You are a ninth rank, how can you be so powerful!

Xia Ye grabbed Linnai into his arms, and immediately picked up Linnai.

Princess Hug, the big killer of the domineering President Wen!

He hugged the heroine and fell in love.

Second, hug the heroine and post it backwards.

With three hugs, eighty-eight in one child, the God of War came home and laughed haha.

Lin Nai never thought that Xia Ye would hug him. Thinking of being born and dying in the Demonic Beast Mountains recently, he completely gave up his expression management, and pressed his face to Xia Ye's chest with snot and tears.

She doesn't want to worry about the plot anymore, nor does she want Xia Ye's stubborn mood to go home, find someone she likes, why not keep him?

Xia Ye carried Lin Naiyi all the way into his small courtyard, and Xiaochun also heard the movement outside the door and ran out immediately.

Seeing that there was a bloodstained woman hanging on her young master's body, Xiaochun naturally recognized that this woman was her own young lady.

Xia Ye didn't have time to talk nonsense with Xiaochun, so he immediately said, "Go prepare a bucket of hot water, and a change of clothes."


Xiaochun didn't talk too much. After agreeing to the promise, he immediately ran to prepare.

Lin Naiyi, who was still in Xia Ye's arms, also stopped crying and calmed down for a while. He felt a little happy in his heart. The decision to find his own way was the right one!

Xia Ye still cares about herself!

Thinking of this, Lin Naiyi laughed again. Looking at Lin Naiyi who was crying and laughing for a while, Xia Ye decided that there was something wrong with this woman.

Who cries for a while and laughs for a while?


That neuropathy! (If you want to understand this good sentence, please search for famous singers, Wang Banbi's classic scenes)

"Okay, come down."

Seeing Lin Naiyi crying, Xia Ye originally wanted to put Lin Naiyi on the chair, but Lin Naiyi's hands were tightly clutching Xia Ye's neck.

She also said in a hoarse voice that she had cried, "I don't. If you have the ability, you will throw me to the ground."

Come on, does this count as smashing your hand?

"Then hang it up."

Thinking of Lin Naiyi's life and death for a book of fourth-grade exercises, that's not right, it's just a matter of pampering her.

"System, is there any medicine for treating wounds, the kind that removes scars."

"As long as 998, you can bring Sipin Medicine home!"

Where did I get 998!

After I exchanged my villain value for the Dafa, I only had more than 500 left!

"Ding~ The heroine cannot tolerate defects, the system will give the host a can of therapeutic medicine~"

A purple medicine bottle appeared in Xia Ye's storage ring.

Xia Ye was stunned, gave it so easily?

Or the one that doesn't cost money?


"I'm here!"

"Then are you Lily?"

"I look like a tender father! Beep~~~~~~~~~"

As if being dug into a sore spot by Xia Ye, the system shuts down again.

At this time, Lin Naiyi, who was still lying in Xia Ye's arms, had long stopped crying, his nose was breathing, and an unknown smell penetrated into Lin Naiyi's nose.

This is not the taste of summer nights!

No, it should be said that Xia Ye's body has a smell!

Xia Ye's body fragrance Lin Naiyi is naturally recognizable, but this smell is obviously not from Xia Ye's body, but from another woman.

There will be no men with such a coquettish taste!

"Where have you been!"

Linnai seemed to instantly turn into a furry rabbit, who happened to catch her thief husband.

Xia Ye glanced down at Lin Naiyi, whose face was covered in dust. There was no other way of looking like a heroine. It would not be an exaggeration to say who raised the beggar.

"Why should I tell you? Who are you? What is your identity?"

Hug and hug, what else do you want to do? Are you really a villain?

"You bastard!"

Heart fire was arched, Linnai pulled with both hands and bit Xia Ye's shoulder.

In the past few days, I have lived a long life, and I have traveled so far back and forth for Xia Ye.

In the end, Xia Ye was still stealing fish behind his back!

Linnaeus bit harder and harder.

"Sister! I just went to take a shower, what are you doing!"

This familiar feeling!

The summer night has gone through five days and five nights!

Aren't you also a sick girl?

The truth is naturally impossible to tell. After Linnai did so much, Xia Ye knew exactly what his purpose was.

But Xia Ye is the villain, and he will eventually die at the hands of the protagonist.


Xia Ye sighed inwardly, he could make up for Linnai a little bit.

How do you feel like a scumbag?


Lin Nai immediately released his mouth and stared at Xia Ye carefully to see if he was lying.

A week after coming to this world, Xia Ye's top-notch acting skills have long ceased to exist, and now his acting skills are really good.

His face was not red, his heart was not beating.

"Why did I lie to you?"

Xia Ye replied.

"Master, the hot water is ready."

Xiaochun shouted at the door, just in time to rescue.

Although Lin Naiyi has become a crybaby now, her title of Queen of Tricks has not changed. It's too easy to see through a person's mind.

Xia Ye secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took out the purple medicine bottle given by the system from the storage ring, and immediately changed the subject and said, "Go take a bath, put this in the tub, and soak it until the color completely disappears."

Lin Nai took over the purple medicine bottle given by Xia Ye with a curious expression on her face, and the moment she pulled the stopper, a strong scent of medicine spewed out.

Although Linnaeus didn't know much about, she had seen quite a few bath medicines.

No one can compare to this medicinal fragrance!

At least they are all above the seventh rank.


Lin Naiyi was puzzled.

Produced by the system, it must be a fine product.

I, Nima, asked me for five hundred villains to exchange for a broken book, so I took out such an expensive medicine without even thinking about it.

You also said that you are not Lily!

Dog system!

"The four products are used to regenerate muscles, for healing."

Xia Ye took advantage of Lin Nai's inattention, and finally put Lin Nai on the ground, and Lin Nai also stared at the medicine in his hand.

"No, you should take care of such a good thing. I don't have any serious injuries. I'll just find Sai Que for treatment tomorrow."

Lin Naiyi never thought that Xia Ye would come up with such a precious thing.

This looks like Xia Ye is going to break through, or use it when he is seriously injured.

"System, can I keep it?"

"If you can't use it, the system will automatically recycle it!"


"Take it, be polite with me... Exchange one for the other, I'll take the fourth-grade medicine, and return your fourth-grade mental method."

Damn, if I could keep the young master, I would have kept him long ago.

"But this is too..."

Lin Naiyi was obviously still hesitant.

"Do you want it? If you don't want me to send it to Ruxue."

She never decides to mention the heroine in case of trouble.


Lin Nai immediately grabbed the medicine bottle in his hand, and the emotion in his heart was about to overflow.

Obviously there is nothing in the mouth, but it is very sweet.

"Then I'll wash, you wait for me."

Lin Naiyi also had several wounds on her body. In fact, she herself was very worried about whether the scar could be repaired, and worried that Xia Ye would dislike it.

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