"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was the sound of two hearts beating at the same time. After Tang Wenran hugged Xia Ye for a few seconds, his heart beat fast and unsatisfactory. This emotion was inexplicable, it should be his own, or Xia Ye's. night.

Only then did Tang Wenran realize how ambiguous his actions were, and in the hot summer, Tang Wenran only had a thin layer of cloth on his body, and the place where Xia Ye's head rested was exactly like a veil.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a layer of wrapping cloth inside, Tang Wenran would really have to find a seam to get in.

She couldn't control herself. When Xia Ye's emotions were reflected on Tang Wenran, Tang Wenran just felt that the boy in front of him wanted a shoulder to lean on, and subconsciously hugged Xia Ye in his arms.

Emotional resonance, Xia Ye is equivalent to himself, pity his hug, if you understand it like this, there is no problem at all.

But after all, the reality is that there are two men and women. Looking at Xia Ye who is enjoying some enjoyment at the moment, Tang Wenran is embarrassed to push Xia Ye away directly.

"Let's go."

Tang Wenran whispered in Xia Ye's ear.

This sentence brought Xia Ye back to reality. He quickly left Tang Wenran's embrace, but he was already scolding Zhao Hao in his heart. If Zhao Hao stepped on two boats in public yesterday, he left a bad impression on Tang Wenran. , Tang Wenran is definitely not like this!

There is also Zhao Hao's tone of questioning Tang Wenran in Qingxia Town, Tang Wenran is the heart of the Virgin, Zhao Hao's behavior that seems to help, but actually wants to kill, lowers his rating in Tang Wenran's heart!

That's right!

The source of everything is because of the protagonist Zhao Hao in his own writing!

Forget it, originally there were only two episodes of Tang Wenran and his villain. At least one episode was perfect in Qingxia Town, and the rest of the episode was based on his own thoughts, directly looking for trouble with Zhao Hao.

As for the relationship between Tang Wenran and Zhao Hao, what does it have to do with him? Lao Tzu is a villain, not a matchmaker!

Xia Ye turned around and tried not to look at the two breathless bandits on the ground, and then said, "I'm going to find Ruxue, she's waiting for me."

"me and you together."

Tang Wenran followed in Xia Ye's footsteps. In Qingxia Town and Yunguan Sect, because he did not develop according to Zhao Hao's expectations, this time the Warcraft Forest assessment was an opportunity for Zhao Hao to threaten Xia Ye again.

Tang Wenran was first worried about Zhao Hao's revenge on Xia Ye, and secondly, he had to find a way to figure it out. Even though Zhao Hao was not here, he still wanted to continue to play the role of a villain. What was the reason? What kind of means did Zhao Hao use to threaten him?

If this matter is not clear, there is no way for her to help Xia Ye get out of the sea of ​​misery.

"Why are you following me, shouldn't you go to your brother?"

What does a heroine follow the villain to do? ulterior motives!

At this time, Tang Wenran realized that Xia Ye didn't understand what he said, it would be better. If Xia Ye knew that he wanted to help him, and was afraid of Zhao Hao's revenge, he would definitely reject him.

It's the most correct choice to hide it first, wait until it is clear about Zhao Hao's means of threatening him, and then solve the matter directly.

Therefore, Tang Wenran decided to tell a lie.

"I lost my jade talisman, I can't help it, I just follow you."

It's true that Tang Xing's abilities don't need to be worried at all. Except for Xia Ye and Zhao Hao, there are very few people who can threaten Tang Xing in this assessment.

Xia Ye's strength has been shown again in Qingxia Town. At this moment, Xia Ye is like a thigh, and Tang Wenran will be fine with him.

"Lost? Is there a loophole in your storage ring?"

Xia Ye didn't know what this woman wanted to do, but he knew that Tang Wenran followed him for no reason, instead of going to his brother, this must be strange.

What's more, in this world, let alone things like jade talismans, even when gold and silver can be stored, they will be placed in the storage ring.

How could it be lost?

"It's really lost, why did I lie to you?"

Tang Wenran's beautiful face became more playful, like Ding Xia Ye.

You really think I'm a good person, don't you? I'm a villain, you know?

Although the villain has been slapped and trampled by men in various ways, the villain is the character that the heroine is most afraid of!

When Xia Ye was in the Cloud Crown Sect, he made up his mind that he would never be involved with any heroine unless it was necessary for the plot.

I'm afraid that when the heroine turns into Ning Ruxue's appearance, somehow escapes the heroine's line, and then follows her **** like a clinging spirit.

"Okay, then you have to pay something. The smell of blood was too heavy in Qingxia Town. I didn't even taste it. Now I will try it again."

How could Xia Ye know that Tang Wenran knew his feelings thoroughly, whether it was a real **** or a fake, Tang Wenran knew exactly.

Seeing Xia Ye seriously pretending to be annoying to him, Tang Wenran said calmly, "You are so much better than me~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I can't do anything you want."

It's a hint?


This is express!

No matter how attractive you are because of the beauty of the man, it is impossible for the heroine to post it directly, right?

To say that a girl from a small family is a little more open, it is not surprising for Xia Ye to say such things to Xia Ye.

After all, when Xia Ye went to Yun Guanzong yesterday, a group of women forced him to go to Yun Guanzong.

But this is the heroine, and she is the second young lady of the Tang family in Shenzhou. Is that a character that can be done with just her face? how is this possible!

"You are arrogant."

Xia Ye, who was silent for a second, was powerless to spit out such a sentence. For the sake of the plot, the occasional kiss scene was excusable, but it was for no reason, so Xia Ye didn't want to do so, although Tang Wenran was good-looking.

But Lin Naiyi at home is even better. There are really not many female protagonists who can match the figure. The perfect S-shaped radian figure, especially at night, is a fatal temptation.

It's different when there is someone in his heart. When Xia Ye's mind recalled Lin Naiyi's attentiveness and thoughtfulness on weekdays, he also turned into a tireless temptation elf at night.

Xia Ye was thinking about this, but Tang Wenran blushed and his body became a little unnatural. Does desire count as emotion?

Of course, although Tang Wenran and Xia Ye have nothing to do, Xia Ye's emotions can be completely released on Tang Wenran. Tang Wenran never thought that Xia Ye would have such emotions on him.

She just treats Xia Ye as a younger brother with a rough fate!

I can't help it!

Tang Wenran slapped Xia Ye's arm and shouted, "Come on!"


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