The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 137: Su Chen's first hands-on

Qiu Wushui is now Qin Yu's target.

Because it is so beautiful.

Qin Yu's inner fire was instantly aroused.

Thinking like this, Qin Yu still showed his concern for Qiu Wushui and said, "Shui'er, are you all right? How have you been all these years?"

"not good!"

Qiu Wushui shook his head and looked at Qin Yu coldly.

Originally, he hated Qin Yu because of his parents' hatred.

And just now, she was disgusted by Qin Yu's eyes.

No matter what time it is, I am most afraid of comparison.

Qin Yu's greedy eyes at this time seemed to want to swallow her.

Compared with Su Chen, Qin Yu looked even more hateful.

Even in the past life, although she was very beautiful, other people would have ideas when they saw her.

But in Qin Yu's body, she was even more dissatisfied.

It was as if Qiu Wushui belonged only to him.

Apparently it was exactly as Su Chen thought.

Qin Yu should be the real truth.

But now he is still thinking about calculating himself.

Seeing Qin Yu's face with a fascinated smile from time to time, Qiu Wushui felt disgusted.

Fortunately, she also called the enemy's brother over the years.

Qiu Wushui now only feels that the fire of hatred is getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Yu's parents not only killed her parents, they even wanted her to marry Qin Yu.

At that time, their Qiu family would really disappear into the world with shame.

"Shui'er, what's wrong with you, tell me, I will help you get revenge."

Qin Yu looked very concerned.

He also saw Qiu Wushui's eyes dazed, even with a bit of hatred.

I thought someone was bullying Qiu Wushui.

Immediately unhappy.

Qiu Wushui is now the woman he had appointed by default, so how could he be bullied.

But at the same time, Qin Yu was also very happy.

Since Qiu Wushui has troubles.

So when he appeared at this time, it was naturally a blessing in disguise.

In addition, there was already a deep feeling.

It's only a matter of time before he'll be back with the beauty in his arms.

But Qiu Wushui looked at Qin Yu with disdain in his eyes, and said coldly, "Qin Yu, you are not worthy to talk to me, let alone be my brother."

Qiu Wushui's words were filled with dissatisfaction.

"Qiu Wushui, have you forgotten who I am?"

Qin Yu frowned slightly.

He is also a little **** off now.

Because Qiu Wushui's attitude made him very dissatisfied.

It even made him think of those women before.

"I didn't admit the wrong person. I know the matter. We are not related by blood, so we will be strangers from now on."

Qiu Wushui's words were very heavy.

Every word was exhausted.

Of course, she didn't directly say that she was going to seek revenge on Qin Yu.

The blood feud still has to be concealed first.

She is too weak now.

Especially the confrontation with Chen Tong just now made her understand her weakness.

Saying it now will make Qin Yu take precautions.

So she has to hold on no matter what.

Don't be too early to startle the snake.

This is not what she wants to see.

But Qin Yu didn't care, instead he said with a smile, "You already knew."

Qin Yu was still quite happy.

Because this kind of thing means nothing to him at all.

Instead, it could be a good thing.

As long as it's clear, it's too easy for him to get Qiu Wushui.

Qin Yu couldn't help it now.

Qiu Wushui's face that was still full of academy atmosphere made him want to move.

Suddenly he also realized why Qiu Wushui was so angry.

This is also normal.

He was Qiu Wushui's most trusted person, but he suddenly disappeared. It was normal for him to have this phenomenon.

Presumably Qiu Wushui also waited for him for a long time, and now there are some complaints, which is normal.

On the contrary, the more you love, the more you hate.

Qiu Wushui's current reaction, in Qin Yu's opinion, should be a good thing.

If Qin Yu wanted to get Qiu Wushui, he actually had to tell the other party about his identity.

But now, instead, this layer of window paper has been pierced.

It saved Qin Yu a lot of trouble.

"Qiu Wushui, it's all my brother's fault. In fact, I should have come back to see you a long time ago, but unfortunately I'm too busy to find the time."

Qin Yu said with great concern: "Don't worry, after I come back this time, I will never let you suffer any more grievances."

Speaking of which, Qin Yu paused for a moment.

He suddenly realized that he should be talking to Qiu Wushui to open the skylight.

"When my father saw you as pitiful, he adopted you back in order to be a child bride for me."

"But after seeing you, I disagree very much. In fact, you can make your own choices."

Speaking of this, Qin Yu himself was a little moved.

He didn't expect to be provocative, and it was so touching.

His performance is flawless.

It is impossible for Qiu Wushui not to be moved.

But Qin Yu saw that Qiu Wushui had not responded yet.

The most important thing came to mind right away.

In Qiu Wushui's heart, she must still like him, that's why she does this.

Qin Yu understood that Qiu Wushui was afraid that he would treat her as his younger sister.

Qiu Wushui must have wanted to marry him.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu changed his words and said righteously: "Actually, my parents' wish at the time was to see you marry me. Now that they have passed away, I don't want them to be sad, so I don't mind any sibling relationship. Love, you want to be my daughter-in-law."

Qin Yu then said: "Also, you know, after all, there is still a relationship. Although we will be together by then, I still want to find you some beautiful sister-in-law."

Of course he couldn't give up the entire forest for one tree.

But no matter what, Qiu Wushui must also belong to him.

It's time to change the rhetoric.

Maybe Qiu Wushui will be even more moved by then,

It's just that Qiu Wushui heard Qin Yu's remarks.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect Qin Yu to be so shameless.

To say such a thing.

And so cheeky.

But I don't know why I was really moved.

If it wasn't for her understanding of Qin Yu's character and the truth in advance, then she would really have been fooled.

Now that she thinks about it with her head, she knows how outrageous Qin Yu's words are.

Even disgusting.

Qiu Wushui sneered and said, "Qin Yu, you have misunderstood. My meaning is actually very clear. From now on, we will be passersby."

"No, we've always been strangers. We didn't have any relationship before, and we won't have any relationship in the future."

Qiu Wushui said this very seriously, and she really thought so too.

Qin Yu was stunned.

Apparently, he was frightened by Qiu Wushui.

But it was quickly adjusted, and I understood what she meant by saying this.

Nothing but shyness.

Of course he understood, Qiu Wushui liked him very much when he was a child.

Now that I have the opportunity, how could I give up.

Qin Yu said: "Yes, we will be strangers from now on."

"It's no longer a brother-sister relationship. In this way, you can be with me at ease."

"Besides, why should we care about what other people think about things between us."

Qin Yu showed a very concerned about Qiu Wushui.

In fact, he still knew.

Qiu Wushui is nothing more than acting like a spoiled child.

Of course, Qin Yu also has the means.

Qiu Wushui was very filial when she was a child. In the name of her adoptive parents, it was impossible for her to refuse.

Qiu Wushui had to agree.

Otherwise it would be disrespectful.

What Qin Yu is best at is to read people's hearts. As long as he masters a person's character, nothing is impossible.

And Qiu Wushui is born kind.

And Qin Yu also said that he was unwilling to accept such a thing, but also for the last wishes of his parents.

In this case, Qiu Wushui would instead throw his arms around him even more.

Qin Yu is all happy for his plan.

Thinking about it, this is the correct way to pick up girls. Su Chen is just making money based on his family background, so what kind of man is he?

Thinking of Su Chen, Qin Yu was unbearable.

He even had a very good idea in his mind, that is, let Qiu Wushui seduce Su Chen.

A waste like Su Chen will definitely be seduced by beauty, when he appears, he will hold Qiu Wushui in his arms.

Thinking of Su Chen's eyes that wanted to kill him, Qin Yu was extremely happy.

Of course, he also learned a lesson, and he couldn't let Qiu Wushui follow Su Chen, otherwise Zhao Menghan would be an example.


Qin Yu couldn't help laughing.

And Qiu Wushui was completely stupid.

No, he must have been shocked.

How can there be such a strange person in this world?

In other words, it's simply too scumbag.

Qiu Wushui was completely numb.

She didn't want to pay attention to such a person at all.

Thinking about the past ten years, she was still thinking about this kind of person.

Simply ridiculous.

Qiu Wushui felt pity for himself at that time.

Qiu Wushui didn't want to listen to Qin Yu's ridiculous remarks anymore.

Turn around to leave.

Instead, Qin Yu grabbed his arm.

Qiu Wushui frowned, his face changed greatly.

She turned around and slapped Qin Yu on the face, her face was full of disgust, and she didn't even want to look at Qin Yu.

The sound of the slap was loud and attracted a lot of people.

At the same time, Qin Yu's face quickly became red and swollen.

In fact, even Qiu Wushui was frightened.

Did not expect his own slap. How could it be so powerful.

She didn't even think about it.

It's just that when I was angry just now, I suddenly felt a force bursting out of my body.

Qiu Wushui muttered in his heart, "Could this be the secret that Su Chen said?"

At this time, Qiu Wushui was already convinced of Su Chen's voice.

At this time, Qin Yu was even more confused.

Qiu Wushui should love him very much, how could he slap himself.

Shouldn't, why.

And this power is still so huge, is this still the Qiu Wushui in his impression?

Shouldn't it be nice and gentle?

Qin Yu couldn't accept it, he wanted to ask clearly.

But at this moment, a voice that made Qin Yu extremely disgusted sounded, and Su Chen thought of Su Chen for the first time in his mind.

Although Su Chen was still unfinished, thinking that Qiu Wushui was still there, he quickly brought Chen Tong back.

Since he brought people here, he certainly couldn't just leave them aside.

However, he did not expect to meet Qin Yu again.

It made him kinda amused.

Sure enough, the male protagonist and the villain are inherently opposed, no matter what Su Chen does, the big male protagonist Qin Yu will appear.

"Hey, isn't this Qin Yu? How could he appear in such a place?"

Su Chen sneered: "What's the matter, you can't strike up a conversation, do you still want to forcibly take people away?"

"I've never seen someone as shameless as you."

Qin Yu clenched his fists.

Looking at Su Chen angrily.

Eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, he has the intention to kill.

The hatred for Su Chen could no longer be held back.

Because Su Chen is not only holding in his arms Chen Tong, a beautiful woman who has been appointed by him for a long time.

And he also found the most terrifying place.

Chen Tong's strength is clear to him.

This is also the reason why Qin Yu chose to believe her that day, but at this time Chen Tong did not have the strength to face him before.

At this moment, snuggling in Su Chen's arms, there is still a hint of shyness on his face.

Although Qin Yu was very reluctant to admit it.

But he also understands what happened between the two.

Indeed found. Chen Tong is not a virgin anymore.

And all of this is obviously what Su Chen did.

Otherwise, how could he still rely on Su Chen's arms like this.

Qin Yu couldn't take it anymore.

Anger is rising.

Since Lin Qingyan didn't implement the plan according to his plan, Qin Yu actually regarded Chen Tong as the target that needed to be conquered the most.

Chen Tong not only looks charming and moving.

A frown and a smile are all soul-stirring.

If such a woman can get it, how many people will be envious.

What's more, Chen Tong's own ability is too powerful.

The family she belonged to did not have such a strong strength at all.

But it didn't take long for Chen Tong to take over.

It has completely built the family into a point where the capable Su family is now comparable.

So if he can get Chen Tong, then his dynasty hegemony is too easy to achieve.

But now Chen Tong actually betrayed him.

Qin Yu felt seriously insulted by actually going to do this kind of thing with Su Chen.

"Chen Tong, give me an explanation."

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and asked fiercely.

However, Chen Tong didn't care about Qin Yu's malicious eyes at all, and didn't take a second look.

It's as if you don't even know there's someone next to you, just the mosquitoes flying around.

At this time, her meaning had long been wandering.

And Chen Tong has no strength at all now, so he can only rely on Su Chen and let him support her.

Otherwise, it will collapse.

Damn Su Chen, too hard.

Chen Tong blushed when she thought about it.

This bastard.

It was so cruel, and because she drank too much alcohol, she wanted to go to the toilet.

Now that Su Chen is so messed up, it's even more...

Chen Tong felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

She is a queen!

Lived for so many years.

Outsiders even looked at her one more time, and she was so angry that she wanted to kill.

Damn Su Chen, I have done everything now.

Chen Tong felt that his face was lost.

In the future, Su Chen can only be allowed to do whatever he wants.

Can't lift it any more.

Qin Yu saw that Chen Tong did not answer him.

But even more angry.

Feel extremely humiliated.


Su Chen, if I die.

It's fine if it's normal.

But now that Qiu Wushui is also there, he has finally found Qiu Wushui, and naturally he will not lose face in front of her.

Otherwise, how to pick up girls.

How to leave a perfect impression in Qiu Wushui's heart.

Qin Yu couldn't bear it any longer.

Originally, he wanted to teach Su Chen a lesson by means to make him feel pain and despair.

But now Qin Yu just wants to kill him completely.

"Su Chen, you are courting death!"

At this time, Qin Yu was already on the verge of anger.

But he couldn't do it yet, because Qiu Wushui was still watching.

He wants Su Chen to take the shot first. Only in this way can he maintain a personable image and be compelling.

At that time, Qiu Wushui will definitely fall in love.


Since Qin Yu is looking for a scolding, of course Su Chen will satisfy him.

Qin Yu secretly rejoiced, soon, Su Chen must be about to start.

Just when he was about to say something and continued to mock Su Chen.

Again, "Idiot!"

Qin Yu was annoyed, "You only know that one sentence, right!"


Qin Yu couldn't help it anymore. At this time, his eyes were red, and there was a voice in his mind calling out to kill him.

"Su Chen will die for me!"

However, Qin Yu just finished his words and hadn't shot, but suddenly felt a slap hit him in the face.

Qin Yu fell to the ground face down, and even lost two of his teeth.

Su Chen rubbed his hands, "I've already scolded you like this, but if you don't do it, you're not an idiot."

So cool.

Su Chen has never been so cool.

Been bullied for so many years!

Finally, there is a chance to slap Qin Yu fiercely.

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