Facing Bai Bing'er's question, Su Chen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Can only stare at Qin Luoyi.

Originally, the plot progressed well, but suddenly it was because Qin Luoyi lied that Bai Bing'er also collapsed.

Now how to do?

Su Chen thought for a while, but since he had no choice, he had to admit it first.

"Yes, I can really help you heal, but the request period is very long, and you have to stay by my side during this time."

This is Su Chen's flaw.

Sure enough, after Fang Yufan heard about it, he immediately resisted the pain and stood up, "Patriarch Bai, I only need an instant to cure you, how about it?"

Hooked... Su Chen was overjoyed.

Although this is the first time I have met Fang Yufan, and it is also the first time I have performed a mission with him, Su Chen still understands the character of the male protagonist.

In this case, how could it not come out to force it.

It takes a long time to cure this disease, but Fang Yufan can easily cure it.

It is self-evident who should choose in such a situation.

And Fang Yufan is also ruthless.

Originally, he planned to let Bai Binger take the bait step by step, using this as an excuse to molest the other party.

But now that Su Chen came out to make trouble, Fang Yufan could only change his plan quickly.

A cruel heart, as long as you can get Bai Bing'er's favor first, then everything is worth it.

Especially when Fang Yufan said through Su Chen just now, knowing that the other party also understands Bai Bing'er's physical condition, he must quickly grasp the initiative.

Obviously, the current Su Chen is also here to get Bai Bing'er's body, which is unacceptable to him.

And Fang Yufan also believed that Bai Bing'er wouldn't see that Su Chen was here for her too.

Although he also exposed, but Su Chen's notoriety, and the request Su Chen just made, compared with himself, they belonged to two worlds completely.

So he was confident that Bai Binger would definitely choose himself.

Unlike Fang Yufan, who is full of confidence.

Su Chen was actually in a highly tense situation, but he didn't believe it at all.

He was deeply persecuted by the collapse of the female protagonists. It is obvious that these are false images.

The female main problem is that there is no sign at all. If there is a problem, there will be a problem immediately.

No hesitation at all.

Under Su Chen's nervous eyes, Bai Bing'er slowly walked towards Fang Yufan.

Fang Yufan saw the confident smile on his face, and at the same time gave Su Chen a special glance, as if to say, "I'm the man of destiny, I'm the one who can win the heart of beauty."

Su Chen had a ferocious expression on his face, but at the same time he was extremely excited.

"Sure enough."

"Qin Luoyi, it's useless for you to destroy. Bai Bing'er is not the heroine of your original novel. It was carefully selected by the system. There is absolutely no problem. Don't tell me those are useless."

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him.

Although it is very uncomfortable to watch the big beauty enter the arms of others.

But Su Chen was actually satisfied with the status quo.

You can't just take home a good-looking one when you see it, just think about it in your heart.

In the past half a month, facing these three female protagonists, to be honest, it is completely unbearable.

So it's nothing. Besides, the system doesn't give anything. You can give points for completing tasks. With points, he can complete the task better.

"Patriarch Bai, you are indeed a smart person. It seems that I have no friends anymore."

"Introduce yourself, my name is Fang Yufan, isn't it a nice name. I..."


Before Fang Yufan said anything, he slammed into the door of the box, and the whole door bounced out, blood flying.

As terrifying as it is terrifying.

Bai Bing'er actually hit the spot where Fang Yufan was injured just now, and the sourness made Su Chen feel shocking when he saw it.

"Damn, it's exactly the same as I imagined, I knew it would be the result." Su Chen covered his face.

Bai Bing'er stared at Fang Yufan, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, and said coldly:

"Your voice is so annoying, I don't want to hear it anymore, please don't continue talking."

"Buzzing like a fly, it's annoying, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, tell you, I understand."

"I'm still trying to lie to me. If my disease can really be cured in one day, then I'll be cured long ago."

If it wasn't in a public place, Bai Bing'er would definitely give him a hard lesson.

So annoying.

I really don't know who sent it or if it came alone.

What kind of **** IQ, and want to come out to deceive people.

She can be cured in one day, so the disease doesn't have to be delayed for so long.

What's more, Su Chen is the eldest son of the Su family.

With his energy, Bai Bing'er might not believe it, because it seems too fake.

How is it possible that even a cold can't get better so quickly.

That is to say, Su Chen didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise she would have retorted on the spot: "Your disease is indeed more difficult to treat than a cold."

Bai Bing'er thought about it carefully.

Instead, it was Su Chen's performance that convinced her.

Thinking about how to refuse her request.

Why is this?

Bai Bing'er couldn't figure it out for a while, this was something she had always cared about.

Just now Su Chen also confessed that the reason why he appeared here is for his own body.

It seems that this body is very special.

Can help people improve their cultivation.

After all, Bai Bing'er is someone who has seen the world, so she naturally has a certain understanding of practitioners.

It's just that she didn't expect this body to be so important to practitioners.

In this case, this Su Chen is also a cultivator?

That's why she wanted her body so much, and even came here to accompany her at all costs.

Bai Bing'er naturally wouldn't believe that the other party was for her appearance.

Although she also believes that she has a prosperous appearance, but others are the number one young man in Kyoto, and it is too easy to get the same woman.

And Bai Bing'er also heard about Su Chen's love for Lin Qingyan.

At first she thought it was the reason, but after thinking about it, she knew it was impossible.

So this is where Bai Binger is curious.

But then, she also wanted to understand why Su Chen behaved like this.

Obviously it was for her, but now it's pushing three and four!

It must be because her body is what Su Chen wants, but she doesn't dare to approach easily because of fear.

Why be afraid?

Will there be any consequences?

And he wants his own body, it should be under the circumstances that I have to volunteer.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to work.

So Su Chen didn't dare to offend me easily.

Bai Bing'er wanted to understand everything, turned her head to look at Su Chen, and said excitedly, "I understand, I understand."

"I can give you what you want, but you have to cure me."

Su Chen? ? ?


What have you learned?

I don't know if you understand or not, but I definitely know that you are serious.

"Aiya Su Chen, you agree to help Sister Bing'er heal." Qin Luoyi added fuel to the fire next to her.

Su Chen also knew that Qin Luoyi was revealing his true feelings.

She really wanted to help Bai Binger get cured.

But it is obvious that Fang Yufan can cure the disease. If you want to get me on my head, you can do it.

The more Su Chen thought about it, the more speechless he became.

He decided not to speak for now and see how it would develop in the future.

"Haha, stinky woman, you are asking the wrong person. He won't help heal the disease at all. I have been helping from the beginning to the end." Fang Yufan stared at Bai Bing'er with anger on his face.

He was really angry.

Unexpectedly, he was so bullied as soon as he came down the mountain.

And all this was brought to him by Su Chen and Bai Bing'er.

The hatred in Fang Yufan's heart was getting stronger and stronger, and he even wished to go to kill Su Chen on the spot and strip Bai Bing'er.

But he didn't dare, Bai Bing'er's behavior just now was told to him.

Bai Bing'er is powerful.

What's more, Su Chen is still there.

He had heard about Su Chen's strength, and even Qin Yu was no match.

Of course he wouldn't take it lightly.

Fortunately, Su Chen did not accept Bai Bing'er's request, which was even more certain in Fang Yufan's view.

Su Chen wouldn't be able to cure Bai Binger's illness at all, so he still had a chance.

Now Fang Yufan thought, whether it was coercion or enticing, he would let Bai Bing'er belong to him.

If Su Chen really gets Bai Bing'er, even if he can't cure it now, it's hard to guarantee that someone in Su's family can cure it.

If Su Chen really got Bai Bing'er's help, let alone him, even with Qin Yu, it would be difficult to deal with.

Of course, Fang Yufan was still very upset: "Su Chen, if you are really capable, why wouldn't you agree?"

After a pause, Fang Yufan continued to mock: "What kind of **** Su family? Don't you dare?"

"Since you can cure that disease, it proves that you are also a capable healer."

"Then I want to ask, you should be able to see that there is still a disease on Bai Gang master."

"If you can see it and heal it, I'll leave on the spot."

After speaking, Fang Yufan stared at Su Chen with a mocking expression on his face.

Obviously, he had expected that Su Chen had no such ability.

And now is a good opportunity for him to expose Su Chen.

At that time, he will have a chance to turn over, so the grievances he just received are nothing.

"Yes, I really can't see it, and I can't cure it." Su Chen said lightly.

There aren't many excuses.

He doesn't seem to dare to speak more now, and the more he says, the more wrong he is.

Better yet.

He said generously that he didn't know Bai Bing'er's condition, maybe it would have a miraculous effect.

As for threats?

Su Chen doesn't even dare to think about the scene of threatening the heroine.

If it doesn't work, I agree directly.

At that time, no matter how he responded, it would be wrong.

As for Bai Bing'er's current illness, of course he knows it.

However, there is no such disease in reality, that is, in the heroine of the novel, this strange situation often occurs, that is, misogyny.

Su Chen didn't know the specific reason.

Literally hate men.

Unlike the original setting where there are no men around the heroine, Bai Binger is directly set by the system to be misogynistic.

In fact, this is a good thing for Su Chen.

Bai Binger hates men, so it proves that she won't like her.

If you don't like him, the character design will not collapse.

So no matter how you look at it, it's a good thing.

"You really can't see my other symptoms?" Bai Bing'er looked at Su Chen. Although she asked a question, she couldn't see any doubts, and her face was still so cold.

"That's right!" Su Chen answered affirmatively again.

Fang Yufan next to him was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately stood up and taunted.

"Patriarch Bai, I'm willing to admit it now, I said, they can't cure you at all."

Fang Yufan sneered.

He could see that Bai Bing'er was very concerned about her illness.

So in the current situation, Su Chen has already been exposed by him.

In this way, Bai Bing'er can only rely on herself if she wants to survive.

Of course, Fang Yufan made up his mind to humiliate Bai Binger no matter what.

Bai Bing'er raised her eyebrows majestically and glared at Fang Yufan.

Fang Yufan's words seemed to threaten her.

It's like telling myself that if you want to heal, you can only choose to surrender.

Then Bai Bing'er glared at Fang Yufan.

The joy on his face immediately stiffened.

Bai Bing'er's eyes gave him a very cold feeling, which was extremely frightening.

The ghost knows what happened to this woman to have such cold eyes.

It was as if he hated everything, it was terrible.

As for even Fang Yufan, he felt a little chill.

But the more so, the desire in Fang Yufan's heart was provoked.

Originally, for him, he just wanted to get Bai Bing'er's body to improve his cultivation.

But now it's different, looking up at the sharp-edged eyes, Fang Yufan is more and more interested in Bai Bing'er.

Iceberg beauty like this, won't it be more fulfilling when conquered.

Thinking of this, the desire in Fang Yufan's eyes grew stronger.

He resisted the pain from his body, walked slowly towards Bai Bing'er, and said sincerely, "Miss Bai Bing'er, as I said, you are ill."

"You have the disease!"

Bai Bing'er's face was still getting colder.

And when Fang Yufan wanted to say something, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, and at the same time, a group of people appeared outside the box.

Apparently these are security personnel.

When Su Chen saw this scene, he knew it immediately based on his multifaceted experience in the novel.

Things are going to go bad.

Sure enough, Bai Bing'er looked at the security guards coldly.

"How long has it been since the movement was made just now? You have just arrived, why didn't you come and collect the body later?"


All the people present fell silent.

They were greeted by Bai Bing'er's indifferent eyes, and for a while everyone's heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley, becoming extremely cold.

They are naturally clear about Bai Bing'er's methods, especially when they take things very seriously. Their slow behavior just now is simply asking for hardships.

"Miss Bai, what do you think about our affairs?"

Fang Yufan saw so many people appear, and they all looked like they were afraid of Bai Bing'er, so he would stand up.

He wants everyone to see Bai Bing'er begging him.

"The queen you dare not provoke in your hearts, but now she wants to ask me to do something."

Fang Yufan was very excited when he thought about such a scene.

But what he got was Bai Bing'er's indifferent voice.

"Throw him out for me, he's as noisy as a fly."

When the group of guards heard such an order, they instantly came to their senses.

Dude, just made a mistake and don't know what to do.

There is an immediate opportunity to make up for it.

Fang Yufan was overjoyed when he was suddenly lifted up by a group of people.

"Bai Bing'er, let me go."

"You can't do this to me."

"I can save your life, I'll regret you treating me like this."

However, no matter how Fang Yufan shouted, he was carried away in the end.

Then Bai Bing'er also left.

Leaving a confused Su Chen.

It's just that Bai Bing'er left a sentence before leaving.

"Su Chen, your illness depends on you. In short, I will haunt you from now on. If I die, I won't let you go."

Su Chen? ? ?

What's the meaning.

This got me.

Before this was over, Qin Luoyi next to him suddenly threw himself into his arms, "Su Chen, I will haunt you from now on."

Su Chen? ? ?

the other side.

Bai Bing'er came outside, and took out her mobile phone. It was reported that there was a conversation in the private room just now.


Although there is no video, Bai Binger can also guess what is going on.

I saw that Liu Yemei, who wanted to look good, suddenly wrinkled, and murmured, "When did Su Chen and Qin Luoyi know each other?"

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