The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 120: So many clowns tonight

Are your uncles and aunts going to the concert too? "Yang Yuxin looked at Su Chen in surprise.

She really couldn't figure out why.

You know, Chen Qing and Su Long are the top people in Kyoto.

Going to a concert.

Saying this will only make people jaw-dropping.

"It should be for me!"

Yang Yuxin was still very happy.

At least in this way, Su Chen's parents still care about her very much.

But Yang Yuxin still has a small question.

How did Chen Qing know that she was going to the concert too.

But it is reasonable to think about it carefully. With Chen Qing's vicious eyes, it is estimated that what she was thinking must have been predicted long ago.

Either Su Chen told them, in this case, she would be even happier.

But looking at Su Chen's depressed expression, it should be the former.

I don't know why, since she could hear Su Chen's voice, she likes to see Su Chen's bitter face more and more.

It feels like everything is under control, but in the end, nothing can be achieved.

Then she became furious, making her more and more addicted.

"I'm going to get dressed, you wait for me to go to the concert." Yang Yuxin smiled even more.

No matter what it is now, it's not as important as going to the concert, and you still have to dress up.

Unless Su Chen stabs her now and makes her bleed... Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible.

Under Su Chen's helpless sigh, Yang Yuxin returned to the room.

Now it was only him and Yang Danxuan left.

Su Chen said solemnly, "I'll forget about my appearance at the concert, right?"

Su Chen is using the question sentence.


Yang Danxuan said angrily, "It's about to start, I've already arranged everything, how can I change it? In this case, I will definitely be scolded by the audience and become a joke."


You think you can't say no.

Are you in charge now?


Su Chen actually didn't want to give up.

Forget it, they all promised people.

Chen Qing taught him to be a person who keeps his promises since he was a child.

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to take revenge on Qin Yu.

It's hard to get revenge.

Although Qin Yu in this life is already very miserable.

But it has nothing to do with him.

It's all these women who are in the limelight.

So Su Chen's resentment has not been eliminated.

"Tell me about the specific process and let me see what can't be done."

Revenge is revenge, Su Chen still has the desire to survive.

"What the hell, the two of us still hold hands?"

"Why don't you design it directly, I'll hold you on stage."

Yang Danxuan was silent for a few seconds, "I really didn't think of that, I just wanted to kiss me when I came back."

Su Chen? ? ?

You are not right.

"No, I have to change." Su Chen resolutely resisted

Yang Danxuan disagreed, "But I don't think it's going to work!"

Su Chen rolled his eyes: "My parents are old after all, so there may be some problems with the heart or something."

"Alright then!" Yang Danxuan finally compromised with Su Chen.

When Su Chen thought about that scene, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

good guy.

I had a close contact on stage with the sister of the future daughter-in-law who was predestined in the eyes of my parents.

Just after Su Chen and Yang Danxuan discussed it, Yang Yuxin changed into a long dress from the room.

Su Chen was still a little surprised.

Because he has known Yang Yuxin for so long.

I had never seen her in a dress like this before.

It doesn't always fit the scent.

But now it seems, it gives people a bright sense of sight.

The sky gradually darkened.

At this time, the concert had not yet started, and the Kyoto Gymnasium, a venue large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of spectators, was brightly lit.

Yang Danxuan has a very high status in the entertainment industry.

She is also the eldest lady of the Yang family.

Her concert, naturally, there will be many peer superstars to come to support.

All kinds of media people take pictures like crazy.

Crazy inquiring about the news, trying to find clues about the mysterious guest of Yang Danxuan's concert.

But the end result was nothing.

Secrecy works very well.

This is even more intriguing.

Everyone wants to know if they are the candidate they have in mind.

Brightly lit venue, spacious and bright stage.

Countless audiences were eagerly looking forward to the concert finally starting.

"It's really Yang Yuxin!"

At this time, Su Chen and his party had been discovered.

Among them, Yang Danxuan and Yang Yuxin are obviously the objects of the audience.

"As expected, it's Officer Yang Yuxin, she is the pride of our capital!"

"That's right, police officer Yang Yuxin is really very caring. She's obviously such a big officer, and she still cares about us at the grassroots level. She's really a good police officer for the people!"

Yang Yuxin is different from Yang Danxuan.

Those who like her are older.

Especially those aunts who heard that Yang Yuxin was going to sing, also came early.

This also created a spectacle, and many of the audience present were mainly older people.

There are indeed very few young people who are madly chasing stars.

"Officer Yang Yuxin is fine with everything, but I heard that there is no match yet, so I think my son is good!" At this time, an aunt suddenly became a matchmaker for her son.

"Go, go, your son is very good, but Yang Yuxin already has someone he loves!" At this time, it was a lady who looked more ornately dressed.

Obviously know something.

And as soon as she said these words, she instantly became the object of her companions' favor.

An even more bizarre scene appeared.

At the concert of the superstar, a group of aunties who were dancing in the square were talking about each other at this time.

The scene on the field is funny.

There is a very spectacular scene outside the stadium.

I saw a group of young people looking at the door of the gym, crying in their arms, and more of them were student parties.

Looking at it eagerly, it is obvious that he really wants to enter.

And this scene happened to be seen by the reporter.

Absurd check-ins followed.

"Although scalpers have been severely rectified now, to put it bluntly, the ticket price for the concert is too expensive."

"For a nationally famous female star like Yang Danxuan, her concert tickets are obviously not affordable for young people."

"Seeing these students crying so sadly, I really can't bear it."

"Let's go up and appease it. In the end, I hope the relevant departments can investigate it properly. The problem of the concert tickets being too expensive."

This is a female reporter.

Extremely tall.

She first found a little girl who was crying so much.

"Actually, you don't have to wonder. We have to consume rationally. The tickets for the concert are too expensive. You are all still students. Every money is the result of the hard work of your parents. It really shouldn't be dedicated to this kind of star."

The female reporter said earnestly: "You have to think more about your parents. It's right for your parents not to buy tickets for you. You'll know in the future."

The people in front of the TV were also dissatisfied.

Originally it should be the flower of the motherland, but I didn't expect it to be so degenerate for a star.

It's just a joker's misunderstanding.

The girl may have been stimulated by the female reporter's words, and her cry became louder.

"No, sister Yang Danxuan's concerts are almost free of charge, even if they are in the front row."

"My mother has money to buy a ticket for me."

The female reporter nodded.

He turned to face the camera again and said, "Look at this is the sadness of today's teenagers. A concert in the district is so full that you can't even get tickets."

"No, I bought a ticket." The girl wiped away her tears and explained.


"But I bought the ticket back, and my mother actually wanted to see it by herself."

"The clown is me!"


This concert is absolutely unprecedented.

Because all kinds of strange scenes have appeared.

Chen Qing and Su Long also came in with the crowd.

These two are enough to stir up the situation in Kyoto.

It can even be said that millions of big people every minute, but at this time mixed into the crowd to watch the concert.

Of course, the position is the most precious special guest position, surrounded by stars.

The stars basically know each other.

Although Chen Qing is still charming, but compared with the famous schools around him, it is still very obvious.

The audience, of course, did not know the two very well.

But some people with discerning eyes can't believe that it is really Chen Qing and Su Long.

At this time, Chen Qing was in a very good mood.

Because during the call with Su Chen just now, she heard Yang Yuxin's voice.

What else can men and women do together, of course, to enhance their feelings.

"You said that your son and Yang Yuxin are sticking together, will you..."

Hearing Chen Qing's question, Su Long already knew what she wanted to say.

Nothing more than, will there be a child in the stomach.

Su Long just wanted to say: Ha ha!

Good guy, if Su Chen and Yang Yuxin can get pregnant like this.

That Su Xian'er is now helping Su Chen give birth to ten children.

In Su Long's heart, he still thinks that Su Xian'er is the best choice.

Don't worry about the bride price though.

But the most terrifying relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can still be solved.

Seeing that Su Long didn't speak, Chen Qing didn't say anything more about this matter.

Instead, he said inexplicably, "Go home in a few days to see the old man."

The shadow of Su Long's beating as a child rose, "Why?"

"Of course I have to go back and ask questions. Back then, he agreed to cancel the engagement, which made us almost miss a good daughter-in-law like Yuxin."

Su Long was shocked.

Good guy, this is to invite a teacher to ask for guilt!

Su Long's ability to do Tai Chi is no weaker than Su Chen's, he hurriedly said.

"I seemed to have seen Su Chen just now, as if I was with the little girl of the Yang family."

"Where?" Chen Qing looked around.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"Yuxin, come here, come and sit here." Chen Qing greeted Yang Yuxin happily.

Yang Yuxin also walked over.

Coincidentally, there was a vacancy next to it.

Yang Yuxin said gently: "Auntie, I have already received the news that you are coming, and I specially prepared to greet you."

Chen Qing didn't care too much about Yang Yuxin not calling her mother.

After all, there are so many people now, which is really not good.

To be honest, Chen Qing is very satisfied with Yang Yuxin.

Especially after the two children, Su Chen and Su Xian'er, were spoiled, Chen Qing was very dissatisfied with their tantrums and disobedience.

To put it bluntly, Yang Yuxin can make Chen Qing happy.

"It would be nice if our family was as sensible as you. It seems that I have to go on a blind date with her."

She believes that the reason why Yang Yuxin has such a change is because she likes love.

Hearing this, Yang Yuxin was overjoyed and hurriedly agreed: "Yes, yes, marry her early, auntie is at ease, and so am I."

But this topic soon came to an end.

Because Chen Qing was just talking, Yang Yuxin certainly didn't take it seriously.

Because it's not practical.

And this time with the concert is about to start.

Chen Qing suddenly said to Yang Yuxin: "Yuxin, tell auntie, is your sister's mysterious guest you?"

Yang Yuxin was taken aback, "What did you say?"

"Is the mystery guest you?"

Yang Yuxin shook her head, "No."

"That's weird, who else can your sister ask as a guest singer besides you?"

Chen Qing was still a little lost.

After all, her purpose was to see Yang Yuxin.

Unexpectedly, it is not.

But Yang Yuxin was lost in thought at this time.

Su Chen left with Yang Danxuan just now.

Could it be that?

The mysterious guest is Su Chen?

But when did Su Chen and her sister Yang Danxuan become so close?

Yang Yuxin remembered all the previous things.

Turns out the clown was herself.

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