The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 179: ready to return to Beijing

Did not stay too long.

Su Chen immediately left the scene with Qin Luoyi and Bai Bing'er, and returned home.

Originally, Su Chen thought that things might not go too smoothly, after all, these two women were too difficult to deal with.

Unexpectedly, it is so cooperative.

This situation was far from Su Chen's expectation.

Back home, Qin Luoyi took the lead and threw himself on the sofa, murmuring:

"It's terrible. I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen right in front of my eyes. I won't dare to go out in the future."

Qin Luoyi looked terrified at first, and then said with a smile: "But it's normal. For a person like Fang Yufan, it's better to be struck by lightning than we do. It's too cool."

"You said yes, Bing'er."

It's just that Bai Bing'er was completely slumped on the sofa at this time, her eyes blank.

Obviously, she was frightened by the scene just now.

At this time, countless waves were aroused in her heart, and it was obvious that she could not be as calm as Qin Luoyi, who had seen Su Chen's power.

But the whole person is in an incredible mood.

I keep thinking about things in my mind.

Is this all true?

As Su Chen said, Fang Yufan was struck by lightning.

This is simply incredible.

Does Su Chen really have such a strange power?

Bai Binger still knows a little about the supernatural power in this world.

But it is a warrior.

In the end, it doesn't matter if it is the invulnerable body of King Kong.

But what Su Chen showed her today was thunder in the true sense.

This is the power of nature.

Totally not human.

Bai Bing'er didn't know how to describe it.

Su Chen didn't care at this time.

Regardless of his business, Fang Yufan was unlucky.

It happened to provoke Bai Bing'er, it's alright, the punishment for the collapse of the plot is so terrible.

Su Chen began to ponder in his heart, "Fang Yufan is really miserable this time, and it is scary to encounter such a terrible thing."

"Fortunately, it's not me. In the future, I have to be careful and cautious. If it also destroys the plot, it will not be worth the loss."

Thinking about what happened to him in his previous life, it was a lot lighter than Fang Yufan's.

Although Su Chen knew that this thunder and lightning could not cause death to Yu Fan.

But the pain cannot be weakened.

In other words, Fang Yufan actually resisted a lightning strike.

Scared to think about it.

These ladies are horrible.

Thinking like this, Su Chen glanced at Bai Bing'er next to him, thinking in his heart how to avoid this woman's offensive.

It's just that Bai Bing'er also noticed Su Chen's gaze.

Bai Bing'er was even more panicked now.

"What's the meaning?"

"Why does Su Chen keep looking at me?"

"Does he like me?"

"He doesn't want me like that, does he?"

Bai Bing'er is very flustered now.

What if Su Chen really made excessive demands on her?

She really didn't know what to do.

If you refuse, Su Chen won't strike me with lightning!

Su Chen was a little sleepy, "I've been tossing around for a day today, and I'm a little sleepy."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bai Bing'er.

In fact, he just wanted Bai Bing'er to leave quickly, so as not to harm him too.

It's just that Bai Bing'er didn't think so in her heart at this time.

Tired, want to sleep?

What's the meaning?

Does Su Chen mean that he wants me to stay with him?

Bai Bing'er gritted her teeth, suddenly stood up and said with red eyes, "Su Chen, don't go too far, I won't promise you!"

"Don't even think about it."

Su Chen? ? ?

what the hell.

He obviously didn't say anything.

Does this woman have a problem with her brain?

Su Chen raised his brows, and just wanted to explain, but Bai Bing'er suddenly said loudly: "It's useless to say anything, I won't agree with what you said."

After speaking, Bai Bing'er looked at Su Chen stubbornly, posing as if she would rather die than give up.

In fact, she was still afraid.

The words just now were completely said in one mind.

There was no hesitation at all.

Of course, after that, she was actually very scared.

What Fang Yufan was split into just now flashed in her mind from time to time.

As if reminding her all the time, Su Chen is terrible.

Su Chen doesn't understand what happened anyway.

Qin Luoyi had a smile on his face, and looked at Bai Bing'er with a 'teachable child' look.

She just reminded Bai Binger that no matter what Su Chen said, it's best to do it the other way around.

But she never thought that Bai Bing'er would carry out all this so thoroughly.

The ability of this performance is not even weaker than Su Chen.

The tears in his eyes seemed to be real, Qin Luoyi laughed.

She knew that now it was her turn to appear.

Qin Luoyi said with a smile, "Su Chen, how could you just drive our girls away? That's your fault."

"We're all going to stay here tonight,"

Qin Luoyi's words made Su Chen at a loss.

It can even be said that Qin Luoyi's words made Su Chen completely speechless.

good guy.

The original reason why Bai Binger was angry was because I wanted to drive her out.

Is there any need for such a serious collapse of human design!

I really can't stand it.

The heroine couldn't stay in my house, but she was so angry that she cried, what an honor!

At this moment, Su Chen didn't know whether to be angry or happy.

Can only be said to be extremely speechless.

But Bai Bing'er on the other side had another idea.

At this time, she was even extremely shocked.


Why did Qin Luoyi let her stay? Does she really want me to go to bed with Su Chen?

No way.

What the **** is this girl thinking?

Of course Bai Bing'er didn't want to stay. At this time, she felt that it was very dangerous here.

Su Chen is a big tiger, and she is a little white rabbit.

He has always been staring at himself.

But after thinking about it, Bai Bing'er stayed, but her mentality changed at this time.

No longer dared to anger Su Chen before, but became cautious, for fear of offending him.

Of course, Qin Luoyi didn't notice the changes between the two at all, because at this moment, her eyes were completely on the phone.

"Hahaha, sure enough, many people watched my video on the Internet. I became a big anchor all of a sudden, and I have tens of millions of fans, overnight!"

As she said that, she looked at Su Chen deliberately, which meant that she was saying, "Look at how good I am."'

Want to get Su Chen's praise.

However, Su Chen was a little surprised at this time.

He didn't expect that Qin Luoyi would become a big anchor in one step because of this.

It is directly to start the live broadcast industry, which has not yet been pioneered in this world.

Su Chen asked, "When will a video platform come out?"

Qin Luoyi said proudly: "I founded this. I feel that this kind of short video and live broadcast will soon become mainstream."

Su Chen? ? ?

good guy.

Is this the heroine?

With such a keen sense of smell, such business opportunities can be seen.

Wait, is there a possibility that Qin Luoyi is also a transmigrator?

Hit a password?

Palace Jade Liquid Wine, one hundred...

Bai Bing'er next to her suddenly noticed the change in Su Chen's expression.

I was shocked.

Because she saw that Su Chen seemed to be surprised by what Qin Luoyi said just now, or even very interested.

At this time, Bai Bing'er deeply understood the power of Su Chen.

Naturally, he is concerned about the products that can be favored by him.

But Bai Bing'er doesn't think there is any future.

Of course she knew about the products Qin Luoyi made.

Originally, Qin Luoyi also went to her to buy shares.

At that time, Bai Bing'er didn't think much.

But now, seeing Su Chen's expression, Bai Bing'er can guess.

This should be a lucrative product.

But why does Qin Luoyi know?

Idiot, of course I knew it from Su Chen... Bai Bing'er scolded herself in her heart.

That is to say, Qin Luoyi has long known that this product is going to make a lot of money?

That's why she deliberately let me take a stake...Bai Bing'er actually didn't take this matter to heart.

But now a series of things have happened, and all of them can be combined to reach such a conclusion.

Bai Bing'er suddenly felt ashamed of Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi was so kind to her, but Bai Bing'er was suspicious just now.

Suspecting that her best friend and only friend would actually harm her.

Bai Bing'er felt guilty.

But soon, the guilt in her heart disappeared completely.

Instead, it turned into hatred.

Because she is so good to Qin Luoyi, she will be taken away by Su Chen in the future.

Immediately, my mind became unbalanced.


Bai Bing'er made up her mind that this kind of thing would never be allowed to happen anyway.

She has to fight Su Chen to the end.

At this moment, I don't know where she got the great courage.

Su Chen suddenly noticed Bai Bing'er's hostile eyes, and suddenly regained her spirits.

Good guy, is this woman's mood changing so much?

No, Su Chen made up his mind to be careful with Bai Binger no matter what.

Anyway, I'm going back to Kyoto soon.

At that time, let Su Xian'er and the others teach Bai Bing'er a good lesson.

See if she dares to be arrogant.


at the same time.

Luo Feng's mood in the hospital was even more complicated.

He looked at Fang Yufan who was dying on the bed, and actually wanted to laugh out loud in his heart.

It's so funny.

Especially when I think of the previous picture, I want to laugh even more.

Fang Yufan was actually hacked by thunder.

That's nothing.

The most important thing is that he actually cursed at the sky.

Is this a punishment?

Luo Feng was indeed a little happy at first, because he had already seen Fang Yufan unhappy.

But there is no way to punish him, but now seeing him like this, he is in a good mood.

Just before he was happy for long, he immediately received a heavy message.

Fang Yufan was seriously injured and may be disabled for life.

very serious.

The brain, in particular, has been subjected to terrible work.

The entire head was severely damaged.

Even though he is awake now, he can't even speak.

Totally like an idiot.

All of a sudden, Luo Feng's mood dropped to a low point.

He just wanted to see Fang Yufan's jokes, but he never thought of such a result.

The current result is definitely not a good thing for Luo Feng.

How can Fang Yufan become a new generation of Dragon King now?


Luo Feng knew, although this matter had nothing to do with him.

But the teacher will not let him go.

Luo Feng was scared.

But at the same time, he was also very fortunate. Fortunately, he was far away from Fang Yufan at that time. Otherwise, he would have suffered a lot of damage.

Luo Feng hated Fang Yufan thoroughly now.

If this fool, he has to come out and kill Su Chen.

There will be no such consequences.

"Okay, no matter where you are, you can scold the sky." Luo Feng thought about it as if with Fang Yufan's brain, problems would arise no matter where he was.

Think carefully.

Luo Feng was really speechless, especially what the doctor said just now.

"Such a terrible lightning strike, your friend has not died on the spot, it is simply a new miracle of mankind."


Luo Feng didn't know what to say.

He murmured in his mouth: "Teacher, teacher, even if you don't want me to be the Dragon King, there is no need to choose Fang Yufan."

"If you choose someone like Su Chen, then how can you have the current result."

"Things like the Dragon King are not solved easily."

When Luo Feng was speechless, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Luo Feng's wife walked in.

At this time, she was also worried and asked with concern:

"Luo Feng, are you alright?"

Luo Feng frowned and sighed: "Of course I'm fine, but Fang Yufan's situation is troublesome."

Hearing this, the woman quickly frowned and said dissatisfiedly:

"You still care what he does?"

"If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be in danger to me. I wish she died quickly!"

"Be quiet!" Luo Feng glared at her.

He said irritably, "Keep your voice down, this will also be heard, but it will be troublesome."

"What's more, Fang Yufan can't die yet. If he dies, then I will be in trouble."

"I don't want to find a way to get rid of this matter."

If there is a problem with Fang Yufan, then he is also to blame.

Maybe his teacher will come to punish him personally.

In that case, it would be troublesome.

The woman said loudly: "This has nothing to do with you, and it's not all about this Fang Yufan who suddenly went crazy and cursed at the sky, so he was punished by thunder. The whole thing is actually with you. It doesn't matter too much."

Luo Feng thought about it carefully.

It seems to be the case, but he also knows that the old guy is very fond of Fang Yufan.

Fang Yufan is now in such a serious situation, he will not let it go.

Although the whole thing was done by Fang Yufan himself.

But after all, he is also a bystander of the whole thing, and it is inevitable that he will be implicated to some extent.

Soon Fang Yufan came back to his senses and asked curiously, "Why are you so clear about the whole thing? Are you also by your side?"

After the woman confirmed that her husband was all right, her original nervousness was relieved a lot.

And when he heard such a question, he laughed outright.

"Of course I do. Now not only do I know, but everyone in the country knows."

"Go online and see for yourself!"

Hearing this, Luo Feng's mood instantly fell to the bottom.

He had a bad feeling.

He quickly took out his phone.


At this moment, the whole network is reporting on this.

The mysterious man pointed to the sky and cursed in anger, but was punished by God.


Luo Feng was terrified. If the current situation continued to spread, he would be doomed.

Because this video captured all the scenes of him standing by.

Luo Feng was afraid.

But then, he heard Su Chen's voice in the video.

That's right.

Although Su Chen did not show his face.

But Luo Feng would never forget his voice.

"Could it be that this matter was ordered by Su Chen?"

"Impossible, this is too mysterious."

"But no matter whether it is or not, it can only be blamed on Su Chen."

Thinking of this, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I called his teacher,

On the other side, Su Chen didn't know about this at all, because he was about to leave for the capital!

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