Su Chen finally got rid of the two sisters of the Yang family first.

Otherwise, Su Chen would really be exhausted if he was with them again.

Too difficult.

Both sisters are greedy for his body, what is this!

But people are like this, they never know how to cherish the present.

When Su Chen stood at the door of the house, he suddenly felt that it seemed that the two sisters of the Yang family were okay.

At least it's better than these three at home!

Entering the door, he was greeted by Chen Yuxin.

This made Su Chen a little surprised.

Where did his little maid Zhao Menghan go?

Shouldn't he be asleep?

"Master, you're finally back, I've been waiting for a long time."

Chen Yuxin's very seductive voice sounded.

Let Su Chen tremble slightly.

What the **** is this woman doing.

How did you start playing Zhao Menghan?

Su Chen sat on the sofa, and Chen Yuxin began to beat his legs and rub his shoulders.

It's like a little maid.

"Zhao Menghan fell asleep. She asked me to help her do what she should do tonight."

Chen Yuxin looked at Su Chen's doubtful and expectant eyes, and showed a shallow smile.

"I owe her a favor."

Just as Su Chen was about to open her mouth to continue questioning, she immediately heard her response.

Is this the benefit of the male lead?

Even if it is the last night, will the benefits be carried through to the end?

Of course, Su Chen's doubts did not disappear.

Chen Yuxin was too quiet during this time.

She doesn't look like her at all.

This made Su Chen very curious.

"Do you have any plans to hide from me?"

Hearing this, Chen Yuxin's expression changed drastically. "How is it possible, what plan can I have."

Although Chen Yuxin denied it.

But apparently it was Su Chen's words that expressed her inner thoughts.

Although it was only a flash, Su Chen still saw it.

But at this time, he was no longer the time when he had just been reborn.

Obviously, Chen Yuxin's plan was not to deal with him.

Then it must be Qin Yu!

This stupid guy.

Su Chen is still quite worried, especially when he is now the male protagonist.

Because what happens at this time can be changed.

If Qin Yu had an accident at this time.

Then it's time to change the male lead.

By then he was even more out of control.

Bullshit villain card, the name sounds awesome.

It's actually a trap.

However, when Su Chen was still thinking, he suddenly felt that his hand was placed in a warm place.

But not all of them, just a few fingers inside.

Su Chen was extremely surprised, looked down hurriedly, and found that Chen Yuxin had put his hand in his pocket.

Come on, after all, I think too much.

Su Chen coughed dryly and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yuxin said righteously: "Of course it's what a maid should do. For example, if your hands are cold, I will help you keep warm, if you..."

The sultry words are not finished, but they are also obvious.

But Su Chen was still deceiving himself.

What if I... what would she do?

What's going on, let's talk about half of it, right?

Su Chen admitted that some small flames were aroused in his heart.

But he soon adjusted his mood.

And showing a serious expression, he taught: "Your behavior is wrong."

"What's the use of just putting it in your pocket?"

"Is the pocket warm?"

"You have to understand a truth, a maid is a person closer than a secretary."

What Su Chen said was grand-sounding.

It is also the righteous Ling Ran, and with this serious expression, it does seem to be somewhat reasonable.

Chen Yuxin was stunned.

It seemed that she was reminiscing what Su Chen said just now, or thinking of something fun, and the slightly raised corner of her mouth completely exposed her inner thoughts.

Not only that, those beautiful eyes also seemed to be shining brightly.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly said something that surprised Su Chen, "After all, this is the first time I've been a maid, and it's normal to have something I don't understand. It's better for the young master to teach me."

"No, the maid should be talking about training."

Su Chen? ? ?

Good guy, is this the terrifying Chen Yuxin?

How could it feel so strange that these words came out of her mouth.

And Chen Yuxin entered the state in a second.

"Master, what do you want to teach me?"

Chen Yuxin blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

Su Chen's body was a little cold.

But then he reached out and touched Chen Yuxin's head lightly.

"Since you want to know, then I will teach you myself."

Chen Yuxin nodded obediently, looking like she was diligent and eager to learn, "Come on, young master."

Not to mention, Su Chen didn't know what was wrong.

Seduced by Chen Yuxin's role-playing, it actually feels quite exciting.

As expected of Chen Yuxin.

It really is so different no matter what you do.

"Very good, we will play a very interesting game next."

While Su Chen said, he put his hand on Chen Yuxin's collar.

Chen Yuxin closed her eyes, looking forward to good things happening.


at the same time.

There is a heavyweight in the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this time, Qin Yu's hands were bound by handcuffs, but there was no panic on his face, not even the slightest fear.

In front of him were two police officers who were responsible for taking the statement.

But Qin Yu didn't put his eyes on the two police officers at all.

Instead, he looked at the next door and said loudly, "You know you are all watching next door, but I don't want to answer the question."

"Of course, if Officer Yang Yuxin came to ask in person, maybe I would agree to cooperate with you."

Qin Yu's face has absolute confidence.

The police officers were not taken seriously at all.

Of course, Qin Yu was still a little surprised in his heart.

I didn't expect the police to come so quickly.

The interrogating policeman was stunned when he heard Qin Yu's words, but after a while, his face instantly became serious, and he rebuked loudly:

"What do you think this place is, do you see whoever you want to see?"

Qin Yu's expression remained unchanged.

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room opened.

Apparently someone came in.

And Qin Yu confidently didn't even raise his head.

"Yang Yuxin, I knew you were watching, why do you care so much about me?"

However, when he really raised his head, he was completely stunned.

The person who came in was not the peerless beauty in his mind.

Instead, it was a burly old police officer.

This made Qin Yu a little irritable.

"I said, if Yang Yuxin doesn't come, I won't speak."

The old police officer held a document in his hand.

"Qin Yu!"

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong. Yang Yuxin is not here. The latest news is that she and her sister Yang Danxuan have been eating with Su Chen, and the three of them left in a car."

The old police officer showed Qin Yu the photo he just got.

It is the picture of Su Chen entering the food stall with Yang Danxuan and Yang Yuxin.

Qin Yu's face was ashen.

Why is this happening, it's Su Chen, the **** again.

The old policeman was overjoyed when he saw that Qin Yu was about to lose control of his emotions.

I want to take the opportunity to ask.

"Qin Yu, did you do what happened to the Black Dragon Gang this time? Thirteen lives have been lost, how can you be so cruel?"

"Police officer, you can't talk nonsense. I'm a good citizen, how could I do such a thing."

Qin Yu was completely fearless.

"Besides, murder is about motives."

"The Black Dragon Gang back then killed your parents. Of course you have a reason to take revenge. I'm right, the former eldest young master of the Qin family."

"Although you fled back then, the facts will not change,"

Hearing these words, Qin Yu's expression suddenly went wrong.

If it weren't for the Metropolitan Police Department, I'm afraid he would kill someone.

Qin Yu sneered: "Officer, are you kidding me?"

"If nothing happens, I'll be waiting to go out."

The old police officer is also very stressed.

He didn't think about it at all, Qin Yu was so flawless.

Whether it is the intuition of handling the case for many years, or the understanding of Qin Yu, a brutal person.

The perpetrator must be Qin Yu.

But he really had no proof.

The other party is not an ordinary person, and there is not even a trace of it left.

And in the absence of evidence, Qin Yu will be able to leave soon, so now he has nothing to fear.

Of course Qin Yu could not leave evidence.

Whether it is witness testimony, video proctoring, fingerprints, everything is seamless.

Number three is the most powerful hacker in the world.

It is too simple to solve these problems.

So he can't leave evidence.

And the most important thing for him to enter the Metropolitan Police Department is to prove to Wang Bingbing how strong he is.

Only in this way will he be able to hold the beauty back when the time comes.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth revealed the iconic crooked smile of the God of War.

Although the old police officer is experienced, it is the first time he has met such a difficult opponent as Qin Yu.

The heart is more than enough.

But he didn't give up completely.

But as long as the time has not come, there will still be a chance to bring Qin Yu to justice.

Just when the old police officer was annoyed, a piece of good news suddenly came from outside the door.

"Captain, we have found key evidence."

A young police officer with a bespectacled face walked in with a smile on his face.

"What evidence to say?" The old police officer was very excited.

Qin Yu sneered, "Do whatever tricks you have."

He simply did not believe that these little police officers could find any evidence.

However, when a video appeared, his expression changed instantly.

There was blood in the picture, and blood was everywhere.

Those from the Black Dragon Gang were tortured by Qin Yu.

And each one was killed in an extremely brutal way.

"Qin Yu, you bastard, you must die!"

The old police officer couldn't hold back his anger any longer.

He directly pulled up Qin Yu's collar and questioned loudly.

If it weren't for his police uniform, he would definitely have started.

Qin Yu is also puzzled now.

Even thought it was impossible.

There is absolutely no chance of problems with monitoring.

This is the most powerful hacker in the world to destroy it himself.

Unless number three betrayed him.

This is even more impossible.

No. 3 is far away in a foreign country, how could she know about domestic affairs.

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