The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 26: : Our family has money and power

Ning Ruxue's face couldn't hold back anymore. After all, there were so many servants outside the hospital.

At the moment, he will quibble: "What does that have to do with me? Who doesn't know that Xia Ye does these things voluntarily, and I didn't force him."

"Oh, I didn't realize that you are a white lotus!"

Lin Naiyi was really angry at this time, and she felt injustice for her husband!

"Then don't ask for it! He wants it for you. Are you a trash can? You can put everything in it? I just found out today that you, Ning Ruxue, have such a thick skin!"

"I don't want to buy it, do I, okay, just tell me!"

"By the way, some families don't want to buy it, they just want to take it for nothing! Oh, don't you think so, then our Lin family will take it all according to the order, and I will dare to say the same when it comes to Xia Ye! Shit!"

The dog behind him really thought the conversation was about to collapse, and when he heard Lin Naiyi's shout, he immediately took a step forward: "Yes!"

"You saw it too, just go back and tell Xia Ye the truth. They don't want these things from the Ning family, but the Lin family does!"

There was no hesitation in Lin Naiyi's tone.

Goudan still hasn't reacted to what happened, why did the conversation suddenly collapse?

Subconsciously, Goudan was going to do as Lin Naiyi said. He turned around to face the two and began to instruct Qi Ali, and took out the contract in front of the Lin family.


At this time, Ning Zheng was really panicking. Are the conditions for Xia Ye's offer high?

Actually, it's not high at all. Naturally, there is no problem with the three costs. The other 30% is someone's ability to win the contract.

You must know, the spirit stone mine is something that many families don't even have.

Plus, if this spirit stone mine really got into the hands of the Lin family, let alone surpass the Lin family.

The Ning family may continue to be trampled on by the Lin family in the past few years, and the kind that gets higher and higher!

"Don't worry, don't worry, girl from the Lin family, we didn't say no. Ruxue is still young and ignorant, so don't bother with her."

Now that the situation is in Lin Naiyi's hands, Ning Zheng can only keep his attitude straight.

Her move was to retreat, and she wanted to quickly force the Ning family to sign.

You can't give the Ning family a chance to think, let alone time to investigate!

When Ning Zheng's voice sounded, Lin Naiyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but the expression on his face remained the same, and he still said indifferently: "Huh? Don't your Ning family despise it?"

"Haha, Young Master Xia gave it, why can't you look down on it? After all, the relationship between Young Master Xia and Ruxue is still here, how can you not worry, just do as you say!"

Naturally, Ning Zheng would not let this opportunity pass.

That is a spirit stone mine, not a mine of gold and silver, but a spirit stone!

Even if it is a low-quality product, as long as it is properly developed and won, it is earned!

Ning Zheng was really afraid that Lin Nai would eat the Lingshi ore given by Xia Ye in one bite, and immediately walked to the dog's side and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Dog shopkeeper, after all, the Xia family can be considered a matter of words, come here. Isn't it because I received Xia Ye's order to give the Lingshi Mine to our Ning family, it has nothing to do with her Lin family."

Ning Zheng immediately moved out of Xia Ye's name.

At this moment, Goudan recovered from the shock of these few seconds.


It's really high!

The young lady's strategy is really clever!

Goudan was about to make some effort now, and immediately said with a smile: "Of course, of course, I still have to listen to what Young Master Xia has to say."

"Okay, our Ning family wants it!"

In terms of emotions, everyone who was doing it was relieved, but who really benefited, only Linnai knew.

At this moment, Ning Ruxue is also relieved, this is also a blessing for Xia Ye.

However, business is always business and cannot be linked to feelings.


That **** Xia Ye doesn't really like him!

Everything is pretended there, for others to see!

When Ning Ruxue thought of what happened in the morning, an inexplicable anger rose in her heart.

Xia Ye really couldn't think of herself in her heart.

Aside from the plot, he really doesn't feel anything about himself!

I just felt that I had always raised a puppy, and suddenly he opened his mouth and said, if you hadn't shoveled **** for me, I would have ignored you at all.

This made Ning Ruxue's heart stagnate.

For the next time, Lin Naiyi was like an outsider, left aside by the Ning family and Goudan.

The whole person exudes a strong black aura, watching Goudan sign the contract with the Ning family.

Of course, Linnaeus pretended this.

You need to do a full set of acting!

The signing went very smoothly and successfully. Ning Zheng decisively signed the seal of the Ning family.

This Lingshi Mine, which made dozens of families jealous and extremely profitable, was "sold" by Xia Ye with a stick of incense.

Linnai was relieved at this moment.

There is a price to pay for using my husband!

I see what your Ning family will use to compete with me for summer nights!

Kill you!

The problem with the Lingshi Mine is a fact, but before the Ning family discovered it, it was just a piece of cake that everyone was robbing.

But in fact, this sweet pastry is a deadly poison!

For this, when the father and daughter of the Ning family found out, it was too late!

Ning Ruxue, Ning My husband treats you like this, if you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being cruel!


Xia family.


Xia Ye was about to go to the Ning family to stop the Lord Lin Naiyi, but Xia Yan stopped him and smiled, "The news came just now that the Ning family has signed the contract, son, well done! Hahaha!"

Xia Yan laughed, his eyes full of love and admiration for his son.

My son has grown up!

But in Xia Ye's eyes, this news was a bolt from the blue.

After being stunned in place for a long time, Xia Ye gave up the idea of ​​going to Ning's house.

It's okay, it's okay, this plot has already collapsed. Let's talk about what happens next.

Xia Ye took off his shoes and lay back on the bed. Xia Yan looked at Xia Ye after giving up the idea of ​​going to Ning's house, and asked with a satisfied expression, "Son, have you practiced martial arts recently?"

"No, I don't have that talent!"

In Xia Ye's book, his talent is not bad, but the most important thing is that he spent all his time on Ning Ruxue during the critical period of early training.

This caused his martial arts talent to be wasted in vain.

However, Xia Ye didn't plan to practice martial arts when he crossed over. His most important task was to complete the plot and then die under the protagonist's long sword.

Practicing martial arts will create unnecessary difficulties for the protagonist.

"Ye'er, actually practicing martial arts is also beneficial. Although our family has money and power, if you want to practice martial arts, you might make that little girl from the Ning family impress!"

Xia Yan didn't know what was on his mind, anyway, with such a turn of his eyes, he moved Ning Ruxue out.

As a father, he still knows Xia Ye's character. As long as it has something to do with Ning Ruxue, Xia Ye will definitely take care of him.

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