Chapter 105 It only makes sense to die in the hands of Ling Ye

Now in the heavens and the world, Ling Ye is back, and the Void family is no longer a problem.

Therefore, there is no need for such a person to appear in the heavens and the world again!

Although Ling Ye is an extremely domineering person, Ye Tian is completely relieved that all the worlds and worlds are handed over to Ling Ye to rule.

At the very least, Ling Ye is a very principled person no matter what!

It is the man Ye Tian respects from the bottom of his heart!

Enemy from the bottom of my heart!

But this one below is just a villain with a vicious mind!

“Boy! How do the heavens and the world treat you? Even if you kill the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, not many people are willing to surrender to you!”

The voice then sounded: “The human heart is inherently selfish, why should you be in charge of righteousness alone? Put down your banner of justice, what the heavens and the world need is absolute rule! Only under absolute force can the world surrender! ”

“Myriad worlds have not surrendered to me, but my ability is insufficient!” Ye Tian said solemnly.

Indeed, absolute force – can suppress everything!

But.. the way to make people surrender is not just by force!

Just like that Ling Ye.

Today’s Ling Ye still only has the peak of the extreme god realm, but there are strong people from all sides who are willing to follow!

Even when Ling Ye died, there were still many people who still respected Ling Ye!

He killed Ling Ye back then, which was indeed a great achievement in life!

But that is only his own achievement, he has not contributed much to the whole world, and he does not have much charm!

It is understandable that the heavens and the world are unwilling to surrender to themselves!

“Since you know that your ability is insufficient, now, you have the opportunity to improve your ability!”

The cold voice went on to say: “In today’s world, there is not even a half-step limitless realm! And once my consciousness finds a body, it can reach the half-step limitless realm! I borrow your body Go out, suppress the void, and unite all worlds!”

Until “the day when my heaven is destroyed and the four bodies are completed, it will be the realm of the four infinity!”

“At that time, release the Lord of the Void and wipe it out completely, and the Void of all worlds will be completely dominated by us!”

His consciousness is only barely capable of half-step Promise Realm!

If you want to reach the realm of infinity, you can only wait until he is completely out of the border!

But even half a step of the boundless realm is enough to sweep across the world today!

It is also enough to eradicate the Void family–!

“With your body, with my soul! What you can’t do, I’ll do it for you!”

The gloomy voice continued: “The era of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord has passed. Since no one can control this chaotic new era, let us be the masters!”

Ye Tian shook his head.

This person is the one who can truly destroy the heavens and the world!

“Boy, I hope you know that now you have no choice!”

The voice continued: “If you don’t agree, you can only be trapped here forever, and when the day when I destroy the four bodies, the first one can kill you!”

“Yes! I really have no choice!”

Ye Tian’s voice was cold, and then he said: “But at least we can choose to explode here! When you slowly refine the four bodies of Heaven and Extinction, who knows what the scene of the heavens and the world will be like?”

He can indeed choose to blew himself up, and he also blew himself up with Ye Ziwei!

It can be done.

In this way, the other party has no chance to use their bodies to get out of here!

As soon as these words came out, the voice fell silent.

It is indeed possible!

After all, even he himself didn’t know how long it would take him to refine the Heavenly Destruction Four!

It is not certain that in the heavens and myriad worlds at that time, other infinite realms appeared again!

Until then, trouble again!

Maybe the Void Clan can release the Void Lord during this period of time.

At that time, if the Void Lord of the Promise Realm finds here, he, who cannot move on his body, may be in danger!

“But I can still lend you my body!”

Ye Tian then said: “It’s just that I have a condition!”

“Late?” The voice suddenly sneered: “You said!”

“Let my sister go!” Ye Tian said solemnly.

Now, someone needs to take the situation out here!

Let Ling Ye know!

Ling Ye can handle this person!

Therefore, he is willing to stay and let Ye Ziwei go out.

The other party doesn’t know that Ling Ye is still alive, so why not let his sister go?

“Brother Tian! My Ye Ziwei’s crying red eyes suddenly looked at Ye Tian.

how can?

Let Brother Tian stay, but run away?

“Ding ding ding ding, good! Good! I promise you!”

The voice immediately replied: “Not only can I let her go, I can also guarantee that I won’t hurt her when I leave here in the future, and I can even protect her!”

Ye Tian didn’t take this last sentence into his heart.

Will it hurt her, a person like you, needless to say?


Immediately afterwards, in front of Ye Tian and Ye Ye Wei, a dark distortion appeared!

“This exit, you can go out alone! Let’s go!” The gloomy voice continued.

“Ziwei, you go out first!” Ye Tian said to Ye Ziwei immediately.

“No! God, I’m not leaving!

Ye Ziwei took Ye Tian’s hand and cried, “Brother Tian, ​​I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

If it wasn’t for her anger in Ye Tian’s life, perhaps she would not have fallen into this space, nor would she have caused this kind of disaster.

If this person enters Ye Tian’s body, it means that Ye Tian’s consciousness will be completely erased!

Only a husk remains!

In other words, it’s…dead!

She didn’t want Ye Tian to die, not at all!

Looking at Ye Ziwei who was crying, Ye Tian smiled lightly, then raised his hand, gently touched her face, and wiped away the tears on her face.

“Silly girl! I said that if I could, I would give everything for you!” Ye Tian said softly.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Ziwei burst into tears.

“I’m sorry! Brother Tian, ​​I’m really sorry!” She hugged Ye Tian and cried in Ye Tian’s arms.

She suddenly realized that she was really naive before, and she really didn’t understand Ye Tian.

This time, I killed him myself!

Caused him to enter here like himself!

“Brother Tian! You go, you go! I’ll stay! Immediately” Ye Zihe gritted his teeth.

She wants Ye Tian to live, she deserves to die!

“I’m sorry! I’ve always been naive, and I’ve implicated you again and again! Brother Tian, ​​I’m really sorry!

She cried and made up her mind: “This time, I won’t drag you down again!”

“It’s me who should say sorry! Ziwei, get out of here and live!”

Ye Tian whispered: “If we still have a future, I will never let you down!”

After saying these words, Ye Tian suddenly pushed his hand and pushed the leaf into the twist!

“no no!!!”

Ye Ziwei cried, and those crying red eyes watched Ye Tian stay inside.

Her figure, finally from the distortion, left this space.

With Ye Ziwei’s departure, the dark distortion disappeared instantly!

Really only one person can pass.

Outside, among the sea of ​​​​stars.

Ye Ziwei’s figure suddenly appeared.

She stood between this empty star sea, looking around, there was nothing!

“Brother Tian! No no! Brother Tian, ​​let me in, let me in! Brother Tian!

Ye Ziwei kept scanning around, trying to find the entrance to the black rain space again.

But, nothing.

“Brother Tian! I don’t want, I don’t want you to die! I don’t want!”

Ye Ziwei was crying on the spot.

Recalling what Ye Tian said just now, she burst into tears!

What did you do yourself?

What have you done yourself?

For a long time, instead of being his right-hand man, he has harmed him again and again!

What is yourself?

You’re really a jerk of a childish idiot!

This time, the accident will even kill Ye Tian directly!

“I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want! Brother Tian, ​​come out, come out!

Ye Ziwei stood in the sea of ​​stars, crying and despairing.

In fact, Ye Tian has himself in his heart, but he has never understood him!

It has always been a burden to him!

At this time, the leaf lotus is like a knife!

How much did she hope that it was Ye Tian, ​​not herself?

If she had known this, she would never have asked Ye Tian for help!

How good is it to die alone?

“Ziwei! Did you go out?”

At this moment, Ye Tian’s voice suddenly entered Ye Ye Wei’s mind.

The unique connection ability between their brothers and sisters can still be used.

“Brother God?”

When she heard Ye Tian’s voice, Ye Ziwei sniffed immediately: “Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​I don’t want you to die for me, I don’t!

“Don’t cry! Tell me, are you out?”

At this time, in the black rain space, Ye Tian’s voice sounded.

“I, I came out, Brother Tian, ​​what should I do, I don’t want to lose you!” Ye Tian’s voice entered Ye Tian’s mind.

When he heard her go out, Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

He laughed lightly, and then said: “Ziwei, look at the direction of the sea monster’s nest, look at what is happening there!”

Outside, Ye Ziwei heard Ye Tian’s words, and her divine sense immediately penetrated the world and looked in the direction of the sea monster’s nest.

Then she saw the big scuffle there, and the whole evaporating sea of ​​​​Minghai..

I saw all the armies of the Void family, and saw the shocking battle between more than a dozen extreme gods..

Also saw Ling Ye!

When she saw Ling Ye, Ye Ziwei suddenly looked shocked: “Blood… Blood Shadow Demon Lord? How could he? He is still alive? Brother Tian, ​​he is still alive!”

“Not bad! Zisuo, listen to me!”

Ye Tian’s voice continued: “This person in the black rain space is not a good thing, we can’t let him appear in the heavens and the world!”

“Go find the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, don’t be afraid, go to him! Tell him about everything here! Tell him about the existence of this person!”

“He must be able to deal with this man!”

“Ziwei, I may not die! I will be here and save my life. Waiting for you!”

In the black rain space, in the swamp, Ye Tian looked at the four figures below, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he said this, the voice suddenly roared: “What did you say? Blood Shadow Demon Lord? Is he still alive?


As soon as the words fell, the four black shadows, the black energy around them, suddenly violently rioted!

how come?

What he read from Ye Ziwei’s memory was that Ye Tian had killed the Blood Shadow Demon Lord! How could this be?

“Are you afraid?”

Ye Tian smiled coldly: “You are not arrogant and consider him your opponent, aren’t you autistic and better than him? Are you still afraid of him?”

“Impossible! Impossible! He is dead! Sister, I have seen all the memories in your mind!” The voice roared.

“Unfortunately, he was just resurrected before my sister entered this space…”

Ye Tian smiled coldly: “He is indeed my opponent! He is indeed my enemy! But as you said, in my eyes, you are indeed a villain, and you are indeed incomparable to him!”

“Boy! You want me!?”

The cold voice suddenly roared, and the violent black energy attacked Ye Tian!

He now finally understands why Ye Tian wants Ye Ziwei to go out!

Because Ye Tian wants to convey the matter here to the outside world, to the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

He has no doubt that the Blood Shadow Demon Lord really has a way to deal with him!

Back then, he and Ling Ye were both competitors and enemies!

He could not wait to kill Ling Ye, and there were many disputes with Ling Ye!

But he is no match for Ling Ye at all, Ling Ye far surpasses him in every aspect!

So, after he found this day, he went into hiding.

The world thinks that he and the Void Clan died in battle, but they don’t know that he actually hid a long time ago!

And now, if that Ling Ye knew that he was still alive, he would definitely come to clean him up!

Although he didn’t want to admit it, but… he was really afraid of Ling Ye!


Around Ye Tian, ​​the vast spiritual power burst out instantly!

“Just relying on your consciousness is only half a step in the boundless realm! Even the farther you are from the main body, the weaker your consciousness will be. Want to use my body to get out of here? It’s not that easy!

On Ye Tian, ​​the vast spiritual power suddenly blocked the eroded black energy!

Then, turn around and fly towards the top at full speed.

“Ziwei! Do as I say! You tell him, my life… I will do my best to keep it for him!”

Ye Tian said to Ye Ziwei while resisting the black qi.

Indeed, if he had to die, he hoped that he had better die at the hands of Ling Ye!

That’s what it means to die!

“Brother Tian, ​​outside, Ye Ziwei gritted her teeth and said, “You wait for me, you must wait for me!”

After saying that, she immediately took action.

Full speed to the creek siren’s nest,

Inside the black rain space, Ye Tian made every effort to resist the invasion of black air.

The black air gradually condensed into shadows, attacking him frantically!

“Are you panicking?”

Ye Tian sneered: “Where’s your confidence?”

“Boy! You are courting death!”

That gloomy voice was particularly angry at this time: “I take back what I just said, and after I borrow your body to leave here, I will be the first to tear your sister into pieces!

“You can leave here and talk about it!” Ye Tian sneered.

“Humph! What if the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is still alive? As long as he is not in the limitless realm, I will not be afraid of him!”

The voice snorted coldly: “When my heavens are destroyed and the four bodies are fully accomplished, even if he is in the realm of infinity, I will not be afraid of him!

“Really? Your present behavior doesn’t look like that!” Ye Tian’s tone was somewhat contemptuous.

“Boy! Take your life!”

The angry voice roared, and the black shadow formed by the condensed black air and black rain continued to besiege Ye Tian!

In this space, Ye Tian tried his best to resist.

On the other side, the Kraken’s Nest!


One after another space distortion is constantly generated, and the Void army of the Void family is constantly retreating!



But the space fissures and the retreats were blocked time and time again by the people led by Ling Ye!

The current situation is that although the seven Void Kings on the other side led the Void Army, they were blocked and killed by Ling Ye with all his strength!

Kill as many as you can!

Seven Void Kings, Ling Ye and other five extreme gods peak.

Ling Ye is one against two, and the rest are one-on-one!

The rest is handed over to the three thousand devil emperors and the rest.

The entire chaotic battlefield is boiling!

The largest ocean world in the heavens and the world has been completely destroyed at this time.

The sea evaporates and the world shatters!

The world space here has turned into countless world wrecks, floating among the worlds…

Below, in front of a broken palace in Xihai, Xiji and others watched from afar.

“It’s so strong! Whether it’s the Demon Lord and the others, or the Void family, they’re all so strong!”

Zhuge Qingchan’s face was full of shock.

She had never seen such a battle!

Such a majestic scene, she will never forget it!

Of course, while watching the battle, she also has insight into the gap between the two sides!

The overall strength of the entire Void family is also recorded in his mind.

The current situation is that Ling Ye has one enemy against two, and the other side cannot kill him. It is also very difficult for him to kill the other side’s two Void Kings!

As for the rest of the Void King, Luo You Leng and others, the difference in strength is not too big, and it is difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time!

But the three thousand devil emperors are in a state of being crushed!

Although the three thousand devil emperors were only three thousand, they were able to kill the vast army of the void, retreating and fleeing!

On the whole, the Void family seems to be at a disadvantage.

“Have you been by his side for the past five years?

At this moment, Xi Ji’s voice sounded from behind.

Zhuge Qingmu suddenly came back to his senses, and then nodded lightly: “Yes!”

“Where are you? Why can’t we find you? Also, how did he reach the pinnacle of the Inner Divine Realm in just five years?” Xi Ji asked curiously.

“This is what Lord Demon Lord planned before! The reason why Lord Demon Lord collected Dinghaizhu and other materials before was to forge a body at the peak of the extreme god realm!”

Zhuge Qingfeng replied: “We have always been in a small closed world, and it will take five years for the body of the Demon Lord to fuse together, so we are only coming out now!

“So it is!” Xi Ji suddenly understood.

That’s why Ling Ye wanted her Ding Haizhu in the first place.

It turns out that Ling Ye’s had already planned everything!

“Then how did he come back to life? Didn’t he already die?” Xi Ji then asked curiously.

This “I don’t know! Anyway, Lord Demon Lord is resurrected! And it’s still a fixed resurrection! I don’t know how he did it!” Zhuge Qingjia was also very depressed.

Back then, she helped Ling Ye create a great formation in the void, and Ling Ye fixed his rebirth position!

But how she was reborn after her body died, she really didn’t know!

“You don’t know either?”

Xi Ji let out a sigh of relief, and then looked towards Luo Liu Leng in the battlefield: “She must be the only one who knows?

“She? She probably doesn’t know, right?” Zhuge Qingchan also looked at Chao Luo You Leng curiously.

“Of course she knows, don’t you know what the relationship is between them?” Xi Ji looked at Zhuge Qingmu curiously.

“What’s the matter? Lord Demon Lord said before that she is special!” Zhuge Qingmu nods slightly.

When Ling Ye said this, she still had some vinegar.

“It’s more than special!” Ming Ji smiled and shook her head: “That’s his daughter’s mother!”


As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingmu was taken aback.

The daughter of the Demon Lord?

Does he even have a daughter?

With the daughter of Luo You Leng, the most beautiful woman in the world?

When did this happen?

Why doesn’t she know at all? Thousand.

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