The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 144: Lin Qingyan's character continues to collapse

At this time, a large number of police forces were dispatched to guard Qin Yu near the cell.

There was absolutely no chance for him to escape.

Qin Yu's face was ashen, and now he is like a trapped beast, and he can't see a chance to escape.

The mood is also down to the bottom.

"Now Qin Lie must know the truth, and he certainly won't come to help me."

"There's even a chance of getting caught, old bastard."

"When I see the sun again, it will be the day you Qin Lie will die."

Not only Qin Lie, he will take out everything from the Qin family.

Although he was in a predicament, Qin Yu still felt itchy when he thought of the beautiful women of the Qin family.

But soon he restrained himself.

The biggest problem now is escaping.

But what terrified him even more were the words of the old police officer just now.

Obviously the meaning of the words is not so simple.

Qin Yu is also guessing who wants to see his current field.

Who else besides Su Chen?

The meaning of obedience, there is someone else who controls all this.

Who is it?

Qin Lie couldn't guess it for a while.

Simply do not guess.

Now to escape first, Qin Yu used all his strength and suddenly exuded a powerful force.



On the other side, although it was late at night.

But apart from the accident that happened on Qin Yu's side, there was still a heroine who cared about Su Chen who didn't fall asleep.

Lin Qingyan also received the contract Qiu Wushui gave her at this time.

And also inquired about it in detail.

Qiu Wushui didn't directly betray Su Chen, but told Lin Qingyan very euphemistically that Chen Tong was supported by Su Chen from beginning to end.

As for how much this woman could know, it was none of her business.

And a beautiful woman like Lin Qingyan, maybe, no, she is definitely the heroine Su Chen said in her heart.

Otherwise, there is no need for Su Chen to be her licking dog.

Since this is the case, then Qiu Wushui and Lin Qingyan are competitors, of course she won't expect Lin Qingyan to get better.

Of course, Lin Qingyan didn't care much about Qiu Wushui.

She has always been a very calm person.

But after Chen Tong communicated so intimately with Su Chen today, the anger in his heart could not be calmed down at all.

Lin Qingyan was instantly angry.

She was angry at how Su Chen could be so close to the bad woman Chen Tong.

There is also Chen Tong, a hateful woman, who did not expect to be put on it by her.

The reason why Lin Qingyan agreed with Chen Tong to meet with Su Chen is that with Chen Tong's vision and ability, it is impossible to choose Su Chen.

But thinking about it now, there are too many women who like Su Chen.

Even she is one of them.

Moreover. If Chen Tong really had no idea about Su Chen, then why did she choose to negotiate a contract with Su Chen.

Lin Qingyan regrets it!

This is a misstep that turns into eternal hatred!

"Su Chen, you bastard, you really run away after teasing people, you don't want to be responsible at all, you are simply hateful!"

"You keep saying that you love me, and you love me so much that you let those women live in your house casually, but I want to live outside!"

Lin Qingyan suddenly laughed, a sneer, a sneer without any sign.

She was really angry.

I wasn't so angry at first, but I was deceived by Chen Tong.

But now she thought of the women who lived in the same villa as Su Chen.

Su Xian'er, especially this woman with ulterior motives.

In her previous life, she showed that she liked Su Chen very much.

If it weren't for the identity of the two brothers and sisters, I'm afraid Su Xian'er would have done it long ago.

But as a rebirth, Lin Qingyan knew it.

There is no blood relationship between Su Xian'er and Su Chen.

In this case, it means that the two have the motive to roll the sheets.

As for Zhao Menghan, this was originally with Su Chen.

At first, she still thought, although Zhao Menghan is really beautiful, she is not inferior to her in terms of appearance and temperament.

But the other party is not loyal to Su Chen!

Then it will be fine.

But for a long time, Zhao Menghan seemed to betray Qin Yu and had a relationship with Su Chen again.

However, there is also Chen Yuxin who is not bad at all.

Although Yang Yuxin did not live in, the relationship between the two was too close.

Lin Qingyan even heard that Chen Qing likes Yang Yuxin very much now.

The more you think about it, the more you get angry!

Lin Qingyan suddenly felt so wronged.

On the bright side, Su Chen's favorite person is her, and she should be happy.

But now, instead, she has the least communication with Su Chen.

"Su Chen, I don't care about you anymore!"

Lin Qingyan complained angrily.

On the other side, Mother Chen is naturally going to enlighten at this time.

At this time, let alone being a mother, even a fool can see that Lin Qingyan's love is deeply rooted.

And there is still no way to lift the kind.

"Qingyan, in fact, have you ever thought that Su Chen actually likes you the most, but it's just that over the years, you have rejected him too much, and he is a little dissatisfied now?"

"After all, no matter who is rejected like this, it doesn't feel good!"

As a mother, she naturally knew Su Chen's love for Lin Qingyan over the years.

At the same time, as a mother, she was quite satisfied with what Su Chen did.

Mothers in the world naturally want women to find a good man.

A good man here is a good man who loves her.

Although Su Chen's reputation is a bit stinky, it doesn't matter!

Su Chen likes Lin Qingyan enough, even crazy.

In fact, to be honest, sometimes, she is quite envious of finding a daughter, but there is a man who likes her so much.

"You kid just doesn't care. I, the mother, will do the math for you. This kid Su Chen has confessed to you nine hundred and ninety-nine times, but it's almost the last time to be reunited."

Mother Chen actually has a terrible idea occasionally. If Su Chen confessed to her like this, she would agree to anything.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine times!"

Of course, Lin Qingyan didn't even know that her mother had such a terrible idea in her heart at this time, she just thought it made sense.

Suddenly lost in thought.

It seems to be true. In her previous life, she did not know how much she rejected Su Chen.

so many years.

Looking at it from another angle, it's really annoying.

Lin Qingyan felt that it was just after being left out by Su Chen that she couldn't stand it.

Not to mention nine hundred and ninety-nine rejections.

Now that Su Chen is loved by someone, of course she will not choose her.

For fear of being betrayed.

Lin Qingyan suddenly felt that everything was understood.

If she really didn't like Su Chen so much, there was no need to delay him.

It must be so.

Lin Qingyan had some regrets on her face.


Especially after being reborn, she still didn't take the initiative, thinking about Gao Leng.

She is not without competitors now.

God knows how many people have been born again.

Su Xian'er, Zhao Menghan, Chen Yuxin, at least, these three women are the most likely.

"It's all to blame Qin Yu, that bastard. If it weren't for him, how could I have misunderstood Su Chen? I already knew Su Chen's identity."

Lin Qingyan gritted her teeth, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Mother Chen gave her an idea at this time. After all, she was a past person and a daughter. Naturally, she would not have a bad idea like her best friend, but a good idea.

"Qingyan, why don't you do this, since Su Chen doesn't want to confess to you, then you can go and confess to him."

"You have to take the initiative, otherwise it will be troublesome if you want to find it again when you lose it."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan felt very reasonable.

She suddenly remembered a sentence written in Su Chen's diary. She once had a sincere love in front of her. If she didn't cherish it and waited to lose it, then even if she loved him for a million years, there was no chance of recovery. .

"Yes, I want to take the initiative to confess to Su Chen!"

Lin Qingyan made up her mind.

But she didn't want to make a confession.

Instead, he wanted to follow the path that Su Chen had traveled before, and even take one more step than him.

He is not a confession day after day, year after year.

A total of nine hundred and ninety-nine times.

Then if Su Chen doesn't agree, then she can continue to confess.

To a thousand times, to recover Su Chen.

Lin Qingyan clenched her pink fist tightly, her heart extremely firm.

Determination was written on his face.

The mother Chen next to her was also very relieved to see her daughter wake up.

But think about it.

Suddenly, Mother Chen was dissatisfied.

I think she was caught up in a few words back then.

Look at how her daughter has been confessed so many times now.

To be honest, she was quite envious, and immediately ran back to the room angrily.

Looking at her drowsy husband lying on the bed, there is that anger in my heart!

He directly lifted the quilt and said loudly, "Don't sleep, get up and confess to me!"

"Ah?" Father Chen snorted, and soon fell asleep again, so angry that Mother Chen's chest continued to rise and fall.


In the middle of the night, a small bungalow in a dark place in Kyoto.

Qin Yu escaped from the Metropolitan Police Department with his wounds all over his body.


He again escaped from the Metropolitan Police Department.

But this time, he paid a heavy price.

All over was blood.

Even sacrificed a large number of men.

But Qin Yu didn't care, it was nothing to him.

As long as you can escape the Metropolitan Police Department, then everything is worth it.

It's just that because the original injury has not healed, and now it has worsened, there are wounds all over the body.

After a while, he collapsed on the spot.

And when he woke up, it was Ryan who appeared in front of him for the first time.

Ryan looked at Qin Yu helplessly.

He originally wanted to build a great career with the omnipotent Qin Yu.

But now Qin Yu is suffering from serious injuries every day, which makes him not sure what to do.

"Sir, you're finally awake!" But Ryan was still very loyal. Seeing that Qin Yu was awake, he hurried over to check.

"How's our situation? Has it been discovered by the police?" Qin Yu is worthy of being the male protagonist, and he has recovered very well. Even if he suffered such a serious injury, it didn't take long for him to become alive and well.

"The situation is very bad. We were targeted by the authorities and suffered heavy losses." Ryan sighed, and then explained everything to Qin Yu.

"Damn bastard!" Qin Yu was angry.

When has he been wronged like this, and now he is naturally angry.

"Who is it!" After calming down, he began to analyze what the old policeman had said.

He was in deep trouble at the time, basically a dying man.

So he believed that the other party would not lie to him.

That's the winner showing off.

If it were him, it would be the same.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Yu remembered that he had suspected that there was always an invisible big hand controlling everything in the capital.

This is also the reason why Su Chen has been able to defeat him many times.

But then Su Chen's performance was a bit surprising.

Gradually he gave up the idea.

But now what is in front of Qin Yu is obviously telling him that there is a big hand behind him.

Who is that?

Qin Yu was very angry, because he was so confident in himself that he had been toyed with so far, and there was no way to resist, and he didn't even know who the other party was.

Of course Qin Yu would not allow such a thing to happen.

"My lord, I may have some clues." Ryan suddenly thought of something and said this.

And it seems pretty sure.

Because he has a strong confidence in his eyes.

"Who?" Qin Yu's face was hideous, and his anger could not be suppressed at all at this moment.

Anyone can see that Qin Yu is weaker than the disadvantaged in the face of the people behind him, of course he knows it.

Although reluctant to admit it.

That's why Qin Yu wanted to find out the person impatiently and humiliate him severely.

"Besides Qin Lie, one of China's three major military gods has been living in seclusion in the mountains."

Ryan was obviously a little scared when it came to this person.

Because he was by Qin Yu's side in the past, he was fortunate enough to see that guy's demeanor.

Thinking about it now, the color of fear is completely filled in my heart.

"Although the old man is powerful, he is just an old man, why did he come out to plan so much?" Qin Yu still looked at Ryan suspiciously.

He knew exactly what Ryan said.

Because the other party was a strong man at the same time as Qin Lie.


Just facing Qin Lie gave him a headache.

If there is one more military boss, Qin Yu will also have a headache.

But the headache just means to be cautious, not afraid.

He Qin Yu has never had a trace of fear in his life, no matter who he is facing.

Ryan said with a serious face: "Of course the old man won't do it for himself."

"But don't forget, sir, there is a young man beside him, and the other party seems to have something to do with Zhao Menghan."

"Fang Yufan!" Qin Yu gritted his teeth.

He knows this man very well.

The first time we met that year, this Fang Yufan was defeated by his men.

But at the same time, Qin Yu could also feel the extraordinaryness of the other party.

Not even weaker than his own extraordinary.

And after that day, the two actually forged a deep hatred.

"No wonder, no wonder Zhao Menghan betrayed me. Now I think it's all this guy who is doing the trick."

Although Qin Yu was not sure, he also thought that his guesses were inseparable.

Only for those who have such ability.

What a great chess game.

Actually let him fall into the calculation step by step.

"Fang Yufan, wait for me, I will definitely find you!"

Qin Yu clenched his fists, his face extremely ashen.

When he killed Zhao Menghan's father to become the new God of War, he actually relied on the old man's help, because Qin Lie had no way to make a move.

And that old man was Fang Yufan's master. For the sake of his apprentice, they could tell Zhao Menghan about it.

That's why Zhao Menghan finally chose to betray him.

It's all about someone behind the scenes.

And Su Chen, who has always been his enemy on the spot, is just Fang Yufan's means.

If I had known earlier that day, I should not have shown mercy to Zhao Menghan's men.

Qin Yu felt a little regretful.

But at the same time, after knowing that Su Chen was still a waste, he was still a little happy in his heart.

"Su Chen, wait for me, after I clean up Fang Yufan, I will kill you!"

Qin Yu felt that the most important goal now was to deal with Fang Yufan.

"Lane, you should investigate immediately, Fang Yufan's whereabouts."

"Sir, there is no need to investigate. The latest news shows that Fang Yufan has come to Kyoto." Ryan directly handed Qin Yu a document.

What Qin Yu saw was startling.

"Fang Yufan, this time I'm willing to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

"Even if all of you are my enemies, I, Qin Yu, have nothing to fear!" Qin Yu roared.

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