Chapter 139: Ten Thousand Worlds Gather, The End of the Battle Breaks Out

Boom boom boom!

Eight supreme divine pillars burst out suddenly from under the abyss of the extreme world!

The Divine Pillar plunged straight into the Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, shattering everything, making bursts of roaring noises, majestic!

Immediately afterwards, the volume of these eight supreme divine pillars became smaller a little bit!

In the end, it condensed into a pitch-black pillar of about eight thousand feet.

Although it is only ten thousand feet in size, it is still so mighty and huge!

Everyone is still as small as dust in front of this supreme divine pillar.

After the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar flew out, it was suspended under Ling Ye!

Now, all the supreme artifacts in the heavens and the myriad worlds, and all the powers that transcend the existence of the extreme gods, have been reduced to the peak of the extreme gods.

So which of these artifacts is the strongest?

In addition to the first supreme artifact that has no clues after all, I am afraid that it is the Bafang supreme shrine.

The sum of the Supreme Divine Pillars in all directions is enough to suppress a Promise Realm!

But when the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar fell to the extreme god realm, the eight pillars all possessed the powerful power of the extreme god realm peak!

And when the Heaven Extinguishing Four Body has the power of the Promise Realm, it is the Four Promise Realm! Indeed powerful!

But without the power of the Promise Realm, it is just the peak of the Four Extreme God Realm!

Now if the ranking is re-ranked, it is naturally not necessary to say whether the Heavenly Extinguishing Four Body should be ranked in front or behind the Bafang Divine Pillar.

Bafang Shenzhu is the first!

Eight dark and vast pillars are suspended below Ling Ye, and that vast and heavy domineering air spreads out!

On the opposite side, Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void were all staring at Ling Ye on the opposite side.

Stare at everyone behind Ling Ye!

Now, they have lost the power of the Promise Realm, so it is impossible to crush Ling Ye!

I was thinking about how to ravage Ling Ye before.

But I didn’t expect that Ling Ye would keep such a hand!

Yu Duanqian’s eyes, and then they looked at the Lord of the Void.

“It seems that we really need to join forces!”

Before, they just didn’t want to do it first, they wanted to solve Ling Ye first!

But now, it’s different!

They must join forces!

We must join forces to face Ling Ye and Ling Ye’s new blood shadow demon army!

This is their only way out!

“Six extreme gods are at the peak, two thousand devil emperors, and the rest of the gods are about a thousand!”

The Lord of the Void also slowly stabilized his emotions, looked at you with narrow eyes, and then sneered: “If you are like this, what are we… afraid of?”

Yes, although both of them have lost the power of the Promise!

However, they are still the pinnacle of the extreme god realm.

The Void family, there are three peaks of the extreme gods, and there are more than a dozen or twenty extreme gods behind!

Yu Duanqian is the pinnacle of four 523-body extreme gods, and he also has a dozen or twenty extreme gods under his command!

Add up, there is still a chance to completely abuse Ling Ye!

At least that’s what they think!

Immediately Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void both waved their palms!


The Black Rain Army and the Void Army suddenly stood together.

The army of 20,000 people, while the whole body is pitch black, on the other hand, the void light eyes on the body exudes the void light.

There are more than thirty extreme gods, plus Yu Duanqian and the master of the void, there are at least forty extreme gods.

God Emperor Realm and below, there are countless!

Under the abyss of the extreme world, one dark and one bright, the two armies merged together, overwhelming and mighty!

Two completely different forces are rising into the sky!

Opposite, behind Ling Ye, everyone also clenched their weapons, and the vast spiritual power around them suddenly burst out!


Dazzling spiritual power, in this extreme abyss, in this ten thousand world star sea, suddenly rippling open!

Although, the gap is still there, but at least it is a level gap now.

So, everyone is not afraid!

Today, together with Ling Ye, end all the turmoil in the heavens and the world!


At this moment, a space distortion suddenly appeared beside him.

Then I saw that Ye Tian took Ye Ziwei and slowly appeared there.

As soon as he appeared, Ye Tian’s eyes were directed towards Ling Ye!

Two months, “The time has not yet come. Before that, let’s join forces for the time being, how about it?” Ye Tian asked Ling Ye indifferently.

He still believed that the current Ling Ye would not fight him.

Therefore, he came to support Ling Ye, and at the same time, he also shot for the whole world!


Immediately following Ye Tian and Ye Ye Wei, the space behind was distorted again!

“The Taixu Protoss is here to support the Demon Lord!”

The Taixu Patriarch, with the powerful army of the Taixu God Clan, slowly stepped out from the distortion of the space!

And immediately after the Taixu Protoss, another space distortion appeared!

“Tianshu Academy, come to support Lord Demon Lord!”


Immediately after that, another space distortion appeared one after another in the back.

One after another, large and small space distortions, above this extreme abyss, in this ten thousand world star sea, are constantly generated!

The scene is amazing!

From the twists and turns, a majestic army slowly stepped out!

“Darkish ghosts, come to support Lord Demon Lord!”

“Medicine Immortals, come to support!

“Sword Sect Lingluo, willing to fight for Lord Demon Lord!”

One after another space is distorted, a mighty army!

At this time, all forces from the heavens and the world, as long as they can make a move, are constantly coming to help!

In the blink of an eye, another vast army joins behind Ling Ye and joins the Blood Shadow Demon Army!

The number of the entire army behind Ling Ye instantly surpassed the army of Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void on the opposite side!

Today, the entire heavens and the world, all the forces, all the top powerhouses, are all dispatched for the first time.

A vast army, far more than hundreds of millions, is standing behind Ling Ye!

The radiance of spiritual power rising into the sky illuminates the entire polar abyss and illuminates the entire star sea of ​​all worlds!

This time, what Ling Ye has condensed is all the power of the whole world!

There has never been anyone who can unite all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world.

But this time, Ling Ye didn’t even say a word, and everyone came to support them unconsciously!

Just like Ling Ye, there is an invisible appeal, an invisible charm, which is enough to condense the whole world!

“It seems that we will win this battle!” Jiang Yuan clenched the chaos stick in his hand and smiled lightly.

“Today, I can have a good fight! If I can die on this battlefield, my life will be worth it!” Shura Kuang also roared, clenching his hands and breaking the sword, his fighting spirit boiled over.

Standing in front of everyone, Ling Ye’s cold voice sounded slowly: “Join us? Support?

“When did I say that I needed to join forces with you, that I needed your support?

Ling Ye’s voice resounded above the abyss of the extreme world.

Suddenly everyone fell silent.

He is still like that!

“I wait… fight for the heavens and the world, fight for myself!”

“That’s right! I’ll wait, just follow the Lord Demon Lord and fight for the universe and the chaotic world!”

“Fight for your world! Fight for yourself!

Everyone immediately changed their minds.

People like Ling Ye always like to talk about great things and speak very selfishly!

The bright things are not so bright!

However, this is not wrong!

Indeed, in the final analysis, everyone is fighting for themselves and for their own world!

This sentence “, it’s still a good listen!

Ling Ye’s indifferent voice then sounded, and then, his eyes turned to Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void on the opposite side!

With the participation of various forces in the heavens and the world, the gap between the 20,000 army was suddenly pulled out by a large margin!

At this time, the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian on the opposite side were both solemn.

Originally, in terms of the number of troops, they had the advantage!

But with the participation of the powerhouses from all over the world, they will naturally be less.

Once, the Void family was worried that the heavens and the world would join forces!

And now, the entire heavens and myriad worlds are really invisible, joining hands!

This time, it may not be easy to deal with!

At this moment, Ling Ye spoke again: “The five dogs in the lead are mine, and no one is allowed to interfere! For the rest, you… feel free!”

After saying that, he suddenly waved his arms!


That vast blood energy burst out suddenly above this extreme abyss, becoming the most dazzling existence in this entire army!

The Supreme Divine Pillar in all directions also trembled suddenly!

next moment!


Ling Ye gave an order coldly, and he took the lead with the Supreme Divine Pillar of the Eight Directions, towards the opposite Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void, blasting up!

That monstrous blood energy and the supreme divine pillar in all directions, break through everything!



Behind the scenes, the two thousand Demon Emperors, the Ziyun Immortal Realm, the Sea Demon Nest, the Taixu God Clan, the Dark Descent Ghost Clan, the Medicine Immortal Clan, the Tianshu Realm and other forces, (afec) are all hands-on!

The mighty hundreds of millions of troops from all sides, all at this moment, accompanied Ling Ye, burst into the air!

boom boom

Countless armies, countless powerhouses, above this extreme abyss, with the vast spiritual light that illuminates the entire heaven and myriad worlds, burst towards the Void Army and the Black Rain Army on the opposite side!


Opposite, Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void also gave an order: “Kill!”

Immediately, Yu Duanqian’s four figures and the Lord of the Void also greeted Ling Ye!

Behind him, the Black Rain Army and the Void Army, which were dark and clear, also charged up at the same time!

In the abyss of the extreme world, above the great crack in the sea of ​​​​stars, the two armies, like two monstrous nebulae, overwhelm the sky, and slowly approach with that skyward momentum!

In the end, the torrents of the two armies suddenly collided in this extreme abyss!


In an instant, there was a loud bang!

The entire abyss of the extreme world, the entire heavens and the world, are caught in the paint of madness!

cack cack…  

One after another shock wave that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, above this extreme abyss, in this ten thousand world star sea, suddenly rippling and driving more than hundreds of millions of miles!

This is the real final battle, and this battle will truly determine the future of the entire world!

A future that no one can change!

In this battle, the entire heavens and the world, the Void family, everyone, all the strong armies, are all present!

This is the biggest battle in the entire universe!

Dozens or hundreds of extreme gods are all gathered here.

That kind of skyrocketing situation, although not as good as the boundless realm!

However, it is also completely enough to truly shake the entire heavens and the world!

Enough to destroy the whole world!

During the melee, Ling Ye took the Supreme Pillar of the Eight Directions to fight against Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void with one enemy five!


The gigantic divine pillar swept away, and every swing was enough to directly shatter several big worlds!

Heavy and domineering! Vast and invincible!

Although they are both at the peak of the extreme god realm, with this domineering and arrogant Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, Ling Ye alone can make the opposite Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian, not dare to neglect!

The battle between Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void undoubtedly became the most dazzling existence on the entire chaotic battlefield!

Although they are all at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, they all descended from the existence beyond the extreme god realm!

Therefore, on the entire battlefield, there is no doubt that their strength is still the most powerful!

Ordinary people can’t get close to their battle circle!

And second only to them, naturally, is Ye Tian and others.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s whole body, the vast sky-blue spiritual power erupted, and his entire body also became thousands of feet tall!

The body of a thousand feet suddenly condensed, and Ye Tian clenched his fists, and with his majestic spiritual power, he smashed his fist towards Po Yan!


Po Yan’s fist collided with Ye Tian’s fist suddenly!

The fiery red void power and the sky blue spiritual power swept across this battlefield!

The eyes of the two of them are also staring at each other suddenly at this moment!

Ye Tian still remembers that the king of the void that he fought against for the first time was Po Yan!

In that world of nothingness, the first king of the void he saw was Poyan!

“Today…you have nowhere to run!”

Ye Tian said lightly: “I said that sooner or later, your entire Void Clan will be destroyed, although I did not do it! But your Void Clan has finally come to the end!

Po Yan’s body was suddenly shocked by the void flames, and the two thousand-zhang bodies both retreated a certain distance from each other!

“Humph! It’s too early to say the outcome now!” Po Yan then snorted coldly.

In the fiery red eyes staring at Ye Tian, ​​murderous intent boiled, and hatred boiled!

Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for what Ye Tian said at the beginning, their Void Clan would not have walked out of that Void World!

It was Ye Tian who told them that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was dead, but who would have thought that Ye Tian did not kill the Blood Shadow Demon Lord at all!

This has also indirectly caused their entire Void family to reach the point where they are today!

The Void Kings who died in the hands of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, all the hatred from this period of time should be counted on Ye Tian’s head!

It was Ye Tian who harmed them!

“There are also differences in the strength of the King of Void. With your strength, you should rank at the top of the King of Void, right?” Ye Tian then asked.

He has also played against other Void Kings, although they are all at the peak of the extreme god realm, but there is still a little gap!

This Poyan is the strongest among all the Void Kings he has ever fought against in terms of combat power!

“Boy, you do have vision!”

Po Yan snorted coldly, and then said solemnly: “I am the thirty-six kings of the void, ranking first!”

That’s right, look at the entire Void family, look at all the Void Kings!

In terms of combat power alone, he is the strongest!

The black moon that died in the hands of Baijiu ranked second!

The sneaker with the most means, ranked third!

He is the strongest king of the void!

Hearing Po Yan’s words, Ye Tian suddenly smiled faintly, and then said: “If that’s the case, I will also lift myself up! In the heavens and the world, apart from him, I am the first!”

While speaking, his eyes turned to Ling Ye, who was driving the supreme divine pillar in all directions and swept across the land!

Strictly speaking, except for Ling Ye, he is the strongest in the whole world and all worlds!

Luo You Leng, Sword God Liquor and the like, are indeed strong!

But Ye Tian is the real existence second only to Ling Ye!

This point, Ye Tian is still very confident!

This is indeed a fact!

Of course, one must also rule out a rain.

It’s just that Yu Duanqian was not regarded by Ye Tian as an opponent that he could keep in his heart!

That is just a villain, no matter how strong he is, he is only a villain, not worthy of surrender!

Not deserving of respect!

“Okay! Then let me see, I am the first under my lord, and you who are the first under the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, who is stronger or weaker!”

Po Yan let out a low roar, and the flames of the void all over his body burst into a frenzy!

Ye Tian also smiled coldly: “The first time we met you and I couldn’t tell the winner, I’ll make it today!”


After all, his whole body, the dazzling blue light that day burst out suddenly!

Then, the two thousand-zhang bodies suddenly collided again in this melee!


The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth erupted once again above the entire polar abyss!

The Void family is the strongest against the Lord of the Void, and the heavens and the world are the strongest against Ling Ye!

It’s a battle of fate!

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