Xia Ye had a dream, dreaming that she was in a huge room, holding a hot woman in her arms, but no matter how Xia Ye looked, she couldn't see her face...

This feeling became more and more real, and Xia Ye realized something was wrong while he was half asleep.

His mind became clearer instantly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the quilt covering him kept rising and falling.

Xia Ye's body was obviously moving. Lin Naiyi immediately stopped and climbed out of the quilt. His eyes met, Lin Naiyi did not avoid Xia Ye's eyes.

Is the heroine's wake-up method so unique?

Why did it stop?

"What are you doing in the early morning?"

As soon as Lin Nai got out of the quilt, she put on clothes on Xia Ye's side without any hesitation, and smiled with a successful plan in her eyes, "You can solve it yourself, I'm going home."

"You go home, go back! I didn't stop you!"

Xia Ye replied angrily, seeing that it has to be regarded as pain, and this kind of just getting and losing is the most painful.

A man who wakes up alone in the morning knows this kind of pain best.

Lin Nai smiled lightly, and after kissing Xia Ye's cheek, jumped out of bed and walked out.

Obviously, Xia Ye no longer refuses Lin Naiyi's intimate behavior, because it is useless to refuse, Lin Naiyi will still do what he should do.

As soon as he walked out the door, Lin Nai saw Xiaochun who was waiting at the door. He was about to leave, then turned to look at Xiaochun and said, "Wait for your young master to come out by himself, don't go in, do you hear me?"


Xiaochun lowered her head and replied, although she was curious, she didn't dare to ask Linnai why.

Lin Naiyi nodded in satisfaction and left. After all, Xia Ye had already been tossed by herself just now, and she didn't want a maid to take advantage.

Saying goodbye to Lin Naiyi, Xia Ye wanted to sleep for a while, but his body's reaction couldn't allow him to fall asleep again, his mind was full of what he was like last night.

Fortunately, it was dark last night, and Lin Naiyi didn't notice the teeth marks on her body, otherwise this woman would definitely kill her.

From the inexperience at the beginning to the proficiency later, Lin Naiyi's rapid progress caught Xia Ye by surprise.

On weekdays, it might be reading and studying, but last night it was a practical exercise.

It can only be said that Lin Naiyi has talent.


Lin Naiyi is a woman who is really good at playing. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is her nemesis.

There is a feeling of being teased!

Xia Ye patted the bed, sat up, put on his clothes and called out the system. I haven't done any video recordings in the past few days.

Xia Ye wanted to rant enough at one time, just to divert her attention.

The villain value, who had been silent for a few days, finally began to rise gradually.

"System, explain, what about the female lead's punishment mechanism?"

Xia Ye still needs to understand clearly. When Xia Ye first met Lin Naiyi, even if Xia Ye thought about it in his mind, there would be an electrical effect.

Later, the punishment mechanism became very small.

Until last night, the system didn't respond at all.

"Ding~~ The punishment mechanism still exists. I went to patch it yesterday, so I didn't have time to reply to the host."

Does it still exist?


Xia Ye's mind was full of Lin Nai's enchanting figure, the touch that could be broken by a bullet, but the system still didn't respond at all.

Xia Ye frowned, trying to replace Lin Naiyi's role with Ning Ruxue.

The next second, the familiar electric current ran through Xia Ye's back again.


Xia Ye immediately admitted his mistake to the system, and the current stopped: "Then what happened to Linnai, why doesn't she have a punishment mechanism?"

"The new patch has been completed, do you want to check it?"


"The story line of the heroine Linnaeus has completely collapsed! The follow-up storyline of the heroine Linnaeus will be replaced by someone! But before the plot of the villain Xia Ye is completed, Linnaeus must not engage in intimate acts with the host!"

Xia Ye could hear that there was a deep resentment in the system, although her voice was mechanical, she always felt that she was angry.

"That is to say, after the end of Xia Ye's plot, Lin Naiyi will no longer play the heroine role? Right?"

"Yes! The new patch is repaired, and the host must not take the initiative to change the heroine's development line! Don't deliberately move the heroine! Don't deliberately create a relationship with the heroine alone! Don't imply the heroine in any form, and everything develops according to the plot! Otherwise, it will be directly obliterated!"

Xia Ye understood it, she delivered medicine and mentality last night, and by accident, she completely pulled Lin Naiyi out of the heroine.

But this behavior will be prohibited by the system in the future.

"What if I really happened to Linnaeus last night?"

Xia Ye swallowed, and asked with a trembling heart.

"Then you will die for me! Scumbag!"

"Why am I a scumbag?! I don't even have a girlfriend!"

Xia Ye retorted, but she was secretly glad that she didn't take that step last night, even though the system could still talk to her calmly.

If you really want to punish it, the system is completely ruthless.

Maybe he can really kill himself.

"The new punch has been sent to the system backpack!"


"Why did you suddenly give something?"

Xia Ye wondered, knowing that the system gave him very little, why did he suddenly become kindhearted?

"Didn't you say last night that I'm not as good as this system or that system? It's specially prepared for you~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Oh."

Xia Ye didn't think much about it. Although the system gave few things, the things the system gave were more precious.

A sword manual for cultivating immortals outside Tianwai, although Xia Ye learned it automatically, it couldn't be used.

His eighth-rank qi couldn't urge a master-level swordsman at all.

"TMD! You're just one sentence? What's the difference between you and a scumbag?! Deceiving money, **** and feelings?! …"

Xia Ye didn't expect that his simple answer instantly made the system fry, and the electronic sound kept getting into Xia Ye's ears.

Xia Ye found that after this patch update, the system seemed to be more active.

However, Xia Ye also knows a way to restrain the system!

"Learn boxing."

"Ding~ I'm learning to punch deliberately."

The system that was still singing electronic music was suddenly interrupted and turned into a mechanical sound.



After one person and one system were silent for a few seconds, the system suddenly beeped and shut down.

In Xia Ye's mind, a detailed explanation of the deliberate punching also appeared.

Deliberately punching fist: fan-shaped blow, after distributing the energy of dantian, gather in the right fist and blast out, the attack bonus to women is 200%.

Note: This boxing method is a growth-type boxing method, and it is better to use it with the handsome man's heart method!

He seemed to understand that the things the system gave him was originally for him to beat the heroine!


However, this growth type is actually more fragrant, which means that the strength of Xia Ye's eighth rank can also use this boxing technique.

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