Chapter 54 Go and kill Ling Ye now

When they followed Ling Ye in the past, wherever they went, basically everyone respected them for Ling Ye’s face!

As a result, just after leaving Ling Ye, they felt what it means to be aggrieved!

In their hearts, of course, they are all inexplicably unhappy!

“Hehe, we have nothing to do with this suspicious girl like Ye Ziwei!”

At this moment, Chu Yunxiao flew over with a smile: “My entire Xingyu Empire came to form an alliance, but she was also turned away!”

“Star Empire?”

Ren Fanchen looked at Chu Yunxiao: “The Xingyu Empire stands on the top of the world, and the Xingyu King is even a powerhouse in the realm of extreme gods, so he is willing to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance?”

“It doesn’t count as joining the Heaven and Earth Alliance! It’s just a crusade against the Blood Shadow Demon Lord with the Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

Chu Yunxiao said lightly: “How… we are also blocked from this world by this little girl!”

“Haha! My Tianli Sword Sect was also annoyed by this girl!”

An old man with gray beard also stepped out of the void: “It seems that all existences with extreme gods are rejected by her!”

“Although her approach is a bit rude! But from the perspective of the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance, there is nothing wrong with it!”

“Yes, at this time, if it was me, I would rather kill three thousand by mistake!”

“This little girl is too weak in judgment, too young! Otherwise, she is quite capable!”


Immediately after Tianli Jianzong, some people flew over.

Ren Fanchen’s eyes looked at Chu Yunxiao, and then at all the powerhouses around him who were rejected from the door.

Then slightly surprised!

Because he discovered that among them, there were actually five existences in the extreme god realm?

It seems that everyone in the heavens and the world wants to take Ling Ye’s life!

With a single call from the Heaven and Earth Alliance, it can actually attract five extreme gods?

Think about which extreme god realm powerhouse is not a hegemon?

Any power that exists in the extreme god realm is the pinnacle of all realms!

There has never been any power that can have more than two extreme gods!

And now, with the call of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, it is possible to have five extreme gods come together?

Not to mention whether they join the Heaven and Earth Alliance or associate with the Heaven and Earth Alliance!

At the very least, it can be considered unprecedented, right?

And after coming here and being treated by Ye Ziwei who was rejected from the door, he was not very angry?

It seems that everyone has full confidence in Ye Tian!

Sure enough, Ye Tian will win is the general trend!

That Ye Tian is indeed charming!

Ye Tian may really be someone more worthy of following than Ling Ye!

This last bet of my own should not be wrong!

“The Blood Shadow Demon Lord has no Blood Shadow Demon Army, and now… he is alone!”

Chu Yunxiao then said to Ren Fanchen: “Without you, his overall strength would be greatly reduced!”

Ren Fanchen just smiled lightly and said nothing.

He didn’t want to deny this sentence!

But I dare not admit it!

Because he knows Ling Ye’s ability very well!

Maybe in Ling Ye’s eyes, losing them is really not a loss.

“Speaking of which… if the Blood Shadow Demon Lord loses the hundreds of millions of troops under his command, wouldn’t he be… isolated and helpless?”

At this moment, an extremely crazy idea suddenly appeared in Chu Yunxiao’s mind!

Ling Ye is really alone now!

No help, no aid!

So…why did you wait until Ye Tian left the border to kill him?

Can’t say… can kill him now?

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxiao’s blood suddenly boiled!

His gaze suddenly turned to the rest of the surrounding extreme gods!

They are here now, and there are a total of five powerhouses in the extreme god realm!

After adding Ren Fanchen, there are six!

In the past, it was basically impossible to gather six extreme gods at one time.

But now, since there are six powerhouses in the extreme god realm gathered here!

So why not…try?

The six extreme gods join forces, maybe they can really get rid of Ling Ye before Ye Tian?

After this crazy thought came out of Chu Yunxiao’s mind, it couldn’t be calmed down!

On the contrary, it made Chu Yunxiao more and more passionate!

Think about it, who is Ling Ye?

Lord of the heavens and the world!

The devil that everyone hates!

If they rushed up and killed Ling Ye now, what kind of glory would it be?

You don’t need Ye Tian to kill Ling Ye, right?

It’s hard to say if Ling Ye has a helper!

But now Ling Ye is alone!

What are you afraid of?

Besides, the Heaven and Earth Alliance shut them out in this way, which made them a little embarrassed!

If you kill Ling Ye now, you will not only be able to regain face, but also be famous for eternity!

It can even give the Heaven and Earth Alliance an empty-handed ending!

Why not do it?

“Hi… everyone! I have a plan, maybe… we don’t necessarily need the Heaven and Earth Alliance!”

Immediately, Chu Yunxiao looked at Chao Ren Fanchen and the others. *

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