The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 167: The obedient Qin Luoyi

The appearance of Qin Luoyi completely disrupted Su Chen's original plan.

what's the situation?

Su Chen began to doubt himself, "Am I poisonous? I just thought about Qin Luoyi when she suddenly appeared."

What the **** is going on here?

It's alright, it has nothing to do with Qin Luoyi now, the new script I should please now is Bai Bing'er next to me.

The moment Su Chen saw Qin Luoyi, the same person also saw him. Qin Luoyi's face flashed stunned at first, and then joy after a while.

I didn't expect to meet Su Chen here.

Qin Luoyi felt as if he was dreaming, and so long had passed without knowing it that day.

She has been thinking about Su Chen these days, but she can't do anything. Although she has a heart, she can't meet.

After that day, Qin Luoyi was sent by Wang Bingbing to leave the capital under the pretext of going to the south, undercover beside Bai Binger.

Because Wang Bingbing and Bai Binger are enemies, so she came to lurking beside Bai Binger and acted according to chance.

And Wang Bingbing promised her that as long as the matter was completed, she could marry Su Chen.

This is why Qin Luoyi is willing to go regardless of his grievances.

Of course, there is another point, which is to build a larger force for Su Chen and help him in the future.

As a rebirth, Qin Luoyi is naturally very clear that in the days to come, Su Chen will offend many very powerful people.

Plan ahead, only with more powerful strength can you help Su Chen in the end.

And these days, the major gangs in the country will hold a meeting in Kyoto.

As the current ruler of Tianmen, Bai Bing'er naturally has to go there in person.

And Qin Luoyi also took this opportunity to finally be able to return to the capital.

Although I am looking forward to it.

But I didn't expect to meet Su Chen on the train.

This is something Qin Luoyi could never have imagined.

Because according to her future memory, such a bridge did not happen, but now it is real.

Qin Luoyi is naturally very happy.

She wanted to throw herself directly into Su Chen's arms, but she calmed down after thinking about it, Bai Bing'er was right beside her.

If she is irrational, she will be exposed.

By that time, the hard work of these days will be in vain.

Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth. Anyway, he endured it for so long, and it was not too short of time.

As long as there is a chance, she will definitely go to Su Chen.

At that time, she will tell Su Chen everything she has done these days, because the person she trusts most is Su Chen.

More trusting than Wang Bingbing.

At the same time, Qin Luoyi also wanted Su Chen to know what she had paid for these days.

Qin Luoyi thought to himself, "In this case, Su Chen will definitely be very grateful to me, and maybe he will want to promise each other."

The more Qin Luoyi thought about it, the happier he became.

Seeing that Qin Luoyi didn't want to recognize him, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Qin Luoyi also calmed down and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Thinking of what Qin Luoyi had done in front of him before, Su Chen was really a little scared. If Qin Luoyi really did that, things would be troublesome.

It's actually the best in this state.

"Qin Luoyi, what are you doing there? Just sit inside."

Bai Bing'er looked at her at this time and frowned slightly.

Afterwards, Bai Bing'er stretched out her jade hand and pointed to the position inside Su Chen.

Originally it was Bai Bing'er's position, but seeing Su Chen's obstruction, she finally chose to let Qin Luoyi go.

Bai Binger has her own ideas.

When she heard Su Chen's name just now, she instantly became vigilant in her heart.

Of course she knew Su Chen's name very well.

This is the number one dude in Kyoto.

Of course, in recent days, Su Chen has gradually removed the name of dandy.

became a real big boy.

There are a lot of followers around.

But at the same time, Bai Bing'er was also vigilant in an instant. As Su Chen, how could she appear in the box of this kind of train.

The reason why she took the train was because she liked this kind of slow journey, so it was impossible for Su Chen to do the same.

Then Su Chen's sudden appearance must have a purpose.

Is it for me? This was the first thought in Bai Bing'er's heart.

But soon, Bai Binger immediately asked back.

"What do I want from Su Chen?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Bai Bing'er finally came to a conclusion, which is the appearance of this prosperous age.

To put it bluntly, she was greedy for her body.

In fact, she has heard a lot of Su Chen's romantic affairs.

Although it is very likely that Su Chen is really clumsy at ordinary times, his inner preferences cannot be hidden.

So obviously, Su Chen is a lecherous person.

Bai Binger actually hates such people the most.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter what she does, no one will praise her ability first, and she will always be this beautiful appearance.

To be honest, Bai Binger is very annoying.

And this also led to her disgust with those who liked this look.

But the other party is Su Chen, and Bai Binger doesn't want to conflict with such a person from any angle, which is not a good thing.

So in the end she chose to avoid Su Chen.

Instead, let Qin Luoyi go there.

Su Chen is actually lustful, so she will send him a stunning woman who is equally good-looking.

Qin Luoyi.

In any way, her appearance and figure are not bad at all.

Bai Binger believed that Su Chen would like it.

If she can get Su Chen's help for this, then it will be of great help for her to defeat Wang Bingbing and complete the rule of the capital in Kyoto.

As for Qin Luoyi, then she can only be wronged.

Bai Bing'er looked at Qin Luoyi with a hint of guilt in her eyes, thinking to herself, "Qin Luoyi, don't worry, although now you are asked to take advantage of Su Chen and suffer a little grievance, but in the future I am sure I will repay you well."

Bai Bing'er decided in her heart that she would be responsible for the grievance Qin Luoyi suffered today.

Especially seeing Qin Luoyi's completely stunned expression, Bai Bing'er didn't know if it was right or not.

At this time, Qin Luoyi heard those words just now, looked at Bai Bing'er, and confirmed his eyes.

Ecstasy inside.

Haha, Bai Binger actually asked me to seduce Su Chen.

Isn't this an opportunity given by God?

Don't worry, I will definitely cherish it.

Qin Luoyi had a smile on his face, and then sat directly next to Su Chen without any hesitation.

Then he brought the pair of pink lips to Su Chen's ear, and said softly:

"Young Master Su, do you want me to take good care of you!"

Su Chen? ? ?

In my heart, I called a good guy, but in the end, I still haven't gotten rid of you, this woman.

"I didn't even agree, so don't get too close, okay?" Su Chen was completely speechless.

The same Bai Bing'er was also stunned.

I didn't expect Qin Luoyi to choose to make such a big sacrifice.

Bai Bing'er is really grateful to her from the bottom of her heart.

But suddenly, looking at Qin Luoyi's happy expression, Bai Bing'er suddenly had a terrible idea.

Wouldn't Qin Luoyi be willing?

Of course, as soon as such an idea came to mind, it was immediately rejected by Bai Bing'er.

How is it possible, Qin Luoyi still knows her very well.

The pride of this woman is not even weaker than hers.

No matter how good a man it is, there will be no emotional change at all.

Sometimes Bai Bing'er doesn't dare to say that she can do such a place.

But Qin Luoyi can.

It seemed as if she really had a figure in her heart, so she couldn't look down on other men anymore.

Of course, even if there were, Bai Bing'er wouldn't think it was a dude like Su Chen.

Only Su Chen is extremely crazy now.

What the **** is going on? It's so good. Qin Luoyi actually appeared to make trouble. Does this mean you want the plot to collapse again?

Su Chen gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

You can't help but complete the interpretation of the new script.

Su Chen really didn't expect that Bai Bing'er did not have Qin Luoyi around, but became Qin Luoyi directly.

At this time, Qin Luoyi completely put his small head on his shoulder.

Su Chen was also speechless, but fortunately there was something about Ji Ling before that made him barely maintain his confidence.

Otherwise, he must have just got up and left now.

What a **** script, I quit.

But think about it and calm down.

Then there is the hatred.

As a villain, he is really good at this kind of thing.

The next step is to threaten Bai Bing'er.

And a strong woman like Bai Bing'er, of course, would not give in. In this case, it would be considered a complete offense.

Then he was about to speak to Bai Bing'er next to him.

It was just that the words reached his lips, but Fang Yufan, who had remained silent, was immediately taken one step ahead.

Both Qin Luoyi and Bai Binger's eyes were on Su Chen, ignoring him completely.

This made Fang Yufan a little unbearable, and he quickly thought about attracting some attention.

"This kid, I think your breath is wrong. I'm afraid you have incurable symptoms. Usually, you have to be careful."

"I'm afraid the deadline is approaching."

Deadline is coming?

Terminally ill?

Not long to live.

Under normal circumstances, no one would say such a thing to people when they first met.

But since Fang Yufan is the male protagonist, his behavior is naturally different from others.

Otherwise, how can you show the hero's aura.

Su Chen looked around, and in this quiet environment, the only thing in the process of the protagonist pretending to be forceful was the lack of audience.

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people mocking him now.

But now they are in the private room on the train, and there are only four people in total.

Su Chen glanced at Qin Luoyi, the woman didn't know what was wrong now, the stars were still shining in her eyes, she should be unreliable.

And Bai Bing'er naturally won't ridicule, because she knows that she is indeed suffering from the disease.

Finally, from Fang Yufan's mouth, he learned the situation step by step.

And Bai Bing'er also admires Fang Yufan because of this.

Su Chen wanted to sneer.

I can think of the plot that happened to Wang Bingbing before. It seems that every time the script goes wrong, it is because of his sarcasm.

So this time Su Chen didn't intend to ridicule.

But first look at Bai Bing'er's mood now, and then make a decision.

Take a look.

Su Chen was overjoyed.

Bai Bing'er's eyes have been scrutinizing Fang Yufan, and amazement flashed in those beautiful eyes.

Obviously, the cold heroine Bai Bing'er has a little interest in Fang Yufan in her heart.

very good.

Next, Su Chen didn't bother, but wanted to let the relationship between the male and female protagonists develop well.

And Fang Yufan, like Su Chen, noticed Bai Bing'er's eyes, so the joy on his face became more and more obvious.

But if he thought that he might lose his temper because of this, Fang Yufan managed to manage his expression quickly.

It was only when Fang Yufan thought that Bai Binger would take the initiative to talk to him.

I saw Bai Bing'er, who was originally a frost-faced heroine, and the chill on her face became more serious.

How could this be?

Don't she believe what I said... the first thought that flashed in Fang Yufan's mind.

That's right, the other party must be upset because of his outfit, so he doesn't trust him.

Thinking of this, Fang Yufan did not regret this outfit, on the contrary, he became very confident at this moment.

This tattered dress was actually done on purpose by him.

Hiding clumsiness is a good way.

Especially as a doctor, the more contrast you create, the more benefits you will have for yourself.

Wearing tattered clothes to save someone's life will not only completely eliminate the original dislike of others, but also even gain the admiration of others.

All of this is to use the sense of gap to play with people's hearts.

So Fang Yufan is not worried.

Anyway, the road is long, since Bai Binger doesn't want to pay attention to him now, there is always a chance.

It's just that Fang Yufan is not in a hurry, and Su Chen, the villain next to him, is in a hurry.

Fang Yufan's thoughts are naturally clear to him.

It's just that for Su Chen, who is deeply persecuted by the heroine, the longer the delay, the more troublesome it will actually be for him.

Although Bai Bing'er didn't seem to have any problems now, there was no sign of the hostess's collapse before it collapsed.

So Su Chen thought that he should help the male protagonist Fang Yufan to pretend to be forceful.

But Qin Luoyi, who was beside him, didn't give any chance at all.

"Young Master Su, you are so handsome, have you found a girlfriend?"

"What kind of girl do you like?"

"Why don't you speak?"

Guys, is this the time to ask these things?

What's more, these **** questions are simply trickier than the other. How to answer them?

Su Chen was also speechless.

Originally, I wanted to talk to Bai Bing'er, but now Qin Luoyi has completely held him up, and there is no chance at all.

In the end, Qin Luoyi seemed to be angry. He directly held Su Chen's face and asked loudly, "What do you think of me?"

Su Chen? ? ?

How could someone ask such a direct question.

Well, if you look closely, Qin Luoyi is really beautiful.

But Su Chen thought about it, now Qin Luoyi doesn't know if she is a heroine or not, so don't let her make trouble.

Su Chen refused with a serious face: "Although you are beautiful, I don't think you are the type I like."

In Su Chen's eyes now, Qin Luoyi is someone who may destroy the new plot at any time.

The best thing is to get rid of it quickly, Su Chen can't stand it now.

Although it is a beauty in her arms, it is too dangerous.

Just in the face of Su Chen's refusal, Qin Luoyi did not show a very sad expression, and even had a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I'll make you fall in love with me."

Su Chen didn't really like her in his heart, and Qin Luoyi didn't care.

All love, at the beginning, does not like it.

So in the end, she only needs to make Su Chen fall in love with herself, then that's fine.

It was so terrifying. After hearing Qin Luoyi's words, Su Chen really didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Suddenly, he decided to change his mind.

Looking at Qin Luoyi, he smiled and said, "Since you want me to like you, do you want to listen to me?"

Qin Luoyi nodded.

full of anticipation.

"In that case, go to sleep!" Su Chen said.


Qin Luoyi was stunned. She thought that Qin Luoyi would make excessive demands, but she didn't expect that she would just ask her to sleep.

She leaned on Su Chen and said, "Actually, it's not impossible if you make some more excessive demands."

"I'll let you sleep. You can't do such a simple request, and the others are even more impossible." Su Chen said with a serious face.

"Oh!" Qin Luoyi responded and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

This made Su Chen stupid.

what's the situation.

Let her sleep, really fell asleep in a second?

But fortunately, as long as you fall asleep, it's a good thing.

It was just Su Chen's actions that made Bai Bing'er a little stunned.

Su Chen seems to be different from what those people said.

Obviously, the other party saw that Qin Luoyi hadn't slept all night last night, so he let her sleep, right?

Unexpectedly, the eldest young master of the Su family is still a warm man.

Who said that Su Chen is not a warm man, Bai Bing'er smiled.

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