The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 120: : I'm really afraid that my eldest child will be lost

On the other hand, Shen Shen shook his head mysteriously and strode into the inn. The few people who had just left and walked a few steps also stopped and looked at the three of them.

Xia Ye and Ning Ruxue looked at each other and had no choice but to follow the heavy walk in.

As soon as he entered the door, a young man in linen and white cloth immediately greeted him with a smile: "Guest officer, the house has been tidied up."

"Pack up another room, my elder brother wants to live."

Just after the heavy words were finished, the few people who had left just now turned back, looking at the heavy and easy, there was a room and an angry face asked Xiao Er: "Didn't you say that it is not open for business! Then how can they be? open?!"

"At the feet of Yun Guanzong, is there still a way of hospitality like yours!"

A few people looked at each other with their swords drawn, obviously wanting to ask for a statement, and they felt that they would make trouble if they disagreed.


There were also a few drops of sweat dripping from Xiao Er's forehead, and his eyes for help were cast towards the heavy.

The heavy and fat body turned, looked at the three people who had gone and returned, and said in a moderate voice, "My father, Shen Wansan."

"I care if your father is..."

Before the young man who took the lead had finished speaking, the guy on the side suddenly grabbed his arm and said with a little fear on his face: "It turned out to be Young Master Shen.

There was a hint of arrogance on his heavy face, but the expression on his face seemed to be very awkward.

The leading man looked at his companion with some puzzlement, and was pulled out of the inn by his companion before he could ask clearly.

Xia Ye was also stunned. In this world, there are people who are more pretentious than the protagonist. Whose subordinate is this?

Shen Wansan, this name has been pondering for a long time in Xia Ye's mind, but there is not a trace of memory.

If his father is really awesome, as an author, how could he not know it?

"This... what's going on?"

Ning Ruxue still couldn't help but asked curiously.

Shen Zhong immediately changed his younger brother's smile and replied, "My father made a fortune in China, and he gave him a title of chaebol. Anyway, this name is quite useful, no need to be white, and this inn was actually spent by me. It's wrapped in a thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

This explanation didn't bring much reaction to Ning Ruxue, instead, Xia Ye stood bewildered!

Lin Fan, the villain of Yun Guanzong, has a son of a chaebol in Shenzhou as his younger brother, but his name is not heavy.

But now he is replacing Lin Fan's plot, but he is still called Xia Ye, so this important plot younger brother has also been replaced.

(Explain, Xia Ye = Lin Fan, Shen Shen = Lin Fan's younger brother, I will use Xia Ye's name directly after the plot explanation, and there will be no more Lin Fan, it's easy to get confused.)

In the plots written by him, Shen Zhong is obedient to Xia Ye. It seems that it is because Shen Zhong was weak since he was a child, and Xia Ye protected him. Night as his own big brother.

I see!

Xia Ye's heart suddenly realized, and then his face suddenly darkened a lot, and he said to the system in his mind: "Did you know that I can't go back after finishing the story of Xia Ye, so I replaced the heavy one early." …

"Yeah, I'm just playing with you. How about you, did you tell me when you were playing with her! Shut up! You scumbag!"

Xia Ye found that his system was getting more and more irritable recently, especially when talking to himself, he didn't save any face for himself.

But Xia Ye also saw that the system must have a small temper, and began to comfort: "What am I playing, can you communicate with me well, we were not good brothers before?"

"Who is your good brother! Go away!"

Shutdown* n+1

Like the sudden shutdown of the mobile phone, Xia Ye was accustomed to this picture, and came back to his senses and said to Xiao Er, "Just clean up two more rooms."

"Okay guest officer, then you sit first and I'll clean up."

Xiao Er said, and ran up the stairs quickly, and the three of them also sat down on the table in the hall.

Xia Ye looked at the heavy, this person is incredible, Shen Wansan is one of the top ten chaebols in China, and heavy is an only son, there is no drama of family rights.

Heavy's position in the family is exactly the same as Xia Ye's position in the Xia family before, and it is no worse than that.

But now Xia Ye's position in the Xia family can be said to have plummeted, and he has to listen to his father and Lin Naiyi.

"Fatty, have you seen this person before?"

Saying that, Xia Ye pulled out a portrait of Zhao Hao from the ring. Ning Ruxue was speechless when she saw the portrait.

How much does Xia Ye like to be a villain, chasing after people to fight, is this really good?

I also specially asked someone to paint a portrait. You are afraid that the protagonist will get lost, right?

Xia Ye: Yes, I'm really afraid that my eldest son will be lost.

He took the portrait handed over by Xia Ye, looked at it carefully, and then shook his head and said, "No, I've been here for more than ten days, and I've never seen this person before."

Xia Ye was a little depressed, but he didn't care. After all, with so many people in Qingxia Town, it's really not easy to find someone.

But it doesn't matter, after all, a protagonist like Zhao Hao will definitely be a blockbuster when he is selected.

look heavily

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Xia Ye frowned for a while, sighed for a while, thought that Xia Ye had offended someone, and immediately said: "What's the matter, brother? This person provokes you? You Tell my brother, I will find someone to abolish him."

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay, I'll take care of it myself."

It's not yet the time for the heavy to play. In the original plot, Zhao Hao first abolished himself, and Shen Zhong avenged himself, but his strength was not enough. com plus this place is not in Shenzhou, heavy and no helpers, alas...

The fate of the villain cannot be carefully thought about, after all, it is Shuangwen, and the protagonist is Shuang.

Seeing Xia Ye's answer like this, Shen Zhong didn't ask any further questions. It just so happened that the food had already been served, and Shen Zhong waved his big hand and said unceremoniously, "Eat first, the younger brother will take care of the elder brother."

In fact, Xia Ye's first impression of Shen Shen was not bad. After all, Shen Shen was more than 100 million people close to him. It would be more comfortable to have such a person as a younger brother.

Ning Ruxue was not polite, and did not interrupt the conversation between the two, but silently put vegetables in Xia Ye's bowl.

Seeing that Xia Ye didn't refuse, and ate it with a big mouthful, Ning Ruxue felt that the past ten days of sticking to Xia Ye was finally fruitful. At least Xia Ye didn't hate herself as much as before, didn't she?

Wait until you and Xia Ye are together to reveal Lin Naiyi's true face, and when he goes back with Xia Ye, let Lin Naiyi leave the Xia family!

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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