Chapter 128 Ye Tian came out, but it was no longer Ye Tian

On the other side, a hidden void world.

Po Yan brought the only remaining Void clan now.

Behind him is a slender figure wrapped in golden void scales!

On his back, nine Void Light Eyes are arranged in a figure-eight shape, and from the Void Light Eye, a Void pair of wings grows out!

The last one, on his throat!

King of the Void, Feather Blade!

Now, in the entire Void family, there are only two Void Kings, Xia Yuren and Poyan.

And behind them, there are a total of five Void Kings who have just been born recently, and five are in the early stage of the extreme god realm!

Behind, the entire Void army that was originally mighty is now running out!


Po Yan’s huge fist slammed into the void in front of him!

Two more dead, Kaisha and Xuanni are also dead!

Their Void family is really horrible now!

Now, they only have two Void Kings and five Void King Deputy.

There are two peaks of extreme gods and five early stages of extreme gods, which sounds very powerful!

Looking at the heavens and the world, it is indeed the most powerful existence!

But compared with the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, it is far worse!

Ling Ye is a half-step infinite realm, and Luo Youleng, Baijiu, Xiji, the three pinnacles of the realm of extreme gods are by her side!

There are also Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang guarding the depths of the void!

All are the pinnacles of the extreme god realm!

In addition, there are more than 2,000 Demon Emperor troops!

Such a lineup is far beyond what their Void Clan can face.

Thinking back then, when Ling Ye was resurrected, all the powerhouses under Ling Ye’s command added up, and they were not much different from the Void Clan!

But now, the entire Void Clan was chased by Ling Ye until they were the only ones left.

Next, how is it good?

Waiting for the Void family, it seems that there is really only destruction!

“I didn’t expect that he could even go to the Darkborn Soul Realm! I’m afraid he knows exactly what we’re up to!” Yu Ren said coldly.

It stands to reason that the battle movement in the Soul Realm has not been heard, and that place is relatively hidden and will not be detected.

But Ling Ye still found it there, so Ling Ye knew all the plans of their Void Clan for a long time!

Therefore, next, if their Void Clan dared to attack the rest of the forces, they might be noticed by Ling Ye in advance.

Found by Ling Ye!

Now, there are only two Void Kings left. If they also die, then the entire Void Clan will really be… completely destroyed!

“Now, is there really nothing I can do?” Yu Ren sighed.

Ling Ye knew all their actions, and even knew in advance what forces they would attack!

Ling Ye has already seen everything about them!

So, they are really powerless!

“Find a place to hide! From now on, I, the Void family, don’t appear in front of him again!” Po Yan said in a deep voice.

Next, they certainly did not dare to act rashly.

Once you act, it is very likely that Ling Ye will notice it!

So, now their only way is to hide!

Only by hiding can they keep their Void Lineage!

“How can we find a real refuge?” Yu Ren shook his head.

Back then, there was a world of nothingness where they could escape!

now what?

There is nowhere to escape!

There is nowhere to hide!

Other worlds can’t protect them, even if they can hide for a while, they can’t hide for a lifetime!

“He made his move this time, and he didn’t stop until he achieved his goal. Where can I hide when I wait?” Yu Ren continued.

Ling Ye’s shot this time really intends to obliterate the entire Void family!

Hide? You can hide for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime!

“Now, there is only this way! Now, the heavens and the world have no place for my Void family, so I can only try my best to survive!” Po Yan clenched the huge fist tightly.

A blood shadow demon master, let their Void family flee and hide, how ridiculous is this?

But powerlessness is powerlessness!

Hide, at least you can live for a while!

“In the future, don’t make any more actions, and don’t let the Blood Shadow Demon Lord notice any trace of my Void Clan!”

Po Yan then said solemnly: “My Void clan is temporarily avoiding the edge, and I will make plans later!”

Yu Ren only nodded, and now, that’s all they can do!

It has really reached the point of living in the world!

I hope that Blood Shadow Demon Lord will give up the cleanup of their Void Clan as soon as possible!

I also hope that their Void Clan can find a ray of hope in this despair!

Immediately afterwards, Po Yan and Yu Ren, with the only remaining Void army, began to hide in the heavens and the world.

Next, they will stop all killing, stop all action!

There is only one purpose, and that is to live under the sweep of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

On the other side, that weird black rain space!

The black rain of Zhejiang and Zhejiang is still falling in this space!

And in the black rain, above the air.

A figure hovered there, motionless!

Ye Tian!

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​the strange black energy around his body seems to have completely invaded his body!

And his eyes were completely closed.

The whole person seems to have turned into a corpse, without any movement.

However, there was no movement on the surface, but inside Ye Tian’s body, the conscious struggle between Ye Tian and Yu Duanqian was extremely fierce!

Since this time, Ye Tian has been doing his best to stop Yu Duanqian from suppressing his consciousness.

He has been persevering, and he has done his best to persevere!

However, no matter how firm his will is, he is Yu Duanqian’s opponent after all!

His consciousness was completely suppressed!

In the black rain, Ye Tian, ​​who had been quietly suspended in mid-air, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

At this moment, the entire black rain space burst into a tremor!

Ye Tian’s eyes all turned pitch black, and substantial black energy overflowed from those eyes!

The whole person, looks, extremely strange!

After opening his eyes, his body finally made a movement.

From the original lying flat, stood up.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of his mouth gently evoked a gloomy smile!

He slowly clenched his fists, and the black energy slowly flowed between the fists.

“This kid’s will is indeed firm! I didn’t expect that it took so much time to suppress him~”!”

Ye Tian’s mouth made that gloomy voice.

At this time, he is no longer Ye Tian, ​​but Yu Duanqian!

“What a tough guy, even if I tried my best, I just reluctantly suppressed him, and it was difficult to completely erase his consciousness!

Yu Duanqian then said coldly: “It’s no wonder that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord lost to you in the first place! But… even if you can’t be completely wiped out, it’s enough!”

Since this time, he has been trying his best to erase Ye Tian’s consciousness from Ye Tian’s body!

But Ye Tian’s willpower is indeed beyond his imagination!

Now, he can only reluctantly suppress Ye Tian’s consciousness and temporarily control this body!

But it was enough for him.

As long as you can use Ye Tian’s body to leave here, you can unite the heavens and the world!

The Blood Shadow Demon Lord will erase all the existences that threaten you in advance, so as to avoid future troubles!

“Boy, what you didn’t do back then! I’ll do it for you! You’re still young, so naturally you don’t know what he is capable of! So you couldn’t kill him back then!”

Yu Duanqian then said in a gloomy voice: “But I… let him perish completely! There is no way to turn around!”

After saying that, he suddenly waved his palm!

Ahead, there was a dark space distortion.

Then, his figure, slowly walked out!

Get out of this black rain space!

Outside, in the void of the sea of ​​stars.

A dark space twisted and slowly formed, and then, Ye Tian’s figure, slowly walked out from the darkness!

“How many years! Finally came to the heavens and the world again!”

Yu Duanqian slowly spread out his hands, as if to welcome his freedom.

Although it was only a consciousness that walked out of this black rain space with the help of Ye Tian’s body!

But, it finally came out!

Although refining the Heavenly Extermination Four Body can indeed make him become a four-in-one Promise Realm!

But the limitation of freedom for countless years, the rain is of course a bit unbearable.

Now that he finally walked out of this black rain space, of course he couldn’t help screaming in the sky!

“Void of all worlds… welcome your true master!”

The next moment, the vast black energy around him, along with his gloomy voice, suddenly dispersed!

From this void between the stars and seas, it diffuses away and spreads throughout the heavens and the world!

At this moment, the entire heavens and the world are shocked!

On the other hand, after Ling Ye killed Kai Sha and Xuan Ni, he brought Luo You Leng’s three daughters to the Demon Emperor’s Tomb.

The figures of the four people slowly appeared in front of the huge tomb gate!

“What are you doing here?” Baijiu Meimei looked at Ling Ye, very curious.

After all, she had stayed for Ling Ye for five years in this place, so she still had some memories.

Isn’t Ling Ye going to take them to hunt down the Void family?

Why are you still here?

The three thousand devil emperors here have all been summoned!

“There are many special spaces in the heavens and the world! My Devil Emperor’s tomb…is one of them!”

Ling Ye smiled lightly, then waved his palm, and the core of the soul appeared in his palm.

“Then the legendary first artifact, the soul, is in the tomb of the Demon Emperor?” Luo You Leng asked suddenly.

“Well, as expected of my woman! – Guess it!” Ling Ye suddenly smiled softly.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng gave him another look, can’t you just keep your woman your woman?

Don’t you have to say it once?

Now there is no one who doesn’t know that I am your woman!

“Anyone can guess!” Luo You Leng continued.

“No no no, I didn’t guess!”

Xi Ji suddenly smiled seductively: “I didn’t expect that there are so many good things hidden inside this Devil Lord’s tomb?

Forget the three thousand devil emperors, there are also Qianzhu and Kunzhu among the supreme divine pillars of the eight directions!

Now, I didn’t expect that the first artifact was actually in Ling Ye’s hands!

No wonder Ling Ye wants the core of the soul of the dark ghost clan!

There are so many good things in Ling Ye’s hands!

Ling Ye smiled lightly, and immediately, his palm was placed on the tomb door of the Devil Emperor’s Tomb!

Then, the blood-colored spiritual power burst out!


The blood-colored pattern of the entire gate was instantly lit up.

Then, Ling Ye pushed with the palm of his hand!


This heavy door opens slowly!

Inside, it was still blood red, with no end in sight!

Ling Ye then flew in with Luo You Leng and the three of them.

They flew all the way to the depths of the blood-red Devil Emperor’s tomb, and finally, in the deepest part of this Devil Emperor’s tomb, they saw two supreme divine pillars rising into the sky!

Just like the Supreme Divine Pillar of Ming Hai, it is so huge that it is almost impossible to see the end!

And in the deepest part, there is not only this supreme divine pillar, but also a mass of invisible energy!

It was a very strange gas, it seemed to exist, but it didn’t seem to exist!

Scattered in the depths of this space, wandering nonsensically.

Ling Ye’s figure came to the front of the invisible air, and then the core of the soul in his hand slowly floated up!

Finally, melt into that invisible air!


All of a sudden, the nonsensical and invisible air rushed towards the small square as if it had found its target at this moment!

The core of the soul can condense all the invisible energy together!

After the cohesion is completed, it is the legendary first artifact, the soul!

An artifact that follows your heart!

“uAah, the three thousand devil emperors, the supreme divine pillar, the first divine weapon soul! If the Void family knew that there were so many good things hidden inside the tomb of the devil emperor, they would definitely regret not attacking the tomb of the devil emperor at the beginning, right? ”

Xi Ji smiled lightly.

Back then, Hei Yue took the lead and wanted to snatch three thousand devil emperors, but was stopped by Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu and her.

At that time, Black Moon even called five Void Kings directly!

In the end, it still didn’t work!

Because Heiyue also knew that if he wanted to pass the three of them, he would have to sacrifice three Void Kings!

That’s not really worth it!

But now, there are more than three thousand devil emperors in this Devil Emperor’s tomb.

If the Void Clan had tried their best to attack the Demon Emperor’s Tomb, maybe the Void Lord could have been released now?

Maybe the entire heavens and the world are already the Void family, right?

Back then, “You asked me to guard this place, in fact, it wasn’t just for the sake of guarding the three thousand ruined emperors!”

Baijiu Meimu also looked at Ling Ye, and said lightly, “The task you gave me is actually far more important than I thought!”

If there are only three thousand devil emperors, the tomb of this devil emperor is really not too important!

But there are still two supreme pillars and the first artifact!

This is so important!

Indeed, if the Void Clan had already obtained the two Supreme Divine Pillars here, then the Void Clan would have six Supreme Divine Pillars!

In that way, part of the power of the Void Lord can be released!

The heavens and the worlds, I am afraid it is already over!

Fortunately, the Void Clan did not do this.

“Because you can trust it!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Indeed, at that time, looking at the heavens and the world, only Baijiu had that strength!

There are not many people he trusts, and liquor is the most suitable!

“Actually, there are more suitable candidates than me! It’s just that you didn’t choose her at the time!”

Bai Jiu then said something lightly, looking at Chao Luo You Leng with her beautiful eyes: “No wonder she was so angry back then!”

Luo You Leng was complaining about why Ling Ye didn’t entrust such an important task to her (Li Dezhao)!

So it is inexplicable to ask some questions as soon as you come to it!

Indeed, if Luo You Leng came, it would also be very suitable!

Baijiu didn’t dare to say that he was stronger than Luo Youlen!

Besides, there is the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm behind Luo You Leng, and there are many helpers!

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng’s beautiful eyes suddenly floated.

Speaking of which, I was really surprised at the time!

Even left a sword on Baijiu’s face!

“She wanted to kill me at that time, how did I think she could help me?” Ling Ye also had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Chao Luo You Leng.

Luo You Leng glared at him immediately, in fact, if Ling Ye had looked for her at that time, she would have protected this place with her life just like Bai Jiu.

It’s just… At that time, the relationship between myself and Ling Ye was indeed complicated!

So, of course Ling Ye couldn’t find her!

“This soul, giving it to Xin’er as a weapon is just right!”

Ling Ye then smiled faintly, looking at the invisible aura that was constantly merging in front of her eyes.

“Xinhun? Speaking of this name, it’s a bit of a coincidence!” Baijiu also smiled faintly.

The weapon of the heart is called the soul of the heart!

Just right!

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth, if he could, of course he would give the best to his daughter.

This soul is very good, very suitable!


At this moment, Ling Ye seemed to notice something.

He then turned around slowly, his consciousness penetrated the heavens and the world, and looked towards the exit of the black rain space!

“What’s wrong?”

Luo You Leng and the others also noticed the change in Ling Ye’s expression, and they all went away immediately!

Then, they all saw Ye Tian who came out of the black rain space!

I saw Ye Tian who was covered in blackness!

“Ye Tian? That guy came out?” Xiji frowned.

“It’s Ye Tian but it’s not Ye Tian!”

Ling Ye said lightly.

The current Ye Tian is no longer Ye Tian!

It’s the rain that breaks the thousand feathers!

Ye Tian’s body, Yu Duanqian’s consciousness!

Ye Tian really wasn’t Yu Duanqian’s opponent after all, he was still overpowered by Yu Duanqian!

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