Chapter 137: Lord of the Void, the whole army is resurrected

The rest of Jiang Yuan and the others were equally shocked!

Ling Ye moved the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar to come here before, but is he really going to release the Lord of the Void?

But it makes absolutely no sense!

Xi Ji couldn’t figure it out, even though Ling Ye had told her about it before.

But didn’t expect… Ling Ye really did this?

Really released the legendary Lord of the Void?

The army in the back is even more sluggish!

Lord Demon, isn’t it too wild?

The opponents themselves are the four Promise Realms!

And now to unleash a Void Lord?

To add a limitless realm?

That is the five realms of infinity!

How to fight like this?

It is no longer an opponent, and you want to increase the combat power of the opponent?

Everyone can’t figure it out, only Luo You Leng knows something!

Ling Ye released the Void Lord, intending to deal with the Void family and Yu Duanqian together!

After destroying the source of the infinite, whether it is Yu Duanqian, the Lord of the Void, or the Bafang Divine Pillar, the power of the infinite realm will be lost!

Ling Ye will also lose the power of the Half-step Promise Realm.

Then, the strongest is the peak of the extreme god realm!

If the strongest are only the peak of the extreme god realm, then there will be room for a fight.

Even, they must win!


Under the abyss of the extreme world, the unsealing of the blood-colored ancient formation made all the heavens and the universe burst into tremors!


The next moment, the vast void light burst out suddenly from under the abyss of the extreme world, from under this great rift in the heavens!

Soar to the sky!

Accompanying it, there is a vast coercion!

The coercion of the infinite realm!

Yu Duanqian has four bodies, and his dark and gloomy eyes are all staring at the abyss of the extreme world.

Look at the power of the void that soars into the sky!

A dazzling light illuminates the entire top of the polar abyss.

It also covered his black aura to a certain extent!

This is a force no weaker than him!

Although there is only one Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Void has already broken through the Promise Realm. Compared with the Promise Realm that Yu Duanqian has just broken through, there is still a distance!

Therefore, even if Yu Duanqian is four, facing the Lord of the Void, I am afraid there will be trouble!

After all, Yu Duanqian had never fought against the Lord of the Void that year, and did not know the means of the Lord of the Void.

Therefore, although his confidence in defeating the Lord of the Void is great, he does not dare to say that it is 100%!

“Ling Ye05! Are you crazy?

Immediately Yu Duanqian’s icy eyes turned to Ling Ye suddenly, and said coldly, “Are you breaking a jar?”

Obviously not my opponent, but also add a Void Lord?

Wouldn’t you die worse then?

Yu Duangan can only think like this, Ling Ye has completely lost his way, that’s why he did such a lunatic behavior!

“Didn’t you say that you can also make this Void clan terrified? Let me see how you made them terrified?” Ling Ye’s cold voice continued.

Yu Duan dryly stared at Ling Ye, but for a while, he didn’t take the lead!

Because he knew that if the Lord of the Void appeared, then his biggest enemy at present would not be Ling Ye, but the Lord of the Void of the Limitless Realm!

Everyone’s eyes are looking under the abyss of the extreme world!


The monstrous power of the void, accompanied by dazzling rays of light, almost illuminated the entire heavens and the world!

The strong light of the power of the void, and the black rain that rained thousands of times, formed a complex blend!

All the heavens and the world are feeling the collision of the vast power of these two boundless realms.

Just the collision of this breath of coercion will almost make the whole world burst into flames.

Under the madness of this extreme abyss, under the madness of the heavens and the world!

Under all eyes!


From the bottom of the abyss of the extreme world, from the bottom of the broken seal formation!

From that monstrous void light, a stream of light suddenly burst out!

This stream of light seems to be independent of the Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, and the power of the infinite realm is radiated from this stream of light!

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the entire heavens and the world are staring at the streamer that burst out.

After the streamer burst out, it stopped above the polar abyss.

The vast light, at this moment, converges little by little!

Everyone saw that a figure appeared there.

That’s a man, all shining!

It was as if his whole person was condensed from the brilliance of the sky, like a god.

That man, tall and slender, with a white face!

Put your hands behind you!

But he doesn’t have any Void Light Eyes on him!

The Void Light Eye is suspended behind him.

Nine Void Light Eyes formed a circle and slowly rotated behind him.

And in the middle of these nine void light eyes, there is a brighter and larger void light eye.

There seems to be a layer of special power on the Void Light Eye!

In total, ten!

Dry Eyes, Lord of the Void!

At this moment, the entire heavens and the world were completely quiet.

From the countless directions of the heavens and the world, countless gazes are all looking here at this time!

Saw the man who just appeared!

Lord of the Void!

This is the legendary Lord of the Void!

Originally, the Void family had been eradicated by Ling Ye, but now… the legendary Lord of the Void was released by Ling Ye.

What a vast power is this?

And the four-in-one Yu Duanqian, since there is not much difference?

Under the coercion of these two boundless realms, everyone in the entire heavens and the world is silent!

Next, what will these heavens and myriad worlds become?

A total of five infinite realms!

With such a lineup, how should the Demon Lord face it?

How to face the world?

At this moment, many people’s hearts have unconsciously raised a touch of despair and powerlessness!

Now, Blood Shadow Demon Lord, Yu Duanqian, Lord of Void!

These three parties, no matter how you look at it, the final winner cannot be the Blood Shadow Demon Lord.

If he loses, who can rule the heavens and the world?

Whether it is Yu Duanqian or the Lord of the Void, in the end, the heavens and the world will all be tragic and fiery!

Will be forever shrouded in despair and darkness!

Hundreds of millions of eyes, at this time, all penetrated the void of the world and fell on Ling Ye, the abyss of the extreme world.

They are all praying in their hearts, praying that the invincible Demon Lord will be invincible this time!

For the whole world!

In the abyss of the extreme world, with the appearance of the Lord of the Void, everything was quiet.

Behind Ling Ye, all eyes were on the Lord of the Void!

The power of the two infinite realms collided in the abyss of the extreme realm, causing many people to hold their breath.

Now, the problem is even more serious!

Yu Duanqian could not deal with it originally, and now there is another Void Lord!

Lord Demon, what are you doing?

What the hell did he plan to do?

As soon as the Lord of the Void came out, his long and narrow eyes were suddenly fixed on Ling Ye.

“Blood Shadow Demon Lord! Your seal of the Supreme Divine Pillar in all directions will not be able to hold this seat after all!”

In the eyes of the Lord of the Void, there is an indescribable coldness and murderous aura!

After countless years, I collided with Ling Ye again!

Blood Shadow Demon Lord, the disaster of his Void family, the nemesis!

Back then, it was the Blood Shadow Demon Lord who killed his entire Void family to the brink of shit!

In the end, it was this blood shadow demon who wiped out all the survivors of his Void Clan!

Such hatred will never be quelled!

“Trapped you?

Ling Ye smiled coldly, but her expression was still as cold: “I just saved your life! Do you think you survived by your own abilities?”

“So what? You didn’t kill this seat back then, but now, you can’t regret it!

The Lord of the Void gave a cold drink.

Indeed, Ling Ye could actually kill him back then!

But Ling Ye sealed him up in order to keep the source of Wuji.

But that’s all in the past, it doesn’t matter!

Importantly, now he’s out.

Right now, he is still in a state of infinity!

And Ling Ye, but only half a step in the boundless realm!

Now, he has the strength to kill Ling Ye and avenge the entire Void family!

You can also rule the whole world!

“What? You think that the enemy of the enemy is your friend? So at this time, you let me out, and want me to deal with Yu Duanqian for you?”

Immediately afterwards, the gaze of the Lord of the Void turned to Yu Duanqian.

Opposite, Yu Duanqian four bodies, his eyes are also looking at the Lord of the Void.

In any case, Yu Duanqian is also a person from the heavens and the world, so Yu Duanqian is naturally the enemy of the Void family.

The current situation is that the Demon Lord of Blood Shadow, the Lord of the Void, and the Rain Broken Thousand!

No one will let go of the three forces!

“Heaven destroys the four bodies? So you think you can make my Void Clan feel fear!”

The Lord of the Void then said coldly.

Since it came out today, Ling Ye is going to be killed, and the rain will break a thousand, so naturally he can’t stay!

It is true that Yu Duanqian is the infinite realm of the four in one, but the four in one combined, the difference with him is not very big!

“Hehe, why should we fight to the death in such a hurry?”

At this time, Yu Duanqian smiled coldly: “Why don’t we deal with him first, how about we divide the outcome?”

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of the Void’s eyes suddenly narrowed!

This is also a correct choice.

“Didn’t he just say it? He wants to give me another helper! He is our common enemy, so why don’t we really join forces to show him?” Yu Duanqian then said coldly.

Ling Ye guessed that he wanted to release the Lord of the Void, and then the three parties formed a three-legged situation?

Unfortunately, he was wrong, these three feet, obviously Ling Ye is on the side of the feet!

They can completely kill Ling Ye first, and then decide the winner!

“I think you also want to see the expression of failure on his always proud face!” Yu Duanqian continued.

“You reminded me! Anyway, crushing him now is as easy as crushing an ant for you and me!”

The Lord of the Void also sneered immediately: “Okay! Then we will solve him first! I really want to see the expression of failure and fear on his face! And the expression of pain!”

After saying that, Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void both smiled coldly and looked at Ling Ye at the same time.

There is no way they can live together peacefully!

But before that, it was their consensus to ravage Ling Ye first.

Behind Ling Ye, everyone was sullen and silent at this time!

What should I do?

What should we do now?

The other party has really joined forces, it’s really the five realms of infinity!

One of them is no match for them, let alone five?

The other party can absolutely crush them completely!

what to do?

Everyone’s nerves were tense, and they looked at Ling Ye at the front!

Lord Demon, are you like this? Why are you still so bland? Think of a way!

This gap is really unbeatable!

At the forefront, Ling Ye looked at Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void opposite, and then said coldly, “Is that all there is to it?”

On the opposite side, the Lord of the Void suddenly smiled coldly: “You are right! It’s more than that!”

After saying that, he suddenly waved his palm!


Immediately, from under the abyss of the extreme world, in a burst of crazy paint, all the void light eyes flew out.

It was Poyan and the others who had been swallowed up before but barely remained in a half-dead state.

After the dense void light eyes flew out, it was suspended behind the Lord of the Void.

Then, from him, a vast power of the void permeated away!


All of a sudden, the Void Light Eyes kept shaking.

In the end, one after another void silhouettes condensed again!

The king of the void, Poyan and Yublade, are also among them!

The dense void army behind him was also all resurrected.

Suddenly, the rays of light from the void illuminated the entire polar abyss again.

After resurrecting Poyan and others, the Lord of the Void did not stop.

Above the ten Void Light Eyes behind him, the vast Void Light once again enveloped the irrigation away!

All of a sudden, if there are half of the Void Light Eyes that have not been opened, 523 will all open at this moment!

The strength of the entire Void Army has instantly increased a lot!

Among them, there are more than ten Void creatures in the God Emperor Realm who successfully opened the ninth Void Eye!

Advanced Divine Realm!

Now, the entire Void family has about twenty extreme gods!

Among them, Po Yan and Feather Blade are the peak of the extreme god realm, and the rest are at the early stage of the extreme god realm!

When they saw this, everyone in the heavens and the world was shocked again.

This Void Clan, who should have died before, is now all resurrected!

The Lord of the Void is resurrected, and the entire army of the Void family is resurrected!

It seems that today is really the end of the heavens and the world!

Lord Demon, how are they going to deal with it?

Can’t handle it anyway?

Above the abyss of the extreme world, with the resurrection of the Void army, Poyan and others all bowed down immediately: “See my lord!”

At this time, they were all excited.

I didn’t expect that when I was swallowed into the abyss of the extreme world, in the end, I would be resurrected with the Lord of the Void?

If I had known that there was such a way to survive in the abyss of the extreme world, I should have brought the entire Void family and died here!

But now, it doesn’t matter anymore, the Lord of the Void is resurrected, and the Void Clan will sooner or later be able to return to its original state of prosperity!

The gloomy eyes of Po Yan and the others then all turned towards Ling Ye.

I was chased and killed by Ling Ye before and fled everywhere!

Today, we must take revenge!

“Although it is enough for me to kill you alone! But my Void Clan’s hatred for so many years, I certainly don’t mind taking revenge in front of everyone!”

The Lord of the Void looked at Ling Ye on the opposite side with icy eyes.

Opposite, Ling Ye just smiled faintly, then turned to Yu Duanqian: “How about you?”

Now the Void Clan Void Army has all arrived.

If it rains a thousand times, shouldn’t there be no reservations?

“Aah! Since you asked for it like this, I will let you and the heavens and myriad worlds feel well, what is despair and fear!”

Yu Duanqian smiled coldly, and the next moment, his palm suddenly clenched!


Immediately, the black rain that permeated the entire heavens and the world was completely settled.

Then, all condensed towards the polar abyss!


The sky is full of black rain, forming countless dark streams of paint, frantically condensing behind Yu Duanqian!

Then, with the condensation of the black rain, one after another body suddenly formed.

In the blink of an eye, a vast army of dark shadows was formed!

Densely dense, mighty!

Those shadows and faces, many of which Jiang Yuan knew.

Those are the people who followed Yu Duanqian to fight against the Void family in ancient times!

Those who used to be Yu Duanqian’s subordinates!

So, this is the reason why many people in ancient times suddenly disappeared.

Not because most of them died!

But because most of them were refined by Yu Duanqian into black rain puppets!

And when he saw the black rain puppets, Jiang Yuan, who was behind Ling Ye, roared angrily: “You bastard, the rain will break a thousand! You are as good as a pig and a dog!”

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