Chapter 95 Palace Master, don’t you go take a look?

All the heavens and the world, countless eyes, countless people, at this moment, are all dumbfounded!

Everyone stared at Ling Ye who suddenly appeared like a ghost!

He is still alive!?

This man is still alive!?

Blood Shadow Demon Lord is still alive!?

how so?

Five years ago, after the decisive battle between him and Ye Tian, ​​he was clearly annihilated in front of everyone in the heavens and the world!

He should have completely disappeared from the heavens and the world!

Why are you still alive?

A person who died five years ago suddenly appears five years later!

Of course, the heavens and the world will be shocked!

And, along with Ling Ye’s appearance, there is that which has disappeared – fear!

Everyone’s fear of Ling Ye!

In the past five years, the top powers of all parties, the top powerhouses of all parties, in this chaotic era, in this era of no owner!

Everyone wants to be the new master, everyone wants to be the Ling Ye of the past!

Everyone wants to be at the top!

No one wants to submit to anyone, and no one wants to submit to anyone!

But now, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord has appeared!

He is still alive!

The Blood Shadow Demon Lord who is above everyone in the heavens and the world, he is still alive!

At this moment, everyone’s heart, the feeling of being dominated by Ling Ye, has returned again!

The master of this era is back again!

It’s him after all!

It can only be him!

He’s back, he’s still alive!

In the heavens and the world, who dares to fight for the king?

As long as he is there, he is king!

He is the master!

In the heavens and the world, when they were shocked, some people had some doubts in their hearts for the first time!

Is that person the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

But this idea was quickly ignored!

Perhaps the appearance can be imitated and forged!

Because of that beer’s eyes that take off the world, that king’s aura, absolutely can’t be wrong!

Absolutely him!

It’s the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

In the mid-air of the Taixu Protoss, Ling Ye’s figure stood there quietly.

And right behind him, there is Zhuge Qingmu!

There are also Yao Yao and others of the Taixu Protoss.

The appearance of Ling Ye made the entire battlefield calm down in an instant!

Let the entire heavens and the world become quiet in an instant!

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

The top of Huahai Immortal Palace.

Luo You Leng’s love image, suspended in the mid-air.

Of course, she also noticed the movement of the Taixu Protoss battle!

She’s been keeping an eye on what’s going on there too!

And now, she saw Ling Ye!

I saw my Ling Ye, who had actually been thinking about it for five years!

At this moment, there is also a bit of shock on her beautiful face!

But what followed was a relief surprise!

At this moment, her eyes were even a little red with those penetrating and moving beautiful eyes!

Her eyes penetrated the void of all worlds, and stared at Ling Ye, who had just appeared from the God Race in Taixu!

He is back!

He is finally back!

For five years, during these five years, she did not have any information about Ling Ye!

Couldn’t find any clues about Ling Ye!

She even thought it was impossible for Ling Ye to come back.

I once thought that my daughter would never have a father!

But now, he’s back!

He is finally back!

In this way, it appeared in the eyes of everyone without any signs, which shocked the heavens and the world!

And give her, a small number of them, a surprise!

Luo You Leng’s red eyes couldn’t hide the joy in her heart.

She took a deep breath, and she didn’t even notice that her body was shaking!

How much she cares about Ling Ye, maybe she doesn’t even have a clear definition.

Anyway, very concerned!

Now that Ling Ye is finally back, she is of course happy, and of course relieved!

After all, he is the father of his own child!

Moreover, looking at Ling Ye’s current state, although it is less than that of the past!

But it is also the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, the pinnacle of the pinnacles!

Still above everyone else!

So, is that why he hasn’t seen any movement for five years?

Sure enough, he had already planned everything!

When you plan to come back again, you will still be at the top!

Think about it, who can create an extreme god realm within five years?

Absolutely impossible!

But he did it!

All this is his plan!

Everything he did in the first place was not in vain.

Sure enough, he had already prepared everything!

Also, that girl Zhuge Qingchan is by his side!

Sure enough, Zhuge Qingmu knew everything about Ling Ye!

It’s just that in the past five years, they have never had any news of Zhuge Qingchan!

She has been with Ling Ye all the time!

Luo You Leng is really curious, how did Ling Ye do all this?

She is very aware of her ability to regenerate!

When the body is dead and the soul is destroyed, the consciousness will be reborn on a new life body!

It could be a human being, or it could be any kind of creature!

But now, what appears in front of everyone is Ling Ye, a complete Ling Ye!

Appearance, temperament, there is no change!

Even the strength is still the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

How exactly is this done?

This is not like consciousness rebirth at all, but more like fixed rebirth!

His means are indeed many, and it is really hard to fathom!

Now, he is fully resurrected!

He will reign over the heavens and the world again!

Dominate everything again!

At this time, Gou Ruyue and the others from Ziyun Immortal Palace naturally also saw Ling Ye who suddenly appeared!

“He’s really….alive!”

“Sure enough, as the palace master said, he is still alive!”

“Resurrected? Resurrected from the dead? And still at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm?”

“But at the beginning, he was clearly dead!”

“What the hell is going on here? How can you be resurrected even if you die?”

Many goddesses are full of doubts and surprises.

They really can’t figure this out!

But how did the palace master know about this?

How did she know that Ling Ye was still alive?

And so sure from the beginning that Ling Ye is still alive?

Is it because there is really any secret between her and Ling Ye?

A secret that only belongs to the two of them?

Everyone’s eyes are looking at Chao Luo You Leng!

Must be so, right?

If there is no secret between Ling Ye and the palace master, where did Luo Xin come from?

“Palace Master, why don’t you go take a look?”

Xun Ruyue asked in a low voice.

After all, no matter what the palace lord says, she still cares about Ling Ye!

So I have been looking for the whereabouts of Ling Ye and Zhuge Qingting!

Now that Ling Ye, whom she has been thinking about all the time, finally appeared, she must be very happy, right?

However, upon hearing this, Luo You Leng’s pretty face was filled with indifference: “Why should I go take a look?”

In fact, I thought about going now, but it is not suitable now, so let’s go later!

After all, the relationship between myself and Ling Ye, no one knows what is going on!

Even Ling Ye doesn’t know!

Besides, speaking of myself, I should hate Ling Ye more!

What did he do to himself?

What has he given himself?

He once said that everything about himself has nothing to do with him!

It doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter!

When seeing Luo You Leng’s reaction, Xun Ruyue and others were speechless on the spot!

The temperament of the palace lord has not changed!

Still the same!

But it does say so!


The palace lord gave birth to Xin’er and raised her alone, what does it have to do with Ling Ye?

How many grievances has the palace lord suffered over the years?

But what did Ling Ye do?

Ling Ye did nothing!

Why should the palace master treat him like this?

Everyone closed their eyes.

Speaking of which, it should be Ling Ye who compensated their palace master!

How much did he owe the palace master? How much did he owe Xin’er?

He doesn’t even know anything at all!

On the other side, the tomb of the Demon Emperor.

The baijiu, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the stone tomb, also raised his head at this time!

Her divine sense, naturally, was aware of everything about the Void God Race, and the Ling Ye who had just appeared!

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: “You actually came back?”

Sure enough, Ling Ye doesn’t talk empty words!

When he said he would come back again, he would come back again!

And his strength is actually the pinnacle of the extreme god realm?

When he died, he died, leaving nothing behind!

I didn’t expect that when I came back, there was not much change.

“I really don’t know how you did it!

Baijiu smiled faintly.

People like Ling Ye have a lot of tricks!

Not only can he be reborn after the death of his soul, but in just five years, he has reached the pinnacle of the extreme god realm?

Five years!

Think about the birth of other extreme gods, how long did it take?

50,000 years, 500,000 years and 5 million years!

I really don’t know how Ling Ye did it!

However, he can even be reborn and come back from a dead soul. It is normal to think that he can achieve such strength in five years!

What others can’t do, he can do!

He always does!

Now, since Ling Ye has returned, his days of guarding the Devil Emperor’s tomb are over!

This tomb of the devil emperor, these three thousand defunct emperors, should also be returned to Ling Ye!

Return it to Ling Ye intact!

In this way, he has fulfilled his promise!

On the other side, in the corner of the heavens and the world.

Shura Kuang brought his several brothers.

For the past few years, Shura Kuang has been hunting and killing the Void family in the heavens and the world!

The hunting team he led has been famous in the world in recent years.

Ye Tian has also approached him many times, wanting him to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and even willing to let him be the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

But he refused!

There is only one person worth his life, and that is Ling Ye!

Otherwise, he would rather do it alone with his brothers!

That way at least it’s a good time to kill!

And he also knew that he didn’t have that kind of leadership ability!

Not that kind of ambition!

Today, Shura Kuang and the others naturally saw the situation of the Taixu Protoss.

But Shura Kuang didn’t make a move!

At this time, the shot is to hold the determination to die!

Therefore, he naturally cannot sacrifice himself for others.

No one is obliged to sacrifice themselves for others!

At this time, if you don’t do it, there is no right or wrong!

Moreover, if he wants to hunt down more people from the Void Clan, he has to live!

However, although he did not make a move to go to the Taixu Protoss, he saved a lot of people from the Taixu Protoss on the way!

To be able to do this step is also a kind of honor!

At this time, their eyes, of course, are also looking in the direction of the Taixu Protoss.

Then, they saw Ling Ye!

I saw the Blood Shadow Demon Lord who should have disappeared from the heavens and the world!

That man, is he still alive?

“Aah! You really came back!”

A smile appeared on Shura’s face.

Although he was also confused about what Ling Ye was thinking at the time, he always believed that Ling Ye would come back!

Now, Ling Ye is really back!

The ruler of the heavens and the world is really back!

“Brother! He is not already”

Behind him, Shura Kuang’s brothers were all shocked!

Back then, they watched Ling Ye fall with their own eyes!

Moreover, a few of them were still seen at the scene!

Ling Ye was really dead at that time!

Why did it suddenly appear now?

It appeared without warning!

Like a ghost!

“I said, I’m on his side!” Shura Kuang smiled lightly.

“So eldest brother, you already knew he would come back?” Everyone was surprised again.

No wonder, no wonder their eldest brother knew Ling Ye would lose, but he still stood by Ling Ye!

It turns out that he already knew all this!

At that time, they were still curious, why did they stand on Ling Ye’s side?

And when you stood on Ling Ye’s side and didn’t help Ling Ye?

Now they get it!

That battle was not the end at all!

Ling Ye won’t die at all!

“Since he has returned! Then he is the ruler of the heavens and the world!

Shura Kuang continued: “From now on, we will follow him!

“Whoever Big Brother is with, whoever we are with!

All the brothers of Shura Kuang said.

People like Ling Ye are also fully qualified to make them work for it!

Shura slapped his huge air-breaking knife wildly, then turned around and looked at the group of people from the Void Protoss that he had just rescued behind him!

At this time, the people of the Taixu Protoss also all had the same expression, the same shock!

Who would have thought that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was still alive?

“When he comes back, your illusory gods will not be destroyed! Let’s go! Go back now!” Shura Kuang then waved his hand.

0… ask for flowers…

The space was distorted, and he took all his brothers, and all the people of the Taixu Protoss who were rescued, and returned to the Taixu Protoss!

On the other side, in a vast void world.

Dollar groped here alone.

In the past few years, all the members of the Void Clan have gathered in this Void World!

But now, it’s empty!

The army of the Void Clan, all of them don’t know where they went!

Among them were two Void Kings, Lei Jue and Guishang, who led some of the army to attack the Void God Race!

But what about the rest?

Where did the rest of the army go?

The rest, but there are eight Void Kings!

What kind of idea is this Void family planning?

Jiang Yuan doesn’t understand at all, if they don’t know what this Void family is doing, sooner or later the whole world will be completely destroyed!

But at this moment, even when Jiang Yuan didn’t know what to do when it was a good time!

He was also suddenly aware of Ling Ye who appeared in the Void God Clan.

Immediately, a faint smile appeared on Jiang Yuan’s face: “Sure enough, you won’t die so easily!”

He always believed that Ling Ye would come back!

He always believed that Ling Ye would not lose to Ye Tian as a hairy boy.

Ling Ye is really back!

And it came so fast!

Back then, Ling Ye was dead. I really don’t know how he was so full of blood and resurrected!

The peak of the extreme god realm, this is equivalent to a full blood resurrection, right?


Jiang Yuan then exhaled: “Since you’ve come back, let’s leave everything to you! We really have nothing to do with this Void clan!”

“My little brother, I will follow you, Lord Demon Lord!”

After a slight smile, Jiang Yuan didn’t stay any longer, and rushed in the direction of the Taixu Protoss!

Remnant fire mirror.

At this moment, in front of the huge black ancient fire, Ren Fanchen stood there alone!

Just stand there dumbfounded!

At this moment, his eyes were full of horror!

That expression was completely sluggish!

The three dice in the hand, squeeze tightly, make a sound!


His terrified gaze, at this time, also looked at Ling Ye through the void and myriad worlds!

Look at Ling Ye!

Still alive!?

Ling Ye is still alive!?

How is it possible? How is it possible!?

He was obviously dead, why is he there now?

Why is this so?

How could he still be alive?

How can you still be alive?

If, if Ling Ye is still alive, what will happen next?

With Ling Ye’s temperament, she will definitely take revenge!

He will never let go of anyone who has ever been his enemy!

Ren Fanchen still clearly remembers what Ling Ye said at the beginning, if he wins, he will let the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance, together with all the betrayers, be wiped out!

When Ling Ye said it, she will definitely do it!

And now, Ling Ye is standing there!

Ling Ye did not lose!

The fright in Ren Fanchen’s eyes made his breathing a little stagnant!

Ling Ye didn’t lose!

And he… didn’t win!

That last bet, he didn’t win!

Then choose Ye Tian’s gamble, he lost!

He has never lost in his life, only this time!

And the price to pay for losing this time…all!

Win all your life! Lose all in one game!

Ren Fanchen’s throat rolled fiercely.

The next moment, he suddenly withdrew his gaze and left here without saying a word.

Now, he has only one thought left!


Disappear forever, disappear forever from the heavens and the world, disappear from the front of Ling Ye!

Never be found by Ling Ye!

Otherwise, you will be a dead end!

Is he still following Ye Tian?

Of course not possible!

Ye Tian has no ability at all!

Ling Ye has already come back, then the heavens and the world will still be Ling Ye’s era!

Ling Ye is still unbeatable!

So, run away!

Do your best to escape Ling Ye, escape everything.

Taixu Protoss.

In front of that horrible ancient tree of blood sun!

The battle just now has all stopped at this moment!

The battles between the four peaks of the extreme gods, all stop!

The whole place was eerily quiet!

The eyes of Lei Jue and Guishang were all staring at the Ling Ye who just appeared!

In their eyes, there is the same kind of unbelief, that kind of shock!

And there’s that fear that comes from the depths of your heart that you can’t resist!

Blood Shadow Lord?

Is he still alive?

Doesn’t that mean he’s dead?

Everything in the past four years has indeed proved that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is dead and has completely disappeared from the heavens and the world!


Why is it here now?

Has he never died?

But why is it only showing up now?

what is the problem?

What the hell is going on in all this?

If this Blood Shadow Demon Lord is still alive!

How did their Void Clan take over the heavens and the world?

How dare you set foot in this world?

Ye Tian’s eyes were also staring at Ling Ye!

In the same way, his pupils are also dilated, and there are two big characters written on his face!


Ling Ye?

How could… how could this be?

Didn’t you already kill him?

Didn’t he already die at his own hands?

Why is it here?

come back to life?

Impossible! I tried my best to make him die!

How can it be resurrected?

What the hell is going on in all this?

In Ye Tian’s mind, there is chaos now, making him unable to think!

Ling Ye is still alive!

The biggest goal of the oneself is still alive!

The man who once died by his own hands is still alive!

For a long time, Ye Tian had a crazy idea hidden deep in his heart!

He always felt that Ling Ye was not dead!

And now, this crazy idea has become a reality?

This reality, the impact is really too big!

It made Ye Tian unable to react at all!

On the opposite side, as soon as Ling Ye appeared, those blood-red eyes fell on Ye Tian for the first time!

Immediately afterwards, his cold and familiar voice sounded slowly: “Boy, you have matured a lot!” Qian,

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