Chapter 130 Ye Tian begs for death; there should be a battle between you and me!

Ling Ye’s words made Yu Duanqian’s dark eyes darken even more.

What he disliked the most was Ling Ye’s attitude of disregarding anyone!

Especially the attitude of not taking him seriously!

Back then, his strength was not much worse than Ling Ye’s, but Ling Ye never looked up to him!

He regards Ling Ye as an opponent, but what about the night? Always step on him!

Today, Ling Ye is still like this!

Of course he was upset!

“I’m curious, where did you get the confidence to speak to me with this attitude?” Yu Duanqian’s dark eyes stared at Ling Ye.

In those eyes, there is a bit of pride!

In his opinion, the current him, his strength is above Ling Ye!

He has never surpassed Ling Ye in his life, and now he finally has a chance, of course he is proud!

Of course proud!

“I’m also very curious. A waste dog who used to find a place to hide when the Void family was about to kill, suddenly ran out and said that he is the master of the heavens and the world! Where does your confidence come from?”

Ling Ye’s blood-red cold eyes were also looking at Yu Duanqian.

Yu Duanqian did indeed lead the heavens and the world to fight against the Void family.

But in fact, in Ling Ye’s eyes, Yu Duanqianha is not!

Yu Duanqian did have the strength of a half-step Promise Realm back then, but Ling Ye wouldn’t put him in his eyes at all.

Whether a person is worth it or not is in Ling Ye’s eyes, not the realm!

It’s raining thousands of times, but I don’t have the qualifications!

“Hide? Back then, I was just temporarily retreating to improve my strength!”

Yu Duanqian suddenly said coldly: “It should have been me who repelled the Void Clan, and it should have been me who ruled the heavens and myriad worlds! You are just taking the lead!

“If it were me, I would also be able to calm the heavens and the world!

“If it were me, it would also make the Void Clan feel fear!”

Yu Duanqian’s voice echoed in front of this Devil Emperor’s tomb, resounding throughout the heavens and the world!

It’s still the same posture that I’m afraid others won’t know.

As soon as he said this, all the forces in the heavens and the world were a little curious, especially those who didn’t know what Ye Tian’s situation was now.

They were all at a loss, how could Ye Tian say such a thing?

The conversation between Ye Tian and Ling Ye doesn’t seem right?

It feels like he is not Ye Tian at all, but another person!

Who is it? Dare to say these words in front of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

And make the heavens and the world fear?

Except for the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, others really can’t make the Void family feel fear!

In that hidden void world, Po Yan and others naturally heard Yu Duanqian’s words.

Immediately they all sneered!

“Fear my Void Clan? Do I really think my Void Clan is a soft persimmon? Anyone can pinch it?”

Po Yan snorted coldly: “When he was known as the leader of the heavens and the world, when was he not beaten by my Void clan and fled?”

That year’s Rain Breaking Thousand was indeed a half-step boundless realm!

But Yu Duanqian’s Half-Step Promise Realm is far from Ling Ye’s Half-Step Promise Realm.

At that time, the Void Clan, even if there was no Void Lord, was completely unafraid of the rain.

More than a hundred people in the realm of extreme gods, Yu Duanqian is only half a step in the realm of the infinite, and is it a fart?

Looking at the heavens and the world, apart from Ling Ye, they are really not afraid of anyone!

Of course, that was back then!

Now, there are only two Void Kings left in their Void Clan, and they naturally dare not provoke Yu Duanqian.

Now, they just hope that it is best for Yu Duanqian and Ling Ye to die together!

In front of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb, Ling Ye also smiled coldly when he heard Yu Duanqian’s words: “Retreat? It’s like if you didn’t find the Heavenly Destruction Four Body, you would stand up to face the two Void Lords!”

Retreat? Just give yourself a step down!

If Yu Duanqian hadn’t met that day, would he have made a move?

No, he will hide too!

Ling Ye knows exactly what kind of person he is!

It’s just that he probably won’t hide for so long!

To put it bluntly, if there are no tigers in the mountains, only monkeys like Yu Duanqian dare to stand up and dominate.

“Humph! What I say now is all false! When my heavens are destroyed, I will definitely be able to unify the heavens and the world, and eliminate the Void family!”

Yu Duanqian then snorted coldly: “At that time, I want all the heavens and all worlds to surrender under my feet! You will also be a stepping stone under my feet! It’s a pity that you can’t wait for that time, because today you will be completely annihilated. here!

As soon as Yu Duanqian said these words, Po Yan and the others, who were far away in the hidden void world, were suddenly shocked again!

“Heaven Extinguishing Four Physiques? What did he say? He refined Heaven Extinguishing Four Physiques?”

Po Yan and the others are full of horror!

The supreme artifact, there are four in total!

The third-ranked Tianxie Four Body was actually refined by Yu Duanqian?

He actually got the death of the four bodies that day?

Now.. the problem is serious!

If the rain breaks a thousand days and destroys the four bodies, then it is the four-in-one realm of four infinity!

The four infinite realms!

Even in the heyday of the Void family, there were only two Void Lords of the Promise Realm!

With such a rainy day, who else can fight?

No wonder “He just consciously controlled Ye Tian’s body, and his body is refining the four bodies of Heaven Extinguishing at this time?”

Yu Ren also said in a cold voice: “If he is really finished refining, my Void family will definitely be destroyed!”

Now they understand why Yu Duanqian disappeared for so long!

It turns out that he has been refining Tianxie Si in secret?

Now there’s a lot of trouble!

How can they stop the rain from breaking through the thousands?

No way!

Now that there are only two Void Kings left, what else can be done?

Whether it’s Ling Ye or Rain Duanqian, they can’t face it!

Only the Lord of the Void!

If the Lord of the Void is here now, he will definitely be able to stop the rain from drying up!

It can also resist Ling Ye!

It’s a pity, that seal, they can’t open it!

Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, they can’t get it at all!

“Is there really no way for my Void family to survive in these heavens and myriad worlds?”

Po Yan let out a long sigh.

Although the relationship between Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian is not good, whether it is Ling Ye or Yu Duanqian, their Void family is powerless!

Shouldn’t the Void family really invade the heavens and the world in the first place?

Up to now, is it true that their Void family has only one dead end?

Po Yan and the others are all in despair!

If that Yu Duanqian has already controlled the four bodies of heaven, then no matter who wins this battle, it doesn’t matter!

Even if Yu Duanqian loses, the day Yu Duanqian’s main body is completed, Ling Ye will definitely lose, and the Void family will definitely be finished!

At least that’s how it seems to their Void Clan.

Void family, really… there is no way to go!

In front of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb.

Yu Duanqian’s dark and dark eyes stared at Ling Ye: “That kid killed you once, but he couldn’t kill you completely!”

“Today I will borrow his hand and kill you again!

“Ling Ye! Your era.. is over!”

Say it!


Yu Qian’s body, the vast black energy, rolled out frantically.

In front of the entire Demon Emperor’s tomb, it became pitch black, and the starry sea in the void was filled with black air in the blink of an eye!

On the opposite side, Ling Ye’s expression remained the same, and her eyes were still as cold.

“Maybe you can beg for mercy now!”

At this moment, Yu Duanqian said again: “Kneel down, beg me, follow me forever!”

“I’ll probably enjoy stepping on your feet! If I’m in a good mood, I’ll spare your life!”

“Hehe, don’t forget, you still have women and children! If you die, they will be sad!”

“If you don’t tell them they’re sad, they’ll die with you too!

“Have you ever thought about it? How will I kill your woman, and how will I kill you?


Yu Duanqian hadn’t finished speaking, Ling Ye’s whole body, that monstrous blood energy suddenly erupted!

The majestic blood energy swept the heavens in an instant, and in front of this Devil Emperor’s tomb, the black energy that cut off the rain was almost completely covered up!

Under this monstrous blood, there is also a touch of angry murderous aura!

Ling Ye will naturally not let these things Yu Duanqian said happen!

But Yu Duanqian said it, how could he not be angry?

No one can touch his woman, let alone his daughter!

boom boom

When Ling Ye’s vast blood-colored aura burst out, it collided with Yu Qian’s black aura!

The two powerful breaths of the half-step infinite realm suddenly collided, and a roar erupted!

Void Star Sea, a tremor!

Yu Duanqian’s eyes suddenly changed at this time: “Half-step infinity? You are not…


Before he could finish speaking, Ling Ye’s figure was already in front of him!

That huge fist, with that monstrous blood, slammed up!

Yu Duanqian reacted quickly, the black air rolled and blocked it!


The next moment, a loud bang resounded in front of the Demon Emperor’s tomb!

The vast blood-colored shock wave spreads over hundreds of millions of miles!

The entire Demon Emperor’s Tomb, the entire Void Star Sea, trembled fiercely!

And under this punch, Yu Duanqian’s entire body suddenly shot backwards!


But Ling Ye followed closely and caught up, those blood-red eyes with a cold murderous aura!

The fist smashed down!

Kick, Kick, Kick!

The next moment, I only saw one after another shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth rippling between this void star sea!

At this moment, blood shrouded everything, and Yu Duanqian was crushed to the point of being unable to fight back!

All the heavens and the world can feel the terrifying movement from the tomb of the Devil Emperor.

This time, Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian didn’t seem to hold any hands!

However, the difference is still obvious!

The same is the half-step limitless realm, Ling Ye is naturally better!

With… ugh!

Another terrifying shock wave shook the heavens!

Yu Duanqian suddenly shot backwards.

At this moment, the black energy all over his body dissipated, and there was blood hanging from the corners of his mouth. Under Ling Ye’s chaotic fist, he was in a state of embarrassment!

With his dark and gloomy eyes, he looked at Ling Ye across from him, and he no longer had the arrogant arrogance he had before!

Although Ling Ye’s attack fell on Ye Tian, ​​but now he is Ye Tian, ​​so of course all the injuries and pains are borne by him.

He didn’t understand at this time, he clearly read Ye Tian’s memory, Ling Ye is only at the peak of the extreme god realm!

How could it be possible to reach the half-step infinity in such a fast time?

Even Ling Ye can’t have such a fast improvement speed, right?

How did Ling Ye do it?

“You can continue to justify your presence and superiority with a mouth!”

Ling Ye’s blood-red and cold eyes looked at Yu Duanqian opposite, and said coldly, “Let me see how much confidence you can have?”

As soon as these words came out, Yu Duanqian on the opposite side fell silent, but a pair of dark eyes stared at Ling Ye.

At this time, he has completely lost the arrogance and confidence that he had when he first appeared!

If Ling Ye is already in the half-step limitless realm, he knows that he can’t be Ling Ye’s opponent at all!

This Blood Shadow Demon Lord is still the Blood Shadow Demon Lord after all!

“Hehe, even if you are half-step infinity, how can you bear with me today?”

The rain broke through the whole body, and the black air filled the air once again.

Indeed, Ling Ye is now a half-step infinity, and even stronger than him!

But it’s not that easy to kill him!

He can even escape!

It’s a big deal, just hide back in the black rain space.

“How many ways do you think I can torture your consciousness?” Ling Ye then said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure was once again rushing towards Yu Duan Qian Bang!

That monstrous blood energy was crushed again!

Opposite, Yu Duanqian put Ye Tian’s face in a calm face and resisted Ling Ye head-on!

Ling Ye’s words, he had to listen!

Ling Ye is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, maybe there are really many ways to torture him.

So in this battle… since he is not Ling Ye’s opponent, he can only… escape!

Avoid the edge for now!

While resisting Ling Ye’s arrogant and domineering attack, Yu Duanqian was thinking about how to retreat!

At this moment, in front of the Demon Emperor’s tomb, the space was slightly distorted, Ye Ziwei’s eyes were hideous, and the sword appeared there!

Son of a bitch “! Give back my brother’s life!”

As soon as she came, she directly raised her sword and shot at Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian who were fighting!

Behind, Luo You Leng and the three suddenly frowned.

This Ye Ziwei, who is in the Divine Emperor Realm, is not going to die?

With her strength, she can’t even get close to Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian, right?

However, they didn’t care so much!

What Ye Ziwei wants to do, has nothing to do with them!

Ye Ziwei clenched the sword in her hands, and with that monstrous murderous aura, she stabbed towards Yu Duanqian in a burst of breath!


But she has not approached Yu Duanqian at all, she was shot back by the aftermath of the battle between Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian!

In a half-step battle in the Promise Realm, it is of course impossible to even get close to the God Emperor Realm!

However, after the figure was shaken back, Ye Ziwei did not give up!

Holding the sword in her hand, she charged up again!

Then, it was shocked and shot back!

This time, a mouthful of blood spurted out from her, and her face was instantly pale!

At that level of battle, the closer she gets, the more dangerous it is!

It was impossible for her to touch Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian. If she did, the shock wave at the center of the battle would be enough to wipe her out in an instant!

However, she still did not give up.

Raise the sword again and kill it,

Once, twice, three times..

Ye Ziwei seems to be going mad now, with that murderous aura, with those two lines of blood and tears, as if dying!

I rushed up again and again, but every time I couldn’t even touch anyone, I was shocked and vomited blood and shot back.

Such a scene is a bit sad!

Everyone in the heavens and the world is watching all this quietly, and many people still do not understand what is going on with that leaf.

Helping Ye Tian? But it seems to be helping Ling Ye to deal with Ye Tian?

What the hell is going on here?

At that level of battle, where can she intervene?

Isn’t this looking for death?

How can you be so determined? So not afraid of death?

In front of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb, Luo You Leng and the others were also watching such a scene!

“This girl is also infatuated with that Ye Tian!” Xi Ji said lightly.

Although Ye Ye should be an ignorant girl!

But this infatuation, she still recognized it!

After all, she is also an infatuated person.

Isn’t this Ye Zi’s infatuation with Ye Tian just like her infatuation with Ling Ye?

They are all lovers!

This leaf, do you know that Ye Tian is actually still alive?

Does she think that Ye Tian is completely dead, that’s why she treats death like a home?

God Emperor Realm, in front of Yu Duanqian is similar to the ants, how can you take revenge?

in the melee,

Ye Ziwei was shot back by the shock, and vomited blood again.

At this point, she was almost exhausted!

Under the impact of the aftermath of this battle, of course, she couldn’t bear it!

However, she still clenched the bloody teeth tightly, and with the last strength, she clenched the sword in her hand!

Now she is not afraid of death!

Just ask for revenge!

Although she also knew that her own strength was useless, but under this hatred, under this grief, she couldn’t care much.

Once again to stabilize her figure, she rushed up again!


But it was still the same, the aftermath of the battle between Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian directly shocked her and shot her backwards.

The sword in her hand was already broken, and the injury to her body was already unbearable!

Her consciousness, under the impact of this time and again, became weaker and weaker.

She is on the verge of death!

However, she still insisted, she dropped the sword in her hand.

Then, the whole body’s spiritual power flowed wildly!

Crazy burning up!

She will burn all her strength to avenge Ye Tian.

At this moment, Ye Ziwei’s entire body seems to have become luminous.

That is the light emitted by the burning of spiritual power!

With her last strength, she charged towards “Ye Tian” for the last time!

“Brother Tian, ​​you are dead… I will never live!”

Ye Ziwei’s bloody mouth showed a bleak smile.

She will go with Ye Tian!

Die with Ye Tian!

“I’m sorry, I’m still so useless to death!”

Her two lines of blood and tears flowed down again.

Her figure gradually approached Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian in the hot battle.

At this last moment, she recalled many things, many things about herself and Ye Tian since childhood.

For a long time, it was Ye Tian who was forgiving and pampering himself. In fact, he had always been Ye Tian’s burden.

He even killed him in the end, he was so useless!

Even if you want to take revenge, you can’t even touch your own enemy!

You are really useless!

If so, then die!

Living, for myself, has no meaning!

At this moment, everyone in the heavens and myriad worlds watched helplessly at Ye Ziwei, who was burning the life force and approaching “Ye Tian”.

Although Ye Ziwei used to be a silly girl, but now this scene seems so sad,

Under everyone’s attention, Ye Ziwei kept approaching Ling Ye and Yu Duanqian. Even if she burned her life, it would be difficult for her to encounter Yu Duanqian.

But she is still like a moth to the fire, and she sees death as home!

She knew that if she rushed up this time, she would definitely be destroyed!

But it doesn’t matter anymore!

End it, end it all!

She slowly closed her eyes with blood and tears, and died peacefully,

Seeing that, she was about to approach Ling Ye and Yu Duangan.

But at this moment, when Ye Ye Wei had already tried her best to plan to die.

But a hoarse voice suddenly sounded!


This sudden sound made Ye Ziwei’s heart, which had been completely extinguished, ignited again in an instant!

She quickly opened her eyes, and then her eyes suddenly turned towards Ye Tian!

I saw Ye Tian at this time, his figure was already fixed in mid-air, and he had stopped fighting with Ling Ye!

With one hand, he was thinking about his head fiercely, and the other hand, which was stretched out in Ye Ziwei’s direction, was also trembling wildly!

At this time, Ye Tian’s face was hideous, and there seemed to be a force in those dark eyes, and he was doing his best to suppress the darkness!

It made Ye Tian’s eyes almost burst!

That is the consciousness of Ye Tian and Yu Duanqian, who are tearing apart frantically!

Ye Tian had already been suppressed by Yu Duanqian, but at this last moment, seeing Ye Ziwei dying, Ye Tian’s will surged up again!

Once again sent out the final resistance to Yu Duanqian!

“Brother Tian? Brother Tian, ​​are you still alive? Are you still alive!?”

Ye Ziwei’s red eyes stared at Ye Tian now!

You can’t go wrong, it’s Ye Tian!

He is still alive, he has not been completely wiped out by Yu Duanqian?

Ye Ziwei immediately stopped the burning of her spiritual power.

At this moment, everyone in the heavens and the world is watching this scene helplessly!

“Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​tell me what to do, what should I do!?” Ye Ziwei cried and asked quickly.

“Go! Ziwei!”

Ye Tian forcibly waved his palm.

The tearing of the two consciousnesses in his body made it difficult for him to control his body!

At this moment, some people in the heavens and the world slowly understand!

The current Ye Tian, ​​as expected, is no longer Ye Tian!

But two people!

There is another consciousness that is occupying Ye Tian’s body!

No wonder Ye Tian looked so strange.

“Brother Tian, ​​I’m not going! I don’t! Brother Tian, ​​what can I do to save you, what should I do?”

Ye Ziwei was crying, and her eyes were fixed on Ye Tian, ​​who was now full of hideous faces!

Ye Tian is still alive, still alive.. That means there is a chance, doesn’t it?

There must be a way to save him!

Ye Ziwei’s eyes suddenly turned to Ling Ye!

He must be able to save Ye Tian, ​​right?

If it is Ling Ye, there must be a way, right?

“Master Demon Lord! Please, please, please save him, save my brother Tian, ​​please!”

Immediately Ye Ziwei was crying and begging for Ling Ye.

Except for Ling Ye, she couldn’t think of any way!

However, Ling Ye ignored Ye Ye and just stared coldly at Ye Tian and Yu Duanqian who were vying for body control.

At this time, Ye Tian’s eyes also looked over!

Then, clenching his teeth, he said in a hoarse voice, “Kill me! Kill me now! I’ll die with him!”

As long as Ling Ye starts now, he and Yu Duanqian can be killed together!

As long as the rain stops and thousands die, everything should be over, right?

However, Ling Ye didn’t seem to have any intention of doing it.

Just looking at Ye Tian with cold eyes, it seems that he is thinking about something and waiting for something.

“What are you waiting for!?”

At this time, Ye Tian roared exhaustively again: “Kill me! Kill me now! I don’t know how long it will last…. Do it now!”

“Didn’t you always want to kill me? Don’t you want revenge? Isn’t your blood shadow demon master avenged?”

“Now…you can kill two of your own opponents at once! Do it!”

“End this now!

“In my body, he is only a soul! I will die with him today, Ye Tian… can be considered to be doing my part for the heavens and the world!”

While speaking, Ye Tian shook his head fiercely, using his last strength to resist the rain!

His voice resounded in front of the Devil Emperor’s tomb and spread throughout the heavens and the world.

Everyone watched this scene helplessly.

The two former opponents of Ling Ye, Yu Duangan and Ye Tian, ​​are now one and the same!

As long as Ling Ye kills Ye Tian, ​​everything can be solved!

Will he make a move?

In front of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb, Ling Ye’s blood-red and cold eyes looked at Ye Tian, ​​who was struggling, and didn’t say a word.

“Master Demon Lord! There must be other ways, you must have other ways, right? Please, don’t kill Brother Tian, ​​save him!”

Ye Ziwei was still crying and begging.

The three of Luo You Leng watched this scene quietly in front of the Devil Emperor’s tomb. If they wanted to do something, Ling Ye should have done it right away.

Ling Ye, what are you waiting for?


At this moment, a strange sound suddenly erupted inside the tomb of the Demon Emperor behind him!

Luo You Leng and the three suddenly turned their heads: “Heart and soul… fusion is complete!

That is the movement from the completion of the fusion of the first artifact.

At this moment, when the heart and soul just merged.

Between the void and the sea of ​​stars, Ling Ye raised his palm abruptly and took a breath in the direction of the Devil Emperor’s Tomb!


Suddenly, a pure transparent boxy square flew out and hovered in Ling Ye’s palm!

When they saw the transparent and seemingly invisible square, everyone was shocked!

That’s… the first artifact!


In the void world, Po Yan and the others were once again shocked!

“Heart Soul? That first divine weapon is actually in the tomb of his Demon Emperor?

Po Yan’s complexion suddenly changed: “Damn, how many good things did he leave in the tomb of the Demon Emperor?”

The Three Thousand Demon Emperors, the Supreme Divine Pillar, still has the legendary number one divine weapon?

There are so many good things hidden in this Devil Emperor’s tomb?

If I had known this earlier, even if they sacrificed the three Void Kings, their Void Clan would definitely take down the Devil Emperor’s Tomb!

It’s a pity that when Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu and Xi Ji were guarding in front of the Demon Emperor’s tomb, Hei Yue and other five Void Kings came forward at the same time, but they didn’t make a move!

Now that I think about it, I really regret it!

0… ask for flowers…

If you got the Devil Emperor’s Tomb in the first place, adding the two supreme divine pillars would release some of the power of the Lord of the Void!

You can still get the first divine weapon, the soul, and the three thousand devil emperors can also be re-refined and controlled!

It’s a pity that their Void Clan has just missed an opportunity to take over the heavens and the world!

On the other side, the dark soul domain, the dark ghost race.

At this time, everyone in the ghost clan was also looking in the direction of the Devil Emperor’s tomb.

It turned out, “The first artifact is actually in the tomb of the Demon Emperor, Lord Demon Lord?”

Everyone in the ghost clan is shocked!

Absolutely never imagined that the legendary first artifact that no one knows where to go is in the hands of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

That strange space in the legend turned out to be the tomb of the Demon Emperor?

No wonder, no wonder Ling Ye wants the core of their ghost clan’s soul?

It turns out that he already knew the exact location of his heart and soul?

“So good, so good!”

This legendary first artifact can fall into Ling Ye’s hands, it is a real destination!

Ling Ye is also completely worthy of this first artifact!

Anyway, now, the dark ghosts are completely on Ling Ye’s side.

No matter what happened to Ye Tian, ​​no matter how many people lived in Ye Tian’s body!

They only hope that Ling Ye can win, and they only hope that Ling Ye will continue to be the ruler of the heavens and the world!

Only Ling Ye has this ability!

On the other side, in the depths of the blood-red endless void, Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang were also watching everything there.

“That Ye Tian is still alive!

Shura Kuang asked curiously, “And what is that in the hands of Lord Demon Lord?”

“Oh, that’s a good thing!”

Jiang Yuan smiled lightly: “That’s the first artifact!”

“Is that the legendary beginning of the void of all worlds? That omnipotent thing?” Shura Kuang was suddenly shocked.

“Of course not, what you said is the first supreme artifact! This is the first artifact, and it is close to the existence of the supreme artifact!”

Jiang Yuan replied: “This thing follows your heart and soul, it can be transformed into any weapon of any material, and it can control all the martial arts and combat skills of the heavens and the world!”

“I’m so strong? Can I become a material like an air-breaking lock?” Shura Kuang then asked curiously.

Naturally, “Yes!” Jiang Yuan nodded.

As long as it is not a supreme artifact, this heart and soul can be transformed!

Otherwise, it is not qualified to be called the first artifact!

“That’s really a good thing!” Shura nodded madly.

If this first artifact is in Ling Ye’s hands, it will have more functions, right?

“Haha, have you ever seen what kind of martial arts and combat skills Lord Demon Lord used?” At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly laughed.

“Gong technique and combat skills? That’s really not there!” Shura Kuang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He has indeed never seen any martial arts and combat skills used by Ling Ye!

Because no one can push Ling Ye to that level.

Ling Ye’s shots have always been just ordinary attacks!

Even in the first battle with Ye Tian, ​​he just burned his life and released all his strength to fight to the death!

Ling Ye has really never used any martial arts and combat skills!

“Then you can be optimistic, he has a lot of methods!” Jiang Yuan smiled lightly.

“Will he kill Ye Tian?” Shura Kuang then asked curiously.

“No!” Jiang Yuan replied, “He will force Yu Duanqian out!”

“Forcing it out? How to force it?” Shura Kuang was very curious.

Anyway, “there is his way! Just look at it!” Jiang Yuan smiled lightly.

Now that Ling Ye holds the first artifact in his hand, there are so many things he can do!

In front of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb, Ling Ye was holding a small transparent cube in his hand!

The next moment, the small square melted into his palm!



With a whimper, a blood-red giant sword appeared in his hand!

The soul can be changed into any weapon at will according to the user!

In Ling Ye’s hands, it transformed into such a great sword!

Black hilt, blood red blade, extremely domineering!

Ling Ye slowly held the giant sword in his hand and looked at Ye Tian on the opposite side!


“Lord Abandoned Lord, no, please don’t! Please!” Ye Ziwei hurriedly cried.

Is Ling Ye really going to kill Ye Tian?

Is there really no other way?


At this time, Ye Tian’s hoarse voice sounded again: “Don’t feel sorry for me, and don’t avenge me! There is a grudge between me and him that needs to be settled!”

“But… big brother, I don’t want you to die, I don’t want you to die!

Ye Ziwei cried and continued to plead with Ling Ye: “Lord Demon Lord, I beg you, you must be able to do something, right? Can you let Brother Tian go?”

“In the past, the grievances between you were wrong, brother Tian, ​​and we were wrong! But brother Tian already knew that he was wrong, and we already knew that he was wrong!”

“Brother Tian has paid so much over the years, and he has already received the punishment he deserves! Please let him go, okay?

“Brother Tian’s actions are all for the sake of the heavens and the world! Lord Demon Lord, please open your eyes and bypass him!”

Ye Ziwei cried and knelt down again in midair.

Although she knew that Ling Ye didn’t like others kneeling in front of him and begging him.

But at this time, she really didn’t know what else to do, besides kneeling down and begging Ling Ye to be merciful, what else could she do?

“Ziwei..No need to say more!”

At this time, Ye Tian spoke again, and his hideous eyes looked at Ye Ziwei: “I should have died!

“This is a contest of ability between me and him, and it has nothing to do with the heavens and the world, and it has nothing to do with everything!

“Today I, Ye Tian, ​​die without regrets!”

“To die at his hands, this is the most meaningful end for me!”

“I paid the price for everything I did in the first place, and I deserve it, no need to say more!”

“Ziwei, get out of here and live, just treat it as my only last word!”

While speaking, Ye Tian’s last gaze turned to Ling Ye: “I do regret being an enemy of you! But… I have had an opponent like you, and I am honored too!”

“Between you and me, make a break now! I, Ye Tian, ​​have no fear of life or death!”

“come on!

Ye Tianqiang endured Yu Duanqian’s suppression, forced his trembling arms, and struggled to open!

Now, he is willing to die to end everything for himself!

Willing to die at the hands of Ling Ye!

In the end, I lost to Ling Ye, this is a contest of ability, needless to say!

He doesn’t need to say much about the retribution he has received over the years, and he doesn’t need to use his actions over the years to plead for Ling Ye’s sympathy!

Also like the original Ling Ye did not talk about his heroism in ancient times!

Everything is a contest of strength!

Needless to say!

Ling Ye looked at Ye Tian opposite with cold eyes.


He then slowly raised the giant sword in his hand, blood-colored aura, frantically condensed.

Then, he spit out two words at Ye Tian lightly: “There is a kind!”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian, ​​whose face was full of grimness, seemed to let go of everything at this moment!

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his hideous mouth.

To be able to get such a recognition from Ling Ye at this last moment!

No regrets to die!

“Thank you!”

In Ye Tian’s hoarse throat, a faint voice finally came out.

This life, so far!

To have an opponent like Ling Ye, die without regret!

Although this life is tragic, it is at least glorious!

Also hilarious!

After saying this last sentence, Ye Tian slowly closed his eyes. Although the two bodies under the struggle of consciousness were still shaking, they were standing there, waiting for death!

In the end, Ling Ye opposite, the blood-colored giant sword in his hand, finally swung out a sword!


“do not want!!!”

In the desperate cry of Ye Zi, under the gaze of everyone in the heavens and the world!

A **** sword energy shot up from the tomb of the Demon Emperor and penetrated Ye Tian’s chest ruthlessly!

Finally, in this void of the sea of ​​stars, swept out hundreds of millions of miles!

The blood-colored brilliance illuminates the void of this star sea.

It’s over!

At this moment, the heavens and the world were completely silent.

Ye Tian is really over!

The former Heaven and Earth Alliance has long since been dissolved, and everything about Ye Tian will become the history of the heavens and the world from now on!

At this last moment, it was as if all kinds of Ye Tian’s pasts had surfaced in everyone’s mind.

His life has been ups and downs, ups and downs!

Finally die in peace!

It’s also enough to be emotional.

“no no!!!”

Ye Ziwei cried bitterly and roared.

Again and again and again.

It’s like this every time!

Every time I see hope, in exchange for more painful despair and grief!

This time, I watched Ye Tian die in front of my eyes!

In her eyes, blood and tears flowed down again.

This time, Brother Tian really died!

Ye Ziwei looked desperately at Ye Tian above the sky with blood and tears in her eyes.

Then, under her gaze, under the gaze of everyone in the world, Ye Tian’s figure fell from there!

But, a strange scene appeared!

After Ye Tian’s figure fell, in his original position, there was a black shadow formed by the condensation of black gas.

That black shadow, at this time, was locked by a series of strange blood-red chains, unable to move!

“My God!

Ye Ziwei flew up quickly and caught Ye Tian.

Then, she was surprised to find that Ye Tian was not dead yet?

Although Ling Ye’s sword did penetrate Ye Tian’s entire body, it was true that Ye Tian was not dead yet!

It just left a terrifying sword mark on his body. This sword almost cut Ye Tian into two halves!

However, Ye Tian’s life was still preserved!

Ye Tian was completely awake at this time, but his severely injured body was completely unable to move.

He just turned his eyes and looked at Ling Ye above the sky.

Ling Ye didn’t kill him?

But to drive out the consciousness of the rain in his body?

how did you do that?

At this moment, Ling Ye, who was high in the sky, also looked down at Ye Tian who was lying in Ye Yewei’s arms.

Then he said lightly: “I don’t even bother to use your hand to deal with him! I also don’t bother to use his hand to deal with you!”

“I can give you some time to get ready!”

“There is a battle between you and me!”

He really wouldn’t let Ye Tian die just like that.

What he needs is to make a settlement with Ye Tian alone, not to use someone else’s hand to deal with anyone.

Between him and Ye Tian, ​​there must be a solemn and solemn duel!

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Ye Tian’s mouth suddenly showed a bitter smile.

Unexpectedly, Ling Ye actually… spared him once!


In this case, according to what Ling Ye said, get ready to fight with Ling Ye in an open and honest way!

Honestly, make a conclusion!

Above the sky, Ling Ye closed his eyes and looked at Yu Duanqian, who was locked in mid-air.

In fact, there are two reasons for him not to kill Ye Tian. The first is naturally because between him and Ye Tian, ​​there really needs to be an upright contest!

The second is because he killed Ye Tian and destroyed Yu Duanqian’s spiritual consciousness, but he couldn’t kill Yu Duanqian.

As long as Yu Duanqian’s body is still there, Yu Duanqian will live!

Ye Tian will only die in vain!

So he used his heart and soul to force Yu Duanqian’s consciousness out of Ye Tian’s body with a single sword!

Keep Ye Tian and keep Yu Duanqian’s consciousness!

“Destroying this sense of your Dao, it’s just cheap for you!”

Ling Ye’s indifferent voice continued: “I now… suddenly have some bad tastes that I want to torture people!

As soon as these words came out, the shadow of Yu Duanqian on the opposite side immediately struggled!

However, it is impossible to break free from the bloody shackles on the body!

Yes, Yu Duanqian knew very well that Ling Ye could not kill him completely by destroying his consciousness!

But… if Ling Ye is tormenting his consciousness, he must endure that pain!

So Ling Ye actually planned to keep his divine sense from the beginning and torment him? Qian,

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