Chapter 30 Only Ling Ye can be bullied 【Seeking Monthly Pass for Flower Evaluation】

Casting Astral Iron is of course important.

But if the entire empire is gone, everyone is dead!

In the end, doesn’t Ling Ye still want to take it away?

So, be cowardly!

Cowardly in front of Ling Ye is not really cowardly!

Because of the heavens and the world, almost everyone has been counseled in front of him!

Everyone is cowardly, no one has to be embarrassed!

The people of the empire can only do it immediately!

After a short while, he brought up the Casting Star God Iron.

This is a spherical divine iron, which is like a universe of stars, exuding the brilliance of stars.

Ling Ye sucked in the palm of his hand and held the cast star iron in his hand.

It is such an iron ball that makes the palace of the entire Xingyu Empire stand in balance between this galaxy!

In other words, the weight of this small iron ball will surpass the vast and huge palace of the entire Xingyu Empire!

Only this kind of thing can forge the body of the extreme god realm!

After getting the cast iron, Ling Ye didn’t care about Chu Yunxiao and others.

The next moment, the figure disappeared directly in place!

Now, he just won’t kill anyone!

All those who thought he would definitely lose, and all those who stood on Ye Tian’s side, he would let them live well.

Then, let them see an unexpected ending!


Murder, kill heart!

He also disdains to do something like killing these people now to prove himself.

After Ling Ye left, the entire hall slowly returned to calm.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

I didn’t expect that Ling Ye was really just here to get one thing?

Unexpectedly, Ling Ye knew that their Xingyu Empire was planning to join forces with the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and did not do anything to them?

Does this mean… that they can’t make it into a climate?

Don’t care what their Star Empire means at all?

Do you think that even if they join forces with Xingyu Empire and Heaven and Earth Alliance, they are not qualified to let him be in his eyes?

For Ling Ye’s arrogant approach, everyone was a little unhappy!

Thinking of their Xingyu Empire, they can be regarded as the top strength of the heavens and the world!

To be so ignored?

They, who have always been aloof, are of course uncomfortable!

But it’s uncomfortable, but you can only endure it!

Otherwise how?

Call Ling Ye back to clarify?

Call Ling Ye back for a fight?

That is fatal!

After a long time, when it was confirmed that Ling Ye had left…

Chu Yunxiao sat down again, sitting on the dragon chair!


At this time, the entire huge palace across the galaxy was already trembling.

Obviously, the Xingyu Empire base that has lost the cast iron iron has begun to collapse!

Soon, the whole thing will collapse!

Become the wreckage in this galaxy!

Chu Yunxiao frowned, his eyes gloomy!

Damn, how many years has the empire stood in the heavens and the world? The accumulation of generations!

Now, it was actually destroyed in his hands?

How many epochs would it take to rebuild such a palace?

How much effort does that take?

Today’s loss is simply unprecedented for his Xingyu Empire!

The hateful thing is that they can’t and can’t find anyone to compensate for this loss!

You can only bear it by yourself, and bear it by yourself!

“Lord King, we… how are we going?”

All eyes were on Chao Chu Yunxiao.

Now, the foundation of the empire no longer exists!

The heritage of the entire empire has been greatly reduced at once.

The entire Xingyu Palace will collapse completely!

Countless years of accumulation will all vanish into thin air!

Chu Yunxiao’s face was gloomy at this time.

If he has the ability, he can’t wait to take Ling Ye back now and cut it with a thousand swords!

But unfortunately, he just doesn’t have that kind of ability!

It’s just suffocating!

“This revenge… I, Xingyu Empire, must avenge it!”

After a moment of silence, Chu Yunxiao said in a deep voice.

Everyone has the same focus.

In front of Ling Ye, all they could feel was fear!

But with Ling Ye on their backs, they can collectively be enthusiastic and fight with high spirits!

Warm up the group!

“I must take back the cast iron iron of my Xingyu Empire! The Blood Shadow Demon Lord must pay the price!”

“Not bad! The countless years of my Xingyu Empire’s foundation was destroyed in his hands like this, and he must repay it with his life!”

“Let him know that my Xingyu Empire is not so easy to bully!”


Everyone shouted loudly.

Completely forgot that when Ling Ye was here just now, their behavior was… they were really good at bullying.

I can only let Ling Ye bully!

“Lord Lord, what should I do! Lord Lord, give me an order!”

Everyone’s eyes fell on Chu Yunxiao again.

waiting for his order.

Chu Yunxiao pondered for a moment, feeling the entire palace that was already shaking, he continued, “Lead the entire Xingyu Empire first, and leave the palace base for now!”

“Let’s go to the Qiankun Realm for a while, the Heaven and Earth Alliance…should take us in!”

“My Xingyu Empire, let’s stay in the Heaven and Earth Alliance for the time being! Wait until the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is destroyed together with the Ye Tian Alliance Lord, and then make plans!”

Chu Yunxiao’s voice echoed in the hall.


Everyone nodded their heads, and then acted.

Lead everyone in the entire Xingyu Empire to make a great migration!

The entire Xingyu Empire immediately boiled.

The imperial army was dispatched in a mighty manner.

Everyone, all leave this imperial capital of the Milky Way that is about to collapse…*

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