The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 163: As expected of sisters, the posture of drilling the quilt is the same

dong dong dong!

The knock on the door kept coming.

Especially in this quiet environment, it is particularly abrupt.

The person knocking on the door was replaced by Su Chen this time.

Yang Danxuan's handwriting directly covered all the most luxurious rooms on the two floors.

Su Chen guessed that Yang Danxuan should be afraid of being recognized as a star.

But it was also a benefit, last night, Yang Danxuan could shout to her heart's content.

"Yang Yuxin, where are you. Why haven't you come out yet, what the **** are you doing?"

Su Chen waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for Yang Yuxin. Naturally, she was a little anxious.

Mainly because she was afraid that Yang Yuxin would encounter any danger.

[Yang Yuxin's body proportion is so good, it must be very suitable for bikinis. 】

[But I don't know what color she's going to wear. 】

[Forget it, there are so many people outside, if you wait to be seen, then it won't work! 】

[Wait, let Yang Yuxin wear less! 】

Across the door, Yang Yuxin was extremely angry when she heard Su Chen's thoughts in the first half of the paragraph.

"I thought I really cared about me, but I didn't expect to have such a bad idea."

But in the second half of the sentence, Yang Yuxin was very happy to hear it.

"Whoever always acted like he hated me before, now he regrets it and cares about me."

Yang Yuxin is very proud.

Although she has been complaining about Su Chen in her heart, she is not really angry, and she is even quite at ease.

Yang Yuxin opened the door, looking at Su Chen tightly with her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "I suddenly don't want to go to the beach."


This shocked Su Chen, "How come you regret it? You didn't say that before."

When Su Chen was talking, he didn't see Yang Yuxin's conspiracy succeeding smile at all.

After speaking, Yang Yuxin closed the door.

Su Chen stood outside, that was an anger!

How about a swimsuit?

What about the benefits?

Why did it suddenly disappear.

Su Chen felt like he was cheated. At that time, he didn't want to come to the beach to play. If it wasn't for Yang Yuxin's "threat" with a swimsuit, no matter what he said, he would not have come.

However, it was just that he came here to meet Ji Ling.

This is the only woman who is quite normal.

But suddenly he thought of a countermeasure. With Yang Yuxin's jealous personality, everything can be easily solved with a little stimulation.

"Su Xian'er, come out and play with me!"

"Su Xian'er!"

Su Chen called out, and then came out Su Xian'er's slightly hoarse but very seductive voice.

"No, I'm tired and need to rest."

"I'll play with you tomorrow."

Su Chen? ? ?

what's the situation?

Even Su Xian'er did the same.

He thought of Yang Danxuan again.

But she was quickly rejected by herself. Yang Danxuan can't do it. She is Yang Yuxin's sister. If it is really exposed, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, the current Yang Danxuan experienced what happened last night, and her vitality was severely damaged, and there was definitely no way to continue.

Thinking of the wicked smile on Yang Yuxin's face just now.

Su Chen twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Yang Yuxin, needless to say I know, this must be your conspiracy, what do you want to do?"

Yang Yuxin replied in a surprised and puzzled tone, "What are you talking about?"

"I just don't understand it at all."

Su Chen was speechless, why did he suddenly regret what he said was a good thing.

And it's been long awaited.

Of course, the most important thing is the desire to be seduced by Ji Ling's woman.

Although she seems to be the only female protagonist who doesn't have a problem, it seems that there is a problem.

For no reason, he was taking off his clothes and taking a bath at his house.

Even in front of Su Chen, he boldly took off his clothes. Su Chen originally thought that she would not want to use this to destroy the relationship between him and Yang Danxuan.

Ji Ling's mission, apart from helping Qin Yu to figure out the relationship between him and Yang Danxuan, would not seduce him, and then let Yang Danxuan arrest the **** in bed.

Yang Yuxin or Su Xian'er can also.

Anyway, no matter what, he must be framed... This is what Su Chen thought at the beginning.

But when I think about it, I don't think it's quite right. How could Ji Ling accept such a task?

So what exactly is Ji Ling thinking, Su Chen doesn't know.

But he was indeed greedy for that white body, but he held back.

And he looked like a gentleman, and drove Ji Ling away.

I just didn't expect that Yang Yuxin not only doesn't go to the beach now, but even the door is not allowed to enter.

And Su Xian'er too, with her character, how could she be bought by Yang Yuxin?

What kind of stratagem did Yang Yuxin use to get Su Xian'er to listen to her?

Su Chen couldn't understand, but now he was angry and wanted to teach Yang Yuxin a deep lesson.

[This woman is too cunning, and I don't know who taught him, I am convinced. 】

[Where did that stupid and stupid Yang Yuxin go, why can't he be fooled now. 】

[I said why this woman suddenly stopped getting angry just now, it turned out that she was waiting for me to drill in here. 】

[It’s okay not to go to the beach, at least you have to wear a swimsuit to see it. 】

[Otherwise, Yang Yuxin has become smarter, and she knows that it is closed. 】

Su Chen was sure that although Yang Yuxin refused him now, as long as he could enter the room, he could immediately make Yang Yuxin obedient.

If we don't meet, there is no way.

Never break the door.

Wouldn't this be a hooligan.

[Su Xian’er was the one who made me angry the most. It took me a long time to train me to be so obedient and gentle, but now I’m broken by Yang Yuxin. 】

[Now they are colluding with Yang Yuxin to harass me, it's too bullying. 】

[Wait, sooner or later you will regret it. 】

Hearing Su Chen's voice, Yang Yuxin was very happy in the room.

Her plan was a success.

Finally, Su Chenyou came to beg her. If she wanted to do it sooner, she kept refusing me to do anything.

Yang Yuxin became angrier the more she thought about it.

"Yang Yuxin, don't forget what you promised." Su Xian'er suddenly showed a wicked smile.

The beautiful bright eyes suddenly seemed to be full of murderous aura, "If you dare not obey, I won't spare you easily."

"Understood, what's the hurry, your plan has not yet succeeded." Yang Yuxin thought about it and felt that she had lost a lot.

It is obvious that Su Chen likes her, but now she still has to do business with Su Xian'er.

The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Compared to Yang Yuxin's depression, Su Xian'er smiled brilliantly.

It was Su Xian'er who made Yang Yuxin ignore Su Chen's plan just now.

Not only that, she even helped Yang Yuxin make a series of plans.

Including himself not going to Su Chen, this is a great sacrifice for Su Xian'er.

Therefore, the desired return cannot be small.

Su Xian'er's request is very simple, even if Yang Yuxin really married Su Chen according to Chen Qing's instructions.

Behind the scenes, she was the wife, which meant that Yang Yuxin wanted to call her sister.

Su Xian'er actually understood that it was almost impossible for her to obtain a certificate from Su Chen.

After all, the identity is here, even if the parents agree, such behavior will have a very bad influence on Su Chen, and even the entire Su family.

Therefore, Su Xian'er dismissed such thoughts.

Therefore, it is urgent for Su Xian'er to subdue Yang Yuxin, who is most likely to receive a certificate from Su Chen in the future.

She thought of a plan for Yang Yuxin. Now, let Su Chen feel uncomfortable first. When Yang Yuxin took the initiative to go over at night, Su Chen must be unable to bear it.

At that time, what Yang Yuxin wants to do can be done.

"Su Xian'er, are you sure things can really work out?"

Yang Yuxin gritted her teeth, not just listening to Su Xian'er's words, as long as things can be done, it's nothing.

"Of course." Su Xian'er never doubted her plan, not to mention that the target this time was Su Chen.

"My brother knows exactly what he thinks, so you can rest assured. Anyway, as long as you follow what I say, then everything will not be a problem."

Su Xian'er was also careful in his heart.

It is possible to allow Yang Yuxin to see Su Chen alone. Anyway, Yang Yuxin can't sit alone to satisfy Su Chen.

At that time, she can also... cultivate a good relationship with Su Chen. After all, it has been a long time since she has had a good in-depth communication.

Su Xian'er almost laughed, "It's like killing two birds with one stone."

In fact, she was even more looking forward to the night than Yang Yuxin.

Time gradually passed.

Night is coming.

After Su Chen finished dinner, he lay on the bed and began to rest.

After reading a few comics without the Holy Light, I was instantly in a good mood.


When Su Chen wanted to rest, he suddenly felt something moving from the outer door.

Who will it be?

But either Yang Yuxin or Su Xian'er would come to his room.

Yang Danxuan is unlikely.

With her character, she would at least send a message saying, "It's a long night, it's so boring, I can't sleep at all, and if I live alone, I don't know why I'm a little scared."

At this time, Su Chen will show concern for her and reply: "Don't worry, I will accompany you in the past."

Yang Danxuan: "Hurry up."

Don't ask how Su Chen found out, because he just finished texting with Yang Danxuan, and was thinking about going there quickly.

Could it be that Yang Danxuan couldn't bear it any longer, so she came over earlier?

Think about it, although the possibility is small, it is still there.

Su Chen was very happy, he deliberately went to open the originally locked door, and then covered it with a quilt.

He also knew that Yang Danxuan was rather shy. As a warm man who could make Yang Danxuan feel happy, Su Chen naturally had to prepare everything.

After a while, the door to the room opened silently.

It was just that when Su Chen saw the person coming, he secretly cried out that something was wrong.


The person who came was not Yang Danxuan, but Yang Yuxin.

That's right, the one Yang Yuxin who shut him out today.

Su Chen was about to collapse.

He had just agreed with Yang Danxuan, and now all the plans have been disrupted.

When Yang Yuxin came in, she carefully observed the surroundings, looking at Su Chen's unnoticed appearance, she was instantly ecstatic, and the smile was completely on her face.

Then she creptly closed the door, took off a pair of cotton mops and held them in her hands. Gently and sneakily, she slipped to the bedside, lifted the quilt and got in.

Su Chen was originally highly concentrated, but suddenly Yang Yuxin appeared beside her, followed by a faint fragrance.

If you feel it carefully, it is the shower gel and shampoo that comes out.

Su Chen couldn't help but marvel, "My dear, this has been planned for a long time!"

"I also cleaned myself up, what I want to do, isn't it clear at a glance."

Yang Yuxin threw herself into his arms, and those beautiful bright eyes seemed to emit light in the dark night, which was extremely beautiful.

Her little face had a cute blush, and she said happily, "How is it? Did I deceive me today?"

"Now my appearance is to make up for the benefits before, isn't it a surprise, isn't it very happy?"

Su Chen......

Happy ghost, the current situation is very like going out to find the mistress and being stopped by the wife.

He didn't even understand what Yang Yuxin meant.

Although it is said that a woman's face-changing speed is so fast, it is too fast.

Before, he looked like he was about to break up, but now he slammed into his quilt in vain, and his beautiful face seemed to have a few big characters written: "Don't talk, kiss me."

"I haven't been this close for a long time. I don't know how many years. I still remember when we were young, we played on the same bed every day."

Yang Yuxin snickered, and at the same time, the fragrant body continued to drill into Su Chen's arms, and there was nowhere to put those long legs.

This is the skill Su Xian'er taught her. After all, you can't directly say at this time: The weather is too cold, I want to sleep with you.

So first through the chat, and then continue to "sneak" in the hands.

This is of course Su Xian'er's way to deceive Su Chen.

As Yang Yuxin spoke, she grabbed Su Chen's hand and put it on her waist, then put Cherry's mouth close to Su Chen's ear, whispering in a whisper.

It's just that Su Chen didn't pay attention to her at all, but he had already lost his mind.

I thought to myself, what should I do if Yang Danxuan suddenly appeared at this moment?

But there is big trouble.

At this time, he didn't know yet, but Yang Yuxin already knew about his affairs with Yang Danxuan.

So very worried.

If Yang Yuxin knew about this, the consequences would be too serious.

He was not afraid that Yang Yuxin would scold him.

Instead, she was worried that she would not be able to think about it at that time, and that would be a big trouble.

But after worrying for a while, I found that nothing happened as expected.

Thinking about it, Yang Danxuan must be very tired too, maybe she fell asleep.

So in the next hour, Su Chen easily communicated with Yang Yuxin.

And maybe it was because the weather was too hot, and the two also covered the quilt together.

Sweat could not help but come out on his forehead, and even the sheets were accidentally soaked.

But suddenly, there was another knock on the door, "Su Chen, are you asleep?"

"Your sister is here, what should I do? Hurry up and hide." Su Chen's face changed, and his expression was extremely flustered.

"What is she here for?" Yang Yuxin muttered very depressed when she was suddenly interrupted by what she was happy about now.

"No matter what you are doing, you should hide first." Su Chen said solemnly and with a guilty conscience.

Of course he knew what Yang Danxuan came to "sit".

Yang Yuxin gave him a suspicious look, Yang Danxuan would come when she came, why did she hide?

It's not something that can't be seen.

But before she could understand, she was immediately pushed into the closet by Su Chen.

The door was unlocked, and although Yang Danxuan didn't get a response from Su Chen, she pushed the door and entered directly.

Su Chen fell asleep, and it might be a good thing for her.

At that time, she will be the active party, doing whatever she wants.

Looking at Yang Danxuan's current outfit, Yang Yuxin understood instantly. The reason why her sister came to Su Chen, she muttered viciously, "Damn."

When Yang Yuxin was angry, Su Chen was a little overwhelmed.

Yang Danxuan was wearing pajamas, but they didn't look like pajamas. They were very thin and could be vaguely seen even in the dark. She had fair skin, and the most important thing was that she was holding her chest. .

Then came in, and made the exact same action as Yang Yuxin just now, without saying a word, she burrowed into the bed first.

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