The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 67: : Ready to go hand in hand?

Ning Zheng's attitude towards himself has always been quite good. After all, Xia Ye is the financial master of the Ning family.

But judging from this tone, Ning Zheng's tone also changed a little too quickly.

After Ning Zheng finished speaking, he immediately walked to Zhao Hao's side, helped Zhao Hao up, and said with some humility on his face, "Young Master Zhao, are you alright?"

[Don't I understand if you did this long ago? Zhao Hao has benefited, right? 】

[Alas, one or two of your Ning family is not a good thing. 】

[I understand it all at once. It seems that Ning Zheng has reached the tip of the Zhao Hao family's iceberg, so he changed his attitude. 】

[Ning Ruxue too, he sacrificed so much in order to stimulate the protagonist, I underestimated the person in my writing! 】

Xia Ye's face pretended to be embarrassed, and it collided with Zhao Hao's eyes.

At this time, when Zhao Hao saw Ning Zheng's appearance, he basically knew it, and it seemed that his family members had arrived.

With confidence, Zhao Hao's pain seemed to dissipate a lot: "Xia Ye, this matter is not over."

[Whether it's over has anything to do with me! It was my brother who beat you! 】

Xia Ye didn't answer, the villain value of this plot is enough, and if you stay longer, you won't be able to earn more.

But Xia Ye can bear it, can Xia Jiu bear it?

With the glass stick in his hand pointing at the bridge of Zhao Hao's nose, he said in a very unfriendly tone, "It looks like you haven't hit enough yet?"

"Forget it, Xia Jiu, let's go."

Xia Ye held Xia Jiu, I beg you, don't irritate my brother.

Are you really responsible for killing you?

Xia Jiu smiled sweetly at Zhao Xiaye, the glass sticks in both hands were placed in the ring, and she slapped Zhao Hao's right cheek with her backhand.


This sound is much harder than what Ning Ruxue fanned just now!

"Next time, I'll knock you over in one go."

[Domineering is revealed. 】

At this moment, Zhao Hao had the appearance of a pig's head, his left and right faces were swollen high, his anger was raging, and he fainted.

"Master Zhao! Master Zhao!"

Ning Zheng was immediately anxious, this is a big money sponsor than Xia Ye, what would happen if something happened to him.

"Xia Ye, if something happens to Young Master Zhao, don't blame our Ning family for turning their backs on you."

[Tsk tsk tsk, let's not talk about what I wrote, how the summer night in this world can endure your face. 】

[Your daughter is an orthodox female boxer and thinks everything is for granted. 】

[As a result, the problem lies with you, the old man. You are so devoted to money, let alone your daughter. 】

[Ignoring today's plot is still smooth, it's the best ever, 89%! 】

Xia Ye pretended to be very unhappy, and was about to leave the Ning Mansion first.

Ning Ruxue, who could hear Xia Ye's heartfelt voice, suddenly felt that her heart was being stabbed.

She didn't expect that her father would talk to Xia Ye like this.

Not to mention that Zhao Hao is an outsider, everyone knows that Xia Ye has supported the Ning family all these years.

Even if he didn't like him, the Ning family couldn't treat Xia Ye like this.

Especially when Xia Ye evaluated herself as a woman who worshipped gold because of Ning Zheng's affairs, Ning Ruxue suddenly felt that she was suffering and could not tell.

She accepted the favor of the Xia family, but she didn't like Xia Ye before.

For a long time, Ning Ruxue thought there was no problem. Money and love were two different things.

But when she heard Xia Ye's thoughts, Ning Ruxue suddenly stood outside and glanced at her former self.

Saying it's two different things, in fact, it's just relying on the tall branch of Xia Ye.

The last time Lin Nai came to Ning's house, what he said was right, the Ning family just gave birth to a good daughter and fascinated Xia Ye.

Other than that, the Ning family is nothing.

"Why did the head of the Ning family speak like this? Didn't the Ning family rely on the help of Young Master Xia to get up?"

"That's right. Besides, if it wasn't for Young Master Xia today, Miss Ning would have been hacked to death."

"Why did you suddenly turn around and don't recognize anyone, and help outsiders?"

"The Ning family has always had this virtue. Look at that banner, Young Master Xia has proposed ninety-nine times, and looking at the way the Ning family looks, it's disgusting!"

In an instant, the opinions of the people at the door changed.

Ning Zheng didn't see the ins and outs of what happened. When he came, he saw Xia Jiu hit Zhao Hao with a stick.

I don't even know that if it wasn't for Xia Ye and the others, my daughter's arm would not have been hers.

Ning Ruxue's face turned pale, but the mouths of the people at the door could not be shut.

In just a single stick of incense, what happened here today will spread to all corners of Midtown.

"Summer night!"

Ning Ruxue stopped Xia Ye who was about to leave.

【I go. Almost forgot, the heroine is still here. 】

[Alas, who asked for a plot, bear with it. 】

[Because of your good performance in the plot today, I won't say much more, let's go watch Zhao Hao quickly, you should stop acting in moderation, you know? 】

"Ruxue, don't worry, I'm fine, I won't give up my pursuit of you. In this life, I won't marry you unless you are."

The serious expression on Xia Ye's face, and the look of affectionate fashion, captured the hearts of all the fans at the door.

For a Ruxue even hoped that she would not hear Xia Ye's heartfelt voice, how wonderful it would be if these words were true...

But this thought was suppressed by Ning Ruxue in just a moment, and she wanted to take revenge on Lin Naiyi!

How can there be such a strange idea!

"I'm here by accident?"

The appearance of this voice made Xia Ye's back go cold, and a woman with a perfect temperament walked in from outside the gate of Ning Mansion.

As soon as Lin Nai got off the carriage, he heard Xia Ye say these words. Although he knew that Xia Ye was for acting, he was still upset!

Xia Ye's eyes swept around Lin Naiyi's body, the woman had not seen for a few days, and she felt a little bigger.

The clothes felt like they were about to burst.

Noticing Xia Ye's unscrupulous eyes, Lin Naiyi naturally knew what the little man was thinking, so he walked to Xia Ye's side, took Xia Ye's arm and put it on it.

Immediately, he looked at Xia Jiu who was beside Xia Ye, and asked with a familiar look, "Xia Jiu, when did you come back?"

"I just came back soon."

Xia Jiu smiled at Lin Nai, but her brother even lied to her.

Mingming was still winking at herself in the morning, but Xia Jiu still thought that Xia Ye didn't like Lin Naiyi at all, but Xia Jiu only understood in a blink of an eye.

My brother has grown up, is he ready to go hand in hand?

Lin Naiyi also completely ignored the situation at the scene, and Ning Ruxue's murderous look, and continued: "The three of us have dinner together at night, as if it's for you."

In fact, Lin Naiyi and Xia Jiu are very familiar with each other. In the past, Lin Naiyi couldn't understand why Xia Jiu was superior to Xia Ye in terms of talent and ability, but why would the heir of the Xia family still be? Is it summer night?

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