Actually it's not just him.

Yang Danxuan was obviously also a little angry.

He complained in his heart, "I would never have come to this store if I knew what to say."

Yang Yuxin still has face.

Such a big shift.

The store manager abruptly made a gorgeous private room for Yang Yuxin to use.

The food came quickly too.

Yang Danxuan was obviously hungry, completely disregarding her image as a lady, and gulps food into her mouth.

Not to mention Yang Yuxin.

She is a reserved little princess in front of everything.

But Su Chen has never seen her tender scene.

Yang Yuxin is eating.

Su Chen's eyes were placed on Yang Danxuan's body, staring closely.

Yang Danxuan also noticed.

Originally, she just lowered her head and blushed, and did not intend to pay attention to Su Chen.

But Su Chen couldn't help but keep watching.

Yang Danxuan panicked, raised her head and asked, "Su Chen, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Yang Yuxin arched her brows, wanting to say Yang Danxuan, don't be too affectionate.

But Su Chen spoke first, "Actually, I really have a question and want to ask you."

"What?" Yang Danxuan was really afraid of Su Chen's gaze.

"How did you sing that song?"

Su Chen really had a lot of doubts.

Why does Yang Danxuan sing in the real world?

And so familiar.

It seems that she really wrote it.

Hearing Su Chen's question, Yang Danxuan didn't panic, because she was ready to answer.

"This is a song I improvised. It's very popular on the Internet."

Yang Danxuan smiled and rolled her eyes, answering meticulously.

But Su Chen wouldn't give up so easily.

Continue to ask: "Then how do you know that I know this song?"

"I don't know!" Yang Danxuan touched her chin with her slender fingers and said curiously, "I'm still curious, why do you know this song."

Yang Danxuan's rhetorical question, but Su Chen was stunned.

That's right, he just heard this familiar melody and couldn't help but speak.

As for why Yang Danxuan created this song, it's actually quite understandable.

Because the author of this novel was originally a real person, it is normal to give it to the novel.

But he was really hard to explain.

Yang Danxuan did not continue to ask, but changed the question.

"Did you study my song so well for a long time?"

The meaning of Yang Danxuan's words is actually very clear, do you like me!

This question left Su Chen speechless.

Because this explanation seems to be the most correct one.

But Yang Yuxin doesn't think so.

"No, this is what I told Su Chen, when we slept in the same bed that night."

Yang Yuxin raised her white and tender face, "No, I told Su Chen all about you."

"I don't know you yet." Yang Yuxin laughed loudly at her sister, "Now you can pretend to be gentle and be virtuous, it's ridiculous."

"You said it all?" Yang Danxuan felt that her image in Su Chen's heart was seriously damaged, and she said angrily, "Damn, I will let you know what a woman's pain is today."

Su Chen called out, let me come.

Yang Danxuan snorted coldly and said, "It's just that I was ignorant when I was young. Besides, I didn't actually do anything. It was just a marriage contract, and I cancelled it."

Only at this time did Su Chen understand.

It turned out to be the marriage of Yang Danxuan and Qin Yu!

Wait, the engagement has been cancelled?

Su Chen was stunned.

Why was it cancelled?

Yang Danxuan's engagement with Qin Yu was cancelled.

For some reason, Su Chen felt inexplicable joy when he heard the news.

"Su Chen, you sing so well, do you want to enter the showbiz!"

Yang Danxuan suddenly had a question from the depths of her soul.

In fact, this is her little wish.

In her previous life, she discovered that Su Chen not only had a strong singing ability, but even had many amazing works.

She still hopes that Su Chen will be able to show the perfection well.

[Sounds like a good one. 】

[When I was on stage today, the feeling was really intoxicating. 】

[At that time, I was surrounded by those female fans and smelled the fragrance. 】

Yang Yuxin kicked Su Chen.

Then he rolled his eyes.

Disappointment was written all over his face.

Su Chen was puzzled.

This woman is crazy again, kicking me for no reason.

Su Chen still rejected Yang Danxuan's proposal.

Now he doesn't want to show any talent.

Completing the script well is the most important thing.

Of course, when using the villain card freely, you can still try to have a good feeling.

the other side.

At this time, Qin Yu came to the door of the Wang family's auction house arrogantly.

This used to be the place where he suffered humiliation.

But now he's back, and he's leaving as a winner.

At this time, Wang Bingbing was sitting in a leisure area of ​​the auction house.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the green grass is shaded.

Really beautiful scenery.

In addition, Wang Bingbing is a wonderful woman to set off. It seems that everything has become very impactful.

Only in this beautiful and peaceful place.

But it is a scene of unpleasant scenery.

I saw Wang Bingbing's expression was very solemn.

At this moment, she was thinking about how to approach Su Chen.

She is a proud woman.

Otherwise, the previous life would not have used ruthless means to deal with Su Chen.

Of course the final result told her.

That's useless.

Although this life, I thought about changing.

But Nai He still couldn't let go of the arrogance in his heart.

What Wang Bingbing thought was, if he met Su Chen, would he be suspicious if he was too proactive?

And judging from the previous interactions, Su Chen didn't seem to be very friendly to her.

If he was too proactive, Su Chen rejected him.

Then she was too embarrassed.

Just when she was worried, a nasty joke came.

"As expected of the eldest lady of the Wang family, the gorgeous scenery around is completely unworthy of mention in front of you."

Wang Bingbing recovered.

At this time, she already knew that the person who came was Qin Yu.

However, the appearance of Qin Yu still made him very puzzled.

She treated Qin Yu so cruelly that day.

He still had the face to come back, still smiling.

However, Wang Bingbing suppressed the anger in his heart.

He just asked lightly, "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Qin Yu's face changed greatly.

Anger flashed in his eyes.

Wang Bingbing's ignoring of his words made Qin Yu very upset.

But look at Wang Bingbing's expression without a trace of emotional change.

Qin Yu couldn't help but doubt again.

Does she really not remember herself?

Qin Yu was very annoyed when he thought that the beautiful beauty in front of him had forgotten him.

In his subconscious, Wang Bingbing could not forget him.

Because Qin Yu thinks that he is very special, it is absolutely impossible to be forgotten.

Therefore, Wang Bingbing's behavior made him have a great gap.

However, Qin Yu quickly guessed it.

This was all pretended by Wang Bingbing.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu showed a sinister and confident smile again.

He came directly to Wang Bingbing and sat down.

Deliberately pick up half of the tea on the table.

Pick it up and drink it up.

He speculated that this was the tea Wang Bingbing drank.

So I deliberately took it out to drink.

In this way, it can better promote the relationship between Wang Bingbing and him.

Even Qin Yu was prepared that Wang Bingbing would be angry.

As long as she does it, Qin Yu will let her know what means is.

This is Qin Yu's way of picking up girls, especially for such a proud and arrogant woman as Wang Bingbing.

He just wanted to provoke him on purpose.

At least make an impression on her mind first.

Then he found that Wang Bingbing's expression had not changed at all.

This made him very strange. I feel that my plan has not been realized, and I feel very unhappy in my heart.

Qin Yu frowned and said, "Wang Bingbing, you don't have to pretend, I know, you still remember me."

"The last time you shot me, although it didn't cause me any harm, it still made me very upset. Shouldn't you explain it to me?"

Wang Bingbing was stunned.

She didn't expect Qin Yu to be so thick-skinned.

Clearly he was out of his mind.

Now that it came out of his mouth, it seemed that he was showing mercy.

For someone like Qin Yu, Wang Bingbing is simply resentful.

At the same time, she was also frowning, and she couldn't understand why Su Chen was defeated by such a person.

She is still very clear about Su Chen's ability.

Although it is clumsy.

But it is easy to defeat someone like Qin Yu.

Wang Bingbing couldn't understand for a while.

So she plans to see more.

Wang Bingbing did not reject Qin Yu first, but instead asked.

"What do you want to do here?"

Sure enough, everything before was pretended.

At this time, Qin Yu was very confident, looked at Wang Bingbing and smiled, "I'm here to discuss cooperation with you."


Wang Bingbing sneered, she suppressed the anger in her.

He said very calmly: "I'm just a weak woman, and I have no qualifications to cooperate with you."

"Our cooperation is not about what you have, but what I want."

Qin Yu said strongly.

Of course this is also intentional.

The purpose is to show Wang Bingbing his strength.

Qin Yu smiled and said, "It is because you are a weak woman that we have to talk about cooperation."

"I will help you eliminate the Black Dragon Gang, and my request is very simple, I want you."

Qin Yu made it clear directly.

He was really thirsty.

Especially the body got the help of Ye Lanxiang, and now there is no need for restraint.

The practice has been elevated to the highest level.

He desperately wanted a peerless beauty like Wang Bingbing.

Qin Yu didn't hide his greedy eyes at all.

And learned from the previous lessons.

Qin Yu directly showed his identity to Wang Bingbing.

"To tell you the truth, after tonight, the Black Dragon Gang will cease to exist, and you will no longer have this opponent in the capital."

"It's all because of me!"

"And I am the God of War who has the power to destroy the Black Dragon Gang."

"I have enough power abroad to easily destroy the Black Dragon Gang, and I have the power to fight against the Su family."

"Wang Bingbing, you are very lucky to be my helper in China."

Qin Yu was bragging about his strength.

But Wang Bingbing still looked dull.

Not even the slightest change.

Is Qin Yu's plan to enter the domestic market?

Then he wants to destroy the Su family.

When Wang Bingbing heard Qin Yu's words, she was not angry, but rather happy.

Because Qin Yu just provided her with the opportunity to get close to Su Chen.

I saw Wang Bingbing put on a thinking expression.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "There is no basis for what you say. You have to show me your ability, otherwise you won't treat me like a fool."

"The power of the Black Dragon Gang is very powerful. If you say that it is destroyed, it will be destroyed?"

"I just look at the results."

"Don't forget, the power you displayed in front of the auction house that day doesn't look like you can deal with the Black Dragon Gang at all."

Wang Bingbing is angering Qin Yu.

At the same time, I want to see how much ability Qin Yu has.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles.

She never regarded Qin Yu as a partner from beginning to end.

But the enemy, the mortal enemy.

But at the same time, she can't kill Qin Yu alone.

Su Chen must know.

Only in this way will she have a chance to get close to Su Chen.

What's more, Su Chen was asked to personally eradicate Qin Yu, the enemy.

She also believed that Su Chen had such strength.

However, Qin Yu may not be angry because of Wang Bingbing's refusal.

Instead, he looked at Wang Bingbing confidently, with a smug smile in his eyes. "It looks good, I didn't find the wrong person, you are a smart woman.

"Don't worry, after tonight, you will receive satisfactory news."

"I think you'll make the right decision."

Qin Yu directly picked up the cup of tea in front of Wang Bingbing, drank it all, and the corner of his mouth showed a sinister smile from the **** of war, and said, "This tea is really fragrant, turn around and leave after speaking."

Wang Bingbing suddenly called out softly.

Her maid came out.

Wang Bingbing said: "Take this cup and throw it away."


The maid was a little surprised.

She has always been by Wang Bingbing's side.

Of course, it is clear that the price of this cup was bought back at a huge price at that time.

And it didn't take long for it to be thrown away.

Wang Bing explained coldly: "This cup is dirty, I don't want Xiaopao to drink it."

The maid nodded, picked up the cup and left.

After a while of silence, a figure came out of the nearby bushes.

A white puppy.

"Xiaopao, look where you went just now. Even the drinking cup was taken away."

Wang Bingbing picked up the puppy and touched it vigorously.

He still complained, "You are just as annoying as Su Chen, and you don't always appear in front of others."

"Miss, do you have any orders?"

At this time, the housekeeper of the Wang family came.

Wang Bingbing nodded and told the plan.

And the other side.

Su Chen in the food stall was still pinched from front to back.

Yang Danxuan touched him once, and Yang Yuxin was sure to touch him twice.

Yang Danxuan served him some dishes, and Yang Yuxin was about to take two.

Seeing the sisters who were in love with each other now, Su Chen only felt very complaining in her heart.

At the same time he raised his head with difficulty.

A little irritable, is this the male protagonist's trouble?

The only downside is that it's less pretentious.

But it's normal. After all, Su Chen is not a real male protagonist, so he can be carefree.

To put it bluntly, he still has the villain's script to take into account.

Of course you can't be too pretentious.

But at this moment his cell phone rang, and a familiar voice came: "What is a happy planet, what is a happy planet!"

Unknown phone.

Su Chen thought that a stranger who could know his phone number was unlikely.

Adhering to the idea that there must be a good thing for the male lead to answer the phone.

He chose to connect.

However, as soon as it was connected, it hung up there.

But it didn't take a few seconds.

A message was sent immediately.

"Qin Yu is going to destroy the Black Dragon Gang tonight!"

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