Chapter 79 The child is born, it is a daughter

I still remember how resolute the attitude of the palace master was when Ling Ye asked him to move the Ziyun Immortal Realm!

At that time, he also said that if Ling Ye dared to forcibly move Ziyun Immortal Realm, he would regret it!

At that time, they also felt that the Palace Master was inexplicably confident, and inexplicably confronted Ling Ye!

Only now did I realize that the Palace Master can really make Ling Ye regret it.

But later, the palace master changed his attitude again and took the initiative to move Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, at that time, if Ling Ye really forcibly moved the Ziyun Immortal Realm, or even if the Palace Master stopped him, if the Palace Master was hurt!

Surely he will regret it?

In the past, they had absolutely no idea what Luo You Leng was thinking!

But now, it’s all clear!

From the very beginning, Luo You Leng always had Ling Ye’s heart!

Not only because she didn’t want to face what she said at the beginning.

More, because she is already pregnant with Ling Ye’s child!

So from the beginning, she only hoped that Ling Ye could win!

So when she saw Ling Ye fall, she was so sad that she almost cried!

Xun Ruyue and the others were all staring at Luo You Leng in amazement!

Be nice!

Their palace masters actually hide such a shocking secret?

In contrast to their surprise, Ye Tian on the opposite side had only anger and only pain!

The bloodshot eyes that burst out, and even some tears were caught in them.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists!

But the anger in my heart has nowhere to vent!

I can only endure it by myself!

He can’t wait to kill Ling Ye thousands of times again!

The Ling Ye who took away the perfect goddess in his mind.

He pursues Luo You Leng for a lifetime!

I never got a straight eye from Luo You Leng in my whole life!

The results of it?

Luo You Leng directly became Ling Ye’s woman!

Before he knew it, something happened with Ling Ye!

Moreover, she is pregnant with Ling Ye’s child!

Luo You Leng, is really completely Ling Ye’s!

The person belongs to Ling Ye, the heart is also Ling Ye’s, and the child in the womb is also Ling Ye’s!

Everything in the future belongs to Ling Ye!

Ye Tian almost burst into tears!

What have you won?

You haven’t won anything at all!

On the contrary, I am a failure, a complete failure!

Ling Ye is the real winner, even if she is dead, she can still get the respect of a strong person like Sword God Baijiu!

Even if he was dead, he still got Luo You Leng and left a child behind!

“Why! Why is this?”

Ye Tian roared, his eyes fixed on Luo You Leng.

Isn’t Luo You Leng never tempted by anyone?

What about her contempt for the world?

What about her unoffensive arrogance?

Why does this happen?

Why make him so sad!

Luo You Leng didn’t care about Ye Tian’s emotions, and just said lightly: “My business has nothing to do with you!

She knew that sooner or later this matter could not be concealed!

Now that Ye Tian sees it out, it doesn’t matter!

She gave Ye Tian the same answer!

Just as cool!

Because Ye Tian always has something inexplicable, as if in Ye Tian’s eyes, she is Ye Tian’s woman!

When Ye Tian talks to her, he always has such a tone!

This made her very resistant and very annoying!

He has nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​why does he always speak to him in such a tone?

Are you always asking yourself questions like this?

Luo You Leng naturally knew Ye Tian’s feelings for her!

But in the world, there are many men who adore her! She will not put anyone in her eyes!

Luo You Leng’s answer made Ye Tian feel cold.

Even when he fought against Ling Ye before, he had never been so angry!

At that time, he could at least vent his anger on Ling Ye!

But now, he can only grit his teeth and swallow all the pain and anger alive!

His lips trembled, and then the trembling voice sounded: “What you said before, does it still count?”

“Forget it!” Luo You said coldly.

Since it is said, then of course it must be borne!

“Then…will you marry me?” Ye Tian’s voice was filled with despair.

In this despair, there is a little bit of hope!

Although he knew the question was redundant, although he knew what the answer was!

But still want to ask.

If Luo You Leng can nod, if Luo You Leng is willing to marry him!

He can still endure all the pain and marry Luo You Leng.

Even if Luo You Leng has been Ling Ye’s woman, even if the child in Luo You Leng’s belly is not his but Ling Ye’s!

He would too!

As long as Luo You nodded coldly.

At the very least, he can still see Luo You Leng’s heart, proving that he can still get Luo You Leng’s heart!

However, her last ray of hope is of course superfluous

“I said, whoever can kill him, whoever can win him! I’ll marry whoever!

Luo You’s cold and cold voice sounded: “But you didn’t win against him!”

Ling Ye is still alive!

So, of course, she doesn’t have to bear anything for what she said at the beginning!

“But I’ve killed him, he’s dead! I’ve reached your standard!” Ye Tian’s hoarse voice came out of his throat.

“You didn’t beat him!”

Luo You said coldly: “What have you done? What has the world of the world become now? What can you do? How did you win against him?”

Luo You’s cold words made Detian’s heart sink again!

Even Luo You Leng…does it also think like this?

In Luo You Leng’s eyes, is he also so unbearable?

Can’t you compare yourself to Ling Ye?

What Ling Ye can do, she can’t do anything by herself!

Ling Ye can do it, but she can’t do anything!

Apart from the fact that he has reached the limitless borders, 497 really doesn’t seem to have any ability!

There is nothing special about it!

“Let’s go! Don’t bother me in the Ziyun Immortal Realm again!” Luo You Leng then turned around and saw off the guests.

A bleak smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian’s mouth.

He really nearly cried!

Only now did he realize that he was such a failure!

So incompetent!

This life is more than just regrets? It’s all regrets!

“Will your child be born? Is it?” Ye Tian’s voice sounded again.

“It’s my business!”

Luo You coldly replied: “Also, this is just my child! It has nothing to do with anyone!”

After she said something coldly, she turned around and entered the Ziyun Immortal Realm.

After Xun Ruyue and the others glanced at Ye Tian, ​​they also followed.

In this void, only Ye Tian was left standing there, trembling and angry!

Luo You Leng doesn’t have any affection towards him, and doesn’t even look at him once!

I’ve been chasing it all my life, and I haven’t gotten anything!

And Ling Ye, got it all!

Moreover, Ling Ye doesn’t seem to know about the pregnancy of each You Leng!

In other words, that bastard Ling Ye, after getting Luo You Leng, was lucky enough to lose her?

what is this?

What is all this?

The perfect goddess who pursued her whole life, and finally was let down by other men?

How different is this?

Ling Ye got all of Luo You Leng, but didn’t cherish it!

What about him? He wants to get but can’t get anything!

Compared to Ling Ye, is he really so unbearable?

such a failure?

Ye Tian stood there, unable to calm down his inner emotions for a long time!

The anger and pain in his chest almost broke him!

“Brother Tian! The spirit clan sent a distress signal!”

At this moment, Ye Ziwei’s voice suddenly entered his ears.

After hearing this voice, Ye Tiantian slowly came back to his senses!

Then, he glanced at the entrance of Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Then, turn around and leave!

He and Luo You Leng are inseparable after all!

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm, inside.

After Luo You Leng came in, Gou Ruyue and the others followed her all the time!

They were still shocked that she was pregnant!

Still a little unresponsive!

“Follow me what to do?

Luo You Leng turned around and looked at Xun Ruyue and the others.

“That palace master! We want to take good care of you!”

Gou Ruyue suddenly laughed dryly.

Yes, they have such a mentality now.

Luo You Leng is pregnant, but the child’s father is gone!

Luo You must have endured a lot psychologically, right?

That Ling Ye has really let down their palace lord!

So, now, they all want to protect Luo You Leng well!

Protect her and the baby!

Although the child does not have a father, can they have all the fairy sisters and aunts in the Ziyun Immortal Realm, right?

“Palace Master! Don’t be sad, that.. although he is not here, you still have us! We can also take care of you!”

Gou Ruyue and the others continued.

“What is he doing to me?”

Luo You Leng said coldly: “I said, this is not his child! Not anyone’s child! It’s mine alone!”

“Yes yes yes yes! It is the palace master alone!”

Xun Ruyue and the others nodded hurriedly, and then said, “So you have to take good care of it!”

Well, the palace lord is still a little angry with Ling Ye!

She actually needs Ling Ye very much, right?

It’s a pity that Ling Ye doesn’t know anything!

They have always treated their palace masters with that attitude!

I feel that the palace lord must have suffered a lot of grievances during this period of time, right?

So they are also distressed.

“Am I a child? Need your care?”

Luo You Leng looked at Xun Ruyue and the others, frowned and said, “Go and do your business!”


Xun Ruyue and others only nodded, and then quickly said: “Palace Master, don’t worry! We will definitely find Zhuge Qingchan, and we will definitely find him! If he is still alive, we will definitely find him! When the time comes, let He is responsible for you!”

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng felt some ripples in his heart.

Should Ling Ye be responsible for her?

That bastard! Who holds him accountable?

“I don’t need it! I said, this is my own child!” Luo You Leng continued.

“Yes! Yes, yes!” Xun Ruyue and the others nodded again.

“Then the palace lord rests well, let’s go to work! Do you have any instructions for the palace lord to call us at any time!”

After they said a word, they turned around and left.

Leaving Luo You Leng alone in this Flower Sea Immortal Palace.

Luo You’s cold jade hand gently touched her lower abdomen!


You don’t need to!

If you say it’s your own, it’s your own!

It has nothing to do with Ling Ye!

I don’t need him!

Just don’t need him!

the other side.

The world of Qiankun, the alliance of heaven and earth.

When Ye Tian came back, Ye Ziwei was waiting in the main hall!


Ye Ziwei was stunned when she saw Ye Tian’s heartbroken face!

what happened to him?

It feels as if all of a sudden the vicissitudes of life have been experienced!

Why do you look like you’ve already cried?

A dead heart?

Now, Ye Tian’s heart is indeed dead!

He died in the hands of Ling Ye and Luo You Leng!

“Brother Tian, ​​what’s wrong with you?”

Ye Ziwei looked at him with some concern.

How did it become like this?

It just became like this after going out and coming back?

Ye Tian didn’t answer, just asked: “What happened to the Spirit Race?”

“Well! I just received a distress signal from the patriarch of the spirit clan!” Ye Ziwei replied.

Many of their friends in the Heaven and Earth Alliance can directly send a distress signal to the Qiankun world!

After Ye Ziwei received the distress signal, she immediately contacted Ye Tian.

“Brother Tian, ​​I’m sorry! Before the war, the Spirit Race also wanted to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but I refused!”

Ye Ziwei then pouted and said: “I was afraid at that time, because I was afraid that they were arranged by the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, so I didn’t let them in! They seemed to be angry at the time!”

Speaking of which, the Spirit Race has never contacted Heaven and Earth since then.

It seems that the Spirit Race is really angry, and they really want to sever ties with the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

And today, it may be forced to contact the Heaven and Earth Alliance again!

If it hadn’t been for the Spirit Clan’s sudden call for help, Ye Ziwei would have almost forgotten all about the Spirit Clan.

Ye Tian didn’t say much, but the space around him was slightly distorted, and he hurried directly in the direction of the Spirit Clan!

“Brother Tian, ​​wait for me, I’ll go with you!” Ye Ziwei quickly followed.

If I go this time, I’d better apologize to the Spirit Race!

At this time, in the spirit clan.

Spirit world.

cack cack…  

At this time, the spiritual world is full of wolf smoke!

One after another terrifying shock waves spread throughout the entire spiritual world!

The screams continued, and the casualties continued!

The entire spiritual world is now a fire of war and ruins.

The dead…of course they are all from the Eldar!

At this time, in the Spirit Clan Hall!

The patriarch of the spirit clan, with many senior members of the spirit clan, all… kneeled on the ground!

The one who invaded his Spirit Race was a force called the Golden Thunder Temple!

The Temple of Golden Thunder is also one of the most powerful forces in the heavens and the world.

Its hall master is an existence in the late stage of the extreme god realm, close to the peak of the extreme god realm!

And since this time, since the death of Ling Ye, the Jinlei Palace has started to riot!

In the heavens and the world, crazily plundering the weak and small forces from all sides!

And now, the Golden Thunder Temple has joined their spirit clan.

The army of the Golden Thunder Hall is constantly slaughtering the people of the Spiritual Race outside and destroying the entire Spiritual World!

At this time, standing in front of the spiritual clan chief and others was a sturdy bald man.

This man was covered with golden thunder and lightning, and his eyes were also golden, full of fierce light, making people dare not look directly at him!

He is the master of the Golden Thunder Palace, satisfied!

The most vicious predators in the world today are none other than Xiao Ling.

Looking at the patriarch of the spirit clan and the others kneeling on the ground in front of him, Xiao Lei twisted his neck slightly: “Hand over the spirit stone early, the spirit clan will be able to live more people!”

“The spirit stone has really been taken away by the blood shadow demon master! Our spirit clan has no spirit stone for a long time!”

The patriarch of the spirit clan knelt on the ground and begged bitterly: “Master of the Golden Thunder Palace, let go of my spirit clan!

“What? You hid the spirit stone? You are willing to teach me if I kill more people? That’s good!” Xiao Zhen sneered.

Then turn around and wave your palm!


With a loud bang, golden thunder and lightning erupted, and immediately blasted a row of people from the Spirit Race to ashes!


The patriarch of the spiritual clan knelt on the ground, with despair and pain on his old face.

“The spirit stone has really been taken away by the Blood Shadow Demon Lord. Our Spirit Race really doesn’t have the spirit stone! Really not!” He cried and begged.

However, Xiao Zhen didn’t listen at all!

Today is really the end of their Spirit Race!

Never thought that everything would actually turn out like this!

All of this seems to be the same as what Zhuge Qingmu said at the beginning.

Once the Blood Shadow Demon Lord dies, the world will be in chaos!

And their spirit clan can’t survive in this chaotic world at all!

Now, disaster and doomsday have really come to their Eldar’s head!

Their spiritual race is really going to be extinct in this chaotic world!

“Master of the Golden Thunder, if there really was a spirit stone, we would have taken it out long ago! How could we hide it!”

The patriarch of the spiritual clan knelt on the ground with many high-ranking officials and begged bitterly.

It looks so tragic and pitiful!

However, who cares that they are pitiful?

At least Xiao Zhen wouldn’t care!

“Okay! Since your Spirit Race really doesn’t have a spirit stone! Then it’s useless! Disappear from the heavens and the world!”

Xiao Zhen spent a long time and was too lazy to continue.

He then raised his palm, and the golden thunder and lightning danced wildly on his arm!

He is a man who likes to plunder, and who likes to kill!

Now that the Spirit Race couldn’t satisfy him, of course he wanted to destroy the entire Spirit Race!

Even if the Spirit Clan satisfied him, he would still destroy the Spirit Clan!

He never speaks any reason or principle, killing is his pleasure!

After a sneer, Xiao Chu’s fist, with that terrifying golden thunder and lightning, suddenly punched the patriarch of the spiritual clan and the others!

This punch is completely enough to obliterate the patriarch of the spirit clan and everyone else!

But at this moment, at the moment when he punched!

The space in front was suddenly distorted, and a figure flew out!

Ye Tian!

As soon as Ye Tian came out, he clenched his fist, and above that fist, with sky-blue spiritual power, slammed it in the face of satisfaction!


The next moment, a loud bang rang out in this spiritual world hall!

The shock wave instantly destroyed the entire hall!

It also caused the entire spiritual world to tremble fiercely!

Immediately after, a figure shot out!

Xiao Zhen!

After Xiao Zhen stabilized his figure, his eyes turned towards Ye Tian!

Suddenly his face became gloomy!

Didn’t expect Ye Tian to come so quickly?

I didn’t expect that the Eldar still sent out the distress signal?

When he came, he had already blocked everyone’s movements, but he still missed a hand!

“Leader Ye Tian!?”

When seeing Ye Tian, ​​when seeing Ye Tian and Ye Ziwei who came later.

Everyone in the entire Spiritual Race, the Spiritual Race Patriarch and others, suddenly burst into tears.

It’s like seeing the savior!

“Lord Ye Tian, ​​save my Spiritual Race, save my Spiritual Race!”

The tragic cry of the patriarch of the spiritual clan hurriedly begged Ye Tian.

Ye Tian’s icy eyes stared at the opposite satisfaction!

This Spirit Race, when he was young, can be considered to have helped him!

And now, it has been devastated by the Golden Thunder Palace into such a state?

Ye Tian was originally angry because of Luo You Leng’s affairs, but now he is even more angry when he sees the spirit clan like this!


The next moment, his figure shot directly towards the opposite Xiao Zhen!

Originally, there was nowhere to vent this emotion, but now it is just possible to vent it all on Xiao Zhen.

Opposite, Xiao Zhen also hurriedly burst out with golden thunderbolts all over his body, facing Ye Tian head-on!

Kick, Kick!

The next moment, the two instantly collided in this ruined spiritual world.

One after another terrifying shock wave spreads toward the entire spiritual world!

It made the entire spiritual world tremble madly!

At the same time of trembling, it is a little bit of continuous collapse!

After all, Ye Tian is the pinnacle of the extreme gods, and Xiao Zhen is also close to the peaks of the gods!

The battle between the two is of course enough to destroy the entire spiritual world!

Kick, Kick!

The terrifying battle movement shook everything in the spiritual world.

At this time, Ye Tian did not hold back at all, that frantic attack slammed into Xiao Zhen frantically!

Gradually, Xiao Zhen just couldn’t take it anymore!


After another muffled sound, Xiao Chu’s entire body shot backwards (afec) for an unknown distance.

He quickly stabilized his body and frowned!

Why is Ye Tian so angry?

He could clearly feel Ye Tian’s anger, that murderous aura!

It seems that it is not just because of the spiritual world!

Immediately Man Zhen sneered: “As expected of the person who once killed the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, I am full of shock and sigh!”

“But if I’m leaving, you know you can’t keep me!”

After saying that, he directly waved his palm and took everyone with him to escape the spiritual world!

After some frantic venting, Ye Tian did not continue to catch up.

Indeed, that Xiao Zhen is near the peak of the late stage of the extreme god realm, and he wants to keep Xiao Zhen and kill Xiao Zhen, it must not be so easy!

So, no need to waste time catching up!

He just turned around and came to the Spirit Race Patriarch and the others.

“Sorry, I’m late!”

He apologized to everyone in the Eldar.

The spirit clan was kind to him, but when the spirit clan was in danger, he didn’t notice it right away!

It really shouldn’t!

“Leader Ye Tian!”

The old hand of the patriarch of the spiritual clan grabbed Ye Tian’s wrist: “Thank you, the leader, for helping!

Although Ye Tian was indeed late, if Ye Tian didn’t come, his entire Spirit Race would be gone now.

“This spiritual world can no longer survive! In the future, go to my Qiankun world!”

Ye Tian went on to say: “Please also ask the patriarch to lead all the people of the Spirit Race to join my Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

Although the Spirit Race doesn’t have the realm of extreme gods, it is still powerful!

Although his vitality was severely damaged this time, he still retained a certain amount of strength.

Joining the Tiandi Alliance can also play some role!

“Patriarch! I’m really sorry, I really had no way to doubt you before, sorry!”

Ye Ziwei cast an apologetic look at everyone in the Spirit Race.

She feels guilty again!

If the Spirit Race had joined the Heaven and Earth Alliance before, perhaps today, this catastrophe would not have happened!


The patriarch of the spiritual clan sighed, this is indeed a bit strange to Ye Ziwei.

But now, is it useful to say that?

The leaves at that time were also to take care of the overall situation!

“Since the leader of the alliance has invited me, my Spiritual Race is naturally willing to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

The patriarch of the spirit clan then said.

“My Spirit Race is willing to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

Behind, everyone from the Spiritual Race also said quickly.

In fact, they should have joined the Heaven and Earth Alliance long ago!

I was a little angry because of Ye Ziwei’s behavior before, but I didn’t expect it to get such a result!

Now that they have experienced this, they are even more afraid, and now is the time to rely on them!

So of course I would like to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

“Okay! My Heaven and Earth Alliance, welcome everyone to join!”

Ye Tian said quickly: “Everyone, sort out the casualties, I, Heaven and Earth Alliance, will do my best to help you! Help the Spirit Race to make up for the loss!”

“Thank you allies!

Everyone in the Spirit Race hastily sorted out the entire broken Spirit Race.

Then, lead the few people left, and Ye Tianqian, to Qiankun Realm!

Now they are truly homeless!

I really didn’t expect that everything was said by that Zhuge Qingmaid!

Their spiritual race really ushered in the doomsday in a chaotic world!

Fortunately, Ye Tian appeared in time, and only managed to save some basic bloodlines!

At this time, Ye Tian felt very uncomfortable.

This is the result of the chaos in the world!

Things like the Spirit Race are staged every day in the heavens and the world!

myself.. how can I stop this?

Are you really powerless?

Do you really have no control over this mess?

In the following time, the turmoil in the heavens and the world will continue to be staged wildly!

And it’s getting more intense!

Although Ye Tian has been continuously strengthening the Heaven and Earth Alliance, his ability is still limited after all!

Of course, there will be some strong people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but the joining of these people really doesn’t matter!

Those who are in the extreme god realm, the real peak powerhouses, did not choose the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

It seems that the stronger the peak, the more indifferent the chaos of this era!

Because they all feel that they may become the masters of the new era!

Because they all have the ambition to be king!

Everyone wants to be the former Ling Ye.

Everyone wants to stand at the height that Ling Ye once stood,

The heavens and the world are under such turmoil!

Under the chaotic chaos of this life, he slowly spent most of the year.

In the past half a year, the overall number of forces in the heavens and the world has been reduced by nearly half!

Among them, those that no longer exist are naturally those relatively weak forces.

All heavens and all worlds, now is the real explanation of what is called the strong food of the weak!

Although the Heaven and Earth Alliance led by Ye Tian has been doing its best to prevent wars big and small!

But how vast are the heavens and the universe?

His Heaven and Earth Alliance can stop a battle, but it can’t stop countless battles!

Here the truce is over, there is fighting again, and life is ruined again!

In this chaotic era, the so-called justice and peace of the Heaven and Earth Alliance seem so pale

Under this chaos, Ye Tian gradually became powerless, and gradually lost his motivation!

Gradually become decadent vicissitudes of life!

Ye Ziwei has always been by Ye Tian’s side, she has been comforting Ye Tian!

She has also been telling Ye Tian that she is no worse than Na Luo You Leng!

But Ye Tian didn’t take her to heart at all.

In Ye Tian’s eyes, she is just a sister after all!

After a long time, Ye Ziwei will also be disappointed!

I am very disappointed in Ye Tian’s ability, and also very disappointed in Ye Tian’s feelings!

Sometimes, she doesn’t even care about Ye Tian anymore

Especially when she saw Ye Tian’s appearance was a little bit of a waste, and she didn’t have the same high-spirited spirit at all, the emotion in her heart suddenly became even stronger!

Gradually, she felt that she didn’t like Ye Tian so much anymore.

Because Ye Tian is not the hero in her mind at all

On the other side, Ziyun Immortal Realm and Sea Monster Nest.

Luo You Leng and Xi Ji have been trying their best to find Zhuge Qingmu!

Find clues to Ling Ye!

But unfortunately, this half year has passed and there is still no gain!

But they never gave up, they believed that they would find Ling Ye sooner or later!

Ling Ye will be back sooner or later!

And after half a year passed, the child in Luo You Leng’s belly was born.

Today, the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm is full of anticipation and tension!

Although that’s just Luo Youlen’s business!

But Gou Ruyue and everyone else couldn’t help but care.

After all, they are the children of their palace masters!

It’s their palace lord and Ling Ye’s child!

Under everyone’s expectation, a blood-red emperor’s energy spread throughout the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm!

Everyone in the entire Ziyunxian was shocked!


It only appears when the cultivator breaks through the God Emperor Realm!

And now, Luo You Leng’s child, just born, exudes such an aura?

This means that the child was born in the God Emperor Realm!

This is all that Luo You Leng has given to his children for almost a year!

Luo You Leng did his best to find anything that could be found, including the former Blood Sun God Fruit.

She is true and will give everything to her own children!

Therefore, her children, her and Ling Ye’s children, not only carry Ling Ye and her innately powerful blood!

Moreover, as soon as he was born, he was in the Divine Emperor Realm!

At this moment, the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm was shocked!

This will be the real youngest god emperor realm in the heavens and the world!

A child’s talent is truly unprecedented!

Under everyone’s expectations, when the powerful blood-colored emperor’s aura spread out…

baby is born!

is a girl!

She has a pair of blood red eyes like Ling Ye, like red gems, transparent and lovely!

When he saw the little angel with a pair of red eyes, the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm fell into a joyous and lively scene.

Everyone loves this new little princess!

Although this is the child of Ling Ye and Luo Youlen, it has nothing to do with them!

But the moment they saw the child, all the goddesses in the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm were overflowing with maternal love!

It seems that they have the same thoughts as Luo You Leng in their hearts!

That is to give her the best of everything!

And not long after the baby was born, Ye Tian came to the outside of Ziyun Immortal Realm.

He wanted to come in, but he knew he couldn’t come in!

He wanted to see Luo You Leng, and even Luo You Leng’s child!

Although the child is not his, but Ling Ye’s

However, Luo You Leng didn’t see him, just asked Xun Ruyue and others to go out and send him away!

At the entrance to the void barrier of Ziyun Immortal Realm, Xun Ruyue and other high-level leaders of Ziyun Immortal Realm were standing in front of Ye Tian.

“Let’s go, our palace master doesn’t want to see you!” Ru Yue said lightly to Ye Tian.

“How is she now?” Ye Tian couldn’t help asking.

Although he knew that Luo You Leng had nothing to do with him, he still couldn’t help but care!

Our “Palace Master is very good! Safe and sound!”

Ru Yue replied.

Maybe it’s because of Ling Ye and Luo You Leng, they don’t have a good impression of this Ye Tian!

“Can I go in and have a look?” Ye Tian tried to ask.

“No!” Xun Ruyue refused: “We, Ziyun Immortal Realm, prohibit outsiders from entering, especially men! You know it!”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian shook his head in disappointment.

“She’s fine, is the child a boy or a girl?” Ye Tian asked.

He doesn’t even know what he’s doing, is he trying to abuse himself?

He knew it wasn’t his child, but he still cared about it!

Still running to ask?

“It’s a girl, very cute!” Xun Ruyue replied.

Girl “What? Daughter is good, daughter is good.”

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian’s mouth.

No one knows how painful his heart is at this moment!

The woman I love so much has now given birth to another man’s child!

Still a lovely daughter!

How he feels now, only he knows!

Xun Ruyue and the others were all looking at Ye Tian at this time.

Let him suffer or not!

Didn’t he bring it on himself?

If you want to come here and ask this question, you are really asking for it yourself, right?

After glancing at the direction of Ziyun Immortal Realm, Ye Tian turned around alone and left here in despair.

What else can he do? Stay here? Continuation period?

It’s just humiliation!

So, let’s go..

From now on, don’t insult yourself again.

Looking at Ye Tian who was leaving, Xun Ruyue and the others didn’t say much.

Quickly turned around and returned to Ziyun Immortal Realm!

They felt that they were now inseparable from the palace lord’s baby.

It’s just that I can’t see her for a while, and I’ve already started to miss her.

So, now they just want to hurry back and continue to look at the lovely little princess

After Ye Tian left Ziyun Immortal Realm, he wandered around alone and came to the depths of that incomplete endless void!

In the depths of this blood-red void, only the broken Void Throne still stands there quietly.

Witness the shocking battle that once took place here!

Ye Tian was carrying a wine bottle in his hand and poured wine into his mouth like crazy!

Trying to use this method to numb the pain in my heart.

He didn’t use any spiritual power to stop the alcohol!

He just wishes he could get drunk!

He came to the Void Throne alone, and stood in front of the Void Throne.

With that wry smile on his face!

“I didn’t win at all, not at all!”

He looked drunkenly at the Void Throne in front of him: “You won, you won everything! I’m just a loser!”

In the depths of this endless void, Ye Tian was alone, talking to himself!

“But I really can’t figure it out, where am I inferior to you?”

“I have already killed you, and I can already achieve eternal dominance!”

“Why did it end like this?”

“Am I really unworthy of anything?

“Not worthy of being the ruler of the heavens and the world, not worthy of the awe of the heavens and the world! Not worthy of her?

“I really wish you could survive, let me kill you again! Let me prove me to the world again!”

Killing Ling Ye at the beginning, the blood shadow demon master who ruled the heavens and the world, was the most glorious moment in his life!

But after that moment, he seemed to be… nothing!

In the end got nothing!

Even lost everything!

“Do you know how unwilling I am? I have clearly reached a level that no one has ever achieved!

“Why…why did it end like this?”

“why why!?”

Ye Tian was talking to himself here alone, venting.

“This world is really not what I think it is?”

Really, “Have you only understood this chaotic world? Can you suppress this universe?”

“Why? Why are you!?”

“You are obviously dead, but why can you get everything!”

“You obviously died in my hands, why am I not as good as you!?”

The more Ye Tian spoke, the more angry he became, the more he spoke, the more angry he became!

Finally, he smashed the jug in his hand on the Void Throne!

Then, another savage punch hit the ground!


This punch carries his anger, his unwillingness, and all the pain in his heart!


After his punch, the Void Throne, which had been full of cracks in the previous battle, was finally unable to support the group!


Finally, after one after another huge crack, the entire Void Throne was completely shattered!

However, with the smashing of the Void Throne, a dark and deep Void Distortion suddenly appeared in the original position of the throne!

Ye Tian’s complexion changed slightly when he saw this pitch-black void distorted!

He instantly sobered up, staring at the mysterious darkness in front of him!

Is this a void portal?

Under this throne, there is actually a void entrance?

What is inside this dark entrance to the void?

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