The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 295: : Who is Yin Chi Chi?

The contract's reaction was getting stronger and stronger, and a vortex was vaguely formed on a piece of grass in the distance. Xia Ye's face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly turned his body and ran to the top of the grass.

The moment he crossed the grass, the contract in Xia Ye's body became very clear, and the red-eyed dragon flying behind him obviously didn't realize the importance.

Walking further forward, the familiar sound of water flow sounded, and Xia Ye's legs had long been covered with mud, and at this time, he was already on the verge of exhaustion.

"Qian Ning!"

After Xia Ye shouted, his vision suddenly dimmed a bit.


A creature more than ten times bigger than the Chi-eyed Dragon flew through the sky in the summer night, and with just one palm, the Chi-eyed Dragon stepped into the soil and was no longer alive.

Xia Ye just slumped on the ground, panting as he looked at the two-half Chi-Tian Long and cursed, "Let you chase me!"

For a legendary monster, it is not too simple to kill such a fourth-order monster.

But then, Xia Ye saw that the body's Qiong Qi grabbed the red-eyed dragon on the ground and threw it into the air, landing precisely in Qiong Qi's mouth.

Really eat everything!

The scales of the red-eyed dragon can't be damaged even by a sixth-grade warrior with sword moves, but it was chewed by Qiongqi like that.

As his throat squirmed, Qiong Qi's eyes slowly moved to Xia Ye's body.

You don't want to eat me, do you?

Xia Ye's body shrank back, only to see Qiong Qi slowly lowering his head and sniffing at Xia Ye's body, with the bluish-purple rays of light flickering, the giant Qiong Qi slowly turned into a human body. .

Xia Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Qian Ning, who had transformed into a human figure, there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. He felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach when he stretched out his thumb to wipe it.

"It's not delicious."

Qian Ning walked to Xia Ye's side and said.

Yes, Qian Ning thought that this red-eyed dragon was the food that Xia Ye brought him. After all, Xia Ye had promised Qian Ning that he would bring some delicious food next time.

But obviously, Xia Ye forgot about it.

If he hadn't met Chi Tong Long, he would never have thought of coming to the forest to take a look at Qian Ning.

After all, Qian Ning's body, Qiongqi, is a monster known for its fierceness. Although he signed a contract, Xia Ye's heart is still uncertain.

Seeing that Qian Ning had no ill will towards him, Xia Ye also smiled and said, "Then I'll change it for you next time."

What do you want a face for?

Qian Ning still thinks that she and Xia Ye signed an equality contract, and the equality contract is that they can't shoot each other if they abide by the rules.

But the most unsafe thing about this thing is that if you sign an equal contract with Warcraft, it really depends on your relationship with Warcraft.

Although the contract is very restrictive, in Xia Ye's writing, the highest contract is only limited by the monsters above the great master.

If Qian Ning Tie Xin wanted to kill Xia Ye, then Xia Ye really couldn't tell whether the contract was better or Qian Ning was better.

"Are you going to let me out?"

Qian Ning then asked.

"Uh... no, I just came to see you."

Xia Ye hurriedly shook his head, he really couldn't let Qian Ning go out now, it would be strange if Xia Ye of the sixth rank could solve this formation.

After Qian Ning got Xia Ye's answer, she didn't look disappointed at all. She had lived for tens of thousands of years, and she was still very peaceful about this kind of thing.

Taking Xia Ye to the center of the lake, Xia Ye changed into new clothes before asking, "How long will it take for this formation to move to the place I went out last time?"

"It will arrive in about two or three hours."

Xia Ye was considered to be lucky. At this time, the formation was just moved to the outskirts of the Warcraft Forest. If you were in the Warcraft Forest, you might encounter other more difficult beasts.

It's just that this formation should have just come from the place where Xia Ye went out last time, and it takes a circle to go back.

There aren't many topics to talk about between the two, and Qian Ning is a very silent type of person.

Moreover, Xia Ye knew that he had taken advantage of the opportunity to sign a contract with Qian Ning, and it was even more impossible to ask Qian Ning's previous affairs.

Xia Ye just admired Qian Ning's former master, being able to sign a master-servant contract with Qian Ning and deceiving Qian Ning into saying it was an equality contract.

"Open the heroine panel."

Xia Ye suddenly thought of the plot line about Qian Ning.

Thousand Condensation Completeness is 3%.

A touch of fear came to my heart, Xia Ye and Qian Ning have both signed a contract now that Qian Ning's plot line is only 3%, which means that Qian Ning and the plot of the blockbuster have not been completed, and the plot is unknown!

If you think about it with your butt, you can know that it is impossible to have so many plots in this formation.

In other words, Qian Ning will go out sooner or later?

And there's a whole series of things going to happen?

"Ding~ Affect the plot line of the protagonist Warcraft Forest, get the villain value 200+"

A beep sounded.

Is it Red Eyed Dragon?

Xia Ye's mind quickly thought about the key points of the impact of this plot line.

Chi Tong Long was originally a small BOSS that the protagonist's strength improved in Yunguanzong. It is not the most important thing for Zhao Hao to successfully break through the sixth rank, but the beheading of Chi Tonglong is the biggest impression on the protagonist's mentality~www.mtlnovel .com~ The battle of life and death has greatly improved the character of the protagonist. Although the character is still the evil **** with a crooked mouth, but later in Yunguanzong, he obviously began to use his brain to think about problems.

And this time, the villain value has been improved very little. After all, this plot can be done by other Warcraft or people.

Just why is it ringing?

It should have been affected when Qian Ning ate the Red Eyed Dragon just now.

"Why did you come alone this time?"

Just when Xia Ye was thinking about this question, Qian Ning, who doesn't like to talk, took the initiative to ask.

The last summer night I came here with Tang Wenran and his party.

"Uh, I'm just looking at you alone."

Xia Ye explained.

But Qian Ning shook her head and said, "Where's Yin Chi Chi? Isn't she always by your side?"

"Who is Yin Chi Chi?"

Xia Ye asked subconsciously.

But the next second, the familiar voice in my mind said, "Me."

In this second, Xia Ye completely stayed in place, Xiao Chi, Yin Chi Chi, is this the name of your own system customer service?

Xia Ye stared at Qian Ning cautiously and asked, "How did you know about it?"

The system is Xia Ye's biggest secret and his most important reliance.

But this secret was revealed by Qian Ning at will.

"Did she say it herself?"

"It said it itself?!"

The conversation between the two was obviously not on the same channel, and a technological phantom appeared on the side of Xia Ye: "Do you know me?"

Xia Ye has never heard Xiao Chi use such a serious tone, and he has never seen a virtual image created by the system customer service.


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