The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 81: : My little brother is wrong!

Xia Ye thought about many ways that Zhao Hao would take revenge on him, such as arranging a spy to block the development of the Xia family with his own power.

But Xia Ye never thought that Zhao Hao chose the most stupid method and sent someone to assassinate him.

Is this still the protagonist of your own writing? When did you become so impulsive.

After all, by virtue of your hidden family identity, trying to smooth out a small remote family is a simple matter, right?

As for the assassination?

Although Lin Naiichi's eyes were flustered, he immediately turned his purple sword out of the ring.

Taking the initiative to stand in front of Xia Ye, the Qi of the eighth rank burst out suddenly, and the whole person exudes bursts of cold light.

Seeing Lin Naiyi's slightly exaggerated icy aura, Xia Ye wondered, "When did you reach the eighth rank?"

This is not the time to play, Lin Naiyi is not in the mood to continue quarreling with Xia Ye, and after learning that the other party is someone sent by Zhao Hao, Lin Naiyi is even more cautious.

"Soon, you stand behind me."

Linnai held a purple sword in one hand, and stared at the man in black not far away.

He knew that his man actually wished that the other party would assassinate him a few more times in order to complete his broken plot.

Lin Naiyi didn't want Xia Ye's wish to come true.


The next second, Xia Jiu's figure was the first to activate, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the man in black. The dark gold glazed crutches touched the opponent's short blade, and sparks flew in an instant.

With just one move, Xia Jiu knew that the opponent's strength was not weak, and he also raised the spirit of twelve points.

The crutches are matched left and right to attack Ling Lie. Every place where the stick is swung in the air can generate a huge airflow.

This air flow was not actually released by Xia Jiu.

Like the dark gold glazed crutches, or the Haotian sword in the protagonist's hand, they are the top 50 weapons in Jianghu. The reason why this weapon can be ranked so high is because of the qi released when using it.

Only the masters above the sixth rank can produce the so-called sword qi, and the qi swung below the sixth rank depends entirely on the characteristics brought by the weapon.

The same is true of Zhao Hao's sword qi in the morning, but his family's unique secret technique, coupled with the blessing of the Clear Sky Sword, can spread the sword qi so much.

The Liuli crutches were constantly waving, and the two were staggered. As you came and went, the vigilance in Xia Ye's eyes was getting higher and higher.

How could Zhao Hao rule out such a master?

The opponent's rank 6 strength is definitely gone, but this kind of combat experience, at least from childhood, can be brought into play in actual combat.

Moreover, Xia Jiu could feel the death aura emanating from the other party's body, which was unique after killing many people.

The man in black did not expect that Xia Jiu was so strong, that the strength of the seventh rank would actually go back and forth with him, and he would not be at a disadvantage in the slightest.

After coming to Zhongcheng, although Xia Jiu was investigated, after all, the time was limited and the information obtained was relatively small.

All I know is that in the morning, Xia Jiu knocked down his young master with a single stick.

Thinking of Xia Jiu's strength at the peak of the seventh rank, but his young master has just entered the eighth rank, the foundation is not stable, and it is normal to be knocked down by a blow.

After this fight, the middle-aged man judged Xia Jiu a lot higher.

They have been trained since childhood. Assassination and fighting practice have long been engraved in their bones.

But this young master from a remote family has such skills, which is really unexpected.

"Swallow Stream."

Xia Jiu faintly spit out two words, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in front of the man in black. The next second, a dark colored glazed crutch was attacking from behind the man in black.

I saw that Xia Jiu raised his right hand beside his left cheek, and his whole body was sideways in the air, swaying Liuligua fiercely, his eyes seemed to be bloody.

Quick, it's really too fast.

The black-clothed man's rank five strength, he didn't even see through Xia Jiu's movement technique, he just felt a strong qi attacking his head.

But after all, he had grown up through fighting and fighting since he was a child, and his emergency response was not too fast. He immediately kicked his left foot to the ground and jumped forward.

Like the landing action of parkour, after rolling out several meters in a row, a long trace was dragged on the ground.


Looking up again, the place where the man in the night had just stood was already covered with dust, and the ground around him had collapsed a little.

The man in black instantly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. If the blow just now hit him, only one person would die, and the immortals would be hard to save.

This is the seventh grade?

Which Seventh Rank can have such strength?

The dust dissipated, and the breeze blew from the side of the street. Xia Jiu's hair fluttered in the air, the glass stick in his right hand was whirling, and he looked at the man in black who was half-kneeling on the ground, and said lightly. :

"Good luck."

Handsome, so **** handsome!

Xia Ye has also watched a lot of martial arts films in his previous life, with all kinds of special effects blessings, but it can't compare to the appearance of Xia Jiu just now.

This is the demeanor a Jianghu knight should But my younger brother's setting is not like this!

Xia Ye finally realized that in the original plot he wrote, Xia Jiu's strength was only rank eight, and the protagonist beat him just like his son.

The reason why it feels wrong now.

It's because the plots that Xia Ye encountered recently were not quite right, so after seeing Xia Jiu's strength in the morning, he subconsciously didn't think there was anything wrong.

But that blow just woke up Xia Ye, your strength is too far from my original work, isn't it?

Is this the strength a villain younger brother should have?

The man in black also stood up again, and the short blade in his hand clenched a little bit. If he doesn't get rid of him today, it will become a big problem in the future!

Originally, she wanted to break Xia Jiu's hands and feet according to the young master's instructions, but the actual situation did not allow it.

Although Xia Jiu's martial arts is only rank 7, there are so many ways of attacking that a man in black has never heard of it in his life. There are very few users of this weapon in the entire Jianghu.

Movement skills, weapons, and temperament, Xia Jiu exceeded the expectations of the man in black

With that blow just now, Xia Jiu was obviously going to kill herself. She didn't even think about keeping her hands. Originally, the opponent's strength was similar to her own.

If the other party has the mentality of killing him, and he just wants to maim the other party, the final result is self-evident.

"It's very strong, but it's a pity."

The man in black once again assumed an offensive posture and said something.

"Huh? I thought you were dumb."

Speaking of Xia Jiu's left hand, the Liuli crutch turned at the same time, and the two walked towards each other step by step.

Xia Ye really wanted to unpack the melon seeds and sit and watch, but unfortunately they didn't.

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