Yichun Building.

After Xia Ye got off the carriage, he was greeted with surprise after wave of eyes.

Didn't it say that the young master of the Xia family was seriously injured?

Why did it get better so soon? Are the rumors false?

The middle-aged woman came to greet Xia Ye as always, and her smiling expression was all piled up with money.

After all, after that night, who doesn't know the relationship between Yichun Lou Yunmei and Xia Ye?

Spending a lot of money overnight, the whole Yichun Building was booked out, just to listen to the beautiful woman playing the piano, which has long become a legend in the middle town.

But in fact, Xia Ye didn't spend a penny at all, it was all Yun Mei's own money.

After all, for a great master, there are various ways to get money, not to mention the small Yichun Building, even if the entire Midtown is covered, it is not really a big problem for Yun Mei.

"Master Xia~ You're looking for Miss Yun, right? Come, come, I'll take you in."

The middle-aged woman was familiar with the road, and took Xia Ye all the way to Yun Mei's room. Xia Ye was naturally not stingy, she took out a few pieces of gold from the ring and threw it to the middle-aged woman.

Of course, in the world of warriors, spirit stones are precious.

But for this kind of common people, gold is already a daily treasure.

"Ouch~ Thank you, young master, you are so arrogant, then you are busy, I will go first."

The middle-aged woman immediately smiled and led her way twice. The money she earned was faster than if she was lying down.

Xia Ye nodded and didn't talk to the middle-aged woman. After watching the middle-aged woman leave, she walked into Yun Mei's room.

"Brother Xia~"

The door was pushed open, the beautiful woman fell into her arms, and a strong fragrance instantly hit her nostrils.

Yun Mei's exercises are similar to Xia Ye's beautiful men's mind, and the unique smell on her body can't be imitated by any spice.

"Okay, I'm not in good shape yet."

Xia Ye felt her little brother's reaction, and hurriedly pushed Yunmei.

But as a great master, how could Yun Mei not know how much better Xia Ye's body is?

During the period of Xia Ye's cultivation in Xia Mansion, Yun Mei would go to Xia Mansion every night to take a look around. If it wasn't for fear that her sudden appearance would make Xia Ye unhappy, Yun Mei would have moved herself into Xia's house long ago.

"I don't think Big Brother Xia is good at getting hurt, but he has other thoughts~"

Yun Mei cast a charming glance at Xia Ye, how could Yun Mei not know what this hard feeling is?

Female Fairy!

Xia Ye smacked his lips. If you want to talk about being charming, ten Lin Nai can't compare to one Yun Mei, and Xia Ye can't stand this kind of natural charm.

"You already knew I was coming, didn't you?"

Xia Ye glanced at Yun Mei. After all, Yun Mei usually wears a veil, but now she doesn't. With this half-covered clothes, Xia Ye can already guess something.


Yun Mei's face turned a little red, she pouted her bright red lips with a soft hum, and the two figures pressed tightly together.

She pried open the closed door effortlessly, Yun Mei's body suddenly slumped, and she enjoyed this top-notch delicious moment.

Xia Ye knew that Yun Mei must have endured it for a long time. For such a serious illness, she needed such treatment.

But not too much time.

In just a moment, Xia Ye pushed Yun Mei away and said, "Enough, I have something serious to talk about."

"Hu~~ Brother Xia~~"

Yun Mei acted coquettishly, any intimate actions of Xia Ye were like spiritual medicine to Yun Mei, and there was no way to resist.

Yun Mei finally waited for Xia Ye to take the initiative once, how could Xia Ye escape so easily?

The thousand-year-old fox!

Xia Ye resisted his urge, pulled out the chair and sat down and said, "It's almost done."

Yun Mei glanced at Xia Ye with a dissatisfied face, but there was nothing she could do. It seemed that something was wrong with her sickness.

Seeing Xia Ye's resolute look, Yun Mei had no choice but to give up. She pulled out the chair and sat beside Xia Ye. She stretched out her hand and threw three rings on the table and said, "I also have something to say."

"What is this?"

Xia Ye looked at the rings on the table, one of which made Xia Ye feel a little familiar.

"Interest from those who hurt you."

Yun Mei's expression did not change, as if she had done a trivial thing.

Listening to Yun Mei's words, Xia Ye turned his attention to the storage ring on the table again, and suddenly remembered where he had seen this ring before!

This is the protagonist Zhao Hao!

"Where did you come from?"

Wouldn't this woman be robbed?

A bad thought rose from Xia Ye's heart, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it was that Yun Mei, a great master, would not be a problem to rob a protagonist here in Zhongcheng.

"You won't reward me?"

Yun Mei licked her lips, and her little hands deliberately pulled down her clothes a little bit, like a little white rabbit delivered to her door.

Although there is no positive answer, Xia Ye can basically confirm that Yun Mei went to Zhao Hao!

And he has already made a grudge with Zhao Hao!

This plot is not right. It will take a long time for Yun Mei and Zhao Hao to meet in the official plot. After all, this is a later stage~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How can I meet the protagonist of the earlier stage in advance?

Doesn't this mean that Xiao Yan met the Emperor Huntian in Wutan City, Tang San was just born and became an enemy of Bibi Dong?

In an instant, Xia Ye's heart was like 10 million grass and mud horses rushing past, and the entire grassland was trampled.

With Yun Mei's ability, it is not difficult to know who assassinated Xia Ye, but...

A bad thought suddenly popped into Xia Ye's mind. Is the protagonist Zhao Hao's departure from Midtown related to Yun Mei?

Or did the protagonist never leave at all and died in Yun Mei's hands?

You must know that the current Yun Mei's intention to kill Zhao Hao is as simple as an elephant stepping on an ant.

Then you have also completed the plot of a fart!

"You killed him?"

Xia Ye's heart was beating wildly, and he kept praying that God would hear the ideal answer in the next second.


Phew! **** bless! Buddha Appears! Hallelujah!

If this is really killing Yun Mei, Xia Ye doesn't have to go to Yun Guanzong anymore, and he can live his whole life as a young master in the Xia family with peace of mind.

Immediately, Xia Ye picked up the ring on the table, and the first thing he checked was the ring of the protagonist Zhao Hao.

The next second, Xia Ye was shocked and couldn't move.

"Are you sure you didn't kill him?"

Xia Ye stared at the thing in the storage ring in a daze. This thing was left outside, not to mention creating a hidden family, it would be too exaggerated.

But building a second-class family in China is not a problem at all.


Yun Mei's body got closer, her eyes were closed, her chin was raised, this pretty face was placed in front of Xia Ye so quietly.

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