The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 116: : Purpose of Linnaeus 1


Xia Ye's chopsticks stopped for a while. Why did he suddenly feel that Ning Ruxue had lived in Xia Mansion for a long time?

"Well, the young lady is not feeling well today."

Seeing Xia Ye stuttering a little, Xiaochun stood up first to help Xia Ye, and Xiaochun's cheeks were a little hot.

Xia Ye glanced at Xiaochun gratefully, and the angle of view fell on Xiaochun's throat. It was like last night. If you don't work hard, you can't practice it. You just don't know what Xiaochun uses, bananas or cucumbers...

Can that woman get sick too?

Ning Ruxue didn't want to believe it in her heart, but seeing Xia Ye's serious actions, she was embarrassed to ask.

If he had promised him before, then now Xia Ye will treat him wholeheartedly.

But the favorability is naturally to be gained, Ning Ruxue can't show too much in front of Xia Ye, but instead helped Xia Ye hold it with chopsticks.

This action was something Xia Ye didn't expect. Wasn't Ning Ruxue and Lin Naiyi at odds with each other?

Why are you still kind enough to help me with the dishes?

"Sniff~~~ sniff~~~"

Originally, the table was not big, so Ning Ruxue's food was naturally closer to Xia Ye Station, and an inexplicable smell poured into Ning Ruxue's nose.

"What's the taste?"

Ning Ruxue smelled up and down, in addition to the smell of vegetables, there was also the original body fragrance of Xia Ye's body, and there was an inexplicable extravagant smell.

Xia Ye and Xiaochun stayed for one night, and he was used to the smell for a long time. After smelling his body, he shook his head and said, "It doesn't smell."

"Don't say it."

Xia Ye directly picked up the dishes and walked out the door, and Xiaochun followed closely behind.

Xia Ye's emotions are not excited now, so Ning Ruxue can't hear her heart.

Looking at the happy summer night, Ning Ruxue always felt that something bad had happened. Looking at the empty green vegetables left on the plate, Ning Ruxue was even more upset.

No, when will it go on like this?

Lin Naiyi didn't know what method he used to fascinate Xia Ye. If he kept his relationship with Xia Ye like this, he would be eliminated by Lin Naiyi sooner or later!

An extremely bold idea spread from Ning Ruxue's heart.

Back in the house, Xia Ye saw that Lin Naiyi had already sat up against the bed, with only a thin quilt on his body and the red gauze from last night in his hand.

As soon as Linnai entered the room last night, she seemed to have no clothes, but Xia Ye didn't care. She put the food on the table and pulled the table to the bedside.

"You're done so soon?"

As soon as Linnai looked at the sumptuous meal, he raised doubts. As soon as Xia Ye left, Linnai couldn't fall asleep. He wanted to clean up after thinking of it.

But the pain of this tear had to make Linnai give up.

"Ning Ruxue made it. She had already made it in the kitchen when I went, so I brought it."

Does Ning Ruxue still cook?

Lin Naiyi's heart and Xia Ye had the same question when she saw Ning Ruxue just now, and Lin Nai's face suddenly turned bad.

Ning Ruxue, this woman will cook for Xia Ye on the first day she enters Xia's house?

To put it nasty, Ning Ruxue is also half of Lin Nai's rival in love, how can he eat the food made by his rival? …

"Don't eat!"

As soon as Linnai turned his head away, his little temper came up!

"What if you don't eat it, I look good and it tastes good."

Xia Ye didn't notice the change in Lin Naiyi's mood at all, and thought that Lin Naiyi had a bad appetite, but instead he tasted it first.

Linnai couldn't find the right words to describe Xia Ye's current appearance.

Straight guy?

"Summer night!"

Linnai yelled angrily at Xia Ye.

Xia Ye was so frightened that the chopsticks in his hands shook, and he quickly put down his rice bowl and looked at Lin Naiyi. At this time, he also noticed that Lin Naiyi was in a wrong mood and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"



Lin Naiyi, how did you find such a foolish husband!

Linnai's cheeks were bulging on both sides, and he blinked at Xia Ye with big eyes and said, "Come up."

"This... doesn't it hurt? It's noon..."

As soon as Lin Nai waited for Xia Ye to finish speaking, he dragged Xia Ye onto the bed.

The scorching sun is shining, but the spring has not faded in the slightest.

This time, Lin Naiyi didn't ask for mercy once, even though it was already painful, he still persisted until the moment when Xia Ye completely lost his strength.

Lin Naiyi was completely red and swollen. From the scratches on Xia Ye's back, you could see how Lin Naiyi persevered.

Xia Ye actually found out early in the morning that Linnai couldn't hold on, and wanted to let Linnai rest.

But Lin Naiyi seemed to be crazy, even if Xia Ye refused, he would finish the rest.

Seeing Xia Ye gently rubbing Lin Naiyi's red and swollen wound, Lin Naiyi's mouth finally showed a smile, and said weakly, "Is that dish delicious?"

At this time, Xia Ye realized why Lin Naiyi was angry, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's not delicious."

"Then eat my food."

As soon as Lin Nai grabbed Xia Ye's arm, Xia Ye didn't understand, and he wasn't the kind of person who came here to force himself. Lin Nai has already been like this, why continue?

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

"No, you are like this, take a good rest."

As soon as Linnai was out of breath, he moved his body to endure the pain and said, "Don't ask, just give it to me, and tomorrow morning you are going to Cloud Guanzong, from now until tomorrow morning, you are not allowed to leave this room. "



three times.


Lin Naiyi's painful voice became louder and more frequent, and Fu Bo drove all the servants out of the East Courtyard, not even Xiaochun who came back.

"Young master has a good girl."

Uncle Fu smiled lightly, then acted as the patron saint of the small courtyard, sitting on the stone platform outside the small courtyard to practice.

From day to night, and then from night to day, Xia Ye gradually understood what Lin Naiyi wanted to When the rooster croaked, Lin Naiyi had already collapsed, and she felt that she was in Wandering on the edge of life and death, this kind of joy for others turned into pain when it came to Linnaiyi.

And Xia Ye can't support it for a long time, who does this for a day and two nights?

Looking at Xia Ye who was finally tired beside him, Lin Nai smiled and touched his lower abdomen contentedly.

Xia Ye is going to Yunguanzong, whether it is to miss him or let him miss himself, there is a way that is the most effective.

Lin Naiyi was so swollen that he couldn't move, and was leaning beside Xia Ye, unable to move.

Xia Ye knew what Lin Naiyi wanted to do, this woman wanted a child.

Father is going to Shenzhou, and he is going to Yunguanzong, so the Xia family needs someone to take care of. I don't know why, Xia Ye always has the illusion of being arranged.

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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