The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 159: : Like a free fall 1

Noon on the second day.

The huge square has long changed its appearance. Hundreds of small stone platforms encircle the square. Above each stone platform, there is a dark blue spirit stone about the size of a fist. These spirit stones are flowing with breath. Refreshing.

As the bell rang, a group of Yun Guanzong disciples wearing lavender clothes walked into the square. The old man at the head was also the one who sat before the array flag yesterday, the director of the array peak - Zhou Jizi.

The guardian formation of each mountain peak of Yunguanzong is basically repaired or strengthened by Zhou Jizi himself. The boulder under the mountain gate of Yunguanzong is actually the guardian formation of the mountain gate, but it will be temporarily due to the assessment. closure.

After each disciple enters the sect, they will issue a jade pendant that can be carried with them. That jade pendant is the key to opening the formation and entering the Cloud Crown Sect.

On weekdays, ordinary people can't come to Yunguanzong. After all, Yunguanzong is so big, if a few sneak in and hide, they are not sure.

Of course, during the assessment, the way up the mountain seemed to be only steps and gravel, but in fact, there were quite a few disciples of Yunguanzong hidden in the shadows, in order to prevent those who are ill-conceived from sneaking into Yunguanzong.

The characters "Array" sewed on the clothes in front of the disciples in a circle on the square already represented their identities.

The formation method requires the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in the spiritual stone, plus the activation of self-qi, lighting up in sequence in a special arrangement, and the teleportation formation is established.

But if it is an approximate location, it is not necessary. The purpose of Yunguanzong is to spread these disciples in the forest of monsters, and the end point is the exit to the east of the forest of monsters.

Generally speaking, a person's teleportation formation is very simple. After all, it is only a basic formation. However, there are too many people to be evaluated by Yunguanzong. send.

Although Xia Ye is the author, but when writing it, he just imagined the appearance of the formation in his mind, so that it feels completely different to see it in person.


Following Zhou Jizi's order, the 10,000-person assessment was about to begin, and Xia Ye walked towards the venue with Ning Ruxue and Shen Zhong.

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"When we arrive, crush the jade talismans of me and Fatty, don't move around, you know?"

Before leaving, Xia Ye was still a little uneasy. After all, there will be major problems in this Warcraft Forest assessment. It can be said that accidents happen frequently, and there are not a few people who died on the way.

Yesterday, Li Chuan had already made the rules very clear in the assessment of the Warcraft Forest. Accidents were unavoidable. Naturally, many people who passed this rule chose to give up.

After all, this is a risky assessment, and once an accident occurs, it will take their lives, and it is normal for some people to be afraid of quitting.

But Xia Ye knew that Yun Guanzong thought the accident was just a chance encounter with a monster or something else, but this time in the forest of monsters, there were more complicated things.


Ning Ruxue nodded expectantly. After all, Ning Ruxue hadn't heard this kind of caring words from Xia Ye's mouth for a long time. Honey is generally sweet.

In the crowd, Xia Ye saw Bai Jinshuo, Zhao Hao, and the Tang brothers and sisters. Except for Bai Jinshuo, Xia Ye knew exactly what would happen to the other three in the Warcraft Forest.

However, the accident of Bai Jinshuo made Xia Ye a little uncertain. Xia Ye was a little worried that the appearance of Bai Jinshuo would break the original line of Zhao Hao, and the plot that should have happened would probably be missed like this.

It's not that Xia Ye was afraid that Zhao Hao would lose his chance. After all, the villain in the Warcraft Forest only had one episode. What he was worried about was that if Zhao Hao didn't meet the chance of the Warcraft Forest, it would affect his subsequent plot in Yunguanzong.

Broken heart.

Xia Ye sighed in his heart, and the tens of thousands of people who had been assessed had already stepped onto the stone platform in the center. After everyone had assembled, Zhou Jizi placed a more intense blue spirit stone in the center of the venue.

"When the teleportation formation is turned on, there will be a feeling of weightlessness... Everyone, don't worry, wait patiently for half an hour."

Zhou Jizi briefly introduced about the teleportation array, and Xia Ye's gaze was on the spiritual stone in Zhou Jizi's hand.

This spirit stone is obviously different from the surrounding spirit stones, and the size rules of the surrounding spirit stones are different, but the spirit stone in Zhou Jizi's hand is a perfect circle.

As soon as the spirit stone was put in, the surrounding spirit stones seemed to resonate, and countless blue veil-like auras of heaven and earth connected the spirit stones in the venue together.


The spirit stone made a faint humming sound, Zhou Jizi sat cross-legged on the ground, and the disciples of the circle of formation sect also sat down towards the small stone platform in front of Both hands began to assume different postures.

At this moment, Xia Ye could clearly feel that the air around him was being torn apart by something. In the next second, a huge airflow entangled the platform of ten thousand people, and all the blue crystals flew into the air.

The rich air of heaven and earth in the air filled everyone's side.

In fact, this is how the spirit stone is used. Why is the spirit stone precious? Even if there is no formation, a single spirit stone can slightly speed up the cultivation speed of a warrior. As long as the spirit stone is placed in front of you, when it runs every morning, the spirit stone will With the flow of the martial artist's breath, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will flow into the martial artist's body.

Generally speaking, when a ninth-rank martial artist cultivates in the early morning, at least dozens of spirit stones need to be abolished. Once the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in these spirit stones disappears, it will become no different from ordinary stones.

However, there are naturally a lot of wasted Qi of Heaven and Earth. Through a special formation, a gathering place of Qi of Heaven and Earth is created. Martial artists practice here, and the results are naturally multiplied with half the effort.

As the airflow became bigger and bigger, Ning Ruxue unwittingly pulled Xia Ye's arm, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart. Xia Ye personally experienced the setting created by her own pen, and it felt very special.

Afterwards, a strong blue light rushed out of the sky. From outside the venue, the entire stone platform was enveloped in blue aura, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Next, Xia Ye felt the world spinning for a while, and everything around him turned light blue. Ning Ruxue, who was holding her arm just now, disappeared at this moment, as if she was in a different space.

And his body is falling!

It was like a free fall, surrounded by boundless blue. At the beginning, Xia Ye's heart almost jumped out of his throat, but as time went on, Xia Ye's mood became calmer.

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