The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 156: : What am I talking about with a piece of **** like you?

If Xia Ye does have a talent for martial arts, then it's nothing. The most important thing is how did his practice come about, and when did he practice it?

Bai Jinshuo knew that Xia Ye had been recuperating for more than ten days because of the injury, and he had no time to practice at all.

And last time Xia Ye chose to fight to the death for the people around him.

This man is like a mystery. Every time Bai Jinshuo thinks he understands him enough, he suddenly becomes something that Bai Jinshuo can't understand.

It's not because of Xia Ye's understanding of the so-called plot, but because of himself. What Bai Jinshuo cares about is Xia Ye himself.

It was the man who made him curious, and then his identity as a writer.

At this time, Xia Ye didn't know that Bai Jinshuo knew him a long time ago. With the playback of the screen, Xia Ye still complained about what happened in Qingxia Town yesterday.

"The protagonist has obviously grown up and will take advantage of other people's emotions. I injured Tang Xing, and he took action as a righteous person, which is reasonable and reasonable! But I never thought that the heroine was wrong again!"

The video skipped the fight in the middle and went directly to the scene where Xia Ye was deliberately shot by Zhao Hao with the back of his sword, and then Tang Wenran took action to stop Zhao Hao from making up the sword.

"Did you see it! Did you see it! I'm really convinced!"

Xia Ye's helpless and resentful look is very much like a man who eats oranges, when he suddenly eats a sour taste.

Then Xia Ye shook his head and said as if rebuking himself: "Actually, I only reacted after the fact. It's not that there was a problem with the plot, but my acting skills. Tang Wenran's setting was originally a woman with a great sense of justice. You could even say there are some Virgin Hearts."

"I injured his brother, but it was only a minor injury, but my performance was exaggerated. You can see that the blood I vomited in this place really triggered the softness of the heart of Our Lady Tang Wenran. My question , remember this, and never repeat it!"

Saying that, Xia Ye pretended to stretch out his fingers, like a vow, with a very positive tone.

"But what I didn't expect at this time was that the male protagonist was ill. Look at what he said!"

In the video, Zhao Hao was obviously taken aback after being bounced off, and then he said with a bit of ashen face: Miss Tang, what do you mean?

"Brothers, this male protagonist is really useless. How can you speak so yin and yang to the female protagonist? You should follow Tang Wenran instead of questioning!"

"I really doubt if there is something wrong with the protagonist's brain. If his arm is broken, his brain is also broken. Really special mother's knife stabbed her buttocks and opened her eyes."

"Have all your experience of picking up girls been eaten by dogs, you can just ignore it, but you will get a good impression, right? You say that, can Tang Wenran not pull down on you?"

Three sprays!

The protagonist of the summer night is angry!

The full anger was finally vented, and Xia Ye's villain value was constantly rising, and one of the sentences even produced a crit bonus.

For Bai Jinshuo, this part of each video is what Bai Jinshuo likes to watch the most, and he likes Xia Ye's helpless look when the plot is broken and helpless.

There is indeed a problem with Zhao Hao's words, but neither Bai Jinshuo nor Xia Ye know that Zhao Hao wants to retaliate against Xia Ye's hatred, far more than picking up girls.

At the beginning, Zhao Hao really fell in love with a new type of girl like Tang Wenran, but with the appearance of Xia Ye, the darkness in Zhao Hao's heart was completely released.

Obviously a sword can weaken the hatred in the heart, but it is blocked by a woman, who can not be angry?

Xia Ye probably could not have imagined that the male protagonist of Shuangwen in his own writing, remember, it is the male protagonist of Shuangwen.

There is something bigger than picking up girls!

The male protagonist of Shuangwen has changed his mind to the villain instead of picking up girls. He has been thinking about **** Xia Ye all day long. It is best to torture him to death. It is too cheap for Xia Ye to die directly.

It can be seen that Zhao Hao's hatred for Xia Ye has reached its peak, and whenever there is a chance, Zhao Hao will not let go of revenge for Xia Ye.

It's just a pity, when Xia Ye was in the middle of the city, there was the great master woman Yun Mei, and now she is in Yunguanzong. Any ordinary person who has an accident in Yunguanzong, Yunguanzong will be held accountable.

To say that Xia Ye is helpless to the plot, then Zhao Hao is helpless to Xia Ye.

And Xia Ye's appearance of this little man in the video, Bai Jinshuo is sure that only he has seen it, and this appearance is something that only she can see.

Xia Ye exhaled a long breath, and then smiled slightly at the video: "But my determination to complete the plot is obvious, I absolutely cannot let the same thing happen twice! Absolutely!"

"The next picture, I call it a blood kiss."

Immediately after the video was played, Xia Ye grabbed Tang Wenran and made a scene that shocked Bai Jinshuo.

The long sword suddenly unsheathed!


The table in Bai Jinshuo's room shattered, making a loud noise, and then Bai Jinshuo's door was pushed open, Zhao Hao looked anxiously at Bai Jinshuo who was standing in front of the table and asked, "What happened? !"

I saw that Bai Jinshuo's long sword was still glowing with golden At this moment, his face was gloomy and outrageous.

The matter of Xia Ye and Lin Naiyi is just Xia Ye's talk, at least Bai Jinshuo hasn't seen it yet, but now this picture is still from multiple angles!


Bai Jinshuo was even more angry when he saw Zhao Hao. If you talked to Tang Wenran properly in Qingxia Town, Xia Ye would not have done such a thing.

But Bai Jinshuo's anger is visible to the naked eye. Without Xia Ye present, Zhao Hao's experience of picking up girls came back naturally.

Girls, it's all about coaxing.

After all, Bai Jinshuo has a decisive role in his future in the Zhao family. Naturally, Zhao Hao couldn't let go of this opportunity, and said softly two steps forward: "If you have something to tell me, I'll take a look..."

"Am I talking to a **** like you? Get the **** out of here!"

Even in your original plot, Bai Jinshuo and Zhao Hao at this time just had a good relationship with each other. Although the two of them were considered baby kisses, they didn't meet many times.

In addition, the affairs of the Bai family are very cumbersome, and Bai Jinshuo's daily arrangements are full. It was not until he became an adult that Bai Jinshuo gradually took control of his own life.

What's more, the current Bai Jinshuo hates Zhao Hao. If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to know Xia Ye later, Bai Jinshuo would not have used Yun Guanzong at all, and he could have cancelled the marriage directly at home.

Do you think Xia Ye's actions made Bai Jinshuo angry?

It was true before chopping the table, but not after Zhao Hao came in.

It was because Zhao Hao didn't follow the plot that Xia Ye made such a move and was forced to complete the plot!


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