projection dialogue, the image presented to the buyer is never fixed... but I don’t know how he did it. The agent appointed in the past will always Can provide satisfactory services to buyers.

Only this time, Li Yu didn't expect Chen Xuangan to find a Gotal person as spokesperson. Since about a hundred years ago, a group of Gotals disappeared in [Li] mysterious, but the Qiankun Group has never given a reasonable explanation. The Gotals have lost trust in the Heaven System. By now, this keen race has almost disappeared, and it is even more impossible to be used by the locals.

The person named Chen Xuangan, but not interested in gossiping with Li Yu, asked straight to the point: "What do you want to know?"

Li Yu was not in a hurry Asked questions, but beckoned to the bored middle-aged bartender behind the bar to bring the drink.

According to the experience of dealing with Chen Xuangan several times in the past, Li Yu must pay all attention at this time and consider each word carefully, otherwise it is very likely that he will lose his money.

Chen Xuangan is a businessman who possesses great magical power, and at the same time an absolutely treacherous businessman, perfectly insulated from the qualities of honesty and reliability.

Of course, it’s not that there is something wrong with Chen Xuangan’s intelligence...As an intelligence businessman, Chen Xuangan’s intelligence must be perfect and thoughtful enough, almost tailor-made for buyers.

On the other hand, when Chen Xuangan asks for a substitute price, he will never be limited to the story provided by the seller. When the two parties met, every word and deed of the buyer was actually the nourishment that Chen Xuangan was absorbing. Many buyers are not careful for a while, and when they make a request, they unintentionally expose the big secrets they need to hide.

As for intelligence merchants who have obtained secrets, they will never have any confidentiality obligations.

As far as Li Yu knows, there have been such tragedies in the past: a child of a great character was kidnapped, so Chen Xuangan was asked to provide information about the kidnapper. Chen Xuangan gave all the information about the kidnappers and even designed a reliable rescue plan for him. However, during the transaction, Chen Xuangan keenly guessed the multiple hole cards in the buyer's hand based on the buyer's request, and then sold it to the great character competitor.

So, although the great character successfully rescued his children, his entire family and business were crushed by competitors, and since then, he has been devastated and tossed.

Li Yu is very clear about the special existence of the Silver Knight Group in the Heaven System. In order to fight for the interests of the deserted area, the Silver Knight Group is not afraid of being an enemy of anyone. They have hunted and killed the Vermilion Bird pirate who committed crimes, and they have also fought against the orthodox ruler of the galaxy, Qiankun Group. The price of making enemies on all sides is that there are malicious sights all over the place, and when he reveals a weak spot, he will swarm him.

A little carelessness, he will be crushed to pieces with the people in the entire deserted area.

Li Yu pondered for a moment and said: "Not long ago, there was a pirate attack on [Dai4399]. I want to know the current situation of the survivors who stayed in the manor."


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