Looking at Xia Ye's sluggish appearance, Lin Nai smiled sweetly, picked up the vegetables and brought them to Xia Ye's mouth and said, "Ah~"

Xia Ye subconsciously opened his mouth and started eating. After chewing two bites, he frowned and muttered, "What is this?"

Immediately, he looked into his bowl, and the beast whip that Linnai clipped to him just now had disappeared...

Lin Naiyi didn't care about the presence of adults, and put her weak and boneless fingertips on Xia Ye's mouth, gently wiped off the oil stains on it and said, "It's delicious, right? I made it myself."

The table is full of dishes, in fact, there are not many that Xia Ye can recognize.

In the world written by me, the setting of dishes is also bizarre.

Turning grief and anger into appetite is what Xia Ye wants to do at this moment.


Lin Nai seemed to remember something: "Uncle Xia, I want to talk to you about the spirit stone mine."

As Linnai spoke, she was still carrying all kinds of food for Xia Ye.

As soon as the three words Lingshi Mine were uttered, the eyes of the people at the table turned to Lin Naiyi, including Lin Naiyi's parents.

"Well, let's talk."

Xia Yan nodded.

Naturally, Xia Ye can no longer control the situation at the Lingshi Mine. As the saying goes, if there is no way to avoid it.

Then enjoy it first.

Xia Ye's mouth was full of Lin Naiyi, and Lin Naiyi went on to say: "...I sold all the spirit stone mines to the Ning family. I shouldn't have interfered in this matter, but after all Xia Ye's business is my business, so I will make my own decisions."

Lin Naiyi first explained the ins and outs, and roughly told Xia Yan the complete story of the incident.

Xia Yan naturally knew about this for a long time, but if Lin Naiyi took the initiative to tell this, it would make Xia Yan even more happy.

"Wait a minute!"

Xia Ye murmured and swallowed the last bite of food hard, looked at Lin Nai and asked:

"You mean, it has already been sold? Is it still being sold?"

"Yes, when the afternoon passed, I signed it in person. Now Lingshi Mine has nothing to do with the Xia family. I did a good job~"

"You!...Not bad."

Xia Ye originally wanted to carry out the villain setting to the end, but as soon as he uttered the first word, he saw Xia Yan across the table showing an extremely unfriendly look.

Xia Yan also leaned back, revealing the beast belt around his waist.

Xia Ye's mouth twitched.

It's over, my father has betrayed.

Lin Naiyi has completely mastered the psychology of this cheap old man, and he is stubborn about it.

This plot is the one that has been eliminated from the villains and will never come back.

Lin Naiyi started too quickly. Although the plot has changed, Xia Ye's mind is always thinking about how to save the plot.

But it never occurred to me.

Lin Naiyi's speed was so fast, and the Ning family didn't even think about it. For such a big thing, they signed it after one visit.

Ning Zheng: Are you polite? If I hadn't believed that you wouldn't harm the Ning family, I wouldn't be able to sign so quickly!

Xia Ye gave up.

The one who gave up completely, the last little flame in his heart was also poured cold by Linnai.

"Uncle Xia, don't you blame me for being self-sufficient? At that time, Xia Ye had something to do, so I had to make a decision immediately."

Lin Naiichi's face was full of apology, as if he really violated the rules.

"No! I have to thank you for this matter. My Ye'er is ignorant in business. You are talented, so I usually help you out. After all, we are a family."

Xia Yan didn't pretend anymore, his daughter-in-law was already a sure thing.

The more I looked at Lin Naiyi, the more satisfied I became. Why didn't I realize before that this little girl from the Lin family was so suitable to be a daughter-in-law.

It's my fault. I only focus on my son, and I don't care about my daughter-in-law at all.

"Don't call it Uncle Xia, we're all in the same family, so what's your name Uncle Xia? You two have to live earlier, so please change your tune first."

As soon as this sentence came out, it was completely finalized, and the faces of Lin's father and Lin's mother were also very relieved.

Lin Nai never thought that the development of things had exceeded his expectations. Originally, he just wanted to win the favor of Xia Ye's father first and let Xia Yan recognize him.

Now it's one step at a time.

Lin Naiyi's face couldn't help but be filled with joy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The good news came quickly, but he still needed to handle it himself.

Lin Naiyi didn't get carried away, just smiled and then showed an extremely aggrieved look.

Blinking his eyes "carefully", he glanced at Xia Ye, then lowered his head and said:

"I...I dare not."

What is it?

Why don't you dare?

Is there anything you dare not?

Before Xia Ye could respond, there was another deafening slap on the table: "What's wrong! Don't worry, Xia Ye's mother died early, I felt indebted and doted on him a little bit, I will rest assured with you in the future. Come on, if this stinky boy dares to say a word to you out loud, I'll take care of him!"

The expression was dull.

Eyes are blank.

Abba Abba.

Typical mental laxity.

This is the state of Xia Ye at the moment.

A meal was packed even by my father and myself!

Miaowa really opened the door for Miaowa~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Mtlnovel is home.

I don't know why, every time I see Xia Ye's shriveled appearance, Lin Naiyi's heart can't help but be happy.

In the previous life, the debts in the previous life were doubled to supply you.

As for that Ning Ruxue, I will take her out of your life sooner or later, don't worry, darling!

Lin Nai was very happy in her heart, her face was a little red, she looked at the other side of the dining table sincerely, and said softly in a mosquito-like voice, "Father."

Lin Naiichi is also a normal person, so naturally there are times when he is embarrassed.

Especially his parents were there, Xia Ye was there too.

"Don't worry, I'm here, please speak louder, I'm old and have bad ears."

Xia Yan laughed like sunshine for a long time, but just wanted to hear Linnai shout again and again.

"You still know how to be shy?"

Xia Ye tilted her head and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

The original intention of this sentence was to satirize Linnaeus.


The panel of the table seemed to be shattered.

A strong baritone voice resounded throughout the room again:

"Xia Ye! You bastard! What are you talking about sneakily! When I'm not here! Wait for me to go back and clean you up!"

"I didn't! I asked her to speak louder, father, can't you hear me!"

Xia Ye hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands, and Lin Nai, who was watching, couldn't help laughing out loud.

This man is so cute, why couldn't he see it in the last life?

This day, the idea of ​​Linnaiichi has surfaced in his mind more than once, and it feels like he is possessed.

After the rebirth, she looked at how Xia Ye looked so pleasing to the eye.

Look how good it is.

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